#16 April 2021 The Third Wave is continuing to grow.

1 April 2021 Thursday

225 (219) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
  WORLD 129,224,592 2,821,905 8182 0.86 0.91
114 Australia 29,304 909 0 0.67 0.74
(196) Sth Aust 655 4 0    
(122) Victoria 20,484 820 0 0.00 0.00
(159) NSW 5,291 54 0    
177 NZ* 2497 26 0    
1 USA 31,147,423 564,874 948    
3 India 12,220,669 162.960 458    
2 Brazil 12,664,058 317,936 290    
4 Russia 4,545,096 98,850 408    
6 UK 4,345,788 126,713 43    
7 Italy 3,584,899 109,346 467    
17 Sth Africa 1,548,157 52,846 58    

Data sources as per previous months.

ASX200 at 6790 up 0.8% from the close from the previous close.

The world has passed 129 million cases of Covid-10, the last million in under 2 days.

Brazil now accounts for 1 in every 4 new case of Covid-19.

France is closing schools and banning domestic travel as the spread of Covid-19 increases.

Germany’s state leaders are calling for a national lockdown as the pandemic spreads.

Masks have been made mandatory outdoors in Spain as the country fights against a possible 4th wave of Covid-19.

Pfizer is saying new trial results indicate its vaccine protects children as young as 12 from Covid-19.

The Queensland tourism sector is pleading with all Australians to “take a chance” on the holidays they have booked jn the state as the sector reels from the latest outbreak.

Areas of northern NSW are now included as part of the Queensland clusters.

An announcement will be made today as to whether Queensland / Brisbane will remain in lockdown over Easter.

The Australian Federal and State Governments are exchanging insults over the delays in the vaccine rollout.

Australia has now vaccinated 2.61% of its population.


2 April 2021 Friday

225 (219) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
  WORLD 129,988,272 2,834,567 12662 1.30 1.37
114 Australia 29,322 909 0 1.34 1.62
(196) Sth Aust 656 4 0    
(122) Victoria 20,484 820 0 0.00 0.00
(159) NSW 5,295 54 0    
177 NZ* 2501 26 0    
1 USA 31,229,639 566,149 1275    
3 India 12,302,092 163,428 468    
2 Brazil 12,753,258 321,886 3950    
5 Russia 4,554,264 98,976 126    
6 UK 4,350,266 126,764 51    
7 Italy 3,607,083 109,847 501    
17 Sth Africa 1,549,451 52,897 51    

Data sources as per previous months.

ASX200 at 6828 up 0.6% from the close from the previous close.

France has overtaken Russia into 4th spot on the table of most Covid-19 cases.

The lockdown in Brisbane was lifted at midday yesterday.

The WHO has criticised Europe’s slow vaccination program, with only 10% of Europeans being vaccinated so far.

It has been revealed that Australia’s “CovidSafe App” has detected just 17 close contacts that were not detected by manual contact tracing. A Report recommends investigation into a better use of the $15 million already spent on the App.

Australia has now vaccinated 2.69% of its population.

There are continuing fears of a 4th Wave of Covid-19 in the USA.

The number of Covid-19 infections in the UK is dropping, but it is increasing in Northern Ireland.


3 April 2021 Saturday

225 (219) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
  WORLD 130,661,734 2845,961 11394 1.14 1.20
114 Australia 29,335 909 0 0.96 1.20
(196) Sth Aust 658 4 0    
(122) Victoria 20,484 820 0 0.00 0.00
(159) NSW 5,296 54 0    
177 NZ* 2501 26 0    
1 USA 31,294,528 567,123 974    
3 India 12,391,129 164,141 713    
2 Brazil 12,842,717 325,559 3673    
5 Russia 4,563,056 99,633 657    
6 UK 4,353,668 126,816 52    
7 Italy 3,629,000 110,328 481    
17 Sth Africa 1,549,451 52,897 0    

Data sources as per previous months.

ASX200 at 6828 up 0.6% from the close from the previous close.

The world has passed 130 million cases of Covid-19, the last million in under 2 days and the last 10 million in 23 days.

So far the Australian TGA has dismissed the recent blood clot event in a man who received the AstraZeneca Vaccine as an extremely rare event.

Up to 7 people have died of blood clotting after receiving the AstraZeneca Vaccine in the UK.

China aims to vaccinate and entire city of 300,000 people after an outbreak of Covid-19.

In Belgium police had to disperse a crowd of several thousand people after an April Fools joke went wrong. A fake free concert was announced.

Australia has vaccinated 2.65% of its population.


4 April 2021 Sunday

225 (219) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 131,306,621 2,857943 11982 1.11 1.12
113 Australia 29,341 909 0 0.47 0.56
(196) Sth Aust 658 4 0    
(123) Victoria 20,484 820 0 0.00 0.00
( 157) NSW 5,299 54 0    
177 NZ* 2,501 26 0    
1 USA 31,377,543 568,488 1365    
3 India 12,484,127 164,655 514    
2 Brazil 12,953,597 330,193 4634    
5 Russia 4,572,077 100,017 384    
6 UK 4,357,091 126,826 10    
7 Italy 3,650,247 110,704 376    
17 Sth Africa 1,550,724 52,946 49    

Data sources as per previous months.

ASX200 at 6828 up 0.6% from the close from the previous close.

The world has passed 131 million cases of Covid-19 in just over 1 day.

Russia has passed 100,000 deaths due to Covid-19.

Foreigners are leaving North Korea on mass as the restrictions in the country due to Covid-19 become draconian. With shortages of everything including essential medications now at critical levels.

