#17 May 2021 The Third Wave comes and goes, where now?.

1 May 2021 Saturday

225 (220) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

Micronesia has recently reported its first Covid-19 case.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 151,939,383 3,191,593 18590 1.22 1.23
117 Australia 29,801 910 0 0.95 0.97
(196) Sth Aust 724 4 0
(126) Victoria 20,518 820 0 1.17 1.08
( 163) NSW 5,477 54 0
178 NZ* 2,613 26 0
1 USA 33,096,513 589,974 1167
2 India 19,157,094 211,835 3522
3 Brazil 14,659,011 403,781 5438
6 Russia 4,805,288 110,128 397
7 UK 4,416,623 127,517 15
8 Italy 4,022,653 120,807 263
20 Sth Africa 1,581,210 54,350 65

Data sources as per previous months.

ASX200 at 7025 down 0.8% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 8.49% of its population.

The world has passed 151 million cases of Covid-19, the last million in under 1 day, a record.

The world has had over 1 million cases of Covid-19 in 1 day for the first time.

India has passed 19 million cases of Covid-19, the last million in 2 days.

India has recorded another record number of new cases of Covid-19, with 402,781 new cases in 1 day.

Brazil has passed 400,000 deaths due to Covid-19, only the 2nd country to officially pass that number.

Turkey has passed Russia and is now the 5th worst country in the world for Covid-19 cases at 4,820,591.

The Australian Federal Government has introduced a law that if any Australians return to Australia without the proper authority they may be gaoled for up to 5 years and/or fined up to $66,000

Fiji has had a new case of Covid-19 the first in a year.

An international traveller from PNG has accidentally broken quarantine restrictions at the airport and has caused fear of an outbreak through Brisbane.

The WHO has debunked another conspiracy doing the rounds that the Covid-19 vaccines is causing menstrual abnormalities for women around the world.

There is a developing very high hesitancy rate world wide for people to have the vaccine.

It’s Glastonbury Music festival time in England, but this year there will be no music, with the farm opening up for “Tranquil Camping” only.

Election in the Indian state of Bengal are going ahead despite the country recording over 400k new cases of Civid-19 in one day.


2 May 2021 Sunday

225 (220) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

Micronesia has recently reported its first Covid-19 case.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 152,757,989 3,205,097 13504 1.00 0.99
117 Australia 29,812 910 0 0.50 0.50
(196) Sth Aust 725 4 0
(126) Victoria 20,521 820 0 1.62 1.56
( 163) NSW 5,481 54 0
178 NZ* 2,613 26 0
1 USA 33,142,806 590,674 700
2 India 19,549,656 215,523 3688
3 Brazil 14,725,975 406,437 2656
6 Russia 4,814,558 110,520 392
7 UK 4,418,530 127,524 7
8 Italy 4,035,617 121,033 226
20 Sth Africa 1,582,842 54,406 56

Data sources as per previous months.

ASX200 at 7025 down 0.8% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 8.70% of its population.

The world has passed 152 million cases of Covid-19, the last million in a little over 1 day.

A fresh community transmission linked to a Quarantine Hotel in WA has seen NZ halt the travel bubble with that state.

Australia is being condemned for blocking its own citizens from returning to Australia if they have been in India in the last 14 days.

A fire in an Indian hospital has killed 14 people.

Disneyland in California has reopened to mask wearing visitors.

The WHO has approved the Moderna vaccine for emergency use.

Australia is being criticised for not doing enough in support of a push to free up the IP of the Vaccines for use in developing nations.


3 May 2021 Monday

225 (220) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

Micronesia has recently reported its first Covid-19 case.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 153,435,628 3,214,758 9661 0.83 0.83
117 Australia 29,826 910 0 0.61 0.64
(196) Sth Aust 727 4 0
(126) Victoria 20,522 820 0 0.54 0.50
( 163) NSW 5,484 54 0
178 NZ* 2,618 26 0
1 USA 33,177,495 591,054 380
2 India 19,919,715 218,945 3422
3 Brazil 14,754,910 407,639 1202
6 Russia 4,823,255 110,862 342
7 UK 4,420,201 127,538 14
8 Italy 4,044,762 121,177 144
20 Sth Africa 1,584,064 54,417 11

Data sources as per previous months.

ASX200 at 7025 down 0.8% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 8.78% of its population.

The world has passed 153 million cases of Covid-19, the last million in a little over 1 day.

The USA is still recording between 35,000 and 80,000 new cases of Covid-19 a day.

Australia’s vaccine rollout starts a new phase today as the over 50 group can now begin to get vaccinated.

A Pakistani national who jumped ship in Brisbane, breaking quarantine, has been arrested.

India now accounts for 1 in 2 new Covid-19 infections world-wide.

The infection rate in India appears to have stabilised around the 375,000 mark.

The UK has sent over 1,000 ventilators to India as moves begin to help the developing world from a potential oxygen shortage.


4 May 2021 Tuesday

225 (220) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

Micronesia has recently reported its first Covid-19 case.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 154,138,636 3,225,929 11171 0.86 0.86
117 Australia 29,841 910 0 0.72 0.70
(196) Sth Aust 730 4 0
(126) Victoria 20,523 820 0 0.50 0.56
( 163) NSW 5,489 54 0
178 NZ* 2,622 26 0
1 USA 33,222,217 591,476 422
2 India 20,275,543 222,383 3438
3 Brazil 14,779,529 408,622 983
6 Russia 4,831,744 111,198 336
7 UK 4,421,850 127,539 1
8 Italy 4,050,708 121,433 256
20 Sth Africa 1,584,961 54,452 35

Data sources as per previous months.

ASX200 at 7028 up 3.0% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 8.8% of its population.

The world has passed 154 million cases of Covid-19, the last million in a little over 1 day.

India has passed 20 million cases of Covid-19, the last million in under 5 days.

Vaccination hubs in Victoria have been inundated with over 50’s people requesting the vaccine.

Covid-19 restrictions are being eased in the USA and the EU.

PM Scott Morrison is defending his government’s decision to impose fines and/or gaol on Australian citizens who attempt to return to Australia from India.

A Chinese Communist Party post on social media that compared the latest Chinese rocket launch to the funeral pyres in India has been removed amidst worldwide condemnation.

Korea is suffering a growth in Covid-19 cases as its Vaccine program is spiralling down.

