Happy Anniversary to my beautiful wife and travel buddy, I love you <3 🙂
Once we were up, my day started with a morning run. (Something I haven’t had the time for since Guayaquil). It was a bit cold out, around 5C with light drizzle, but my run was interesting. Over the course of 45 mins I saw a couple of White Tailed deer, a large brown and grey rabbit and one very territorial goose! Always interesting times when you’re away from home, you never know what you’re going to see.
The remainder of the morning was very restful. Around midday we headed out for a family gathering at Katie (Georgie’s Daughters) and her husband Jon’s place. There were family there from both John and Georgie’s sides, plus a few friends, too many to mention (in case I miss someone out) by name, but many of whom we met last time we were here 6 years ago, some are bigger, all a little older, but all just as much fun and lively as they were before. And above all, everyone was so welcoming and inclusive. We both love family gatherings at home and this felt very much like those times to us, our adopted Minnesotan Family. 🙂
Thank you Katie and Jon (and little Hadley) for opening your home to us, we really do appreciate it.
We got back to our Minnesotan home a bit before 7pm. Time for a quiet evening.
Mum, Deb and I send all our love and hope you’re all sorted out soon, out of hospital and back home. xoxox
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Happy, happy anniversary
Thanks Von, hey who is this Tim guy?
How lovely! We are looking forward to having you home soon….only a few more weeks 🙂
Looking forward to a hug Carly xo
Don’t rush home… Always time for hugs!!!
We will be glad to have you both back tho!