Experts are coming forward saying the apparent blood clotting issues associated with the AstraZeneca vaccine are likely nothing more than coincidence and not statistically different to such events under normal circumstances.

Italy has imposed a 3 day lockdown over Easter as a 3rd wave of Covid-19 sweeps across the nation.

Australia has now vaccinated 2.66% of its population.

The USA has set a new vaccination record with 4,000,000 doses of vaccine given in 1 day.


5 April 2021 Monday

225 (219) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 131,868,157 2,865,063 7120 0.94 0.97
113 Australia 29,348 909 0 0.56 0.64
(196) Sth Aust 659 4 0    
(123) Victoria 20,484 820 0 0.00 0.00
( 157) NSW 5,300 54 0    
177 NZ* 2,507 26 0    
1 USA 31,413,985 568,721 233    
3 India 12,587,929 165,132 477    
2 Brazil 12,984,956 331,433 1240    
5 Russia 4,580,894 100,374 357    
6 UK 4,359,388 126,836 10    
7 Italy 3,487,050 111,030 326    
17 Sth Africa 1,551,964 52,625 29    

Data sources as per previous months.

ASX200 at 6745 down 0.1% from the close from the previous close.

The UK is contemplating using “Covid” Passports for mass gatherings.

Almost 1/3 of Americans have now been vaccinated against Covid-19.

The Federal government is contemplating setting up mass vaccination centres across NSW.

Health regulators around the world are all coming out declaring the AstraZeneca Vaccine safe.

Queensland is considering establishing a single location for all Covid-19 cases in the state.

The USA has set a new record with over 4 million vaccinations carried out in 1 day.

India is set to tighten restrictions.


6 April 2021 Tuesday

225 (219) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 132,338,039 2,871,722 6659 0.78 0.81
113 Australia 29,357 909 0 0.80 0.83
(196) Sth Aust 661 4 0    
(123) Victoria 20,484 820 0 0.00 0.00
( 157) NSW 5,303 54 0    
177 NZ* 2507 26 0    
1 USA 31,476,149 569,082 361    
3 India 12,684,477 165,577 445    
2 Brazil 13,013,601 332,753 1320    
4 Russia 4,589,540 100,717 343    
6 UK 4,362,150 126,862 26    
7 Italy 3,678,944 111,326 296    
17 Sth Africa 1,552,416 52,995 370    

Data sources as per previous months.

ASX200 at 6828 up 0.6% from the close from the previous close.

Australian pharmacies say they will not begin giving vaccines until June, another delay in the government roll-out.

UK to ease its restrictions in the near future.

NZ to open up to Australia soon.

India’s daily new cases of Covid-19 has passed 100,000 for the first time.

Doctors in Australia’s far North are warning that the country is constantly on a knife edge due to the Covid-19 status of our near North neighbours.

Brazil is succumbing to Covid-19, with the average age of those being hospitalised due to the disease falling from 65 to 37.

Australia has vaccinated 3.28% of its population., the worst record for any developed nation.


7 April 2021 Wednesday

225 (219) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 132,936,158 2,883,698 132,936,158 1.00 1.02
113 Australia 29,365 909 29,365 0.81 0.73
(196) Sth Aust 661 4 661    
(123) Victoria 20,484 820 20,484 0.00 0.00
( 157) NSW 5,310 54 5,310    
177 NZ* 2524 26 2524    
1 USA 31,548,240 50,770 31,548,240    
3 India 12,799,746 166,208 12,799,746    
2 Brazil 13,100,580 336,947 13,100,580    
4 Russia 4,597,868 101,106 4,597,868    
6 UK 4,367,529 126,882 4,36,529    
7 Italy 3,686,707 111,747 3,686,707    
17 Sth Africa 1,552,853 53,032 1,552,853    

Data sources as per previous months.

ASX200 at 6885 down 0.6% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 3.37% of its population.

A war of words has developed between the Australian PM and the EU about 3.1 million vaccines which the Australian PM says were withheld by the EU.

A former PNG GG had died on Covid-19.

The IMF is expecting a very good 2021 due to the global economic recovery after the worst of the pandemic.

The Covid-19 vaccine previously shelved by the Queensland University has been revived after potential new technology advances.

The USA has administered 150 million Covid-19 vaccine doses.


8 April 2021 Thursday

225 (219) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 133,497,575 2,892,868 133,497,575 0.92 0.95
113 Australia 20,484 909 20,484 1.66 1.62
(196) Sth Aust 662 4 662    
(123) Victoria 20,484 820 20,484 0.00 0.00
( 157) NSW 5,316 54 5,316    
177 NZ* 2,531 26 2,531    
1 USA 31,621,169 570,835 31,621,169    
3 India 12,926,061 166,892 12,926,061    
2 Brazil 13,106,058 337,364 13,106,058    
5 Russia 4,606,162 101,480 4,606,162    
6 UK 4,367,291 126,927 4,367,291    
7 Italy 3,700,393 112,827 3,700,393    
17 Sth Africa 1,552,853 53,411 1,552,853    

Data sources as per previous months.

ASX200 at 6928 up 0.6% from the close from the previous close.

The world has passed 133 million cases of Covid-10, the last million in under 2 days.

Australia has vaccinated 3.58% of its population.

More concern is being raised worldwide about the blood clotting issues with the AstraZeneca vaccine.

International arrivals have restarted in Victoria, with the first flights since February landing.

North Korea is facing its “worst ever situation “ as its Covid-19 lockdowns impact its already fragile economy.

The UK Covid-19 variant is not the most common strain in the USA.

