1 March 2022 Tuesday
227 (223) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.
Micronesia was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case.
Rank | Country | Total Cases | Total Deaths | New Deaths | GF 7d Av | GF 14d Av |
WHO Data | WORLD | 436,785,092 | 5,972,850 | 5829 | 0.75 | 0.71 |
29 | Australia | 3236196 | 5210 | 39 | 1.09 | 1.21 |
0 | Sth Aust | 149704 | 179 | 2 | ||
(56) | Victoria | 1047634 | 2490 | 18 | 1.11 | 1.18 |
(49) | NSW | 1320379 | 1910 | 9 | ||
139 | NZ | 118812 | 56 | 0 | ||
1 | USA | 80,599,287 | 973,706 | 587 | ||
2 | India | 42,930,015 | 514,054 | 211 | ||
3 | Brazil | 28,787,620 | 649,350 | 155 | ||
5 | UK | 18,804,765 | 161,224 | 0 | ||
6 | Russia | 16,398,036 | 351,660 | 733 | ||
10 | Italy | 12,782,836 | 154,767 | 207 | ||
16 | Indonesia | 5,564,448 | 148,335 | 262 | ||
20 | Sth Africa | 3,674,042 | 99,412 | 183 |
Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au
Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.
Australian daily hospitalisation figures.
Australia | NSW | Victoria | Sth Australia | |
Daily Hospitalisations | 1940 | 1098 | 255 | 111 |
Daily Deaths | 39 | 9 | 18 | 2 |
In ICU | 131 | 49 | 41 | 9 |
On Ventilator | ||||
Total Deaths | 5210 | 1910 | 2490 | 179 |
Daily Tests Carried Out | PCR Total | 49750 | Daily New Cases | 25217 |
Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/
ASX200 at 7049 up 0.7% from the close from the previous close.
Australia has vaccinated 96.30% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 94.44% have had 2 dose & 55.50% have had 3 doses. (SA 94.58/ 92.03/56.10). These figures have not been updated for several days. Alternate source found
The world has again recorded more than 1 million new cases of Covid-19 for 50 consecutive days.
The world has passed 436 million cases of Covid-19.
Lithuania has passed 900,000 reported cases of Covid-19.
The USA leads the world in deaths due to Covid-19, accounting for 1 in 5 deaths.
The efficacy of the Pfizer vaccine in children is declining faster than was expected, the lower dose they receive may explain why.
A possible case of deer to human transmission of the Coronavirus has been detected in Canada.
The rates of infection and hospitalisation in the USA due to Covid-19 are declining.
NZ has removed the requirement for fully vaccinated travellers from Australia to quarantine
2 March 2022 Wednesday
227 (223) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.
Micronesia was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case.
Rank | Country | Total Cases | Total Deaths | New Deaths | GF 7d Av | GF 14d Av |
WHO Data | WORLD | 438,333,269 | 5,981,730 | 8880 | 1.00 | 0.96 |
29 | Australia | 3261350 | 5272 | 62 | 1.10 | 1.16 |
0 | Sth Aust | 151934 | 181 | 2 | ||
(56) | Victoria | 1054538 | 2518 | 28 | 1.12 | 1.21 |
(49) | NSW | 1330995 | 1915 | 5 | ||
139 | NZ | 142918 | 56 | 0 | ||
1 | USA | 80,669,399 | 976,288 | 2582 | ||
2 | India | 42,938,164 | 514,109 | 55 | ||
3 | Brazil | 28,811,165 | 649,630 | 280 | ||
5 | UK | 18,886,701 | 161,361 | 137 | ||
6 | Russia | 16,495,369 | 352,446 | 786 | ||
10 | Italy | 12,829,972 | 155,000 | 233 | ||
16 | Indonesia | 5,589,176 | 148,660 | 325 | ||
20 | Sth Africa | 3,675,691 | 99,430 | 18 |
Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au
Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.
Australian daily hospitalisation figures.
Australia | NSW | Victoria | Sth Australia | |
Daily Hospitalisations | 1904 | 1027 | 264 | 112 |
Daily Deaths | 60 | 5 | 27 | 2 |
In ICU | 121 | 45 | 37 | 9 |
On Ventilator | ||||
Total Deaths | 5272 | 1915 | 2517 | 181 |
Daily Tests Carried Out | PCR Total | 98154 | Daily New Cases | 29177 |
Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/
ASX200 at 7096 up 0.7% from the close from the previous close.