The vaccine rollout in the EU is gathering pace.

NZ has fired 9 border workers who have refused to be vaccinated.


5 May 2021 Wednesday

225 (220) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

Micronesia has recently reported its first Covid-19 case.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 154,808,352 3,235,551 9622 0.84 0.83
117 Australia 29,852 910 0 0.61 0.53
(196) Sth Aust 732 4 0
(126) Victoria 20,524 820 0 0.64 0.56
( 163) NSW 5,496 54 0
178 NZ* 2,623 26 0
1 USA 33,262,485 592,189 713
2 India 20,658,234 226,169 3786
3 Brazil 14,791,434 408,829 207
6 Russia 4,839,514 111,535 337
7 UK 4,423,796 127,543 4
8 Italy 4,059,821 121,738 305
20 Sth Africa 1,586,148 54,511 59

Data sources as per previous months.

ASX200 at 7067 up 0.6% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 9.02% of its population.

The UN has joined the chorus of countries and organisations deploring Australia’s move to ban its citizen from returning to Australia if they have been in India recently.

India continues to suffer acute shortages of oxygen.

The Indian IPL cricket tournament has been paused due to a number of players testing positive to Covid-19, despite all teams being placed in a “bubble”.

A study has found that there have been more positive cases of Covid-19 come into NSW from overseas from the USA than any other country. And at the peak of infections in January 2021 the number of positive cases from the USA far exceeded the present number from India.

President Biden says America is poised and ready to vaccinate youngers teens as soon as the go is given by the FDA.

Cuba is developing its own vaccine, with some success, with 2 vaccines in phase 3 clinical trials.

There are early signs that this third wave may be declining.


6 May 2021 Thursday

225 (220) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

Micronesia has recently reported its first Covid-19 case.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 155,665,668 3,250,447 14896 1.09 1.06
117 Australia 29,865 910 0 0.78 0.63
(196) Sth Aust 733 4 0
(126) Victoria 20,524 820 0 0.00 0.00
( 163) NSW 5,506 54 0
178 NZ* 2,629 26 0
1 USA 33,307,167 592,956 767
2 India 21,070,852 230,151 3982
3 Brazil 14,860,812 411,854 3025
6 Russia 4,847,489 111,895 360
7 UK 4,425,940 127,570 27
8 Italy 4,070,400 122,005 267
20 Sth Africa 1,586,148 54,511 0

Data sources as per previous months.

ASX200 at 7095 up 0.4% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 9.33% of its population with at least 1 dose of a vaccine.

The world has passed 155 million cases of Covid-19, the last million in just over 1 day.

The world has passed 3.25 million deaths due to Covid-19.

A man in Sydney has been found to have Covid-19 with the source of the infection yet to be determined, a long list of possible exposure sites has been published amid concerns.

An in person G7 meeting held recently has been made aware that the Indian Foreign Minister may have been exposed to Covid-19, putting all those who attended at risk.

Australian cricketers who were in India taking part in the IPL are expected to leave India very shortly with the assistance of Cricket Australia on charter flights to quarantine in either Sri Lanka or The Maldives before repatriating back to Australia.

The Indian government is facing increasing pressure to for the country to go into lockdown to try to control the widespread surge in Covid-19.

An India Air Force transport plan has left Perth full with vital oxygen supplies and oxygen generators.

Canada has authorised the use of the Pfizer vaccine for 12 to 15 year olds.

Trials have shown a tweaked Moderna vaccine can control the new variants.

There are concerns for the younger age groups in Latin America as cases surge.

Italy is hopeful to open up to foreign tourists later in the year.


7 May 2021 Friday

225 (220) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

Micronesia has recently reported its first Covid-19 case.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 156,597,332 3,267,495 17048 1.15 1.14
117 Australia 29,886 910 0 1.37 1.04
(196) Sth Aust 735 4 0
(126) Victoria 20,526 820 0 1.40 1.27
( 163) NSW 5,516 54 0
178 NZ* 2,633 26 0
1 USA 33,359,845 593,918 962
2 India 21,485,285 234,071 3920
3 Brazil 15,003,563 416,949 5095
6 Russia 4,855,128 112,246 351
7 UK 4,428,553 127,583 13
8 Italy 4,082,198 122,263 258
20 Sth Africa 1,590,370 54,620 109

Data sources as per previous months.

ASX200 at 7061 down 0.5% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 9.63% of its population with at least 1 dose of a vaccine.

The world has passed 156 million cases of Covid-19, the last million in just over 1 day.

Brazil has passed 15 million cases of Covid-19, the last million in 17 days and the last 5 million in 80 days, with over 142,000 in the last 24 hrs.

The USA has recorded over 50,000 new Covid-19 cases in the last 24 hrs.

India has recorded over 414,000 new Covid-19 cases in the last 24 hrs.

All states are starting to close their borders to Sydney after the most recent outbreak there.

The travel ban from India is expected to be lifted on 15 May  and repatriation flight expected to begin within hours of its lifting.

The Howard Springs Quarantine facility south of Darwin is expected to be almost empty by that date and all returning Indian travellers will be taken there.

The travel bubble between NZ and NSW has been paused.

The USA plan to waive patents for the Covid-19 vaccines is causing stirs world wide and the share prices of the companies involved are dropping.

The EU is contemplating mass manufacture of three yet to be approved drugs that drastically reduce the effects and chances of death due to Covid-19. They are Regeneron (given to Trump when he contracted Covid-19), Celltrion and Sotrovimab.


8 May 2021 Saturday

225 (222) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

Micronesia has recently reported its first Covid-19 case.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 157,451,300 3,281,160 13665 1.08 1.06
120 Australia 29,897 910 0 0.80 0.60
(196) Sth Aust 738 4 0
(128) Victoria 20,526 820 0 0.00 0.00
( 164) NSW 5,521 54 0
179 NZ* 2,634 26 0
1 USA 33,411,605 594,816 898
2 India 21,886,556 238,265 4194
3 Brazil 15,082,449 419,114 2165
6 Russia 4,863,514 112,622 376
7 UK 4,431,043 127,598 15
8 Italy 4,092,747 122,470 207
20 Sth Africa 1,592,326 54,687 67

Data sources as per previous months.

ASX200 at 7080 up 0.3% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 9.94% of its population with at least 1 dose of a vaccine.