The UK is restricting the use of the AstraZeneca vaccine to those over 30, offering other vaccines to the younger group.

Germany is to go into a national lockdown to try and contain Covid-19 outbreaks.

Ontario Canada has gone into a 1 month lockdown as Covid-19 cases surge.

India has recorded a record 4.3 million vaccinations in 1 day as cases continue to rise in the country.


9 April 2021 Friday

225 (219) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 134,326,980 2,908,494 15626 1.34 1.38
113 Australia 29,385 909 0 0.11 0.09
(196) Sth Aust 663 4 0    
(123) Victoria 20,484 820 0 0.00 0.00
( 157) NSW 5,318 54 0    
177 NZ* 2,555 26 0    
1 USA 31,698,395 573,528 2693    
3 India 13,057,863 167,694 802    
2 Brazil 13,197,031 341,097 3733    
4 Russia 4,614,834 101,845 365    
6 UK 4,362,311 126,980 53    
7 Italy 3,717,602 112,861 934    
17 Sth Africa 1,553,609 53,111 0    

Data sources as per previous months.

ASX200 at 6998 down 1.0% from the close from the previous close.

The world has passed 134 million cases of Covid-10, the last million in under 2 days.

Australia has vaccinated 3.88% of its population.

The Australian government has announced that all people under 50 will be given the Pfizer vaccine due to the ongoing issues of blood clotting with the AstraZeneca vaccine.

Experts are warning that this decision will affect Australia’s vaccine roll-out

India has passed 13 million cases of Covid-19, the last million in 10 days.

The UK has experienced a 60% reduction in Covid-19 cases due to its lockdowns and vaccine roll-out.

A rapid Covid-19 testing system that can give results in 20 secs is about the be introduced into Australia after getting approval in the UK.

NZ has stopped flights from India over concerns that the virus is being spread on planes.

In Australia 51.1% of people vaccinated experience side effects, the most common side effects in are headaches 45%, muscle and body aches 42.3%, chills 32.7% and fever 27.1%. This total is over 100% as people often experience a combination of side effects.

More countries around the world are limiting the use of the AstraZeneca vaccine, with the Netherlands and Philippines along with Australia joining the growing list.


10 April 2021 Saturday

225 (219) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 135,260,039 2,927,082 18588 1.42 1.50
113 Australia 29,390 909 0 0.64 0.47
(196) Sth Aust 665 4 0    
(123) Victoria 20,484 820 0 0.00 0.00
( 157) NSW 5,320 54 0    
177 NZ* 2,561 26 0    
1 USA 31,795,907 574,763 1235    
3 India 13,202,783 168,467 773    
2 Brazil 13,373,174 348,718 7621    
4 Russia 4,623,984 102,247 402    
6 UK 4,365,461 127,040 60    
8 Italy 3,736,526 113,579 718    
20 Sth Africa 1,556,242 53,226 115    

Data sources as per previous months.

ASX200 at 6995 down 0.1% from the close from the previous close.

Prince Philip, the Queen’s husband died overnight at the age of 99.

Australia has vaccinated 4.19% of its population.

The world has passed 135 million cases of Covid-10, the last million in a little over 1 day.

The last 5 million cases have taken just 7 days to accumulate.

Turkey is now 7th in the table of most cases of Covid-19, pushing Italy back to 8th place.

South Africa has been over-taken by Czechia and Indonesia and now sits in 20th place.

Many countries around the world are reporting new highs in the number of Covid-19 cases.

The vaccine timeline in Australia is in turmoil after the changes decreed by the federal government because of the AstraZeneca blood clotting issue.

Australian PM Scott Morrison has flagged changes to Australia’s International Travel and Quarantine restrictions in the near future,

Australia has secured another 20 million doses of the Pfizer vaccine, to be delivered before the end of the year.

NSW has paused its use of the AstraZeneca Vaccine until they have “Informed Consent” forms ready for people who receive the AstraZeneca vaccine.

The EU medical authority is investigating reports of Blood Clotting issues with the Johnson and Johnson Vaccine.

The USA has vaccinated 33.5% of its population.


11 April 2021 Sunday

225 (219) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 135,931,446 2,938,329 11247 1.02 1.08
113 Australia 29,396 909 0 0.76 0.58
(196) Sth Aust 665 4 0    
(123) Victoria 20,485 820 0 7.00 7.00
( 157) NSW 5,324 54 0    
177 NZ* 2,571 26 0    
1 USA 31,866,967 575,567 804    
3 India 13,355,465 169,304 837    
2 Brazil 13,445,006 351,334 2616    
5 Russia 4,632,688 102,649 402    
6 UK 4,368,045 127,080 40    
8 Italy 3,754,077 113,923 344    
20 Sth Africa 1,557,972 53,256 30    

Data sources as per previous months.

ASX200 at 6995 down 0.1% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 4.43% of its population.

France has overtaken Russia into 4th place for the most number of Covid-19 cases, now with almost 5 million cases.

As at 18 February 2021 there were 130 countries that had yet to administer even 1 dose of Covid-19 vaccine.

As at 11/04/21 161 countries had started vaccinations against Covid-19, leaving 34 yet to start, most being in Africa.

Epidemiologists are urging Australia to rethink its vaccination program.

Victoria has recorded a new case of Covid-19 in its Quarantine Hotel system, the first since it reopened.

In India the virus is still surging through the country.

Iran has gone into a 10 day lockdown.

There are fears arising that vital components needed for vaccine production are becoming harder to source.


