Monday 23 September2013 Port Victoria Yorke Peninsula SA
We were woken this morning at around 5:10am with what I thought was the sound of a train coming straight at us. It turned out to be a howling Nor-Westerly. Deb was first up and out of the van to rescue our table chairs and fishing gear. The wind was soooo strong, it took some effort just to open the van door! Anyway, we quickly had everything loose in the car and we retreated back to the van and the warmth of our bed.
I guess we both dozed for a while, then Deb downloaded her papers and read. I eventually got up around 6:45, and after breakfast went out to the jetty to try my luck again. I tried 3 different areas on the jetty with no luck at all. There was an old Italian couple out there reeling in squid every 5 mins or so. The woman told me they had about 12 when I got out there and I reckon they must have had about 25+ by the time they went in. By 9am I had had enough, the wind was now so strong that my lures wouldn’t sink, being held up by the wind on the line.
Time for a quiet morning in the van hoping for the wind to drop off somewhat!
We had a fun morning in the van hiding from the wind. Deb has discovered that someone in the Caravan Park was using our wifi (I hadn’t put any security on it and for the time being have forgotten the log-on details to get into the modem set-up.)
So it was fun and games, when Deb saw an unaccounted for user on the wifi modem she’d shut it down, lol, and so went her day!! 🙂
We ended up playing “Words with Friends” against each other, 2 games at a time, while sitting opposite each other. Soon enough it was lunch and after that I ventured out again, the wind had calmed down a little. I fished for about 2 hours without a bite and was ready to give up. As I started packing up, I went to wind up my hand line and found I had a squid on the end of it! I soon had another and the afternoon was all of a sudden a success. We put them in the freezer to have at home on Wednesday with Brian.
The evening was quiet, Deb made Tuna Mornay for tea, it was delicious.
Tuesday 24 September Port Vic
I got woken by Aiko at some ungodly hour of the morning, she needed to go out for a wee!! I sort of dozed from then on until I we got up at around 7:30am. The lie in was great. I had a quick breakfast and was out fishing a little after 8. The going was very slow out on the Jetty. I found out that on Sunday there was a3m Great White Shark cruising around the jetty, everyone thought it was after the seal, but the seal survived and the shark has left. I finished up getting 1 big squid in the morning, big enough to feed us both for tea.
We did a little maintenance on the van, we cleaned the awning, I know it’s living on the edge, but hey! 🙂
After lunch I went back out for the last time. Again the going was slow, until about 3pm when I got a couple of squid in quick succession. While I was out there a guy who left while I was there gave me a 1/2 bag of fresh Goolwa Cockles he had left over. I decided to give them a go and see if I could get some Whiting, he told me he had got 3 just legal whiting. On my first cast I got a fish, it was about 20cm, so I threw it back. Next cast another fish, same size, as I was throwing it back another guy who was fishing close to me said as I threw the 2nd one back, “If you’re going to throw those Tommies back, could I have the next one”, and here I was thinking I was throwing back Whiting, instead of good size Tommies. As there seemed to be plenty and he put me onto my error, I said yes, and gave him a fish within a few minutes. That was the last one I caught!!!!
By 4:30 I had had enough and went in, cleaned my catch and had a well deserved beer, while we nibbled on a delicious cheese platter Deb had whipped up. We sat there watching the gulls and pelicans doing their thing as the sun was slowly setting. We go home tomorrow, so we have packed away a few bits and pieces so it will be easier in the morning. Looks like its going to be a bit windy here tomorrow, gale force I think!! so it’s probably good that we are heading home.
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So. Um. I came here looking for an INDIA update. No dice. What’s the go?????
We are trying to vicariously live through you!!!