The world has passed 157 million cases of Covid-19, the last million in just over 1 day.

India’s official daily death count has exceeded 4000 for the first time.

The search for the origin of the latest outbreak in NSW continues, with the only know fact that it is a variant from the USA.

The UK has added 12 countries to its “Green” travel list, including Australia and NZ. This means it is OK for its citizens to visit these countries.

The WHO has approved China’s Sinopharm for emergency use.

Pressure is rising again in India for a nationwide lockdown to be put in place as cases surge again.

The men who tend the cremation pyres in India are exhausted, relief packages are being sent to them to help them carry on. One worker said that for every body he performs the last rites for there are 30 waiting. This scene is said to be worst in Delhi.

A new French vaccine awaiting approval is said to be variant proof.

The Morrison Australian government has relented under pressure and has said that repatriation flights from India will resume on 15 May with 3 immediate flights to bring home the most vulnerable, who will be quarantined at the Howard Springs facility in the NT.


9 May 2021 Sunday

225 (222) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

Micronesia has recently reported its first Covid-19 case.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 158,238,213 3,294,686 13526 1.01 0.98
120 Australia 29,906 910 0 0.67 0.51
(196) Sth Aust 738 4 0
(128) Victoria 20,527 820 0 1.17 0.74
( 164) NSW 5,527 54 0
179 NZ* 2,640 26 0
1 USA 33,448,865 595,463 647
2 India 22,295,911 242,398 4133
3 Brazil 15,082,449 419,114 0
6 Russia 4,871,543 112,992 370
7 UK 4,433,090 127,598 0
8 Italy 4,102,921 122,694 224
20 Sth Africa 1,594,817 54,724 37

Data sources as per previous months.

ASX200 at 7080 up 0.3% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 10.23% of its population with at least 1 dose of a vaccine.

The world has passed 158 million cases of Covid-19, the last million in just over 1 day.

In the USA California has recorded its first ever decline in population.

Covid-19 infections are surging in countries through Asia, with Sri Lanka, The Maldives, Thailand Cambodia and Indonesia experiencing large increases in cases.

The EU is demanding the USA start exportin massive numbers of vaccines before any consideration of waiving vaccine patents is considered.


10 May 2021 Monday

225 (222) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

Micronesia has recently reported its first Covid-19 case.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 158,871,859 3,304,183 9497 0.82 0.80
120 Australia 29,923 910 0 1.23 0.93
(196) Sth Aust 740 4 0
(128) Victoria 20,533 820 0 3.82 3.50
( 164) NSW 5,532 54 0
179 NZ* 2,642 26 0
1 USA 33,472,906 595,774 311
2 India 22,662,410 246,146 3748
3 Brazil 15,150,628 421,484 2370
6 Russia 4,880,262 113,326 334
7 UK 4,434,860 127,605 7
8 Italy 4,111,210 122,833 139
20 Sth Africa 1,594,817 54,724 0

Data sources as per previous months.

ASX200 at 7080 up 0.3% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 10.33% of its population with at least 1 dose of a vaccine.

NSW has extended its restrictions for another week as it continues to try and find the source of its recent infections.

Police in Spain have had to breakup street celebration parties as Spain comes out of lockdown.

2/3 of those who have been into ICU in Australian hospitals are suffering long term effects of Covid-19, and it is unclear when and if they will fully recover.

PM Scott Morrison has said that Australian borders will fully open only when it is safe to do so.

Calls continue for a nationwide lockdown in India.

The Australian Federal Budget is to be handed down tomorrow night, and it ios already been shown to be a big spending Covid Budget to try and stimulate the Australian economy.

The EU is not ordering anymore AstraZeneca Vaccines after June this year.

A third of all UK adults are now fully vaccinated.

French President Emmanuel Macron is pushing for more powers for the EU in light of the events that have occurred through the pandemic.


11 May 2021 Tuesday

225 (222) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

Micronesia has recently reported its first Covid-19 case.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 159,526,670 3,315,340 11157 0.85 0.83
120 Australia 29,931 910 0 1.23 0.93
(196) Sth Aust 740 4 0
(128) Victoria 20,535 820 0 1.17 1.08
( 164) NSW 5,538 54 0
179 NZ* 2644 26 0
1 USA 33,505,633 596,105 331
2 India 22,991,927 250,025 3879
3 Brazil 15,209,990 423,229 1745
6 Russia 4,888,727 113,647 321
7 UK 4,437,217 127,609 4
8 Italy 4,116,287 123,031 198
20 Sth Africa 1,597,724 54,825 101

Data sources as per previous months.

ASX200 at 7172 upu1.3% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 10.37% of its population with at least 1 dose of a vaccine.

The world has passed 159 million cases of Covid-19, the last million in just over 1 day.

The USA has passed 33.5 million cases of Covid-19.

India has passed 250,000 deaths due to Covid-19.

10’s of bodies suspected of being victims of Covid-19 are washing up on the banks of The River Ganges in India.

In the UK people will be allowed to hug each other for the first time since March last year as restrictions are eased further.

The Australian government is now predicting international travel will recommence in 2022..

A legal challenge on the an of Australian citizens and permanent residents returning from India has been dismissed by the High Court.

Victims of Covid-19 in India are being infected with “Black Fungus”, Mucormycosis,  affecting their sinuses and eyes.

Malaysia is locking down after a surge in Covid-19 cases.

An operation in Romania is using the imfamous Bran “Dracula” Castle in Transylvania as a Covid-19 vaccination centre in an operation called “Vlad the Vaccinator”

Germany is approving the Johnson and Johnson vaccine for use in adults.

Nepal is being overrun by Covid-19.


12 May 2021 Wednesday

225 (222) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

Micronesia has recently reported its first Covid-19 case.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 160,242,256 3,328,942 13602 0.92 0.91
120 Australia 29,939 910 0 0.64 0.52
(196) Sth Aust 740 4 0
(128) Victoria 20,536 820 0 0.58 0.61
( 164) NSW 5,542 54 0
179 NZ* 2644 26 0
1 USA 33,543,979 596,874 769
2 India 23,340,456 254,225 4200
3 Brazil 15,282,705 425,540 2311
6 Russia 4,896,842 425,540 193
7 UK 4,439,691 113,976 3
8 Italy 4,123,230 127,629 598
20 Sth Africa 1,597,724 54,825 0

Data sources as per previous months.