12 April 2021 Monday

225 (219) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 136,608,584 2,948,549 10220 1.00 1.06
113 Australia 29,405 909 0 1.11 0.87
(196) Sth Aust 666 4 0    
(123) Victoria 20,485 820 0 0.00 0.00
( 157) NSW 5,330 54 0    
177 NZ* 2,574 26 0    
1 USA 31,917,230 575,819 252    
2 India 13,525,364 170.209 905    
3 Brazil 13,482,023 353,137 1803    
5 Russia 4,641,390 102,986 337    
6 UK 4,369,775 127,087 7    
8 Italy 3,769,814 114,254 331    
20 Sth Africa 1,558,458 53,322 66    

Data sources as per previous months.

ASX200 at 6928 up  0.6% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 4.54% of its population.

The world has passed 136 million cases of Covid-19, the last million in under 2 days.

India and Brazil have swapped places at 2 and 3 on the table of most Covid-19 cases.

India now accounts for 1 in 5 new infections globally.

The Australian Federal Government has previously backed away from its commitment to have all Australians getting at least the first dose of a Covid-19 vaccine by the end of October and now has backed away from the end of year as a target.

The Chinese developed vaccines are proving to have a low effectiveness and the Chinese government is considering mixing their vaccines in a hope to improve effectiveness.

Vaccine supply issues are causing a very dim outlook for Covid-19 in Brazil.

It has been found that the South African variant of Covid-19 is not well protected by the Pfizer vaccine.

The UK has delivered almost 40 million vaccine doses.


13 April 2021 Tuesday

225 (219) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 137,176,187 2,956,749 8200 0.82 0.88
113 Australia 29,419 909 0 1.58 1.39
(196) Sth Aust 666 4 0    
(123) Victoria 20,487 820 0 4.67 7.00
( 157) NSW 5,339 54 0    
177 NZ* 2,583 26 0    
1 USA 31,976,010 576,247 428    
2 India 13,686,073 171,089 880    
3 Brazil 13,517,808 354,617 1480    
5 Russia 4,649,710 103,263 277    
6 UK 4,373,343 127,100 13    
8 Italy 3,779,594 114,612 358    
20 Sth Africa 1,559,113 53,356 34    

Data sources as per previous months.

ASX200 at 6974 down  0.3% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 4.59% of its population.

The world has passed 137 million cases of Covid-19, the last million in a little over 1 day.

Bhutan (the self proclaimed Happiest place in the world) has vaccinated almost every adult in the country in just 16 days.

The UK is beginning to wind back its restrictions.

A crew member of a cargo ship off the coast of Western Australia has been transferred to hospital with Covid-19.

India is reaching new highs in infection rates (over 160,000 in one day) within the country at a time when hundreds of thousands of people make their way to the Ganges for ritual bathing to participate in the Hindu festival Kumbh Mela.

The Pfizer vaccine no longer needs to be continually stored at -60C, it can now be stored at normal freezer temperatures for up to 14 days, making transport and distribution a lot simpler.

The WHO is saying the pandemic is growing exponentially.


14 April 2021 Wednesday

225 (219) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 137,933,573 2,969,739 12990 1.06 1.15
113 Australia 29,437 910 1 1.75 1.79
(196) Sth Aust 674 4 0    
(123) Victoria 20,487 820 0 0.00 0.00
( 157) NSW 5,344 54 0    
177 NZ* 2,587 26 0    
1 USA 32,060,860 577,109 862    
2 India 13,871,321 172,115 1026    
3 Brazil 13,599,994 358,425 3808    
5 Russia 4,657,883 103,601 338    
6 UK 4,375,814 127,123 23    
8 Italy 3,793,033 115,088 476    
20 Sth Africa 1,559,960 53,423 67    

Data sources as per previous months.

ASX200 at 6977 up  0.04% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 4.59% of its population.

The USA has passed 32 million cases of Covid-19, the last million in 16 days.

Brazil now accounts for approximately 1 in 4 deaths due to Covid-19.

A man has died in Queensland of Covid-19, he was a returned traveller from the Philippines and was in quarantine when he was found to have Covid-19

The Johnson and Johnson vaccine is being withdrawn from use world wide as more and more cases of blood clotting are being detected.

PM Scott Morrison has asked state Premiers to meet in the National Cabinet twice a week to try and sort out our vaccine roll out. This is being seen as the PM deflecting blame for the poor vaccine distribution to the states.

A man has died in Queensland of Covid-19

Shops, gyms and pubs are open in England again as the country comes out of its restrictive lock down. But it is said that more than 2000 pubs will never reopen.

USA President Biden has said the USA now has enough vaccine for every person in the country to be fully vaccinated.


15 April 2021 Thursday

225 (219) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 138,649,386 2,979,477 9738 0.97 1.06
113 Australia 29,451 910 0 1.46 1.33
(196) Sth Aust 675 4 0    
(123) Victoria 20,487 820 0 0.00 0.00
( 157) NSW 5,347 54 0    
177 NZ* 2,589 26 0    
1 USA 32,125,504 577,686 577    
2 India 14,070,852 173,151 1036    
3 Brazil 13,601,566 358,718 293    
5 Russia 4,666,209 104,000 399    
6 UK 4,378,305 127,161 38    
8 Italy 3,809,193 115,557 469    
20 Sth Africa 1,559,960 53,423 0    

Data sources as per previous months.

ASX200 at 7023 up 0.5% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 5.04% of its population.

The world has passed 138 million cases of Covid-19, the last million in a little over 2 days

The India has passed 14 million cases of Covid-19, the last million in just 7 days.

American epidemiologist Dr Anthony Fauci has said that the only way for the world to control Covid-19 was for all the rich countries to assist the poorer nations with their fight against the disease and aid them with vaccinations.

