#02 February 2020 COVID-19 Spreads Globally

1 February 2020

The 10th case in Australia was announced in Victoria.

2 February 2020

Two more cases were confirmed in South Australia,

4 February 2020

An 8-year-old male Chinese national was confirmed as the 13th case in Australia, the third case in Queensland (Qld)

5 February 2020

Global community asks for and receives US$675 million to help protect vunerable countries from outbreak through the Strategic Preparedness and Response Plan (SPRP).

5 February 2020

Diamond Princess cruise ship quarantined

More than 3,600 passengers are quarantined on a cruise ship off the coast of Yokohama, Japan, while passengers and crew undergo health screenings. The number of confirmed cases on board the ship would eventually swell to more than 700, making it one of the largest outbreaks outside of China.

5 February 2020

A 37-year-old male Chinese national was confirmed as the 14th case in Australia, the fourth case in Queensland.

6 February 2020

A 37-year-old female Chinese national was confirmed as the 15th case in Australia, the fifth case in Queensland.

7 February 2020

ASX closed at 7022, down 0.4% on the day

EU Health Ministers held and informal video conference with members of the European Commission and European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) to review the state of play

11 February 2020

The Novel Coronavirus disease named COVID-19

12 February 2020

WHO research and innovation forum sets priorities for COVID-19 research focusing on developing easy-to-apply diagnostics, accelerating existing vaccine candidates and preventing infection.

UN activates a WHO led Crisis Management Team to help focus on the health response while the other agencies will bring their expertise to bear on the wider social, economic and developmental implications of the outbreak

14 February 2020

ASX closed at 7130, up 0.4% on the day.

16 February 2020

Australia had a total of 15 confirmed cases. 8 of these cases had recovered.

17 February 2020

WHO issued guidance on mass gatherings and taking care of ill travellers.

18 February 2020

WHO and countries are engaged in massive preparedness activities, shipping supplies of PPE to 21 countries. They aimed to have 40 African countries and 29 countries in the Americas able to detect COVID-19

21 February 2020

ASX closed at 7139 down 0.3% on the day

Director General of WHO warns that the window of opportunity to contain the outbreak is narrowing, and the international community needs to act quickly, including through financing.

22 February 2020

It was confirmed that 11000 African health care workers had been trained on COVID-19 using on-line courses.

24 February 2020

A team of experts from WHO and European Centre for Diseae Prevention went to Italy to see first hand how events had developed there and to learn from their experience on control and prevention. WHO experts also provided support in clinical management, infection control, surveillance and risk communication.

25 February 2020

WHO-China mission shared finding and recommendations from the “Chinese Experience”. The team found that the epidemic peaked and plateaued between 23 Jan and 2 February, and had been declining since then.

26 February 2020

WHO has issued new COVID-19 guidance for businesses and employers, which outlines simple ways to prevent the spread of the virus, things to consider when employees travel and how to get your business ready in case COVID-19 arrives in your community.

26 February 2020

The only new COVID-19 detections that had been found in Australia in the previous two weeks were eight cases of Australian passengers repatriated from the Diamond Princess. At the time, there was no evidence of community transmission in Australia.

26 February 2020

First case of suspected local transmission in United States

27 February 2020

WHO advises that every country should be able to answer these questions.

Are we ready for the first case? 

Do we have enough medical oxygen, ventilators and other vital equipment?

How will we know if there are cases in other areas of the country?

Do our health workers have the training and equipment they need to stay safe?

Do we have the right measures at airports and border crossings to test people who are sick?

Do our labs have the right chemicals that allow them to test samples?

Are we ready to treat patients with severe or critical disease?

Do our hospitals and clinics have the right procedures to prevent and control infections?

Do our people have the right information? Do they know what the disease looks like?

27 February 2020

Australia’s Prime Minister announced the country was activating the Australian Health Sector Emergency Response Plan for Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19), stating that the rapid spread of the virus outside of China had prompted the government to elevate its response.

The plan guides the response of Government health agencies makes sure the actions are well coordinated outlines the 4 main stages of the response — initial action, targeted action, stand-down, preparedness

28 February 2020

WHO advises that more than 20 vaccines are in development worldwide, several are in clinical trials. They also advise that there are some basic things individuals can do to protect themselves and others.

Clean your hands regularly with an alcohol based hand rub, or soap and water. Touching your face after touching contaminated surfaces or sick people is one of the ways that COVID-19 can be transmitted

Catch coughs and sneezes in a tissue, and dispose of the tissue immediately into a closed bin

Be prepared to Self Isolate

Plan ahead based on your situation. Employ Self Isolation, “Social Distancing”, can you arrange to work from home,

Use Health Services Wisely, your first point of call for ALL non-emergency health issues should be your Doctor.

Stay Up To Date using TRUSTED SOURCES OF INFORMATION. Websites run by WHO, state and federal governments

28 February 2020

A 63-year-old woman was the latest confirmed case of having COVID-19.

29 February 2020

ASX closed at 6441.2 down 3.4% on the day

Australian Government announced foreign nationals coming from Iran will be forced to spend a fortnight in a third country before being allowed into Australia.

29 February 2020

First recorded death in the USA

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