Australia has vaccinated 96.30% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 94.44% have had 2 dose & 55.50% have had 3 doses. (SA 94.59/ 92.04/56.13). These figures have not been updated for several days. Alternate source found
The world has again recorded more than 1 million new cases of Covid-19 for 51 consecutive days.
The world has passed 438 million cases of Covid-19.
Thailand is now reporting pandemic high new daily case number of Covid-19 exceeding 2300 per day.
Moldova has passed 500,000 reported cases of Covid-19
The average number of reported deaths due to Covid-19 in Hing Kong has been increasing for the last 10 days.
Australian PM Scott Morrison has been found to have Covid-19, currently experiencing flu like symptoms.
Covid-19 case numbers have spiked in NSW and Victoria.
A dedicated Covid-19 ward has been opened in a Perth hospital for the first time.
Quarantine free travel into WA resumes tomorrow
Mandatory requirement s for Covid-19 by NHS Staff in the UK ends mid march.
The death from the flooding in northern NSW has risen to 10.
3 March 2022 Thursday
227 (223) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.
Micronesia was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case.
Rank | Country | Total Cases | Total Deaths | New Deaths | GF 7d Av | GF 14d Av |
WHO Data | WORLD | 439,664,245 | 5,988,708 | 6978 | 0.94 | 0.85 |
29 | Australia | 3296682 | 5316 | 44 | 1.46 | 1.50 |
0 | Sth Aust | 154481 | 186 | 5 | ||
(56) | Victoria | 1061510 | 2540 | 22 | 1.12 | 1.13 |
(49) | NSW | 1342333 | 1924 | 9 | ||
139 | NZ | 142918 | 56 | 0 | ||
1 | USA | 80,726,768 | 978,154 | 1866 | ||
2 | India | 42,938,599 | 514,246 | 137 | ||
3 | Brazil | 28,811,165 | 649,717 | 87 | ||
5 | UK | 19,029,321 | 161,704 | 343 | ||
6 | Russia | 16,592,824 | 353,230 | 784 | ||
10 | Italy | 12,867,918 | 155,214 | 214 | ||
16 | Indonesia | 5,630,096 | 149,036 | 376 | ||
20 | Sth Africa | 3,677,686 | 99,458 | 28 |
Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au
Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.
Australian daily hospitalisation figures.
Australia | NSW | Victoria | Sth Australia | |
Daily Hospitalisations | 1865 | 1035 | 262 | 104 |
Daily Deaths | 44 | 9 | 23 | 5 |
In ICU | 118 | 43 | 33 | 9 |
On Ventilator | ||||
Total Deaths | 5316 | 1924 | 2540 | 186 |
Daily Tests Carried Out | PCR Total | 87595 | Daily New Cases | 31447 |
Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/
ASX200 at 7116 up 0.3% from the close from the previous close.
Australia has vaccinated 96.34% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 94.50% have had 2 dose & 56.26% have had 3 doses. (SA 94.67/ 92.12/56.95). These figures have not been updated for several days. Alternate source found
The world has again recorded more than 1 million new cases of Covid-19 for 52 consecutive days.
The world has passed 439 million cases of Covid-19.
The UK has passed 19 million reported cases of Covid-19
Estonia has passed 500,000 reported cases of Covid-19
New Zealand has recorded it highest number of daily new Covid-19 infections with over 23,900 new cases.
The USA now accounts for 1 in every 4 deaths due to Covid-19
New Zealand anti-mandate protesters have set fire to tens, mattresses, etc in front of the NZ Parliament House.
Thousands are expected to travel to WA starting today as its borders reopen.
Concerns are being expressed over the number of people who could have been infected by PM Scott Morrison.
NT is removing all mask mandates except in high risk environments.
Sydney is experiencing widespread flooding as the storm cell that flooded SE Queensland /Nothern NSW moved down the coast.
Reports are out that On-line Australian anti-mandate groups are now coming out to support Russia and Putin
4 March 2022 Friday
227 (223) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.
