#14 February 2021 Covid-19 The “New Normal” has become normal

1 February 2021 Monday

224 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

World Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths* GF

7 Day Av


2Wk on 2Wk

WHO Data WORLD 103,424,946 2,235,171 9,183 0.70 0.66
99 Australia 28,811 909 0 0.78 0.68
(183) Sth Aust 597 4 0
(105) Victoria 20,448 820 0 0.00 0.00
( 152) NSW 5,104 54 0
164 NZ* 2,304 25 0
1 USA 26,736,228 451,540 1,739
2 India 10,752,827 154,394 84
3 Brazil 9,184,112 224,124 179
4 Russia 3,850,439 73,182 485
6 UK 3,817,176 106,158 964
8 Italy 2,553,032 88,515 236
17 Sth Africa 1,453,761 44,164 213

New deaths number for the countries comes from WHO Data table @ https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries

and for Australia & South Australia https://www.covid-19.sa.gov.au/home/dashboard

& for Victoria https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/coronavirus-covid-19-daily-update

GF = Transmission Growth Factor (Below 1 = Transmission under control)

(My GF calculations based on 7 day moving average cases numbers and using the current weeks average cases numbers and the previous weeks cases numbers)

  • Confirmed + Possible cases for NZ

ASX200 at 6682 down 0.3% from the close from the previous close

The world has recorded 19,708,042 new Covid-19 cases in January.

It is 1 year since the first Covid-19 cases was confirmed in South Australia.

Western Australia has recorded a case of community transmission, and the Perth and Southern area of WA has been placed in a 5 day lockdown. We were lucky to leave when we did, retrospective quarantining has been implemented in South Australia if you had been to those parts of WA going back to 21st January 2021.

The trans-Tasman Bubble with New Zealand has been re-opened.

NSW has now gone 2 weeks without any local transmission of the virus.

The WHO team in China has inspected the Wuhan wet market suspected as being the source of the pandemic.

Approximately 6.5% of the population of the USA has had at least the first dose of the vaccine.


2 February 2021 Tuesday

224 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

World Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths* GF

7 Day Av


2Wk on 2Wk

WHO Data WORLD 103,833,188 2,245,050 9,879 0.77 0.72
99 Australia 28,818 909 0 1.20 1.01
(183) Sth Aust 596 4 0
(105) Victoria 20,449 820 0 1.00 0.67
( 152) NSW 5,110 54 0
164 NZ* 2,303 25 0
1 USA 26,855,977 453,373 1,833
2 India 10,767,159 154,521 127
3 Brazil 9,229,322 225,099 975
4 Russia 3,868,087 73,619 437
6 UK 3,835,783 106,564 406
8 Italy 2,560,957 88,845 330
17 Sth Africa 1,456,309 44,399 235

New deaths number for the countries comes from WHO Data table @ https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries

and for Australia & South Australia https://www.covid-19.sa.gov.au/home/dashboard

& for Victoria https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/coronavirus-covid-19-daily-update

GF = Transmission Growth Factor (Below 1 = Transmission under control)

(My GF calculations based on 7 day moving average cases numbers and using the current weeks average cases numbers and the previous weeks cases numbers)

  • Confirmed + Possible cases for NZ

ASX200 at 6666 up 0.8% from the close from the previous close

It appears that the spread of the Coronavirus is beginning to slow with the number of new cases reported beginning to fall, the daily average of new cases seems to be falling with a strong trend since 11 January 2021.

The USA has placed an order with a Brisbane based company for $302 million of new at home Covid-19 test kits.

WA has reported no new cases of community transmission.

The guard at the centre of the WA “Outbreak” has tested positive to the virulent UK strain.

SA has thousands of people in quarantine as a result of the WA outbreak.

Reports are out that China is threatening people in Wuhan not to speak truthfully to the WHI investigative team, claiming it will damage China’s national interest.

Around 18.5 million doses of vaccine have been distributed to EU countries despite the production issues encountered.

Queensland is open again to all of NSW.

It is now compulsory in the USA to where a face mask on all forms of public transport. The TSA has been granted the power to enforce the “law” on all aircraft.

There is push back developing around the world against lockdowns and restrictions with riots spreading through the EU and Republican States in the USA impeding the Covid-19 measures of President Biden.

A vaccine developed in Israel is showing very low rates of infection after a week of immunisations, an effectiveness rate of over 99% is being claimed.

The UN is pushing for a more fair and equitable distribution of vaccines as there appears to be up to 17 new virulent variants detected.

3 February 2021 Wednesday

 224 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.


World Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths* GF

7 Day Av


2Wk on 2Wk

WHO Data WORLD 104,244,734 2,257,952 12,902 0.80 0.75
99 Australia 28,824 909 0 0.95 0.89
(183) Sth Aust 597 4 0
(105) Victoria 20,450 820 0 1.00 0.70
( 152) NSW 5,112 54 0
164 NZ* 2,307 25 0
1 USA 26,982,863 456,437 3,064
2 India 10,778,031 154,629 108
3 Brazil 9,230,865 225,159 60
4 Russia 3,884,730 74,158 539
6 UK 3,852,623 108,013 1449
8 Italy 2,570,608 89,344 499
17 Sth Africa 1,458,958 44,946 547

New deaths number for the countries comes from WHO Data table @ https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries

and for Australia & South Australia https://www.covid-19.sa.gov.au/home/dashboard

& for Victoria https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/coronavirus-covid-19-daily-update

GF = Transmission Growth Factor (Below 1 = Transmission under control)

(My GF calculations based on 7 day moving average cases numbers and using the current weeks average cases numbers and the previous weeks cases numbers)

  • Confirmed + Possible cases for NZ

ASX200 at 6762 up 1.5% from the close from the previous close

The world has passed 104 million cases of Covid-19, the last million in just over 2 days.

Sir Tom Moore, the 100 yo British former soldier who raised millions of pounds for Covid-19 relief has died of Covid-19.

6 million Australians are aimed to get the vaccine ion the second round of vaccinations.

Russia’s Sputnik V vaccine is proving safe and effective according to early results of studies conducted during their vaccine rollout.

South Australia will saliva test all Hotel workers daily from next week.

WA has had another day of zero community transmission as Perth has been turned into a ghost town.

Joe Biden is trying to convince Republican Senators to pass a much larger Covid-19 relief bill than they want to.

It has been revealed that as the world fought to stave off the Covid-19 pandemic and diverted resources to fight it  that existing diseases, such as cancer, were left reduced funding, and the results have been disastrous. With death rates soaring and diagnosis rates falling.

4 February 2021 Thursday

 224 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.


World Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths* GF

7 Day Av


2Wk on 2Wk

WHO Data WORLD 104,732,649 2,272,225 14,273 0.98 0.91
99 Australia 28,829 909 0 0.81 0.79
(183) Sth Aust 601 4 0
(105) Victoria 20,450 820 0 0.00 0.00
( 152) NSW 5,114 54 0
164 NZ* 2,308 25 0
1 USA 27,088,320 459,922 3,485
2 India 10,790,909 154,734 105
3 Brazil 9,296,945 226,666 1,507
4 Russia 3,901,204 74,684 526
6 UK 3,871,825 109,335 1322
8 Italy 2,583,790 89,820 476
17 Sth Africa 1,458,958 44,946 0

New deaths number for the countries comes from WHO Data table @ https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries

and for Australia & South Australia https://www.covid-19.sa.gov.au/home/dashboard

& for Victoria https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/coronavirus-covid-19-daily-update

GF = Transmission Growth Factor (Below 1 = Transmission under control)

(My GF calculations based on 7 day moving average cases numbers and using the current weeks average cases numbers and the previous weeks cases numbers)

  • Confirmed + Possible cases for NZ

ASX200 at 6824 up 0.9% from the close from the previous close

The USA has passed 27 million cases of Covid-19, the last million in just 9 days.

