It’s now only 15 days until we board our first flight for our next adventure exploring new and very different places.
We fly to Santiago Chile, via Sydney and Auckland NZ, where we have a day and a half to get over the flight and have a quick look around Santiago. We were there a few years back, and it was a great city, lots of great food and wine, and lots of interesting things to see. We will be exploring a bit more of the city and see what we can find.
From our previous experience in flying around South America, it is best to give yourself some cushion around your flights, so it doesn’t matter all that much if the flights arrive late, leave late or not at all!!
From there we fly to Guayaquil, Ecuador. We have a day or 2 in Guayaquil (Help, does anyone know how to correctly pronounce the name of this city!! Our best guess has often proven to be nowhere near the mark for other South American cities/towns/places!!)
Guayaquil is our stepping off point for the Galapagos Islands. We fly to the Galapagos to join our National Geographic Cruise. This should be an amazing adventure, walking and exploring in the footsteps of Charles Darwin and the amazing wildlife on the land and in the waters of the Galapagos Islands.
We then make our way to Havana Cuba, via Panama.
We have about a week exploring Cuba. I am so glad we are getting there before the relations between Cuba and the USA are “Normalised” and the Americans turn it into “just another small slice of America”. I can’t wait to see the “Time Warp” which is Cuba to me, old 1950’s / 60’s American cars, pastel coloured old buildings, soulful Latin music and dancing, Tabaco farms and cigars, and whatever else throws itself our way.
From Cuba we fly to Mexico for a week of exploration in the land of the Aztecs.
We then fly to New Orleans and meet up with some friends from Minnesota (John and Georgiana), for a big dash of Jazz, Gumbo and southern hospitality.
We then fly north to Minnesota for a bit of catching up with friends
Then back on a plane for Las Vegas, to experience the glitz and hype that is Vegas!
We then grab a rental car and tour around to the Grand Canyon and then explore Arizona with J& G.
We finally say good bye to our old friends in Phoenix and fly to Los Angeles for a quick look around before we fly back home to family and friends.
50 days just doesn’t seem long enough to pack all that into, but we will do our very best to make every moment count
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