Micronesia was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case.
Rank | Country | Total Cases | Total Deaths | New Deaths | GF 7d Av | GF 14d Av |
WHO Data | WORLD | 441,667,200 | 5,999,024 | 10316 | 1.39 | 1.30 |
29 | Australia | 3321805 | 5354 | 38 | 1.03 | 1.07 |
0 | Sth Aust | 156703 | 188 | 2 | ||
(56) | Victoria | 1067857 | 2566 | 26 | 1.04 | 1.05 |
(49) | NSW | 1351710 | 1926 | 2 | ||
139 | NZ | 188680 | 63 | 7 | ||
1 | USA | 80,800,849 | 980,677 | 2523 | ||
2 | India | 42,951,262 | 514,620 | 374 | ||
3 | Brazil | 28,904,030 | 650,578 | 861 | ||
5 | UK | 19,074,696 | 161,898 | 194 | ||
6 | Russia | 16,685,850 | 354,011 | 781 | ||
9 | Italy | 12,910,506 | 155,399 | 185 | ||
16 | Indonesia | 5,667,355 | 149,268 | 232 | ||
22 | Sth Africa | 3,679,539 | 99,499 | 41 |
Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au
Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.
Australian daily hospitalisation figures.
Australia | NSW | Victoria | Sth Australia | |
Daily Hospitalisations | 1753 | 1000 | 245 | 106 |
Daily Deaths | 37 | 2 | 26 | 2 |
In ICU | 112 | 42 | 28 | 9 |
On Ventilator | ||||
Total Deaths | 5354 | 1926 | 2566 | 188 |
Daily Tests Carried Out | PCR Total | 56149 | Daily New Cases | 28032 |
Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/
ASX200 at 7151 up 0.5% from the close from the previous close.
Australia has vaccinated 96.34% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 94.50% have had 2 dose & 56.26% have had 3 doses. (SA 94.67/ 92.12/56.95). These figures have not been updated for several days. Alternate source found
The world has again recorded more than 1 million new cases of Covid-19 for 53 consecutive days.
The world has passed 441 million cases of Covid-19.
The war in Ukraine continues unabated.
Italy has moved into 9th place in terms of total number of reported Covid-19 cases, overtaking Spain, and South Africa has moved into 22nd place, overtaken by Vietnam and South Korea
South Korea now leads the world for reported daily new infections, accounting for 1 in 9 new cases of Covid-19
Vietnam has recorded its highest single day rate of infection since the start of the pandemic with over 176,000 new cases reported.
WA has recorded another daily Covid-19 case high with over 2400 new cases,
In the USA the Florida Governor has scolded students at the University of South Florida for wearing masks
5 March 2022 Saturday
227 (223) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.
Micronesia was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case.
Rank | Country | Total Cases | Total Deaths | New Deaths | GF 7d Av | GF 14d Av |
WHO Data | WORLD | 443,639,849 | 6,008,523 | 9499 | 1.32 | 1.26 |
29 | Australia | 3344659 | 5402 | 48 | 0.93 | 0.97 |
0 | Sth Aust | 158707 | 188 | 0 | ||
(56) | Victoria | 1073578 | 2590 | 24 | 0.91 | 0.92 |
(49) | NSW | 1361680 | 1936 | 10 | ||
139 | NZ | 207562 | 63 | 0 | ||
1 | USA | 80,885,274 | 983,051 | 2374 | ||
2 | India | 42,956,806 | 514,904 | 284 | ||
3 | Brazil | 28,973,799 | 651,255 | 677 | ||
5 | UK | 19,119,181 | 162,008 | 110 | ||
6 | Russia | 16,775,024 | 354,787 | 776 | ||
9 | Italy | 12,948,859 | 155,609 | 210 | ||
16 | Indonesia | 5,693,702 | 149,596 | 328 | ||
22 | Sth Africa | 3,681,437 | 99,517 | 18 |
Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au
Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.
Australian daily hospitalisation figures.