The UK seems to be getting the spread of the coronavirus under control with the number of new daily cases steadily declining from a peak of over 68 thousand new cases on 8 January 2021 to today’s figure of “just” a bit over 19 thousand.

Today would have been 28 days without community transmission, but last night a Quarantine Hotel worker was found to have the UK variant of the virus. Up to 600 people who have attended the preliminary matches leading up to next weeks Australian Open have been exposed.

Restrictions are being reimposed in Victoria.

The Astra-Zeneca Vaccine has been found to reduce the transmission of the coronavirus.

A new study of the Astra-Zeneca vaccine shows the first dose gives high level protection for up to 12 weeks.

WA’s Quarantine Hotel system has been shown to have gapping holes in its procedures, particularly the wearing of masks.

Liberal federal MP Craig Kelly has been told by the PM to stop spreading “Fake” information about the coronavirus, Covid-19 and the pandemic.

More countries in the EU are banning the use of the Astra-Zeneca vaccine in people over 65.

Singapore has approved the Moderna vaccine

145 countries are to receive Covid-19 vaccines under a plan by The UN.


5 February 2021 Friday

 224 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.


World Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths* GF

7 Day Av


2Wk on 2Wk

WHO Data WORLD 105,265,689 2,287,476 15,251 1.09 1.02
99 Australia 28,838 909 0 1.62 1.43
(183) Sth Aust 601 4 0
(105) Victoria 20,452 820 0 2.80 1.47
( 152) NSW 5,117 54 0
164 NZ* 2,313 25 0
1 USA 27,229,532 464,150 4,228
2 India 10,802,831 154,841 107
3 Brazil 9,354,609 227,883 1,217
4 Russia 3,917,918 75,205 521
6 UK 3,892,459 110,250 915
8 Italy 2,597,446 90,241 421
17 Sth Africa 1,463,016 45,344 398

New deaths number for the countries comes from WHO Data table @ https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries

and for Australia & South Australia https://www.covid-19.sa.gov.au/home/dashboard

& for Victoria https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/coronavirus-covid-19-daily-update

GF = Transmission Growth Factor (Below 1 = Transmission under control)

(My GF calculations based on 7 day moving average cases numbers and using the current weeks average cases numbers and the previous weeks cases numbers)

  • Confirmed + Possible cases for NZ

ASX200 at 6765 down 0.9% from the close from the previous close

The world has passed 105 million cases of Covid-19, the last million in just 2 days.

The USA has recorded over 4,000 deaths from Covid-19, the first time over 4,000 in almost a week.

Trails have begun mixing vaccines types to test for vaccine efficacy and safety.

WA has lifted its lockdown after finding no new cases of community transmission, but has put restrictions in place.

Close contacts of the worker at the centre of the Melbourne/Australian Open scare have tested negative to Covid-19.

Reports out of the UK say that at one point it is estimated that 1 in 15 people in east London had Covid-19.

Australia has secured another 10,000,000 doses of the Pfizer vaccine.

The federal Health Minister has stated that all people in Australia will be offered a vaccine, this includes asylum seekers, refuges, etc.

It is estimated that as many as one quarter of all people in the USA, France and Germany may refuse to have a vaccination against Covid-19.


6 February 2021 Saturday

 224 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.


World Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths* GF

7 Day Av


2Wk on 2Wk

WHO Data WORLD 105,817,286 2,305,133 17,657 1.14 1.06
99 Australia 28,842 909 0 0.67 0.64
(183) Sth Aust 602 4 0
(105) Victoria 20,456 820 0 3.11 2.43


( 152) NSW 5,117 54 0
164 NZ* 2,315 25 0
1 USA 27,360,916 469,321 5,171
2 India 10,815,222 154,956 115
3 Brazil 9,447,165 230,034 2,151
4 Russia 3,934,606 75,732 527
6 UK 3,911,573 111,264 1,014
8 Italy 2,611,659 90,618 377
17 Sth Africa 1,470,516 45,902 558

New deaths number for the countries comes from WHO Data table @ https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries

and for Australia & South Australia https://www.covid-19.sa.gov.au/home/dashboard

& for Victoria https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/coronavirus-covid-19-daily-update

GF = Transmission Growth Factor (Below 1 = Transmission under control)

(My GF calculations based on 7 day moving average cases numbers and using the current weeks average cases numbers and the previous weeks cases numbers)

  • Confirmed + Possible cases for NZ

ASX200 at 6765 up 1.1% from the close from the previous close

The UK is to start a Hotel Quarantine system on 15 February.

The USA has recorded over 5,000 deaths due to Covid-19 in the last 24 hrs, the first time in 3 weeks.

The Australian Open Tennis tournament has been given the green light to go ahead as planned , including spectators.

The vaccine rollout in Australia will be done predominately via peoples GP, and all who receive the vaccine will get an electronic certificate via email.

Repatriation flights into Australia are set to resume to their previous levels and the federal government is looking to expand the capacity of the Howard Springs Quarantine facility in the NT to take more people.

The USA Senate has passed a multi billion dollar Covid-19 relief package after Vice President Kamala Harris cast a deadlock breaking vote, the senate had voted 50/50.

The number of people who have received at least 1 dose of Covid-19 vaccine exceeds the number of people who have contracted the disease.


7 February 2021 Sunday

 224 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.


World Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths* GF

7 Day Av


2Wk on 2Wk

WHO Data WORLD 106,212,339 2,316,094 10,961 0.87 0.79
99 Australia 28,848 909 0 1.00 0.97
(183) Sth Aust 602 4 0
(105) Victoria 20,456 820 0 0.00 0.00
( 152) NSW 5,119 54 0
164 NZ* 2,315 25 0
1 USA 27,484,115 472,600 3,2791
2 India 10,826,560 155,018 62
3 Brazil 9,456,345 230,314 280
4 Russia 3,651,233 76,229 497
6 UK 3,929,835 112,092 828
8 Italy 2,625,098 91,003 385
15 Sth Africa 1,473,700 46,180 278

New deaths number for the countries comes from WHO Data table @ https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries

and for Australia & South Australia https://www.covid-19.sa.gov.au/home/dashboard

& for Victoria https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/coronavirus-covid-19-daily-update

GF = Transmission Growth Factor (Below 1 = Transmission under control)

(My GF calculations based on 7 day moving average cases numbers and using the current weeks average cases numbers and the previous weeks cases numbers)

  • Confirmed + Possible cases for NZ

ASX200 at 6765 up 1.1% from the close from the previous close

The world has passed 106 million cases of Covid-19, the last million in a bit over 2 days.

It is one year since the first Covid-19 death in the USA, on average almost 1300 people have died in the USA every day for the last year from Covid-19.

There have been no new or related cases to the Covid-19 positive test hotel workers in either Perth or Melbourne.

