Greg and Deb’s Circumnavigation of Australia- well almost, Day 3 Perth

We had a lazy start to our day, relaxing at our bnb, so comfortable.

Late in the morning we headed over to P and A’s place, and were immediately grabbed by H to go and play trains with him. He has a wooden train track set up on his bedroom floor, and we spent lots of time driving the train around, knocking down wooden block Towers that magically appeared on the tracks. And then using toy diggers and cranes to make everything right again, until the Towers were knocked down again, on repeat. 🙂
J came in to add to the fun. H set limits on what J could and couldn’t do, and J was “mostly” compliant. Deb tried to distract J from the trains by reading him a book while she built Towers and rescued trains from the devastation. So much fun.

Soon enough it was the kids lunchtime, P had prepared their meals while we were playing. Teamwork! J ate most of his lunch and H demolished a sandwich.

Soon it was time for afternoon naps, the grandchildren’s, , so we decided to let P have some me time, we left and went back to our bnb to relax a bit more.

Back at P & A’s around 4:30pm, A had gone out for an afternoon out with fellow WAFL physios and ref’s. So we had an afternoon and early evening with the boys.

I spent a fair bit of time with H in his room playing trains. In the end he decided he wanted a new track layout, so he supervised as I redesigned his railway system. He seemed happy with the results, and I managed to incorporate most of the things he wanted in it. J dropped by H’s room intermittently to see if he was missing out on anything, or just to have some fun.

We played outside with H & J, we had brought bubble wands for each of the boys, and we had a fun 20 minutes or so filling the backyard with bubbles. Chip loved it, running around biting at the bubbles, H decided that it looked like fun, so he played “dog” for a few minutes, chasing the bubbles and snapping at them with his mouth. We left the wands for the boys to play another time.

P cooked us a delicious BBQ dinner of chicken, broccolini and potatoes. After dinner we shut off all the lights and went out into the backyard to see if we could see the Aurora Borealis. There has been a huge amount of solar flare activity resulting in intense auroras (the most intense geomagnetic storms in 20 years) over both North and South poles over this weekend. Apparently it has been visible as far north as Brisbane in Australia. No luck for us.

We left P and the boys around 8pm and headed back to our bnb, we had had a very enjoyable day.

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