Australia | NSW | Victoria | Sth Australia | |
Daily Hospitalisations | 1752 | 995 | 250 | 100 |
Daily Deaths | 47 | 10 | 24 | 0 |
In ICU | 112 | 45 | 28 | 10 |
On Ventilator | ||||
Total Deaths | 5402 | 1936 | 2590 | 188 |
Daily Tests Carried Out | PCR Total | 63107 | Daily New Cases | 26063 |
Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/
ASX200 at 7110 down 0.6% from the close from the previous close.
Australia has vaccinated 96.39% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 94.56% have had 2 dose & 56.96% have had 3 doses. (SA 94.74/ 92.20/57.69). These figures have not been updated for several days. Alternate source found
The world has again recorded more than 1 million new cases of Covid-19 for 54 consecutive days.
The world has passed 443 million cases of Covid-19.
Hong Kong has now reported over 400,000 cases of Covid-19
Hospitalisations due to Covid-19 continue to fall across Australia
SA Police have removed the mandate that all officers must be vaccinated.
Queensland are easing the mask and density requirements they had in place.
6 March 2022 Sunday
227 (223) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.
Micronesia was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case.
Rank | Country | Total Cases | Total Deaths | New Deaths | GF 7d Av | GF 14d Av |
WHO Data | WORLD | 445,102,816 | 6,014,731 | 6208 | 0.96 | 0.95 |
29 | Australia | 3364178 | 5416 | 14 | 0.75 | 0.82 |
0 | Sth Aust | 160520 | 190 | 2 | ||
(56) | Victoria | 1078564 | 2594 | 4 | 0.80 | 0.81 |
(49) | NSW | 1370440 | 1941 | 5 | ||
139 | NZ | 207562 | 63 | 0 | ||
1 | USA | 80,903,538 | 983,618 | 567 | ||
2 | India | 42,962,658 | 515,063 | 159 | ||
3 | Brazil | 29,033,052 | 651,927 | 672 | ||
5 | UK | 19,119,181 | 162,008 | 0 | ||
6 | Russia | 16,861,793 | 355,537 | 750 | ||
9 | Italy | 12,990,223 | 155,782 | 173 | ||
16 | Indonesia | 5,723,858 | 149,918 | 322 | ||
22 | Sth Africa | 3,683,172 | 99,543 | 26 |
Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au
Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.
Australian daily hospitalisation figures.
Australia | NSW | Victoria | Sth Australia | |
Daily Hospitalisations | 1730 | 1009 | 219 | 100 |
Daily Deaths | 13 | 5 | 4 | 2 |
In ICU | 113 | 43 | 27 | 12 |
On Ventilator | ||||
Total Deaths | 5416 | 1941 | 2594 | 190 |
Daily Tests Carried Out | PCR Total | 59371 | Daily New Cases | 22270 |
Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/
ASX200 at 7110 down 0.6% from the close from the previous close.
Australia has vaccinated 96.39% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 94.56% have had 2 dose & 56.96% have had 3 doses. (SA 94.74/ 92.20/57.69). These figures have not been updated for several days. Alternate source found
The world has again recorded more than 1 million new cases of Covid-19 for 55 consecutive days.
The world has passed 445 million cases of Covid-19.
France has passed 23 million recorded cases of Covid-19
The USA accounts for 1 in 5 deaths due to Covid-19
An anti-Covid Controls protest convoy has gathered on the outskirts of Washington DC in the USA
New cases of Covid-19 are falling in England and Ireland, but rising in Scotland.
7 March 2022 Monday
227 (223) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.
Micronesia was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case.
Rank | Country | Total Cases | Total Deaths | New Deaths | GF 7d Av | GF 14d Av |
WHO Data | WORLD | 446,335,904 | 6,018,950 | 4219 | 0.81 | 0.80 |
29 | Australia | 3386004 | 5448 | 32 | 0.87 | 0.91 |
0 | Sth Aust | 162307 | 213 | 23 | ||
(56) | Victoria | 1084107 | 2596 | 2 | 0.90 | 0.90 |
(49) | NSW | 1379425 | 1946 | 5 | ||
139 | NZ | 222767 | 65 | 2 | ||
1 | USA | 80,916,843 | 983,976 | 358 | ||
2 | India | 42,967,077 | 515,133 | 70 | ||
3 | Brazil | 29,049,013 | 652,143 | 216 | ||
5 | UK | 19,119,181 | 162,008 | 0 | ||
6 | Russia | 16,941,656 | 356,281 | 744 | ||
9 | Italy | 13,026,112 | 155,887 | 105 | ||
15 | Indonesia | 5,748,725 | 150,172 | 254 | ||
22 | Sth Africa | 3,684,319 | 99,543 | 0 |
Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au
Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.
