Monday morning was a bit of a working morning for me. Craig dropped his water blaster off and I cleaned the pavers in mum’s back yard. I thought it would take me about 2hrs, but a bit over 4½hrs later the back looked sparkling clean, with all the moss and ground in grime blasted away and I was ready to be hosed down. I surprised myself, I was still able to move later in the day after I cooled down. 🙂
Today was an interesting day Politically, at 10am there was a leadership spill for the ALP, and our Prime Minister (Julia Gillard) put her job on the line to settle an internal party dispute over its leadership. It was Julia Gillard v’s Kevin Rudd, Gillard won a caucus ballot 71 – 31. The flow-on effects of this are going to be felt for some time to come.
Deb wasn’t too well all day so we had a quiet afternoon following the fall-out from the mornings political ructions.
We spent the early part of the morning sorting a few things out with mum, which we got done with a couple of small hiccups.
Just after lunch we met my friend Bruce up at his new house (he moved in about a week ago. He is fitting it out with all new furniture and had had new carpet laid on Monday, so it’s all a little disorganised but the house and gardens are great and I am sure he will find it all very comfortable. We went around to Ourimbah Pub for a drink to celebrate with him and just relax and have a chat. It was a very relaxing afternoon and so good to catch up with Bruce again.
Craig, Cook and Caitlin went down to collect Carly from the airport after her 8 week holiday in Europe around midday. Cook was so glad to have her girl home again, she could relax a little. We went to a local restaurant for dinner with Craig and his family to welcome Carly home. It was a great night and it was so good to see the sparkle in Carly, she had such a great time and was revelling in reliving some of her experiences with us. I was really impressed that she went to the trouble to search out and have a look around the places Craig lived in and frequented when he was over in England about 30 years ago. Apparently things haven’t really changed that much in all that time.
Today was meant to be raining up here, we woke to an overcast sky but no rain, so I took to the street for my run. I am starting to get into the habit of this running business now and it isn’t too hard to get out in the morning. (Carly we are going to set a cracking pace in the City to Bay this year the way I am going :))
We got mum a bit more sorted with documents for her trip, we now have back-up copies of all her important documents in case anything happens. She seems in pretty good shape now and I am sure she is going to have an amazing holiday.
Around 1:45pm we met Cook, Carly and Caitlin at the Frangipani Café (Caitlin works there) for High Tea. Mum, Deb and I all wished we hadn’t had lunch! The food was pretty good, particularly the cakes, I guess it helps to have one of the owners being a pastry chef. They had an extensive Tea menu, which to be honest surprised me. Deb, Mum and I had Tea while Cook and the girls had Double Shot Cappuccinos. It was good to spend more time with Craig’s girls, and getting to know them a bit better.
We are off to Craig’s for tea tonight, sounds like he is cooking up some sort of South African Curry, so it should be interesting. 🙂
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