ASX200 at 7097 up 1.1% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 10.44% of its population with at least 1 dose of a vaccine.

The world has passed 160 million cases of Covid-19, the last million in just over 1 day, the last 10 million in just xx days.

Hotel quarantine in Australia is being questioned after a person was released from quarantine in Adelaide after testing negative on day 14 and then consequently testing positive in Melbourne a bit over a week later. Wide areas of Melbourne are being asked to get tested.

It has been discovered that many patrons at a Melbourne 3xposure site Indian restaurant did not check in.

The Australian Federal budget was handed down last night, it expects our borders will not open until mid next year. The budget expects Australia to have its largest deficit ever.

India has passed 23 million cases of Covid-19, the last million in over 1 day.

India accounted for over half the new daily infections.

In the USA, President Biden is encouraging all state Governors to do more to lift vaccination rates.


13 May 2021 Thursday

225 (222) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

Micronesia has recently reported its first Covid-19 case.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 160,983,097 3,342,631 13689 0.98 0.96
120 Australia 29,947 910 0 0.68 0.57
(196) Sth Aust 741 4 0
(128) Victoria 20,537 820 0 0.54 0.64
( 164) NSW 5,546 54 0
179 NZ* 2643 26 0
1 USA 33,578,804 597,683 809
2 India 23,697,175 258,280 4055
3 Brazil 15,359,397 428,034 2494
6 Russia 4,905,059 114,331 491
7 UK 4,441,975 127,640 28
8 Italy 4,131,078 123,544 15
20 Sth Africa 1,599,272 54,896 71

Data sources as per previous months.

ASX200 at 7080 down 0.7% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 10.95% of its population with at least 1 dose of a vaccine.

NSW could house returning international students in an “Olympic” style village housing.

Modern has announced it will supply Australia with 25 million doses of its vaccine.

The WHO is calling for new widespread powers for it, to help it act in the next pandemic as a new WHO Repott states that the pandemic could have been avoided.

The WHO Report also says that China embarked on a misinformation campaign at the start of the Covid-19 outbreak in that country.

India has broken its daily death toll record for Covid-19 cases at 4,2xx deaths.

Genomic testing has confirmed the latest Covid-19 case in Victoria is the same virus as that in Adelaide where the man served quarantine.

100’s / 1,000’s of people in Melbourne could have been exposed to the man with Covid-10.

All states are taking actions to prevent the spread of Covid-19 from Melbourne.

Children between 12 and 15 can now get the Pfizer vaccine in the USA.

USA experts have found a link between the Johnson and Johnson vaccine and blood clotting.



14 May 2021 Friday

225 (222) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

Micronesia has recently reported its first Covid-19 case.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 161,775,885 3,357,042 14411 1.07 1.02
120 Australia 20,955 910 0 0.00 0.00
(196) Sth Aust 741 4 0
(128) Victoria 29,538 820 0 6.99 13.97
( 164) NSW 5,551 54 0
179 NZ* 2644 26 0
1 USA 33,617,827 598,458 775
2 India 24,040,851 262,239 3959
3 Brazil 15,433,989 430,417 2383
6 Russia 4,913,439 114,723 392
7 UK 4,444,631 127,651 11
8 Italy 4,139,160 123,745 201
20 Sth Africa 1,602,031 54,968 72

Data sources as per previous months.

ASX200 at 6982 down 0.9% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 11.27% of its population with at least 1 dose of a vaccine.

The world has passed 161 million cases of Covid-19, the last million in over 1 day.

India has passed 24 million cases of Covid-19, the last million in under 3 days

Moderna is to supply Australia with 25 million doses of its mRNA vaccine, once it is approved by the Australian TGA.

South Australia may become the Australian hub for mRNA vaccine production. Initially producing the Moderna vaccine.

In the USA, the CDC has eased restrictions on fully vaccinated people, they are no required to wear masks or socially distance themselves. President Biden publicly removed his mask as he announced the easing.

South Australia and Victoria are to begin enforcing the use of QR codes, individuals and businesses may be fined for blatantly ignoring requirements.

Medical authorities in India are pleading with people not to cover themselves in cow poo in a misguided belief it will protect them for catching Covid-19.

In Australia doctors are floating the idea of mixing and matching vaccine types.

AAwake rumour has started that Airlines will block vaccinated people from flying due to blood clotting, this has been debunked by both medical and airline authorities.

A story doing the rounds world wide that China was developing a Bioweapon Strategy(of which Covid-19 was a part) has been revealed as a debunked conspiracy theory.

Cases of the Indian Covid-19 variant have doubled in the UK.

The Philippines is easing restrictions.


15 May 2021 Saturday

225 (222) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

Micronesia has recently reported its first Covid-19 case.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 162,494,223 3,370,273 13231 1.00 0.95
120 Australia 29,957 910 0 6.96 13.78
(196) Sth Aust 741 4 0
(128) Victoria 20,539 820 0 0.00 0.00
( 164) NSW 5,552 54 0
179 NZ* 2645 26 0
1 USA 33,656,062 599,220 762
2 India 24,372,243 266,229 3990
3 Brazil 15,519,525 432,628 2211
6 Russia 4,922,901 115,116 393
7 UK 4,446,824 127,668 17
8 Italy 4,146,722 123,927 182
20 Sth Africa 1,608,393 55,124 156

Data sources as per previous months.

ASX200 at70814dup 0.5% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 11.60% of its population with at least 1 dose of a vaccine.

The world has passed 162 million cases of Covid-19, the last million in just over a day.

The first of the repatriation flights from India after the pause is due to arrive in Darwin today. It has only about half the expected passengers on board due to passengers who tested positive preflight and their close contacts being denied boarding.

Japan has extended its state of emergency as the Olympics draws closer and cases surge in Osaka.

In Victoria people who live in multiple dwelling residences (town houses, unit, apartments,  etc) are being required to have a QR code outside their homes.

Parts of Fiji have gone into lockdown as Covid-19 cases rise.

The Federal government is speculating that all Australians may have received at least  their first dose of a vaccine by Christmas.

The WHO is warning that the second year of the pandemic will be deadlier than the first.

As the USA begins vaccination of children as young as 12, the WHO is calling for the poorest countries to receive vaccines before the privileged countries roll it out to everyone.