Australian daily hospitalisation figures.
Australia | NSW | Victoria | Sth Australia | |
Daily Hospitalisations | 1809 | 1066 | 227 | 106 |
Daily Deaths | 32 | 5 | 2 | 23 |
In ICU | 117 | 43 | 29 | 15 |
On Ventilator | ||||
Total Deaths | 5416 | 1946 | 2596 | 213 |
Daily Tests Carried Out | PCR Total | 62609 | Daily New Cases | 23853 |
Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/
ASX200 at 7110 down 0.6% from the close from the previous close.
Australia has vaccinated 96.43% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 94.60% have had 2 dose & 57.51% have had 3 doses. (SA 94.77/ 92.25/58.26). These figures have not been updated for several days. Alternate source found
The world has again recorded more than 1 million new cases of Covid-19 for 56 consecutive days.
The world has passed 446 million cases of Covid-19.
The average number of new Covid-19 cases in Brunei has reached a pandemic high of over 1000 per day
South Korea now accounts for 1 in every 7 new case of Covid-19
The indoor mask mandate in the NT ends today.
Parents of WA school children deemed close contacts no longer have to quarantine.
A truck convoy is looping Washington DC in a protest against Covid restrictions
The amount of news generated around Covid-19 has taken a sudden massive drop. A sign I guess that it is no longer deemed news worthy and the world tries to resume “normal” life.
As at the 15 January 2022 there were only 4 countries in the world that had yet to report a case of Covid-19, they are North Korea, Turkmenistan, Tuvalu and Nauru. North Korea and Turkmenistan are dictatorships and the news out of them is questionable at best.
8 March 2022 Tuesday
227 (223) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.
Micronesia was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case.
Rank | Country | Total Cases | Total Deaths | New Deaths | GF 7d Av | GF 14d Av |
WHO Data | WORLD | 447,621,777 | 6,025,009 | 4219 | 0.83 | 0.83 |
29 | Australia | 342179 | 5464 | 32 | 0.87 | 0.91 |
0 | Sth Aust | 164675 | 212 | 23 | ||
(56) | Victoria | 1091061 | 2602 | 2 | 0.90 | 0.90 |
(49) | NSW | 1392422 | 1951 | 5 | ||
139 | NZ | 264255 | 65 | 2 | ||
1 | USA | 80,940,028 | 984,621 | 358 | ||
2 | India | 42,970,454 | 515,241 | 70 | ||
3 | Brazil | 29,069,469 | 652,341 | 216 | ||
5 | UK | 19,245301 | 162,147 | 0 | ||
6 | Russia | 17,014,818 | 356,949 | 744 | ||
9 | Italy | 13,048,774 | 156,017 | 105 | ||
15 | Indonesia | 5,770,105 | 150,430 | 254 | ||
22 | Sth Africa | 3,685,120 | 99,609 | 0 |
Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au
Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.
Australian daily hospitalisation figures.
Australia | NSW | Victoria | Sth Australia | |
Daily Hospitalisations | 1788 | 1070 | 203 | 97 |
Daily Deaths | 16 | 5 | 6 | 0 |
In ICU | 112 | 43 | 29 | 13 |
On Ventilator | ||||
Total Deaths | 5464 | 1951 | 2602 | 213 |
Daily Tests Carried Out | PCR Total | 63077 | Daily New Cases | 31540 |
Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/
ASX200 at 7038 down 1.0% from the close from the previous close.
Australia has vaccinated 96.43% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 94.60% have had 2 dose & 57.51% have had 3 doses. (SA 94.77/ 92.25/58.26). These figures have not been updated for several days. Alternate source found
The world has again recorded more than 1 million new cases of Covid-19 for 57 consecutive days.
The world has passed 447 million cases of Covid-19.
Italy has passed 13 million reported cases of Covid-19.
Norway has reported its highest number of deaths in a single day due to Covid-19, with 66 people dying.
