We started our day early, 7am breakfast, I mean, come on we are on holidays! But when you have to work with the tides, I guess that what it takes. And it was definitely worth it.
This morning we went for an 8 nautical mile cruise in one of the Explorers and then swimming in Crocodile Creek! Now who ever thought of that! We passed the Iron Islands and Nares Point (visiting the point a bit later in the day and having a closer look at one of the Iron islands).
We got to Crocodile Creek around 8:30am ships time, about 30 mins after a low tide of 2.91m. One of the expedition crew went to the waterhole we were going to swim in to check for crocs…… seriously. At high tide crocs can get into the area, but usually leave due to the fresh water. We were given the all clear, walked up about 8 steps and then about 15m along, a rocky trail to a small waterhole with a waterfall gently cascading into the pool. There was one of the expedition team stationed above the waterfall keeping an eye out for unwanted visitors of the salty kind! Continue reading
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