16 May 2021 Sunday

225 (222) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

Micronesia has recently reported its first Covid-19 case.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 163,142,091 3,382,455 12182 0.92 0.87
120 Australia 29,967 910 0 0.01 0.02
(196) Sth Aust 742 4 0
(128) Victoria 20,540 820 0 0.00 0.00
( 164) NSW 5,555 54 0
179 NZ* 2645 26 0
1 USA 33,695,247 599,839 619
2 India 24,769,908 270,254 4025
3 Brazil 15,586,534 434,715 2087
6 Russia 4,931,691 115,480 364
7 UK 4,448,851 127,675 7
8 Italy 4,153,374 124,063 136
20 Sth Africa 1,611,143 55,183 59

Data sources as per previous months.

ASX200 at 7080 down 0.7% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 11.90% of its population with at least 1 dose of a vaccine.

The world has passed 163 million Covid-19 cases, the last million in just over 1 day.

The UK is extending its testing regime, delivering test kits door to door to try and get on top of the wide spreading of new variants as it threatens its plans to lift all lockdown restrictions.

Several of the people refused boarding on the first repatriation flights from India have now tested negative. It has been revealed that the company used to do the initial testing was suspended by the Indian National laboratory board last month for suspect practices.

A top Japanese CEO has said that Japan hosting the Olympic Games was a suicide mission and that the event should not go ahead.

The Victorian and Federal governments are holding talks about the establishment of a purpose built quarantine facility in Melbourne.

Trinidad and Tobago has declared a state of emergency as Covid-19 runs out of control.

China has cancelled the Spring Everest Climbing Season due to the spread of. Covid-19 in the area..

Portugal is opening to UK tourists on Monday.


17 May 2021 Monday

225 (222) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

Micronesia has recently reported its first Covid-19 case.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 163,687,843 3,392,534 10079 0.79 0.75
120 Australia 29,975 910 0 0.01 0.01
(196) Sth Aust 742 4 0
(128) Victoria 20,544 820 0 0.00 0.01
( 164) NSW 5,558 54 0
179 NZ* 2,646 26 0
1 USA 33,712,142 600,139 300
2 India 24,964,925 274,411 4157
3 Brazil 15,627,475 435,751 1036
6 Russia 4,940,245 115,871 391
7 UK 4,450,777 127,679 4
8 Italy 4,159,122 124,156 93
20 Sth Africa 1,613,728 55,210 27

Data sources as per previous months.

ASX200 at 7080 up 0.3% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 12.03% of its population with at least 1 dose of a vaccine.

The USA has passed 600,000 deaths due to covid-19, the last 100,000 in 92 days, the previous 100,000 took 32 days.

Cuba is setting new highs for the daily number of new Covid-19 cases, it now exceeds 1200.

Medical experts in Australia are talking of Australia opening up it borders next year.

The requirement to wear masks on Sydney public transport has been removed.

Qantas in investigating how a number of people scheduled to fly back to Australia on a repatriation flight were tested positive and then within days tested negative.


18 May 2021 Tuesday

225 (222) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

Micronesia has recently reported its first Covid-19 case.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 164,185,030 3,401,861 9327 0.75 0.69
120 Australia 29,978 910 0 0.00 0.00
(196) Sth Aust 742 4 0
(128) Victoria 20,545 820 0 0.00 0.00
( 164) NSW 5,560 54 0
179 NZ* 2,651 26 0
1 USA 33,738,374 600,439 300
2 India 25,227,970 278,751 4340
3 Brazil 15,657,391 436,537 786
6 Russia 4,949,573 116,211 340
7 UK 4,447,980 127,684 5
8 Italy 4,162,576 124,296 140
20 Sth Africa 1,615,485 55,260 50

Data sources as per previous months.

ASX200 at 7023 up 0.1% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 12.07% of its population with at least 1 dose of a vaccine.

The World has passed 164 million cases of covid-19, the last million in a little over 1 day.

India has passed 25 million cases of Covid-19, the last million in 4 days and the last 5 million in just 15 days.

India accounts for over 1 in every 3 daily deaths worldwide.

And as if India didn’t have enough to deal with, a huge cyclone that developed in the Arabian Sea has hit landfall on India’s west coast with huge seas, torrential rain and winds up to 165km/hr. Authorities are warning of extensive flooding in low lying areas.

Singapore is experiencing a spike in Covid-19 cases.

1 returning traveller on the first repatriation flight from India has tested positive to Covid-19.

Reports in Australia are showing that the State have administered less than a quarter of the vaccines given to them.

Italy is easing its night time curfew as cases fall. Germany is offering vaccines to everyone aged 16 and over.

Indoor hospitality and entertainment venues are reopening in the UK.

The Australia PM Scott Morrison has said that the opening up of Australia’s external borders will go ahead as predicted, even though there is a very large hesitancy by people to get vaccinated.

Australians may need a Vaccine Passport to travel freely between states.

India’s Covid-19 new cases continues to drop, but the death rate is setting new daily records, today at its highest at 4525 dead.


20 May 2021 Thursday

225 (222) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

Micronesia has recently reported its first Covid-19 case.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 165,460,884 3,429,560 13919 1.03 0.94
120 Australia 29,991 910 0 0.00 0.00
(196) Sth Aust 746 4 0
(128) Victoria 20,546 820 0 0.00 0.00
( 164) NSW 5,565 54 0
179 NZ* 2,658 26 0
1 USA 33,799,279 601,879 645
2 India 25,771,405 287,156 3880
3 Brazil 15,812,015 441,691 2641
6 Russia 4,965,676 116,695 120
7 UK 4,452,527 127,694 3
8 Italy 4,172,525 124,646 149
20 Sth Africa 1,621,362 55,507 167

Data sources as per previous months.

ASX200 at 6931 down 1.9% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 12.76% of its population with at least 1 dose of a vaccine.

The world has passed 165 million cases of Covid-19, the million cases in a over 1 day.

Another Australian has died in India of Covid-19.

China has reportedly vaccinated 100 million people in 9 days.

France is cautiously removing restrictions.

The EU is allowing fully vaccinated people to visit it.

Republican members of the US House of representatives are refusing to wear masks in the chamber.

Dr Fauci the US epidemiologist, has said that all American will need a booster shot within a years time.