China is seeing a new surge in Covid-19 cases particularly in the southern province of Guangdong
That borders Hong Kong.
Russian forces in Ukraine are advancing on a 3rd nuclear power plant in the country.
South Australia’s surge in death reported yesterday is due to a catch-iup of a few months previously unreported deaths
9 March 2022 Wednesday
227 (223) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.
Micronesia was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case.
Rank | Country | Total Cases | Total Deaths | New Deaths | GF 7d Av | GF 14d Av |
WHO Data | WORLD | 449,368,927 | 6,033,022 | 14072 | 1.11 | 1.12 |
29 | Australia | 3462781 | 5498 | 50 | 1.17 | 1.30 |
0 | Sth Aust | 164675 | 215 | 2 | ||
(56) | Victoria | 1098093 | 2611 | 15 | 1.13 | 1.14 |
(49) | NSW | 1405566 | 1960 | 14 | ||
139 | NZ | 264255 | 65 | 0 | ||
1 | USA | 80,022782 | 987935 | 2982 | ||
2 | India | 42975883 | 515386 | 108 | ||
3 | Brazil | 29,144964 | 652936 | 686 | ||
5 | UK | 19306725 | 162359 | 351 | ||
6 | Russia | 17081394 | 357601 | 1320 | ||
9 | Italy | 13110859 | 156201 | 314 | ||
15 | Indonesia | 5,800,253 | 150,831 | 659 | ||
22 | Sth Africa | 3,686,556 | 99,625 | 82 |
Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au
Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.
Australian daily hospitalisation figures.
Australia | NSW | Victoria | Sth Australia | |
Daily Hospitalisations | 1737 | 1038 | 196 | 90 |
Daily Deaths | 34 | 9 | 9 | 3 |
In ICU | 112 | 39 | 32 | 15 |
On Ventilator | ||||
Total Deaths | 5498 | 1960 | 2611 | 215 |
Daily Tests Carried Out | PCR Total | 105185 | Daily New Cases | 31540 |
Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/
ASX200 at 6980 down 0.8% from the close from the previous close.
Australia has vaccinated 96.43% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 94.60% have had 2 dose & 57.51% have had 3 doses. (SA 94.77/ 92.25/58.26). These figures have not been updated for several days. Alternate source found
The world has again recorded more than 1 million new cases of Covid-19 for 58 consecutive days.
The world has passed 449 million cases of Covid-19.
The USA accounts for 1 in 5 deaths due to Covid-19
The WHO has reversed its position on boosters and is now saying s=they are required.
A report out says that Global death rates due to Covid-19 are higher among those not vaccinated, although no stats are given to support this.
The same report says the global death rate due to Covid-19 is likely to be 4 to 5 times the official number.
10 March 2022 Thursday
227 (223) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.
Micronesia was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case.
Rank | Country | Total Cases | Total Deaths | New Deaths | GF 7d Av | GF 14d Av |
WHO Data | WORLD | 450,990,236 | 6,041,278 | 8256 | 1.00 | 1.07 |
29 | Australia | 3500480 | 5498 | 22 | 1.29 | 1.41 |
0 | Sth Aust | 170346 | 215 | 4 | ||
(56) | Victoria | 1105776 | 2619 | 8 | 1.21 | 1.23 |
(49) | NSW | 1421796 | 1964 | 4 | ||
139 | NZ | 307803 | 81 | 16 | ||
1 | USA | 81,040,600 | 988,491 | 556 | ||
2 | India | 42,979,585 | 515,490 | 104 | ||
3 | Brazil | 29,193,268 | 653,498 | 562 | ||
5 | UK | 19,373,884 | 162,482 | 123 | ||
6 | Russia | 17,140,069 | 358,246 | 645 | ||
9 | Italy | 13,159,342 | 156,357 | 156 | ||
15 | Indonesia | 5,826,589 | 151,135 | 304 | ||
24 | Sth Africa | 3,688,423 | 99,656 | 31 |
Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au
Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.
Australian daily hospitalisation figures.