The EU has announced it will focus on primarily using the Pfizer Vaccine, a huge rebuke for the AstraZeneca vaccine.

Denmark has stopped the use of the AstraZeneca Vaccine completely,

France is going ahead with using the Johnson and Johnson vaccine while Sweden has paused its rollout.

Greece is dropping its quarantine requirements for all people who has tested negative for Civid-19 or who have been vaccinated.


16 April 2021 Friday

225 (219) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 139,622,736 2,997,703 18226 1.29 1.41
113 Australia 29,469 910 0 1.50 1.71
(196) Sth Aust 677 4 0    
(123) Victoria 20,492 820 0 4.38 8.75
( 157) NSW 5,356 54 0    
177 NZ* 2,591 26 0    
1 USA 32,216,133 578,946 1260    
2 India 14,287,740 174,335 1184    
3 Brazil 13,746,681 365,444 6726    
5 Russia 4,675,153 104,398 398    
6 UK 4,380,976 127,191 30    
8 Italy 3,826,156 115,937 380    
20 Sth Africa 1,562,931 53,571 148    

Data sources as per previous months.

ASX200 at 7058 up 0.5% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 5.29% of its population.

The world has passed 139 million cases of Covid-19, the last million in a little over 1 days, with over 970,000 new cases in a single day.

India has had over 216,000 new cases of Covid-19 in 1 day.

A woman is NSW has died of blood clotting after she had an AstraZeneca vaccine.

Medical authorities are saying it is like a 3rd Pfizer Vaccination/booster will be needed within a year of the 2nd.

PM Scott Morrison is considering allowing vaccinated people to skip hotel  quarantine.

Qantas and Virgin Australia are preparing for an October start to international travel.

The Federal Cabinet has agreed on mass vaccination hubs.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel will receive the AstraZeneca Vaccine in a show of confidence in the vaccine.


17 April 2021 Saturday

225 (219) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 140,420,055 3,009,880 12177 1.08 1.14
113 Australia 29,484 910 0 1.12 1.41
(196) Sth Aust 678 4 0    
(123) Victoria 20,492 820 0 0.00 0.00
( 157) NSW 5,363 54 0    
177 NZ* 2,590 26 0    
1 USA 32,294,379 579,761 815    
2 India 14,521,683 175,673 1338    
3 Brazil 13,832,455 368,749 3305    
5 Russia 4,684,148 104,795 397    
6 UK 4,383,572 127,225 34    
8 Italy 3,842,079 116,366 429    
20 Sth Africa 1,564,355 53,663 92    

Data sources as per previous months.

ASX200 at 7063 up 0.1% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 5.53% of its population.

The world has passed 140 million cases of Covid-19, the last 10 million in 13 days, and the last million in a little over 1 day.

The world has passed 3 million deaths due to Covid-19, the last million in 94 days

India has had over 233,000 new cases of Covid-19 in 1 day.

The WHO has declared the outbreak of Covid-19 in PNG critical.

Health authorities are saying you are 9 times more likely to have blood clotting issue if you get Covid-19 than from a vaccine.

Brazil’s hospitals are running out of critical medicines and other supplies

France has recorded more than 100,000 deaths due to Covid-19.

Testing in India at the site of the Kumbh Mela festival on the Ganges is revealing hundreds if not thousands of Covid-19 infections as India battles a surge of infections.

The USA state of Michigan is facing a shutdown as the number of Covid-19 infections surge.


18 April 2021 Sunday

225 (219) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 141,224,024 3,021,757 11877 1.06 1.13
113 Australia 29,505 910 0 1.35 1.79
(196) Sth Aust 682 4 0    
(123) Victoria 20,494 820 0 1.56 2.80
( 157) NSW 5,370 54 0    
177 NZ* 2,590 26 0    
1 USA 32,364,328 580,611 850    
2 India 14,782,461 177,168 1495    
3 Brazil 13,900,091 371,678 2929    
5 Russia 4,693,469 105,193 398    
6 UK 4,385,938 127,260 35    
8 Italy 3,857,443 116,676 310    
20 Sth Africa 1,565,680 53,711 48    

Data sources as per previous months.

ASX200 at 7063 up 0.1% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 5.74% of its population.

The world has passed 141 million cases of Covid-19, the last million in a little over 1 day.

India now accounts for over 1 in 4 new Covid-19 cases.

Canada is in the midst of a dramatic 3rd wave of Covid-19 with a 35% increase in hospital admissions and a 38% increase in deaths due to the disease.

The rollout/distribution of vaccines within Australia will now be handled by the Australian military.

A plan is being considered to bring students back into Australia and have them quarantine near Darwin in the NT.


19 April 2021 Monday

225 (219) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 141,983,116 3,032,165 10408 0.99 1.05
117 Australia 29,519 910 0 0.86 1.15
(196) Sth Aust 682 4 0    
(126) Victoria 20,494 820 0 0.00 0.00
( 163) NSW 5,376 54 0    
178 NZ* 2555 26 0    
1 USA 32,403,664 581,061 450    
2 India 15,057,767 178,793 1625    
3 Brazil 13,943,071 373,442 1764    
5 Russia 4,702,101 105,582 389    
6 UK 4,387,820 127,270 10    
8 Italy 3,870,131 116,927 251    
20 Sth Africa 1,566,769 53,736 25    

Data sources as per previous months.

ASX200 at 7063 up 0.1% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 6.18% of its population.

A new travel bubble between Australia and Singapore is being contemplated.

