Monday, Tues 20th & 21st Feb 2012

Didn’t do much today, finished my book which I really enjoyed and Greg tinkered some more with Karlien’s computer and put another coat on the door, no spillage today 🙂

Tuesday was much more interesting 🙂  Left home just before 10am drove into the city so Karlien could collect her Chinese visa, that only took a couple of minutes.    Patrick works over the road from the consulate, we caught up with him for lunch – he took us to a lovely cafe around the corner from his work – was nice to catch up with him again.

After lunch Pat went back to work, Karlien to the train station, to go back home and we walked over the road to the District court and sat in on 3 different courts for an hour or so.   The first one was really interesting.   There were two expert witnesses in the box together, one for the prosecution and the other for the defence discussing how fast a car would have been travelling after it hit one car then careered into a truck.   It was fascinating.  It was interesting listening to the judge get his head around the maths involved in the calculation of the speed.    The expert witness for the defence said the car was travelling 68km per hour before the second collision and the one for the prosecution said it would have been 100km per hour.   I found it enthralling!    We have decided to set a day aside when we go home to go into the District court – hope we do.    Was a shame we could not go back into court after they came back from lunch.

But alas, I had booked High Tea in the Tea Room in the Queen Victoria Building.   On the way we dropped into St Andrews Cathedral (I have just read it is the oldest Cathedral in Australia!)  A beautiful church in the neo-gothic style, we enjoyed soaking up the history – it was founded in 1819.

Took us a while to find The Tea Room, as it is outside the main part of the Queen Victoria building.     The Tea Room was a beautiful, large room with high pressed tin ceiling, ornate cornice work, beautiful china and silver ware.   The tea and food were delicious, we spent a lovely couple of hours enjoying it all.   We are always on the lookout for nice gluten free food and they also did a GF high tea 🙂

We headed off around 4pm to visit Mandy at work, was nice to see where she works 🙂 We went back to her place had a cuppa then headed out to a lovely Thai meal when Michael got home.    The food was beautiful, we couldn’t resist taking a photo of the entre and sending it to Brian 🙂

After a short walk we said our goodbyes and headed back up to the central coast, was just over an hour.    Was a long day, but really enjoyable.

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