Australia | NSW | Victoria | Sth Australia | |
Daily Hospitalisations | 1688 | 991 | 188 | 91 |
Daily Deaths | 21 | 4 | 8 | 4 |
In ICU | 110 | 39 | 32 | 11 |
On Ventilator | ||||
Total Deaths | 5520 | 1964 | 2619 | 219 |
Daily Tests Carried Out | PCR Total | 86150 | Daily New Cases | 37751 |
Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/
ASX200 at 7053 up 1.0% from the close from the previous close.
Australia has vaccinated 96.45% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 94.62% have had 2 dose & 57.84% have had 3 doses. (SA 94.80/ 92.29/58.66). These figures have not been updated for several days. Alternate source found
The world has again recorded more than 1 million new cases of Covid-19 for 59 consecutive days.
The world has passed 450 million cases of Covid-19. The last 50 million in 29 days.
Australia has passed 3.5 million cases of Covid-19, the last 500,000 cases in 19 days.
The man who led Sweden’s Covid-19 response, which meant no lockdowns but the highest per capita death rate in the world is joining the WHO.
South Australia is set to start winding back its Covid-19 restriction further when the Covid-19 Committee meets today.
Studies are linking Covid-19 to changes in the brain, including brain shrinkage of up to 2%.
WA is bracing itself for the worst day of Omicron as the states case number soar.
Austria has suspended its mandatory Covid-19 vaccine laws.
Case numbers of Covid-19 are rising across Australia, but the hospitalisation rate is falling
China has built a temporary bridge between the mainland and Hong Kong to aid in the delivery of manpower and materials to build temporary hospitals as the Covid-19 outbreak continues to soar.
Australia has passed 3.5 million cases of Covid-19, the last 500,000 cases in 19 days.
11 March 2022 Friday
227 (223) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.
Micronesia was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case.
Rank | Country | Total Cases | Total Deaths | New Deaths | GF 7d Av | GF 14d Av |
WHO Data | WORLD | 452,899,096 | 6,049,202 | 7924 | 1.19 | 1.25 |
29 | Australia | 3535620 | 5551 | 31 | 1.15 | 1.28 |
0 | Sth Aust | 173096 | 220 | 1 | ||
(56) | Victoria | 1112451 | 2629 | 10 | 1.05 | 1.06 |
(49) | NSW | 1435768 | 1971 | 7 | ||
139 | NZ | 328836 | 86 | 5 | ||
1 | USA | 81,091,290 | 990,449 | 1958 | ||
2 | India | 42,983,723 | 515,745 | 255 | ||
3 | Brazil | 29,249,903 | 654,086 | 588 | ||
5 | UK | 19,373,884 | 162,482 | 0 | ||
6 | Russia | 17,191,300 | 358,911 | 665 | ||
9 | Italy | 13,214,498 | 156,493 | 136 | ||
15 | Indonesia | 5,847,900 | 151,413 | 278 | ||
24 | Sth Africa | 3,690,291 | 99,681 | 25 |
Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au
Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.
Australian daily hospitalisation figures.
Australia | NSW | Victoria | Sth Australia | |
Daily Hospitalisations | 1689 | 998 | 185 | 88 |
Daily Deaths | 31 | 7 | 10 | 1 |
In ICU | 101 | 39 | 27 | 10 |
On Ventilator | ||||
Total Deaths | 5551 | 1971 | 2629 | 220 |
Daily Tests Carried Out | PCR Total | 106585 | Daily New Cases | 34873 |
Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/
ASX200 at 7130 up 1.1% from the close from the previous close.
Australia has vaccinated 96.50% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 94.68% have had 2 dose & 58.40% have had 3 doses. (SA 94.85/ 92.35/59.21).
Today is the 2nd anniversary of the declaration of the Covid-19 Pandemic by The Who.
The world has again recorded more than 1 million new cases of Covid-19 for 60 consecutive days.
The world has passed 452 million cases of Covid-19.
South Korea now leads the world accounting for 1 in 6 new daily Covid-19 infections
South Australian Covid-19 restrictions have been reduced dramatically from midnight tonight, with check-in requirements almost removed completely, no limits for most venues , singing and dancing allowed,…..
The Australian Federal Government has developed a $2.1 billion plan to minimise the possibility of a Covid-19/Flu surge in winter.
A new sub-variant,BA-2, of Omicron is spreading throughout Australia, more contagious than Omicron.
