Day 23 Diani Beach to Dubai

Was a beautiful moonrise last night over the Indian Ocean?  But we didn’t see the Red Moon.    We woke at 6am, with the help of the alarm.  Breakfast at 6.30am said our good byes to Harrison & Marica then at 7.30am Douglas our driver took us to the airport. His father came to Kenya with the British in the 1940’s.

Along the way we saw a small motorbike with 6 people on it, Mum, dad and 4 small children.   Pretty sure that is the most we have ever seen on a motorbike.

Went through a police check with spikes along the road.  We have seen quite a few of these in Africa.

We had to catch a ferry to Mombasa, there are 4 ferries, the one we were on holds 3000 people.  The people and cars are all together.  We were on the biggest, newest ferry.  It came from Turkey, originally.  It only took 5 mins to get across to the other side, there is no cable they steer themselves. 

Was crazy getting off the ferry, have never seen anything like it before.   Thousands of people and cars all trying to get off at once.  Douglas said sometimes there are stampedes.  ?

Douglas told us that the average  person earns $25 per day. Often will have a side business too.  So they are earning in a week want people in Tanzania and Zambia earn in a month.  

It took an hour 20mins to get to airport, was easy, no holdups at the ferry.

We were put on the earlier flight, which left 2 hours early. Was an easy one hour flight. The trouble was we arrived in Nairobi two hours before checkin ? so we walked a little way and found a cafe to sit down and have a drink, was pleasant we were sat outside, nice considering what lay ahead.

We weren’t expecting our Nairobi guide to show, as we were on the earlier flight.  But 10 minutes after we sat down, he found us and said hello.

Checkin opened up at 1pm, we found the lounge and boarded around 4pm. Took off at 4.30pm.  Flying time to Dubai 4hrs 44 mins, arrived at 10.30pm (time went forward one hour). Was an uneventful flight, I watched Chappaquiddick about Ted Kennedy, I enjoyed it then  lay down for two hours, hoping to get a bit more sleep on the next flight.

It is 40C in Dubai at 10.30pm at night, ?  very large airport.  The lounge is very nice, nicest we have been in this holiday.  And it is well air conditioned ? you would not know it was 40C.

Flight leaves in 3 hours, then we have a 12 1/2 hour flight and we will be home. ?

We will post the last blog for this holiday when we get home.   Thank you for following along, has been a great holiday and we have loved all of your comments and private messages along the way.  Be seeing/talking to you soon ?

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