It has been revealed that as the Trump administration ramped up prisoner executions in the last months of his Presidency, the infection rate of those executed was over 70%, signalling huge issues in the USA prison system.

The UN has issued a warning that it expects global terrorism to increase dramatically as soon as world travel restrictions are lifted.


8 February 2021 Monday

 224 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.


World Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths* GF

7 Day Av


2Wk on 2Wk

WHO Data WORLD 106,625,617 2,325,572 9,478 0.90 0.83
99 Australia 28,850 909 0 0.36 0.33
(183) Sth Aust 602 4 0
(105) Victoria 20,456 820 0 0.00 0.00
( 152) NSW 5,120 54 0
164 NZ* 2,320 25 0
1 USA 27,593,756 474,664 2,064
2 India 10,831,279 155,078 60
3 Brazil 9,524,640 231,534 1,220
4 Russia 3,967,281 76,661 432
6 UK 3,945,680 112,465 373
8 Italy 2,636,738 91,273 270
15 Sth Africa 1,473,700 46,180 0

New deaths number for the countries comes from WHO Data table @ https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries

and for Australia & South Australia https://www.covid-19.sa.gov.au/home/dashboard

& for Victoria https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/coronavirus-covid-19-daily-update

GF = Transmission Growth Factor (Below 1 = Transmission under control)

(My GF calculations based on 7 day moving average cases numbers and using the current weeks average cases numbers and the previous weeks cases numbers)

  • Confirmed + Possible cases for NZ

ASX200 at 6765 up 1.1% from the close from the previous close

It appears that Russia has adjusted its Covid-19 infection numbers. It has added 316,048 new cases overnight, highly unlikely it is just a daily count based on previous numbers and world trends.

South Africa has suspended the delivery of the AstraZeneca Vaccine to its population as it has been shown to be minimally effective against the dominant strain in the country.

AstraZeneca is tweaking its vaccine it make it more effective against the new variants emerging.

The Australian Open Tennis tournament begins today with crowds, albeit, reduced numbers.

A returned traveller in NSW has tested positive 2 days after leaving quarantine.

The UK and EU are both seeing new case number drop, but both for different reasons. The UK believes their numbers are down due mainly to the vaccine roll out, while the EU considers that lockdowns and restrictions played the biggest part there.

Israel has vaccinated over half its population in just over 5 weeks, the program remains controversial as the government has agreed to share data with the manufacturer Pfizer, people are worried about the privacy and ethical issues raised by this.

The issue of a Global Covid-19 “Passport” is beginning to raise concerns around the world, with civil libertarians raising concerns.

9 February 2021 Tuesday

 224 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.


World Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths* GF

7 Day Av


2Wk on 2Wk

WHO Data WORLD 106,891,005 2,332,567 6,995 0.61 0.55
99 Australia 28,857 909 0 1.26 1.33
(183) Sth Aust 603 4 0
(105) Victoria 20,456 820 0 0.00 0.00
( 152) NSW 5,123 54 0
164 NZ* 2,320 25 0
1 USA 27,655,110 475,571 907
2 India 10,847,142 155,172 94
3 Brazil 9,524,640 231,534 0
4 Russia 3983,197 77,068 407
6 UK 3,959,784 112,798 333
8 Italy 2,644,707 91,580 307
15 Sth Africa 1,476,135 46,290 110

New deaths number for the countries comes from WHO Data table @ https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries

and for Australia & South Australia https://www.covid-19.sa.gov.au/home/dashboard

& for Victoria https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/coronavirus-covid-19-daily-update

GF = Transmission Growth Factor (Below 1 = Transmission under control)

(My GF calculations based on 7 day moving average cases numbers and using the current weeks average cases numbers and the previous weeks cases numbers)

  • Confirmed + Possible cases for NZ

ASX200 at 6880 up 0.6% from the close from the previous close

There is more world speculation that Russia is still under reporting the number of deaths due to Covid-19, the number doesn’t seem to correlate with the rest of the worlds experience , number of cases v number of deaths.

Victoria is reviewing its Hotel quarantine system due to the recent spate of transmission.

WA is contemplating not allowing workers in quarantine hotels having a second job.

UK PM Boris Johnson says they are confident in the vaccines they are using after recent reports of ineffectiveness against the new strains.

The EU has told Australia that the first shipment of vaccines is on schedule.

The WHO is saying it is too early to dismiss the AstraZeneca vaccine with respect to the new variants.

The USA is reporting a declining number of new Covid-19 cases, but officials are worried about a surge in cases due to the new variants of the virus.

China has reported zero community transmission cases for the first time since mid-December.

Israel leads the world in vaccinating its population with 63% vaccinated, followed by the UAE @43%, USA @ 12.5%, EU @ 3.1%. The world stands @ 1.7%. China who were first to approve a vaccine sits @ 2.2%

10 February 2021 Wednesday


224 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.


World Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths* GF

7 Day Av


2Wk on 2Wk

WHO Data WORLD 107,286,966 2,345,899 13,332 0.91 0.84
99 Australia 28,860 909 0 0.58 0.53
(183) Sth Aust 603 4 0
(105) Victoria 20,456 820 0 0.00 0.00
( 152) NSW 5,125 54 0
164 NZ* 2,322 25 0
1 USA 27,764,544 478,490 2,919
2 India 10,858,300 155,280 108
3 Brazil 9,560,362 232,431 897
4 Russia 3,998,216 77,598 530
5 UK 3,972,148 113,850 1,052
8 Italy 2,655,319 92,002 422
15 Sth Africa 1,479,253 46,869 579

New deaths number for the countries comes from WHO Data table @ https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries

and for Australia & South Australia https://www.covid-19.sa.gov.au/home/dashboard

& for Victoria https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/coronavirus-covid-19-daily-update

GF = Transmission Growth Factor (Below 1 = Transmission under control)

(My GF calculations based on 7 day moving average cases numbers and using the current weeks average cases numbers and the previous weeks cases numbers)

  • Confirmed + Possible cases for NZ

ASX200 at 6821 down 0.9% from the close from the previous close

The world has passed 107 millio0n cases of Covid-19, the last million took 3 days.

The 2nd Impeachment trial of former President Donald Trump has started.

The WHO has stated that the Novel Coronavirus was unlikely to have leaked from a Chinese Laboratory, and probably jumped from animal to human.

A member of a tennis group that flew into Adelaide tested positive to Covid-19, but the result was kept secret. Apparently, it was a false positive from someone who had already recovered from a previous infection.

The world is bracing for scaled back Chinese New Year celebrations, hoping they doesn’t become a global super spreader event.

WA is reviewing its strict 28 day Covid-19 free rule for quarantine free entry into the state from other parts of Australia.

Spain has registered its highest daily death toll from Covid-19 asm it experiences a 3rd wave of infections.

Europe’s oldest person, a 117 year old French nun, has survived Covid-19 after testing positive but showing no symptoms.

Russia’s Sputnik V vaccine has passed external peer review and has been proven to be 91% effective and it also has a huge advantage over most available vaccines in that it needs to be stored in a fridge, NOT an ultra cold freezer.


11 February 2021 Thursday

 224 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.


World Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths* GF

7 Day Av


2Wk on 2Wk

WHO Data WORLD 107,709,967 2,359,868 13,969 0.99 0.92
99 Australia 28,871 909 0 1.83 1.81
(183) Sth Aust 605 4 0
(105) Victoria 20,458 820 0 1.75 2.00
( 152) NSW 5,129 54 0
164 NZ* 2,324 25 0
1 USA 27,857,904 481,698 3,208
2 India 10,870,646 155,377 97
3 Brazil 9,612,529 233,935 1,504
4 Russia 4,012,710 78,134 536
5 UK 3,985,161 114,851 1,001
8 Italy 2,668,266 92,338 336
16 Sth Africa 1,482,412 47,145 276

New deaths number for the countries comes from WHO Data table @ https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries

and for Australia & South Australia https://www.covid-19.sa.gov.au/home/dashboard

& for Victoria https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/coronavirus-covid-19-daily-update

GF = Transmission Growth Factor (Below 1 = Transmission under control)

(My GF calculations based on 7 day moving average cases numbers and using the current weeks average cases numbers and the previous weeks cases numbers)

  • Confirmed + Possible cases for NZ

ASX200 at 6856 up 0.5% from the close from the previous close

Russia has passed 4 million cases of Covid-19, the last million in 46 days

A new outbreak in Melbourne is centred around the Airport Holiday Inn Quarantine Hotel.

There is speculation that the first vaccines for Australia will arrive next week.

SA has closed its borders to Victoria. Our neighbours got to the border late last night (around 10:30-11pm) to find a 5km long queue and a 5 hour wait to get through, so they turned around and went back to Melbourne. If they had stayed in the queue they would have been allowed to come through, even though they would have been processed after the midnight cut-off.

The Australian Open Tennis is proving a success with some great matched and very loud , although reduced, crowds.

An Australian scientist who is part of the WHO team investigating the origins of the Novel Coronavirus believes that the Covid-19 crisis started in China sometime before December 2019,

Queensland has issued more than $4 million worth of Covid-19 related fines.

The WHO has recommended the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine for all ages.

Israel is allowing leisure facilities to those who have been vaccinated.

12 February 2021 Friday

 224 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.


World Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths* GF

7 Day Av


2Wk on 2Wk

WHO Data WORLD 108,147,414 2,373,156 13,288 1.06 0.97
99 Australia 28,879 909 0 1.37 1.40
(183) Sth Aust 606 4 0
(105) Victoria 20,460 820 0 1.75 2.15
( 152) NSW 5,132 54 0
164 NZ* 2,324 25 0
1 USA 27,953,578 485,283 3,585
2 India 10,879,826 155,476 99
3 Brazil 9,671,832 235,185 1,250
4 Russia 4,027,748 78,687 553
5 UK 3,998,655 115,529 678
8 Italy 2,683,403 92,729 391
16 Sth Africa 1,482,412 47,145 0

New deaths number for the countries comes from WHO Data table @ https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries

and for Australia & South Australia https://www.covid-19.sa.gov.au/home/dashboard

& for Victoria https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/coronavirus-covid-19-daily-update

GF = Transmission Growth Factor (Below 1 = Transmission under control)

(My GF calculations based on 7 day moving average cases numbers and using the current weeks average cases numbers and the previous weeks cases numbers)

  • Confirmed + Possible cases for NZ

ASX200 at 6850 0.1 down% from the close from the previous close

The world has passed 108 million cases of Covid-19, the last million in just over 2 days.

There is a fear that a third wave of Covid-19 may be developing in greater Melbourne.

The UK has instituted a team of mobile vaccination clinics to vaccinate the homeless.

The Novel Coronavirus is constantly mutating and new strains are constantly emerging, it is just the way it will be say the scientists.

There are fears that Japans medical system will struggle to keep up during the Tokyo Olympics.

Travel by Chinese to celebrate the Lunar new year has reportedly dropped by 74%


13 February 2021 Saturday

 224 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.


World Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths* GF

7 Day Av


2Wk on 2Wk

WHO Data WORLD 108,572,835 2,388,673 15,517 1.08 0.97
99 Australia 28,879 909 0 1.11 1.14
(183) Sth Aust 606 4 0
(105) Victoria 20,466 820 0 4.20 4.42
( 152) NSW 5,136 54 0
164 NZ* 2,326 25 0
1 USA 28,070,395 491,287 6,004
2 India 10,892,550 155,588 112
3 Brazil 9,716,298 236,397 1,212
4 Russia 4,042,837 79,194 507
5 UK 4,013,799 116,287 758
8 Italy 2,697,296 93,045 316
16 Sth Africa 1,487,681 47,670 525

New deaths number for the countries comes from WHO Data table @ https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries

and for Australia & South Australia https://www.covid-19.sa.gov.au/home/dashboard

& for Victoria https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/coronavirus-covid-19-daily-update

GF = Transmission Growth Factor (Below 1 = Transmission under control)

(My GF calculations based on 7 day moving average cases numbers and using the current weeks average cases numbers and the previous weeks cases numbers)

  • Confirmed + Possible cases for NZ

ASX200 at 6806 0.6 down% from the close from the previous close

The USA has passed 28 million cases of Covid-19, the last million in just 11 days.

The UK has passed 4 million cases of Covid-19, the last million in just 35 days.

Victoria has been put into a 5 day lock down to try and contain an outbreak of the UK variant of the Coronavirus, the lockdown began at midnight last night.

Panic buying has again been a feature of the lead up to the lockdown

There was a large lockdown protest in Melbourne last night ahead of the lockdown.

Fans at the Australian Open were ushered out of the complex ahead of the midnight lockdown, many were not happy!

The UK has suffered the biggest ever drop in its economy over the past year, dropping almost 10%.

The locally made Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine is beginning to roll off the CSL production line in Victoria.

The second impeachment trial of Donald Trump has wound up with his defence claiming what he did was all in the realms of Free Speech and protected by the Constitution.

14 February 2021 Sunday

 224 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.


World Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths* GF

7 Day Av


2Wk on 2Wk

WHO Data WORLD 108,950,409 2,400,892 12,219 0.97 0.90
99 Australia 28,892 909 0 0.95 0.98
(183) Sth Aust 606 4 0
(105) Victoria 20,466 820 0 4.20 4.42
( 152) NSW 5,136 54 0
164 NZ* 2,328 25 0
1 USA 28,163,408 495,142 3,855
2 India 10,898,663 155,653 65
3 Brazil 9,765,694 237,601 1,204
4 Russia 4,057,698 79,696 502
5 UK 4,027.106 116,908 621
8 Italy 2,710.819 93,356 311
16 Sth Africa 1,490,063 47,821 151

New deaths number for the countries comes from WHO Data table @ https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries

and for Australia & South Australia https://www.covid-19.sa.gov.au/home/dashboard

& for Victoria https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/coronavirus-covid-19-daily-update

GF = Transmission Growth Factor (Below 1 = Transmission under control)

(My GF calculations based on 7 day moving average cases numbers and using the current weeks average cases numbers and the previous weeks cases numbers)

  • Confirmed + Possible cases for NZ

ASX200 at 6806 0.6 down% from the close from the previous close

The USA Senate has voted 57-43 NOT to find Donald Trump guilty..

The last of Perth’s and WA recent lockdown measures will be lifted this morning

Oxford University is about to begin testing its vaccine on children for the first time.

