It was a bit windy this morning to take the boat out, so I had a go at raking for crabs on the high tide out in front of our cabins.
I got out to almost waist deep and found a few patches of weed, the sort of place crabs love to hang around in. I soon found that it was like trying to walk through quick sand out there. The water was clear, and the bottom looked sandy. But as soon as you put a foot down it sank past your ankle into dark black silt. After about 20 minutes, and almost losing my shoes 4 or 5 times, I decided that this wasn’t going to be the a rewarding experience and headed back to shore. A guy had been fishing out in front earlier in the morning and it looked like he wasn’t getting too many bites either, so I didn’t bother getting the fishing gear out.
The jetty looks like a better prospect later in the morning, drop the crab nets over the side and relax with a fishing rod.
Well that didn’t happen, we finished up just putting our feet up for the day and relaxing. So hard to take
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