The Global Covid-19 trend is declining, and the third wave the end of the third wave.


21 May 2021 Friday

225 (222) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

Micronesia has recently reported its first Covid-19 case.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 166,005,711 3,439,816 10256 0.90 0.81
120 Australia 29,997 910 0 0.00 0.01
(196) Sth Aust 747 4 0
(128) Victoria 20,546 820 0 1.00 0.00
( 164) NSW 5,567 54 0
179 NZ* 2,659 26 0
1 USA 33,824,507 602,455 576
2 India 26,030,024 291,363 4207
3 Brazil 15,815,191 441,864 173
6 Russia 4,974,908 117,361 666
7 UK 4,452,527 127,701 7
8 Italy 4,178,261 124,810 164
20 Sth Africa 1,625,003 55,568 61

Data sources as per previous months.

ASX200 at 7019 up 1.3% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 13.13% of its population with at least 1 dose of a vaccine.

The world has passed 166 million cases of Covid-19, the million cases in a over 1 day.

India has passed 26 million cases of Covid-19, the last million in just over 2 days.

Australia could be manufacturing mRNA vaccines before the end of this year, as the federal government gets on board an SA proposal.

Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk and CHO Dr Jeanette Young are the only 2 Premier and CMO yet to have their Covid-19 vaccines. Both have said they are just waiting to take theor turn and not jumping a queue.

India is seeing a rapid rise in the earlier detected Black Fungus infections in Covid-19 patients.

A South Australian man who has contracted Blood Clots as a direct result of his AstraZeneca vaccine is in a very serious condition in hospital.

Indonesia has suspended the delivery of a specific batch of half a million AstraZeneca vaccines due to a man dying soon after receiving the vaccine, raising concerns of contamination of the batch.

Thousands of over 50’s in Australia are delaying getting vaccinated until later in the year when they will be able to chose to have an mRNA type vaccine. This is raising serious concerns amongst medical experts.

Argentina is going back into a strict lockdown to try and contain another wave of infections.

The New York Governor in the USA has announced a $5 million lottery for those who get vaccinated.


22 May 2021 Saturday

225 (222) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

Micronesia has recently reported its first Covid-19 case.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 166,432,642 3,456,528 16712 0.76 0.67
120 Australia 30,000 910 0 0.49 0.01
(196) Sth Aust 748 4 0
(128) Victoria 20,546 820 0 0.00 0.00
( 164) NSW 5,567 54 0
179 NZ* 2,662 26 0
1 USA 33,857,713 603,340 885
2 India 26,285,069 295,508 4145
3 Brazil 15,970,949 446,309 4445
6 Russia 4,983,845 117,739 378
7 UK 4,452,923 127,710 9
8 Italy 4,183,476 125,028 218
20 Sth Africa 1,628,335 55,719 151

Data sources as per previous months.

ASX200 at 7030 up 0.2% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 13.52% of its population with at least 1 dose of a vaccine.

Yesterday India accounted for 59.7% of all new cases worldwide, and 24.8% of new deaths due to Covid-19.

Timor-Leste passed 5,000 reported cases of Covid-19

On the back of Covid-19 vaccines, 9 new billionaires have been created after shares in the companies producing the vaccines soared.

In a law suit against it, Carnival Cruise Lines has claimed that people on the Ruby Princess put themselves at risk by eating at self serve food outlets, participating in onboard activities, not wearing a mask, etc.

Qantas is cutting more jobs as the company continues to rack-up debt.

The death toll due to Covid-19 in the Caribbean and Latin America passes 1 million.

Germany is requiring UK visitors to quarantine.

The Tokyo Olympics will go ahead regardless of if a State of Emergency exists or not, as over 79,000 people are predicted to fly into the country for the Olympics.


23 May 2021 Sunday

225 (222) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

Micronesia has recently reported its first Covid-19 case.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 166,998,035 3,467,138 10610 1.03 0.90
120 Australia 30,004 910 0 0.76 0.01
(196) Sth Aust 748 4 0
(128) Victoria 20,546 820 0 0.00 0.00
( 164) NSW 5,568 54 0
179 NZ* 2,662 26 0
1 USA 33,880,294 603,851 511
2 India 26,528,846 299,296 3788
3 Brazil 16,047,439 448,208 1899
6 Russia 4,992,554 118,125 386
7 UK 4,460,446 127,716 6
8 Italy 4,188,190 125,153 125
20 Sth Africa 1,632,571 55,772 53

Data sources as per previous months.

ASX200 at 7030 up 0.2% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 13.87% of its population with at least 1 dose of a vaccine.

Brazil has passed 16 million cases of Covid-19, the last million in 17 days.

Mucormycosis – a rare and potentially deadly infection also known as black fungus, continues to spread through the Covid-19 parts of India.

Experts are warning that the mutant strains of the Coronavirus will reach Australia and that if we aren’t fully vaccinated we will succumb to it.

Ontario Canada is resuming with the AstraZeneca vaccine, but only as a second dose.

There is concern rising in Australia that the multiple fundamental problems with the vaccine program are being entrenched and will be very difficult to change.

Two vaccines developed by Cuba, that are yet to get approval, even within Cuba, could be the lifeline that South America needs to overcome the plague of Covid-19.

New studies have found that both AstraZeneca and Pfizer vaccines are highly effective against the Indian strain.

While in India, the government has ordered the removal of all content referring to the “Indian Variant”.


24 May 2021 Monday

225 (222) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

Micronesia has recently reported its first Covid-19 case.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 167,497,740 3,477,510 10372 0.92 0.81
120 Australia 30,011 910 0 1.36 0.01
(196) Sth Aust 748 4 0
(128) Victoria 20,547 820 0 2.33 0.00
( 164) NSW 5,570 54 0
179 NZ* 2,668 26 0
1 USA 33,895,068 604,075 224
2 India 26,751,681 303,751 4455
3 Brazil 16,083,258 449,068 860
6 Russia 5,001,505 118,482 357
7 UK 4,462,538 127,721 5
8 Italy 4,192,183 125,225 72
20 Sth Africa 1,635,465 55,802 30

Data sources as per previous months.

ASX200 at 7030 up 0.2% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 14.10% of its population with at least 1 dose of a vaccine.

The world has passed 167 million cases of Covid-19, the last million in about 2.5  days.