The Australian scientist who was part of the WHO mission in China investigating the source of the Novel Coronavirus has stated that China did not release the raw data on its Covid-19 cases.

The Head of Quarantine Victoria is standing by a statement that they were not told of the returning persons nebuliser that is the apparent source of the latest Covid-19 outbreak. This despite that person saying they did tell the health officials of it and its use.

14.6 million people in the UK have received their first dose of the vaccine.

There are reports that a returning traveller in NZ has died of Covid-19

The WHO is stating that it is still investigating all hypotheses on the origin of the Novel Coronavirus.


15 February 2021 Monday

 224 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.


World Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths* GF

7 Day Av


2Wk on 2Wk

WHO Data WORLD 109,317,987 2,409,315 8,423 0.96 0.87
99 Australia 28,898 909 0 0.88 0.97
(183) Sth Aust 606 4 0
(105) Victoria 20,469 820 0 2.00 1.62
( 152) NSW 5,138 54 0
164 NZ* 2,330 25 0
1 USA 28,249,318 496,896 1,754
2 India 10,916,172 155,764 111
3 Brazil 9,811,255 238,647 1,046
4 Russia 4,071,883 80,126 430
5 UK 4,038,078 117,166 258
8 Italy 2,721,879 93,577 221
16 Sth Africa 1,491,807 47,899 78

New deaths number for the countries comes from WHO Data table @ https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries

and for Australia & South Australia https://www.covid-19.sa.gov.au/home/dashboard

& for Victoria https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/coronavirus-covid-19-daily-update

GF = Transmission Growth Factor (Below 1 = Transmission under control)

(My GF calculations based on 7 day moving average cases numbers and using the current weeks average cases numbers and the previous weeks cases numbers)

  • Confirmed + Possible cases for NZ

ASX200 at 6806 down 0.6% from the close from the previous close

The world has passed 109 million cases of Covid-19, the last million in just over 2 days.

The first shipment of 180,000 doses of the Pfizer Vaccines has arrived in Australia from the EU.

Immunisations are scheduled to start next week, but who will get them is still to be released

Australia has closed its borders to quarantine free travel with NZ.

Auckland NZ has been put into a 3 day lockdown to allow for investigation into a possible outbreak.

Germany is tightening its borders to try and keep the new variants out.

There appears to be a decline in the number of new cases occurring in the UK, it is very slowly trending down from the 16,000’s/day.

16 February 2021 Tuesday

 224 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.


World Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths* GF

7 Day Av


2Wk on 2Wk

WHO Data WORLD 109,600,451 2,416,496 7,181 0.73 0.69
99 Australia 28,900 909 0 0..33 0.34
(183) Sth Aust 606 4 0
(105) Victoria 20,471 820 0 0.93 1.27
( 152) NSW 5,138 54 0
164 NZ* 2,336 25 0
1 USA 28,298,001 497,858 962
2 India 10,925,208 155,836 72
3 Brazil 9,840.002 239,359 712
4 Russia 4,086,090 80,520 394
5 UK 4,047,843 117,396 230
8 Italy 2,729,223 93,835 258
16 Sth Africa 1,492,909 48,094 195

New deaths number for the countries comes from WHO Data table @ https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries

and for Australia & South Australia https://www.covid-19.sa.gov.au/home/dashboard

& for Victoria https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/coronavirus-covid-19-daily-update

GF = Transmission Growth Factor (Below 1 = Transmission under control)

(My GF calculations based on 7 day moving average cases numbers and using the current weeks average cases numbers and the previous weeks cases numbers)

  • Confirmed + Possible cases for NZ

ASX200 at 6868 up 0.9% from the close from the previous close

WA has opened its border unrestricted to NSW.

An urgent search is underway in WA for a woman who is supposed to be in home quarantine.

The new variants of the Coronavirus are spreading through the Middle East.

The WHO Investigation team has found that the virus outbreak in December 2019 in Wuhan China was much wider than reported by the Chinese authorities.

There have been more anti-lockdown protests in Melbourne.

The Avalon Airport in Melbourne may be turned into an international returning persons quarantine hub.

The WHO has approved the AstraZeneca vaccine for emergency use.

It has been revealed that the English Quarantine system will be reliant on people coming from countries other than designated “Red Zone” countries isolating/quarantining at their designated premises (Home or hotel), rather than a designated quarantine hotel.

There are growing Ebola outbreaks in Africa, the death toll is rising in Guinea.

Israel is approaching 75% immunisation, the USA is almost at 16%. Australia is at 0%!


17 February 2021 Wednesday

 224 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 206 have reported deaths.


World Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths* GF

7 Day Av


2Wk on 2Wk

WHO Data WORLD 109,921,440 2,425,637 9,141 0.85 0.79
99 Australia 28,905 909 0 0.78 0.86
(183) Sth Aust 606 4 0
(105) Victoria 20,475 820 0 1.47 2.24
( 152) NSW 5,139 54 0
164 NZ* 2,337 26 1
1 USA 28,358,222 499,309 1,451
2 India 10,937,106 155,949 113
3 Brazil 9,874,956 240,009 650
4 Russia 4,099,323 80,979 459
5 UK 4,058,468 118,195 799
8 Italy 2,739,591 94,171 336
16 Sth Africa 1,492,909 48,094 0

New deaths number for the countries comes from WHO Data table @ https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries

and for Australia & South Australia https://www.covid-19.sa.gov.au/home/dashboard

& for Victoria https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/coronavirus-covid-19-daily-update

GF = Transmission Growth Factor (Below 1 = Transmission under control)

(My GF calculations based on 7 day moving average cases numbers and using the current weeks average cases numbers and the previous weeks cases numbers)

  • Confirmed + Possible cases for NZ

ASX200 at 6917 up 0.7% from the close from the previous close

New variants of the virus are continuing to be discovered.

Many states in Australia are now looking to develop permanent quarantine facilities away from [population centres, similar to the one in the NT.

Victoria is set to ease its 5 day lockdown restrictions today.

A Melbourne company is developing a breathe test for Covid-19.

Australians are being warned about Vaccine Scams as the rollout approaches.

Israel, UK, Bahrain, and USA have all vaccinated over 10% of their populations.

A Democratic Senator in the USA is suing Donald Trump and Rudi Giuliani under an 1871 Act that prohibits violence that disrupts the work of Congress

Johnson and Johnson will supply some African nations with its vaccine, even though it has not been formally approved anywhere.

18 February 2021 Thursday

 224 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 206 have reported deaths.


World Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths* GF

7 Day Av


2Wk on 2Wk

WHO Data WORLD 110,295,585 2,436,420 10,783 1.01 0.94
111 Australia 28,911 909 0 1.05 1.02
(190) Sth Aust 608 4 0
(116) Victoria 20,475 820 0 0.00 0.00
( 155) NSW 5,143 54 0
172 NZ* 2,340 26 0
1 USA 28,423,204 501,446 2,137
2 India 10,949,546 156,038 89
3 Brazil 9,921,981 240,983 974
4 Russia 4,112,151 81,446 467
5 UK 4,071,185 118,933 738
8 Italy 2,751,657 94,540 369
16 Sth Africa 1,496,439 48,478 384

New deaths number for the countries comes from WHO Data table @ https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries

and for Australia & South Australia https://www.covid-19.sa.gov.au/home/dashboard

& for Victoria https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/coronavirus-covid-19-daily-update

GF = Transmission Growth Factor (Below 1 = Transmission under control)

(My GF calculations based on 7 day moving average cases numbers and using the current weeks average cases numbers and the previous weeks cases numbers)

  • Confirmed + Possible cases for NZ

ASX200 at 6885 down 0.5% from the close from the previous close

The world has passed 110 million cases of Covid-19. The last 10 million in 22 Days, a great slowing down of infection from 15 days for the previous 10 million.

