We had a good flight from Adelaide to Auckland, 4 hours. On the flight we sat next to Ros a lady we have played bridge with. A surprise to us both was her husband who she was travelling with, is Rod Marsh.
We landed at 6.30pm and were at the M Social Hotel by 7.30pm. On the 11th floor with lovely views over the harbour and just over the road from the ferry we will catch to Waiheke Island on Friday. Thank you C for the recommendation it is perfect.
We unpacked a few things then went downstairs to the bar to get a bit to eat. Then we went for a walk for a couple of hours around the waterfront. Was good to walk after being sat down all day.
The time is 21/2hrs ahead of Adelaide in Auckland so it was after midnight before we got to sleep. We both slept well.
Today we met up with friends (brothers) who live here, that we met 3 years ago in The Galapagos. Was lovely seeing C & R. They came in to the hotel, we chatted in the lobby for a while. C brought a book of photos that he had done of the Galapagos holiday. Was fun reminiscing, felt like yesterday that we had seen them. They have both had holidays in Africa since we saw them, I enjoyed listening about their adventures, not long and we will be there.
We went for a walk along the waterfront and C explained some of the history of the area and what is planned before the America’s Cup in Auckland in 2021, was interesting. The harbour is filled with very large boats and yachts. We stopped at Jack Tars for lunch, was very pleasant sitting outside and soaking up the view.
Tomorrow we head to Waiheke Island via 40 minute Ferry ride.
Number of Views :959
What a gorgeous view you have from your accommodation. Enjoy site seeing & your trip to Waiheke Island. Glorious day here ? sending lots of love xoxo
Thank you ? about to leave and get on the Ferry. Happy Friday to you xo