A reach in Covid-19 protocols may have posed staff to the Coronavirus in Royal Perth Hospital.

CCovid-19has been confirmed to have spread between adjoining hotel rooms in a Sydney quarantine facility.

Prince Philip has been buried in a “modest” ceremony in England, socially distanced.

Flights between Australia and New Zealand have begun again as the travel bubble becomes a reality.

A German minister has called for the use of the Russian Sputnik vaccine.




Top Australian doctors are warning the government of a new problem with the vaccine roll-out, hesitancy and lost confidence in the vaccines themselves.

Vanuatu has imposed an outward travel ban for 3 days from the country after a Covid-19 infected body washed ashore.

New Delhi India is going into a lockdown after a sudden huge surge in Covid-19.

The National Cabinet has decided to bring forward the vaccinations of all over 50s to try and boost numbers.

Victoria is opening 3 mass vaccine hubs and also opening the AstraZeneca vaccine to under 50s.

NSW records 3 locally acquired cases all associated with a quarantine hotel.

Australia has vaccinated 6.18% of its population.

Greece has stopped the roll-out of the Johnson and Johnson vaccine.

The EU is contemplating not renewing its contract with AstraZeneca.

The UK is worried about an influx on people from India before it is added to its travel Red List.

A worker at Auckland airport has tested positive to Coviod-19 just after the border bubble opened!


21 April 2021 Wednesday

225 (219) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 143,489,058 3,055,577 13849 1.05 1.11
117 Australia 29,559 910 0 0.92 1.15
(196) Sth Aust 691 4 0    
(126) Victoria 20,499 820 0 0.58 0.93
( 163) NSW 5,387 54 0    
178 NZ* 2597 26 0    
1 USA 32,524,428 582,307 858    
2 India 15,609,004 182,570 2020    
3 Brazil 14,043,076 378,003 3321    
5 Russia 4,718,854 106,307 379    
6 UK 4,393,307 127,307 33    
8 Italy 3,891,063 117,633 390    
20 Sth Africa 1,568,366 53,887 130    

Data sources as per previous months.

ASX200 at 7017 down 0.7% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 6.12% of its population.

Brazil has passed 14 million cases of Covid-19, the last million in 15 days.

To Australia’s shame, fewer than 200 disability care residents have been vaccinated.

The EU medical regulator has found a link between the Johnson and Johnson vaccine and blood clotting, but it says the benefits outweigh the risks.

Australians who travel to NZ and then onto other places in the world could face prison if they do not disclose that fact on their return.

Under 50’s in Australia are cancelling Covid-19 vaccination appointments.

Australian Health Minister has said that Covid-19 vaccines offer 100% effectiveness to prevent death by Covid-19.


22 April 2021 Thursday

225 (219) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 144,343,615 3,069,366 13789 1.05 1.10
117 Australia 29,578 910 0 1.05 1.37
(196) Sth Aust 693 4 0    
(126) Victoria 20,502 820 0 0.00 0.00
( 163) NSW 5,395 54 0    
178 NZ* 2599 26 0    
1 USA 32,590,425 583,208 901    
2 India 15,924,732 184,672 2102    
3 Brazil 14,122,795 381,475 3472    
5 Russia 4,727,125 106,706 399    
6 UK 4,395,703 127,327 20    
8 Italy 3,904,899 117,997 364    
20 Sth Africa 1,569,935 53,940 53    

Data sources as per previous months.

ASX200 at 6997 down 0.3% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 6.38% of its population.

The world has passed 144 million cases of Covid-19, the last million in under 2 days.

The police officer who killed George Floyd during an arrest in Minneapolis has been found guilty, his death sparked the Black Lives Matter movement, and the officers conviction has most likely avoided mass riots in the USA.

The Victorian Government has announced that it will invest in the establishment of an mRNA vaccine plant capable of producing the Pfizer and Moderna type vaccines. It hopes the facility will be operational within 12 months.

22 Covid-19 patients on ventilators in an Indian hospital have died after an oxygen supply line ruptured and the supply of oxygen was cut off.

A plant based nasal spray that could kill 99.9% of the coronavirus is being trialled in the UK.

Fragments of the coronavirus have been found in the Melbourne sewage system

Returning travellers put into a WA quarantine hotelk have developed Covid-19, apparently from within the hotel.

A 40 year old man in Brisbane has developed Blood Clots after have the Pfizer vaccine, medical authorities are investigating if they are linked,

India is going through a huge surge in Covid-19 cases.


23 April 2021 Friday

225 (219) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 145,169,539 3,080,375 11009 1.04 1.07
117 Australia 29,602 910 0 1.26 1.55
(196) Sth Aust 702 4 0    
(126) Victoria 20,504 820 0 2.92 3.50
( 163) NSW 5,400 54 0    
178 NZ* 2,600 26 0    
1 USA 32,652,065 583,978 770    
2 India 16,257,309 186,928 2256    
3 Brazil 14,122,795 381,475 0    
5 Russia 4,736,121 107,103 397    
6 UK 4,398,431 127,345 18    
8 Italy 3,920,945 118,357 360    
20 Sth Africa 1,571,348 53,995 55    

Data sources as per previous months.

ASX200 at 7055 up 0.8% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 6.95% of its population.

The world has passed 145 million cases of Covid-19, the last million in just over 1 day.

India now accounts for 1 in 3 new infections world wide.

Indi has recorded the single biggest number of new Covid-19 cases in one day of any country since the pandemic started with over 315,000 new cases on 22 April and over 332,000 today.

NSW authorities are contact tracing the close contacts of some dock workers who boarded a ship with Covid-19 positive sailors on board.