The USA has passed 500,000 deaths due to Covid-19.

Health experts in the USA are predicting the USA will top 559,000 deaths from Covid-19 by March 13.

Victoria has come out of lockdown as of midnight last night. Masks are mandatory where social distancing is not possible.

The vaccine roll out in Australia starts on Monday, 22 February.

Australia’s CMO has warned Australians it will take a long time for things to get back to normal, and that normal will be different.

Celebrity Chef and well known conspiracy theory spreader, Pete Evens, has been removed from Instagram.

Experts are saying that Japan’s vaccine rollout is to late to induce herd immunity before the Olympics.

Concerns are still being raised at the approval of the Oxford AstraZeneca Vaccine, with many questions still being raised as to whether it stops transmission of the virus and of its very low effectiveness numbers compared to other vaccines.

Large numbers of people in Germany are showing reluctance to have the Oxford AstraZeneca vaccine.

19 February 2021 Friday

 224 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 206 have reported deaths.


World Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths* GF

7 Day Av


2Wk on 2Wk

WHO Data WORLD 110,695,659 2,446,981 10,561


1.10 1.03
111 Australia 28,912 909 0 0.21 0.19
(190) Sth Aust 608 4 0
(116) Victoria 20,476 820 0 0.44 0.58
( 155) NSW 5,143 54 0
172 NZ* 2,344 26 0
1 USA 28,491,617 503,749 2,303
2 India 10,962,086 156,121 83
3 Brazil 9,979,276 242,178 1,195
4 Russia 4,125,598 81,926 480
5 UK 4,083,242 119,387 454
8 Italy 2,765,412 94,887 347
16 Sth Africa 1,496,439 48,478 0

New deaths number for the countries comes from WHO Data table @ https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries

and for Australia & South Australia https://www.covid-19.sa.gov.au/home/dashboard

& for Victoria https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/coronavirus-covid-19-daily-update

GF = Transmission Growth Factor (Below 1 = Transmission under control)

(My GF calculations based on 7 day moving average cases numbers and using the current weeks average cases numbers and the previous weeks cases numbers)

  • Confirmed + Possible cases for NZ

ASX200 at 6886 up 0.07% from the close from the previous close

Melbourne is on alert as virus fragments have been found in the sewage system.

Adelaide is set to host the worlds largest Arts Festival since the pandemic began, with the Adelaide Fringe Festival about to begin.

Australia is preparing for the dingle biggest vaccination program in the nations history with the rollout expected to start on Monday.

The Coronavirus Vaccine will be made mandatory for all those working in Aged Care.

Facebook is coping huge abuse over the shutdown of Australian news, health and emergency services pages ion its platform.

Australia is trying to source special syringes for the Covid-19 vaccine administration. Normal syringes leave a portion of the contents in a space between the plunger and the needle, effectively wasting vaccine materials.

EU countries are seeing a resistance to the AstraZeneca Vaccine.

20 February 2021 Saturday

 224 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 206 have reported deaths.


World Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths* GF

7 Day Av


2Wk on 2Wk

WHO Data WORLD 111,079,236 2,458,136 11,155 1.07 1.02
111 Australia 28,918 909 0 1.31 1.11
(190) Sth Aust 608 4 0
(116) Victoria 20,479 820 0 1.62 1.83
( 155) NSW 5,145 54 0
172 NZ* 2,348 26 0
1 USA 28,565,243 506,484 2,735
2 India 10,976,388 156,237 116
3 Brazil 10,030,626 243,610 1,432
4 Russia 4,139,031 82,396 470
5 UK 4,095,269 119,920 533
8 Italy 2,780,882 95,235 348
16 Sth Africa 1,498,766 48,708 230

New deaths number for the countries comes from WHO Data table @ https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries

and for Australia & South Australia https://www.covid-19.sa.gov.au/home/dashboard

& for Victoria https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/coronavirus-covid-19-daily-update

GF = Transmission Growth Factor (Below 1 = Transmission under control)

(My GF calculations based on 7 day moving average cases numbers and using the current weeks average cases numbers and the previous weeks cases numbers)

  • Confirmed + Possible cases for NZ

ASX200 at 6794 down 1.3% from the close from the previous close

The world has passed 111 million cases of Covid-19, the last million in just over 2 days.

Brazil has passed 10 million cases of Covid-19, the last million in 23 days

Globally, infections are still rising in 43 countries.

The USA and Brazil maintain their spots as 1 and 2 for most infections and most deaths due to Covid-19.

Melbourne City has reversed a decision cancelling the Moomba Festival, and it will now go ahead later in the year.

New Zealand starts vaccinating its vaccinators on Monday. A great lateral thinking decision.

Studies have shown that a 3 month gap between Oxford AstraZeneca vaccine doses makes it more effective.

The Pfizer vaccine is starting to show signs of inducing reduced virus transmission.

The top 5 places to contract Covid-19 have been found to be hotels, Churches, restaurants, bars and cafes. These account for approximately 80% of all infections.

Israel has vaccinated almost 82% of its population.

21 February 2021 Sunday

 224 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 206 have reported deaths.


World Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths* GF

7 Day Av


2Wk on 2Wk

WHO Data WORLD 111,456,092 2,468,111 9,975 1.05 1.01
111 Australia 28,920 909 0 0.50 0.36
(190) Sth Aust 608 4 0
(116) Victoria 20,479 820 0 0.00 0.00
( 155) NSW 5,146 54 0
172 NZ* 2,350 26 0
1 USA 28,644,249 508,826 2,342
2 India 10,991,091 156,339 102
3 Brazil 10,081,693 244,955 1,345
4 Russia 4,151,984 82,876 480
5 UK 4,105,675 120,365 445
8 Italy 2,795,796 95,235 0
16 Sth Africa 1,500,677 48,859 151

New deaths number for the countries comes from WHO Data table @ https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries

and for Australia & South Australia https://www.covid-19.sa.gov.au/home/dashboard

& for Victoria https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/coronavirus-covid-19-daily-update

GF = Transmission Growth Factor (Below 1 = Transmission under control)

(My GF calculations based on 7 day moving average cases numbers and using the current weeks average cases numbers and the previous weeks cases numbers)

  • Confirmed + Possible cases for NZ

ASX200 at 6794 down 1.3% from the close from the previous close

South Africa has passed 2.5 million cases of Covid-19

88 Countries has started vaccinating their people.

There have been large anti-vaccination protest rallies in all Australia Capital cities yesterday.

In Orlando Florida, two women have been caught dressing as elderly to try and get the vaccine early.

The Victorian Holiday Inn cluster is increasingly coming under control.

22 February 2021 Monday

 224 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 206 have reported deaths.


World Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths* GF

7 Day Av


2Wk on 2Wk

WHO Data WORLD 111,839,173 2,475,476 7,365 1.06 1.03
111 Australia 28,926 909 0 1.50 1.11
(190) Sth Aust 610 4 0
(116) Victoria 20,479 820 0 0.00 0.00
( 155) NSW 5,149 54 0
172 NZ* 2,350 26 0
1 USA 28,735,605 510,415 1,589
2 India 10,991,091 156,339 0
3 Brazil 10,139,148 246,006 1,051
4 Russia 4,164,726 83,293 417
5 UK 4,115,509 120,580 215
8 Italy 2,809,246 95,718 483
16 Sth Africa 1,502,367 48,940 81

New deaths number for the countries comes from WHO Data table @ https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries

and for Australia & South Australia https://www.covid-19.sa.gov.au/home/dashboard

& for Victoria https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/coronavirus-covid-19-daily-update

GF = Transmission Growth Factor (Below 1 = Transmission under control)

(My GF calculations based on 7 day moving average cases numbers and using the current weeks average cases numbers and the previous weeks cases numbers)

  • Confirmed + Possible cases for NZ

ASX200 at 6794 down 1.3% from the close from the previous close

So far 89 countries have started vaccinations, with just over 204 million people having at least 1 dose of a vaccine.

Australia began its vaccination program yesterday, with a WWII veteran being the first person in Australia to receive a vaccine here. He was followed by the PM and top health officials and community leaders in a demonstration of their belief and commitment to the vaccine program.

All Australian states begin their vaccination programs today, with frontline workers and the most vulnerable being first to get the Pfizer vaccine.

The UK is speeding up its vaccine program, aiming to have all adults with at least the first dose of a vaccine by 31 July.

USA President Biden has declared a Major Disaster in Texas as a result of the prolonged freezing temperatures being experienced there.

The quarantine free travel bubble between NZ and Australia has been resumed.

Israel is using the Covid-19 vaccine as a political tool in its dealings with Syria, agreeing to supply the vaccine only in exchange for prisoners being held by them.

Around 18% of Americans have now received at least 1 dose of a vaccine.

23 February 2021 Tuesday

 224 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 206 have reported deaths.


World Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths* GF

7 Day Av


2Wk on 2Wk

WHO Data WORLD 112,207,604 2,483,400 7,924 0.99 0.97
111 Australia 28,930 909 0 0.93 0.77
(190) Sth Aust 610 4 0
(116) Victoria 20,479 820 0 0.00 0.00
( 155) NSW 5,150 54 0
172 NZ* 2,357 26 0
1 USA 28,803,721 512,044 1,629
2 India 11,015,776 156,495 156
3 Brazil 10,195,160 247,143 1,137
4 Russia 4,177,330 83,630 337
5 UK 4,126,150 120,757 177
8 Italy 2,818,863 95,992 274
16 Sth Africa 1,504,588 49,150 210

New deaths number for the countries comes from WHO Data table @ https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries

and for Australia & South Australia https://www.covid-19.sa.gov.au/home/dashboard

& for Victoria https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/coronavirus-covid-19-daily-update

GF = Transmission Growth Factor (Below 1 = Transmission under control)

(My GF calculations based on 7 day moving average cases numbers and using the current weeks average cases numbers and the previous weeks cases numbers)

  • Confirmed + Possible cases for NZ.

ASX200 at 6781 down 0.2% from the close from the previous close

The world has passed 112 million cases of Covid-19, the last million in 3 days.

India has passed 11 million cases of Covid-19, the last million in 67 days.

91 countries have begun vaccinations, with over 207,000,000 doses administered.

UK PM Boris Johnson has announced a 4-stage program to bring the nation out of the lock down it has been in since Jan 6. It will be based on science, speculative dates.

There are hopes that all Australians may be able to return home with the resumption of International flights when an International Covid-19 “Passport” is developed.

NASA’s Mars Rover, Perseverance, that landed on Mars a few days ago, is sending back amazingly detailed images of the planet’s surface.

Studies in the UK are revealing that the vaccine is reducing transmission of the virus, and the severity of Covid-19 symptoms with hospitalisations dropping dramatically.

American Contagious disease expert Dr Fauci has said that the wearing of masks may be necessary into 2022.

It has been found that Europeans are more likely now to believe Conspiracy Stories than before the pandemic started.

24 February 2021 Wednesday

 224 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 206 have reported deaths.


World Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths* GF

7 Day Av


2Wk on 2Wk

WHO Data WORLD 112,514,013 2,492,209 8,809 0.83 0.82
111 Australia 28,937 909 0 0.83 0.82
(190) Sth Aust 612 4 0
(116) Victoria 20,479 820 0 0.00 0.00
( 155) NSW 5,154 54 0
172 NZ* 2,363 26 0
1 USA 28,867,820 513,986 1,942
2 India 11,029,326 156,598 103
3 Brazil 10,197,531 247,276 133
4 Russia 4,189,153 84,047 417
5 UK 4,134,639 121,305 548
8 Italy 2,832,162 96,348 356
16 Sth Africa 1,505,586 49,413 263

New deaths number for the countries comes from WHO Data table @ https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries

and for Australia & South Australia https://www.covid-19.sa.gov.au/home/dashboard

& for Victoria https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/coronavirus-covid-19-daily-update

GF = Transmission Growth Factor (Below 1 = Transmission under control)

(My GF calculations based on 7 day moving average cases numbers and using the current weeks average cases numbers and the previous weeks cases numbers)

  • Confirmed + Possible cases for NZ.

ASX200 at 6839 up 0.9% from the close from the previous close

CXovid-19 infections are still rising in 46 countries as 92 countries have started vaccination programs.

The Victorian Premier, Daniel Andrews has said that Victoria is well placed to stat easing restrictions.

ANZAC Day services are set to go ahead as normal in Queensland.

There are growing hopes that International travel will start getting back to normal in the coming months.

The second shipment of the Pfizer vaccine has arrived in Australia.

A cluster in Auckland NZ is growing after a schoolgirl tested positive yesterday.

25 February 2021 Thursday

 224 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 206 have reported deaths.


World Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths* GF

7 Day Av


2Wk on 2Wk

WHO Data WORLD 112,931,685 2,502,906 10,697 1.11 1.12
111 Australia 28,939 909 0 0.50 0.41
(190) Sth Aust 613 4 0
(116) Victoria 20,479 820 0 0.00 0.00
( 155) NSW 5,155 54 0
172 NZ* 2,365 26 0
1 USA 28,928,705 516,034 2,048
2 India 11,046,432 156,742 144
3 Brazil 10,260,621 248,646 1,370
4 Russia 4,200,902 84,430 383
5 UK 4,144,577 121,747 442
8 Italy 2,848,564 96,666 318
16 Sth Africa 1,505,586 49,413 0

New deaths number for the countries comes from WHO Data table @ https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries

and for Australia & South Australia https://www.covid-19.sa.gov.au/home/dashboard

& for Victoria https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/coronavirus-covid-19-daily-update

GF = Transmission Growth Factor (Below 1 = Transmission under control)

(My GF calculations based on 7 day moving average cases numbers and using the current weeks average cases numbers and the previous weeks cases numbers)

  • Confirmed + Possible cases for NZ.

ASX200 at 6778 down 0.9% from the close from the previous close

The world has passed 2.5 million deaths due to Covid-19

There seems to be a spike in new cases of Cocid-19 occurring in random countries around the world, possibly due to the new strains emerging.