Russia has passed 5 million cases of Covid-19, the last million in 112 days.

India has passed 300,000 recorded deaths due to Covid-19.

Medical authorities are warning that Australians can’t afford to wait until later in the year for the Pfizer vaccine, as fears rise of another “Melbourne” style outbreak occurring.

People with blood clotting histories have been cleared to have the AstraZeneca Vaccine, the mechanism involved are so very different.

Melbourne public transport users flouting the mask requirements face a $200 fine.

The second repatriation flight from India has arrived in Darwin with a “full” load of passengers

Cases of Covid-19 are falling dramatically in Israel as it begins to open up again.

Statistics on the effectiveness of vaccines against the Indian Variant are beginning to come out, Pfizer is 88% effective and AstraZeneca is 60% effective.

USA Covid-19 numbers remain low as the country begins to open up.

The Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro has held a rally of thousands of people in the Covid-19 ravaged country, with no Covid-19 precautions in place.


25 May 2021 Tuesday

225 (222) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

Micronesia has recently reported its first Covid-19 case.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 167,947,142 3,485,894 8384 0.82 0.75
121 Australia 30,021 910 0 1.63 0.02
(196) Sth Aust 749 4 0
(130) Victoria 20,549 820 0 3.50 0.00
( 165) NSW 5,572 54 0
180 NZ* 2,667 26 0
1 USA 33,915,089 604,304 229
2 India 26,947,496 307,249 3498
3 Brazil 16,120,756 449,858 790
6 Russia 5,009,911 118,801 319
7 UK 4,464,900 127,724 3
8 Italy 4,194,672 125,335 110
20 Sth Africa 1,637,848 55,874 72

Data sources as per previous months.

ASX200 at 7045 up 0.2% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 14.07% of its population with at least 1 dose of a vaccine.

The world is now recording less than 0.5 million new cases of Covid-19 a day.

Pakistan has passed 900,000 cases of Civd-19.

Malaysia is reporting new highs in the number of daily cases of Covid-19 as the daily count continues above 5,900.

Taiwan, which had zero new community transmission of Covid-19 for 8 straight months is undergoing a dramatic surge in cases, this follows an extremely low take-up rate of vaccines amongst its population. This is being used as a warning to Australia.

Victoria is struggling to find the source of 4 new cases of community transmission in the state. Hot spots include a major shopping centre.

Australia’s CMO Paul Kelly is saying we should expect more blood clotting issues as the rollout of the AstraZeneca Vaccine picks up pace.

Indian migrant workers in the middle east are being left pout of vaccine drives.

Brazil is experiencing vaccine shortages across the country.

It is being reported that in Japan most residents want the Olympic Games cancelled, but the government is pushing ahead regardless.

Dogs can detect Covid-19 in people in under a second, much faster than any test developed so far.


26 May 2021 Wednesday

225 (222) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

Micronesia has recently reported its first Covid-19 case.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 168,348,967 3,495,000 9106 0.79 0.69
121 Australia 30,030 910 0 1.50 0.01
(196) Sth Aust 750 4 0
(130) Victoria 20,553 820 0 3.50 0.01
( 165) NSW 5,574 54 0
180 NZ* 2,669 26 0
1 USA 33,939,139 604,998 694
2 India 27,156,382 311,421 4172
3 Brazil 16,121,136 450,026 168
6 Russia 5,017,795 119,194 393
7 UK 4,467,310 127,739 15
8 Italy 4,197,892 125,501 166
20 Sth Africa 1,637,848 55,874 0

Data sources as per previous months.

ASX200 at 7115 up 1.0% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 14.37% of its population with at least 1 dose of a vaccine.

The world has passed 168 million new cases of Covid-19, the last million in a little over 2 days.

India has passed 27 million cases of Covid-19, the last million in just over 5 days.

India is accounting for 1 in every 2 new infections world wide.

Melbourne is scrambling to trace the current outbreak, with hundreds who attended a Collingwood v Port Adelaide AFL game on Sunday being urged to get tested.

The most of the other Australian States are closing their borders to travellers from Melbourne.

The Melbourne outbreak is seeing a surge in people being tested and getting vaccinated.

Panis buying has started in Melbourne as its residents worry about another lockdown.

Hundreds have been deemed Tier 1 Close Contacts in the Melbourne outbreak.

The USA has joined calls for a transparent investigation into the source of the Coronavirus that caused the pandemic.

Half of all USA adults have been at least partially vaccinated against Covid-19


27 May 2021 Thursday

225 (222) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

Micronesia has recently reported its first Covid-19 case.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 168,976,613 3,509,771 14771 1.25 1.10
121 Australia 30,048 910 0 2.21 0.03
(196) Sth Aust 752 4 0
(130) Victoria 20,563 820 0 3.89 0.02
( 165) NSW 5,576 54 0
180 NZ* 2,669 26 0
1 USA 33,964,181 606,041 1043
2 India 27,367,935 315,263 3842
3 Brazil 16,274,695 454,429 4403
6 Russia 5,026,168 119,600 406
7 UK 4,470.297 127,748 9
8 Italy 4,201,827 125,622 121
20 Sth Africa 1,640,932 55,976 102

Data sources as per previous months.

ASX200 at 7092 down 0.3% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 14.78% of its population with at least 1 dose of a vaccine.

The world has passed 3.5 million deaths due to Covid-19.

Thousands of people who attended the MCG for the AFL match on Sunday are being urged to get tested for Covid-19.

Medical authorities are saying Melbourne is on the cusp of another serious outbreak

An investigation into the source of the latest outbreak has found it most likely began through transmission when food trays were collected at the Adelaide Quarantine Hotel.

A  former top adviser to UK PM Boris Johnson has come out with devastating revelation of the chaos and mismanagement by the PM at the start and during the Pandemic in the UK.

USA President Biden has instructed the US intelligence agencies to step up their investigations into the source of the Covid-19 Pandemic.

Belgium is limiting the use of the Johnson and Johnson vaccine to those over 41.


