Friday 25th Oct 2013 New Delhi

After an exhausting day yesterday, due to the 2 hr delay in the flight, I appreciated the slower start today.
Our hotel, the Imperial, is a magnificent Art Deco hotel, built in 1936. It is an impressive building to be in and has an amazing collection of art on all of the walls. Breakfast was a delicious.
After posting letters to our grandchildren, we met our guide Rekha, who is a most delightful woman and very knowledgable. I really enjoyed having a female guide – our first this holiday, they have all been good, but I enjoyed Rekha’s gentleness. She has studied Indian history and English literature which is her passion, at university.   Our guides all seem to have masters degrees. Rekha is a guide for 6 months in the tourist season, and a private teacher the rest of the time. She also has a 17 year old son.
Rekha explained to us that there is plenty of work in Delhi but not enough homes, so many people live in tents.   Only 2% of people in India pay taxes, but the current government brought in consumption taxes 9 years ago, bringing much more money in for the government. There are 3 million, and counting, Bangladeshi refuges in Delhi. Most of the just survive labouring and doing menial tasks.
First we went to Jama Masjid – the largest mosque in India. We were lucky to get into see it before prayers started. We both love going inside places of worship, we find it really interesting and this was no different. There were many children at the mosque and Greg and I were a novelty, they were taking photos of us, and also having their photo taken with us!   It was amusing.   They were very happy for me to take their photo too, and there was never any mention of money, so that was even better!
We had a rickshaw ride around old Delhi, it was chaotic and fabulous.
Then we went to Raj Ghat, the memorial to Gandhi, it is simplistic as it should be, in a 9 acre garden. An eternal flame sits above the shrine of remembrance, at the spot he was cremated. It was a peaceful place, enjoyed by us both.   We had to take our shoes off before we walked quite a way to the memorial, there is something very centering walking without your shoes.  I should do it more often at home.
We also visited Humayun’s tomb (the grand father, of Shah Jahan who built the Taj Mahal)  located in magnificent Gardens there are over 100 tombs in the gardens.  Another peaceful place.
Then we visited Gandi Smriti, the place that Gandhi lived before he died, Gandhi was addressing an audience of 200 people in the garden here when he was shot 3 times. There is a memorial on the spot where he died. There is also a museum here and the rooms that Gandhi lived in are still as they were the day he died, January 30 1948, aged 78.  “My life is my message”,M K Gandi
Next we saw India gate and 21/2 km down the road is the presidential palace, on a clear day you can look from one end to the other, put the smog is pretty bad here in New Delhi, so I am not sure if it is ever possible!  It reminded me a bit of the grand boulevard of Champs Élysées.  Next to the palace, was the parliament, which houses 750 politicians!! The mind boggles!!  This area is very beautiful and orderly, other than the smog you could be in any major city of the world.
Last stop was the Sikh temple (they make up 1.5% of the population). They have the biggest soup kitchen I have ever seen, and humongous pots. I have photos for you Vonnie. They feed a lot of people.  The Sikhs don’t believe religion is in a book, but it is what you do in your life.   It was interesting to visit their temple and see people worship.
Tonight we are going to the Spice Route restaurant for dinner, can’t wait!! And tomorrow, Agra, and the Taj Mahal – this has been along time coming!
Thanks for all of your messages, we love hearing from you xo
And to Bruce Felton, get well quick mate and give that (those) bikes away.
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2 Responses to Friday 25th Oct 2013 New Delhi

  1. McDonald's says:

    Howdy, finally caught up after a busy week and you adventure is amazing!!!
    It really is like we are there with you!

    Amazing experience you are getting to see into normal peoples homes and lives!!

    I am really looking forward to hearing about the Taj Mahal!

    Tessa had a great win at bball last night (about 25 – 6) 🙂
    About to get ready for Dante’s game!

    Love ya

  2. Glenyce Durdin says:

    Beautiful descriptive writing that draws one so wonderfully into your experience.
    Great photo’s!
    We look forward to the next chapter:-)

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