The eastern states of Australian are reimposing restrictions on travellers from New Zealand as the Covid-19 outbreak in Auckland slowly increases.

South Australia will further ease restrictions from Friday, allowing dancing at entertainment venues.

Two elderly people were given overdoses of the Covid-19 vaccine in Queensland. The Doctor administering the vaccine was untrained in multidose vials, and gave the people up to 4 times the recommended dose. Both people are recovering.

Victoria is to use robots to monitor quarantine hotels.

Regional aged care facilities appear to be missing out on the vaccine rollout in an oversight by government planners..

NSW will be easing Covid-19 restrictions further from Friday.

There appears to be a growing concern over the increasing numbers of new Covid-19 cases in Papua New Guinea, the country has an astonishing low rate of testing.

The Johnson and Johnson single dose vaccine has been found to be effective by the USA FDA, it will meet on Friday to decide if it should be approved.

26 February 2021 Friday

 224 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 206 have reported deaths.


World Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths* GF

7 Day Av


2Wk on 2Wk

WHO Data WORLD 113,399,823 2,514,785 10,697 1.21 1.25
111 Australia 28,947 909 0 1.60 1.65
(190) Sth Aust 613 4 0
(116) Victoria 20,479 820 0 0.00 0.00
( 155) NSW 5,162 54 0
172 NZ* 2,365 26 0
1 USA 29,025,857 519,830 2,048
2 India 11,063,038 156,861 144
3 Brazil 10,326,008 250,079 1,370
4 Russia 4,212,100 84,876 383
5 UK 4,154,562 122,070 442
8 Italy 2,868,435 96,974 318
16 Sth Africa 1,507,448 49,523 0

New deaths number for the countries comes from WHO Data table @ https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries

and for Australia & South Australia https://www.covid-19.sa.gov.au/home/dashboard

& for Victoria https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/coronavirus-covid-19-daily-update

GF = Transmission Growth Factor (Below 1 = Transmission under control)

(My GF calculations based on 7 day moving average cases numbers and using the current weeks average cases numbers and the previous weeks cases numbers)

  • Confirmed + Possible cases for NZ.

ASX200 at 6834 up 0.8% from the close from the previous close

The world has passed 113 million cases of Covid-19, the last million in 3 days

The USA has passed 29 million cases of Covid-19, the million in 13 days.

Brazil has passed 250,000 deaths due to Covid-19, the 2nd worst record in the world after the USA.

The world has recorded its largest number of new Codid-19 cases since 2 February, with 468138 new cases overnight.

Australia’s CMO has declared Auckland NZ a hotspot.

After the over dosing of 2 people in Queensland, it has come to light that over-dosing with the Pfizer vaccine is common due to the multi-dose vial system being used,

There is concern arising the Covid-19 vaccines may go to waste if people who receive the first dose do not return for the 2nd. Concerns have been raised particularly for the Australian Indigenous population.

The EU is threatening to ban exports of Vaccines if there are further supply failures from the manufacturers.

Canada is experiencing issues with its quarantine system as air travellers avoid the quarantine hotels.

27 February 2021 Saturday

 224 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 206 have reported deaths.


World Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths* GF

7 Day Av


2Wk on 2Wk

WHO Data WORLD 113,824,617 2,524,549 9,764 1.08 1.13
111 Australia 28,958 909 0 1.93 2.14
(190) Sth Aust 613 4 0
(116) Victoria 20,481 820 0 7.00 1.87
( 155) NSW 5,166 54 0
172 NZ* 2,371 26 0
1 USA 29,105,144 522,215 2,385
2 India 11,079,094 156,970 109
3 Brazil 10,393,886 251,661 1,582
4 Russia 4,223,186 85,304 428
5 UK 4,163,085 122,415 345
8 Italy 2,888,923 97,227 253
16 Sth Africa 1,509,124 49,667 144

New deaths number for the countries comes from WHO Data table @ https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries

and for Australia & South Australia https://www.covid-19.sa.gov.au/home/dashboard

& for Victoria https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/coronavirus-covid-19-daily-update

GF = Transmission Growth Factor (Below 1 = Transmission under control)

(My GF calculations based on 7 day moving average cases numbers and using the current weeks average cases numbers and the previous weeks cases numbers)

  • Confirmed + Possible cases for NZ.

ASX200 at 6673 down 2.4% from the close from the previous close.

Victoria and South Australia have both eased their Coronavirus restrictions.

There are call for WA to review the airflow in quarantine hotels.

The USA FDA has approved for the Pfizer Vaccine to be kept at conventional freezer temperatures for up to 14 days, rather than the -70C as stated by Pfizer. Allowing for transport and stirage to be much simpler.

Up to 120 doses of the Pfizer vaccine had to be destroyed at a Victorian Aged Care Facility after it was left in a conventional fridge overnight and no verification of storage temperature was possible.

Victoria has announced that the AFL will start the year with crowds at 50% capacity.

China is denying it subjected USA diplomats to coronavirus anal swab testing.

Questions are being raised about Victoria’s Covid-19 Tracing System after a shop was deemed a close contact spot, when it was actually closed at the time of the persons apparent visit and that same person was attending a medical appointment at the same time they were deemed being in the shop. The shop owner is not happy.

Resistance continues in the EU countries to the Oxford AstraZeneca Vaccine, as it is seen as inferior to the mRNA vaccines of Pfizer and Moderna.

28 February 2021 Sunday

 224 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 206 have reported deaths.


World Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths* GF

7 Day Av


2Wk on 2Wk

WHO Data WORLD 114,260,431 2,534,398 9,849 1.09 1.15
111 Australia 28,965 909 0 1.09 1.34
(192) Sth Aust 613 4 0
(119) Victoria 20,481 820 0 0.00 0.00
( 155) NSW 5,172 54 0
174 NZ* 2,372 26 0
1 USA 29,187,062 524,383 2,168
2 India 11,096,440 157,087 117
3 Brazil 10,457,794 252,988 1,327
4 Russia 4,234,720 85,743 439
5 UK 4,170,519 122,705 290
8 Italy 2,907,825 97,507 280
16 Sth Africa 1,512,225 49,941 274

New deaths number for the countries comes from WHO Data table @ https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries

and for Australia & South Australia https://www.covid-19.sa.gov.au/home/dashboard

& for Victoria https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/coronavirus-covid-19-daily-update

GF = Transmission Growth Factor (Below 1 = Transmission under control)

(My GF calculations based on 7 day moving average cases numbers and using the current weeks average cases numbers and the previous weeks cases numbers)

  • Confirmed + Possible cases for NZ.

ASX200 at 6673 down 2.4% from the close from the previous close.

The world has passed 114 million cases of Covid-19, the last million in 2 days.

The world added 11,210 760 new cases of Covid-19 and 308,410 deaths due to Covid-19 during February.

So far 97 countries have begun vaccinations and over 227 million vaccines have been given.

Coronavirus infections are still rising in 46 countries.

The USA Congress has passed a %2.47 Trillion Covid-10 relief package.

The USA FDA has approved the Johnson and Johnson single shot vaccine.

Approximately 1/3 USA military personnel are effusing to have a Covid-19 vaccination

A new highly contagious variant of the Coronavirus has been identified in New York city.

Auckland NZ is going into a 7 day lockdown to try and control a community transmission outbreak.

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