September 2021 Covid-19 Delta Variant comes to Australia.

As the global 4th wave of Covid-19 went into decline the pandemic smacked Australia. With firstly NSW then Victoria going through rapid widespread infections throughout the 2 states. The rest of Australia closed their borders to the 2 states and that continues.

Melbourne gained the dubious honour of the world’s most locked down city.

The ASX lost 4.5% over the month.

On a bright note, the vaccination rates in Australia have take off very well and the country is looking to start opening up both internally and externally. The federal government hopes it can start easing our International borders from mid December. NSW, Victoria and the ACT lead the charge in vaccination rates.

The charts below shows graphically how the pandemic has played out so far. Looking at the global pattern evolving it seem likely that the world will endure a 5th wave starting in late October/ early November. The peaks of such a 5th wave are likely to be lower than the previous waves, and the duration is likely to be less, somewhere around 2.5 months long.

Global Chart

My Blog for September can be found via the following link.

#21 September 2021 We ride the 4th wave


Stay safe out there.

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