To travel is to discover that everyone is wrong about other countries. ~Aldous Huxley
On our very first “big” holiday overseas our tour guide, Alison, told our group that we were not tourists, but rather “CULTURAL PILGRIMS”.
We liked that idea and the thought behind it, and we adopted it. To explore the world and enrich ourselves by learning and appreciating the way of life of other peoples and cultures, and the lands they live in.
Our Pilgrimage continues
We started our blog in 2006 as we planned that first “big” overseas adventure, as a means of sharing our adventure with family and friends.
The original site we used was Traveleor. This site notified us in 2010 that it was closing down so we took the big step and got our own domain and a hosted site of our own.
In late 2019 we were again told our host service was closing so we moved our site again. This time it wasn’t a huge move, we went from one WordPress hosting provider to another.
We have taken this move to try and improve a few features of our site.
We hope you all enjoy sharing the journey here, as much as we enjoy living and sharing it with you.
With the world suffering the Covid-19 Pandemic since its first occurrence in November 2019, our world travels came to a grinding halt. During that time I kept a monthly diary on how the pandemic affected lifevat home and across the world. I hope you find it interesting. My Pandemic blogs finished in March 2023, 39 months in total!
Please leave a note and tell us what you think of our blog.
We have a photo blog as well, please feel free to leave comments on our fb photo blog.
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