India is struggling to keep up with the health crisis striking it due to a huge surge in Covid-19.

The Australian government has cut 30% of flights from India due to the infection rates in the country.

Australia’s National Cabinet has agreed to fast track Covid-19 vaccines for over 50’s.


24 April 2021 Saturday

225 (219) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 146,122,191 3,096,621 16246 1.17 1.23
117 Australia 29,639 910 0 1.67 2.08
(196) Sth Aust 703 4 0    
(126) Victoria 20,506 820 0 2.92 3.50
( 163) NSW 5,418 54 0    
178 NZ* 2,600 26 0    
1 USA 32,715,155 584,804 826    
2 India 16,602,456 189,549 2621    
3 Brazil 14,237,078 386,416 4941    
5 Russia 4,744,961 107,501 398    
6 UK 4,401,109 127,345 0    
8 Italy 3,935,703 118,699 342    
20 Sth Africa 1,572,985 54,066 71    

Data sources as per previous months.

ASX200 at 7060 up 0.1% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 7.20% of its population.

The world has passed 146 million cases of Covid-19, the last million in just over 1 day.

The world has recorded over 950,000 new cases of Covid-19 in the last day, with deaths due to Covid-19 soaring to over 16,000 in a day.

India has recorded another record breaking day of Covid-19 infections with over 345,000 new cases recorded.

WA has gone into a 3 day lockdown in Perth and a southern adjacent area to try and contain an outbreak of Covid-19.

A “Church” family is the USA has been arrested and charged after they were selling bleach as a Covid-19 cure.

Sates within Australia and NZ are all either blocking travel from WA or requiring screening of all people from WA.

3 more cases of Blood clotting associated with the AstraZeneca vaccine have occurred in Australia in people ranging in age from 35 to 80.

Japan has issued a State of Emergency as Covid-19 surges again in the country, fears are mounting over the implications of this for the already delayed Olympic Games.

India’s crematoriums are being overwhelmed with bodies and they can’t keep up.


25 April 2021 Sunday

225 (219) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 147,014,867 3,111,461 16246 1.08 1.13
117 Australia 29,658 910 0 0.87 1.02
(196) Sth Aust 704 4 0    
(126) Victoria 20,508 820 0 1.00 1.22
( 163) NSW 5,419 54 0    
178 NZ* 2,601 26 0    
1 USA 32,782,893 585,829 826    
2 India 16,951,621 192,309 2621    
3 Brazil 14,308,215 389,492 4941    
5 Russia 4,753,789 107,900 398    
6 UK 4,403,170 127,417 0    
8 Italy 3,949,517 119,021 342    
20 Sth Africa 1,572,985 54,066 71    

Data sources as per previous months.

ASX200 at 7060 up 0.1% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 7.45% of its population.

The world has passed 147 million cases of Covid-19, the last million in just over 1 day.

India has had another record day of Covid-19 cases, with 349,165 new cases recorded.

Brazil leads the world in daily new deaths due to Covid-19 accounting for 1 in 5 new deaths.

A new case of community transmission has been detected in Perth.

There have detected virus fragments detected in the Sydney and south coast sewage systems.

A large exodos of people from WA before its border closures came into effect has all states in Australia worried.

Over half of the UK population has now had at least 1 dose of vaccine.

China is stepping up its threats to Australia after a “Belt and Road” contract signed by Victoria was deemed not in the National interest by the Federal Government.


26 April 2021 Monday

225 (219) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 147,724,180 3,121,075 16246 0.86 0.89
117 Australia 29,666 910 0 0.38 0.43
(196) Sth Aust 705 4 0    
(126) Victoria 20,509 820 0 0.47 0.58
( 163) NSW 5,420 54 0    
178 NZ* 2,601 26 0    
1 USA 32,819,005 586,142 826    
2 India 17,306,300 195,116 2621    
3 Brazil 14,340,787 390,797 4941    
5 Russia 4,762,569 108,232 398    
6 UK 4,404,882 127,428 0    
8 Italy 3,962,674 119,238 342    
20 Sth Africa 1,575,471 54,148 71    

Data sources as per previous months.

ASX200 at 7060 up 0.1% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 7.53% of its population.

The India has passed 17 million cases of Covid-19, the last million in 4 days.

India has had another record day of Covid-19 cases, with 354,679 new cases recorded.

Speculation is rife that India’s actual case and death numbers are far in excess of that reported.

WA will decide today whether to extend its lockdown as no new cases were found yesterday.

Incoming international flights to WA have been halved.

Anzac Day services were held Australia wide yesterday except for WA.

An Indonesian submarine has sunk off the coast of Bali and all aboard have died.

The USA and UK are leading efforts to assist India with its Covid-19 crisis.


27 April 2021 Tuesday

225 (219) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 148,437,690 3,132,231 16246 0.86 0.89
117 Australia 29,695 910 0 1.34 1.47
(196) Sth Aust 719 4 0    
(126) Victoria 20,509 820 0 0.00 0.00
( 163) NSW 5,428 54 0    
178 NZ* 2,601 26 0    
1 USA 32,872,533 586,509 826    
2 India 17,625,735 197,880 2621    
3 Brazil 14,369,423 391,936 4941    
5 Russia 4,771,372 108,588 398    
7 UK 4,406,946 127,434 0    
8 Italy 3,971,114 119,539 342    
20 Sth Africa 1,576,320 54,186 71    

Data sources as per previous months.

ASX200 at 7045 down 0.2% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 7.54% of its population.

The World has passed 148 million cases of Covid-19, the last million in less than 2 days.