28 May 2021 Friday

225 (222) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

Micronesia has recently reported its first Covid-19 case.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 169,506,474 3,521,699 11928 1.06 0.96
121 Australia 30,063 910 0 1.59 0.02
(196) Sth Aust 752 4 0
(130) Victoria 20,575 820 0 2.90 4.67
( 165) NSW 5,576 54 0
180 NZ* 2,670 26 0
1 USA 33,990,168 606,726 685
2 India 27,547,705 318,821 3558
3 Brazil 16,342,162 456,674 2245
6 Russia 5,035,207 120,002 402
7 UK 4,473,677 127,758 10
8 Italy 4,205,970 125,793 171
20 Sth Africa 1,645,555 56,077 101

Data sources as per previous months.

ASX200 at 7094 up 0.0% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 15.21% of its population with at least 1 dose of a vaccine.

The world has passed 169 million cases of Covid-19, the last million in just over 2 days.

Businesses throughout Victoria are slamming the States 4th lockdown

Panic buying in Victorian supermarkets has seen the reintroduction of limits on certain lines, like toilet paper.

British PM Boris Johnson and his party colleagues have come out strongly against the criticisms of Johnsons former Chief of Staff.

US President Biden is likely to release a report into the origins of the Coronavirus that sparked the pandemic.

China is still vehemently rejecting the theory about the lab origins of the virus.

Facebook has lifted a ban on posts claiming the virus was manmade.


29 May 2021 Saturday

225 (222) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

Micronesia has recently reported its first Covid-19 case.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 170,090,081 3,536,331 11928 1.12 1.08
121 Australia 30,073 910 0 0.96 1.21
(196) Sth Aust 752 4 0
(130) Victoria 20,580 820 0 1.03 1.71
( 165) NSW 5,579 54 0
180 NZ* 2,670 26 0
1 USA 34,018,585 608,884 685
2 India 27,719,431 322,384 3558
3 Brazil 16,391,930 459,045 2245
6 Russia 5,044,459 120,406 402
7 UK 4,477,705 127,768 10
8 Italy 4,209,707 125,919 171
20 Sth Africa 1,649,9777 56,170 101

Data sources as per previous months.

ASX200 at 7179 up 1.2% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 15.69% of its population with at least 1 dose of a vaccine.

The world has passed 170 million cases of Covid-19, the last million in just under 2 days.

The last 10 million cases in just 18 Days.

The USA has passed 34 million cases of Covid-19, the last million in 30 days.

Victoria are adding more Tier 1 locations to its list of possible infection sites.

Two teen girls who hitchhikes from Melbourne to Victor Harbor in DSA have been found, both have tested negative for Covid-19 and will be sent back to Victoria after being charged with multiple offences.

Caravan sales in Australia continue to hit record numbers as Australians holiday at home.

Victoria continues to break records for daily Covid-19 testing and vaccinations.

A total lockdown has been announced in Malaysia after Covid-19 numbers surge.

Ireland is opening its borders to international travel from 19 July.

The EU has approved the Pfizer vaccine for use in in over 12’s.

Vaccine Passports are being considered all over the globe.


30 May 2021 Sunday

225 (222) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

Micronesia has recently reported its first Covid-19 case.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 170,452,235 3,544,300 11928 0.73 0.69
121 Australia 30,083 910 0 0.89 1.21
(196) Sth Aust 752 4 0
(130) Victoria 20,587 820 0 1.20 2.09
( 165) NSW 5,580 54 0
180 NZ* 2,670 26 0
1 USA 34,030,271 609,215 685
2 India 27,893,472 325,998 3558
3 Brazil 16,392,657 459,171 2245
6 Russia 5,044,459 120,406 402
7 UK 4,480,945 127,775 10
8 Italy 4,213,055 126,002 171
20 Sth Africa 1,654,551 56,293 101

Data sources as per previous months.

ASX200 at 7179 up 1.2% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 16.17% of its population with at least 1 dose of a vaccine.

The are now over 150 exposure sites nominated in the latest Victorian outbreak.

Victoria continues to record record numbers of people out getting tested for Covid-19, some waiting up to 6 hours in queues to get tested.

The Chinese city of Guangzhou has shutdown after a surge in Covid-19 cases.

A new purpose built “Village” style quarantine facility in Victoria is set to be approved by PM Scott Morrison.

Thousands of Brazilians have demonstrated for the impeachment of President Bolsonaro.

There are protests being held in Portugal as the government relaxed restriction to allow a European Champions League Football match to be played in Porto between two British clubs. Thousand of English soccer fans have “invaded” the city, most of whom are not wearing masks or following any Covid-19 safety protocols.

Vietnam has discovered a new hybrid Covid variant.


31 May 2021 Monday

225 (222) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

Micronesia has recently reported its first Covid-19 case.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 170,907,928 3,554,114 32415 0.94 0.88
121 Australia 30,098 910 0 1.21 1.71
(196) Sth Aust 754 4 0
(130) Victoria 20,593 820 0 0.91 1.71
( 165) NSW 5,585 54 0
180 NZ* 2,672 26 0
1 USA 34,041,578 609,525 2799
2 India 28,046,957 329,127 10306
3 Brazil 16,471,600 461,142 4468
6 Russia 5,063,442 121,162 1160
7 UK 4,484,056 127,781 23
8 Italy 4,216,003 126,046 253
20 Sth Africa 1,659,070 56,363 286

Data sources as per previous months.

ASX200 at 7179 up 1.2% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 16.40% of its population with at least 1 dose of a vaccine.

India has passed 28 million cases of Covid-19, the last million in a little under 5 days, a dramatic slowing of new infections.

Scientists in the USA have discovered a new drug that may block severe Covid-19 symptoms, the drug, diABZI,  is under early testing.

Queensland is investigating using sports stadia as mass vaccination hubs.

South Australia is looking to use a flying school at the Parafield airport as a quarantine hub for returning students, in a bid to kickstart the higher education sector.

Victoria has launched a stinging attack on the federal government over its handling of the vaccine rollout, quarantine facilities and the lack of support to Victorian businesses as it enters the 3rd day of its 4th lockdown.

A surge in people wanting to get vaccinated has seen people turned away from vaccination centres.

Victoria is continuing to have record numbers of people get tested for Covid-19, with over 45,000 tested yesterday.

The Victorian outbreak continues to grow slowly, one new cases was a person who worked in Aged Care facilities.

Italy has recorded its lowest death rates since October 2020.

The UK could make Covid-19 vaccines mandatory for NHS staff.

Vietnam has said the hybrid it discovered is a mix of the Indian and UK variants.

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