The number of new cases of Covid-19 cases in India has dropped for the first time in days.

The USA has announced it will share its stockpile of AstraZeneca vaccines with the world.

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson has denied saying he would rather see “bodies pile high in their thousands” than put the UK into a third national lockdown.

A man who walked through the streets of Perth yesterday in what appeared to be a solo ANZAC DAY march in defiance of the lockdown has been found to be an Antivaccine, Covid-19 lockdown protester.

Covid-19 cases have spiked in Adelaide’s Quarantine Hotels, recording 18 new cases.

Singapore and Hong Kong are to open a quarantine free travel bubble as soon as next month.


28 April 2021 Wednesday

225 (220) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

Micronesia has recently reported its first Covid-19 case.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 149,239,098 3,146,057 13826 0.98 0.99
117 Australia 29,725 910 0 1.27 1.46
(196) Sth Aust 720 4 0    
(126) Victoria 20,513 820 0 2.00 2.15
( 163) NSW 5,440 54 0    
178 NZ* 2,609 26 0    
1 USA 32,918,026 587,255 746    
2 India 17,988,637 201,165 3285    
3 Brazil 14,441,563 395,022 3086    
5 Russia 4,779,425 108,980 392    
7 UK 4,409,631 127,451 17    
8 Italy 3,981,512 119,912 373    
20 Sth Africa 1,577,200 54,237 51    

Data sources as per previous months.

ASX200 at 7033 down 0.2% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 7.67% of its population.

The World has passed 149 million cases of Covid-19, the last million in a little over 1 day.

The number of new cases of Covid-19 cases in India has increased back to its recent levels.

India has passed 200,000 reported deaths due to Covid-19, the suspected total is far more.

There are concerns that the actual number of Covid-19 cases in India is around 500,000,000, or double the rest of the world.

All flights between India and Australia have been paused until 15 May.

Australian PM Scott Morrison has defended the Australian Quarantine Hospital System saying they are 99.99% effective.

USA President Biden has said that anyone that is fully vaccinated can go maskless outside, except in crowds.


29 April 2021 Thursday

225 (220) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

Micronesia has recently reported its first Covid-19 case.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 150,135,070 3,161,714 13826 1.08 1.09
117 Australia 29,749 910 0 0.98 1.13
(196) Sth Aust 720 4 0    
(126) Victoria 20,515 820 0 0.88 1.00
( 163) NSW 5,449 54 0    
178 NZ* 2,610 26 0    
1 USA 32,976,859 588,185 746    
2 India 18,368,096 204,812 3285    
3 Brazil 14,521,289 398,185 3086    
5 Russia 4,787,273 109,367 392    
7 UK 4,411,797 127,480 17    
8 Italy 3,994,894 120,256 373    
20 Sth Africa 1,577,200 54,237 51    

Data sources as per previous months.

ASX200 at 7064 up 0.4% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 7.90% of its population.

The World has passed 150 million cases of Covid-19, the last million in a little over 1 day.

The last 10,000,000 cases took just11 days.

The last 50,000,000 cases took 93 days, compared to 172 days for the 50 million before that, and approximately 12 months for the first 50 million cases from the start of the pandemic.

India has recorded 379,459 new cases of Covid-19 in the last 24 hrs, a new record for the number of daily cases.

China is criticising the USA for dragging its feet in helping India, claiming it is a selfish nation after it took almost a week for it to act on pleas from India.

Brazil is consistently recording between 30 and 75 thousand new cases of Covid-19 a day.

Australian PM has said that flights from India may resume in a matter of weeks.

Traves of the Coronavirus have been found in Sydney’s sewage waters.

An SA man has been charged with placing fake QR codes over the official QR codes at Adelaide businesses, he is an anti vaxer and the codes took people to an  anti vaccination website.

Turkey has gone into a full lockdown to try and control the spread of Covid-19 in the country.


30 April 2021 Friday

225 (220) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

Micronesia has recently reported its first Covid-19 case.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 150,925,979 3,173,003 13826 0.96 0.98
117 Australia 29,779 910 0 1.19 1.35
(196) Sth Aust 722 4 0    
(126) Victoria 20,516 820 0 0.58 0.58
( 163) NSW 5,464 54 0    
178 NZ* 2,613 26 0    
1 USA 33,012,836 588,807 746    
2 India 18,754,925 208,313 3285    
3 Brazil 14,523,807 398,343 3086    
5 Russia 4,796,557 109,731 392    
7 UK 4,414,242 127,502 17    
8 Italy 4,009,208 120,544 373    
20 Sth Africa 1,578,450 54,285 51    

Data sources as per previous months.

ASX200 at 7082 up 0.2% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 8.22% of its population.

The USA has passed 33 million cases of Covid-19, the last million in 17 days.

Italy has passed 4 million cases of Covid-19, the last million in 26 days.

India now accounts for just under half the worlds daily tally of new cases of Covid-19 and a little under 1/3 deaths.

Indians are turning to the “Black Market” for oxygen and unproven drugs as the number of cases in the country continues to surge.

Victoria is proposing to build a purpose built Quarantine Facility about 40km north of the Melbourne CBD to house incoming internationals. The $15m plan requires commonwealth approval and financial aid.

The Australian TGA has sated that the recent death of a man in his 50’s was likely not due to a Covid-19 vaccine.

Two Australian cricketers have returned from India via Doha on Qatar Airways, proving the federal governments assertion that travel of people to Australia from India was now near impossible to be false.

The WHO is warning of Indian style surges worldwide if restrictions are relaxed too early.

USA President Joe Biden has been in office for 100 days.

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