12 March 2022 Saturday
227 (223) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.
Micronesia was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case.
Rank | Country | Total Cases | Total Deaths | New Deaths | GF 7d Av | GF 14d Av |
WHO Data | WORLD | 454,982,482 | 6,056,304 | 7102 | 1.29 | 1.34 |
29 | Australia | 3567219 | 5571 | 20 | 0.99 | 1.12 |
0 | Sth Aust | 175761 | 221 | 1 | ||
(56) | Victoria | 1118438 | 2640 | 11 | 0.93 | 0.95 |
(49) | NSW | 1448586 | 1975 | 4 | ||
139 | NZ | 347576 | 93 | 7 | ||
1 | USA | 81,134,295 | 992,273 | 1824 | ||
2 | India | 42,985,957 | 515,759 | 14 | ||
3 | Brazil | 29,305,114 | 654,556 | 470 | ||
5 | UK | 19,530,485 | 162,738 | 256 | ||
6 | Russia | 17,242,043 | 359,585 | 674 | ||
9 | Italy | 13,268,459 | 156,649 | 156 | ||
15 | Indonesia | 5,864,010 | 151,703 | 290 | ||
24 | Sth Africa | 3,691,962 | 99,709 | 28 |
Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au
Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.
Australian daily hospitalisation figures.
Australia | NSW | Victoria | Sth Australia | |
Daily Hospitalisations | 1656 | 966 | 175 | 98 |
Daily Deaths | 22 | 4 | 11 | 1 |
In ICU | 97 | 40 | 22 | 9 |
On Ventilator | ||||
Total Deaths | 5571 | 1975 | 2640 | 221 |
Daily Tests Carried Out | PCR Total | 69396 | Daily New Cases | 31721 |
Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/
ASX200 at 7063 down 0.9% from the close from the previous close.
Australia has vaccinated 96.50% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 94.68% have had 2 dose & 58.40% have had 3 doses. (SA 94.85/ 92.35/59.21).
The world has again recorded more than 1 million new cases of Covid-19 for 61 consecutive days.
The world has passed 454 million cases of Covid-19.
The Netherlands has passed 7 million reported cases of Covid-19
The Australian National Cabinet has changed the requirements for some Covid-19 situations. Close contacts no longer have to isolate and PCR tests are now only to be had by the venerable and severe cases.
Thought is now being applied to defining when the pandemic will be over. There have been 3 distinct definitions put forward. 1 – The Medical End when the disease recedes, 2- the Political End when Government prevention measures cease and 3 – The Social End when the majority of people simply move on from it.
The number of active Covid-19 cases in WA has passed 20,000 with a record of over 5,000 new cases reported yesterday
SA starts a new phase of Covid-19 as density limits are scraped across the state.
The western world continues to build on the sanctions on Russia and its elites, as Russia turns to Syria for mercenaries to help with the war in Ukraine.
13 March 2022 Sunday
227 (223) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.
Micronesia was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case.
Rank | Country | Total Cases | Total Deaths | New Deaths | GF 7d Av | GF 14d Av |
WHO Data | WORLD | 456,289,976 | 6,061,473 | 5169 | 0.82 | 0.84 |
29 | Australia | 3596466 | 5587 | 16 | 0.88 | 0.99 |
0 | Sth Aust | 177881 | 222 | 1 | ||
(56) | Victoria | 1123497 | 2644 | 4 | 0.79 | 0.80 |
(49) | NSW | 1461656 | 1982 | 7 | ||
139 | NZ | 362109 | 101 | 8 | ||
1 | USA | 81,161,804 | 993,220 | 947 | ||
2 | India | 42,989,398 | 515,847 | 88 | ||
3 | Brazil | 29,350,134 | 654,945 | 389 | ||
5 | UK | 19,530,485 | 162,738 | 0 | ||
6 | Russia | 17,290,197 | 360,215 | 630 | ||
9 | Italy | 13,323,128 | 156,782 | 133 | ||
15 | Indonesia | 5,878,910 | 151,951 | 248 | ||
24 | Sth Africa | 3,693,532 | 99,712 | 3 |
Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au
Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.
Australian daily hospitalisation figures.
Australia | NSW | Victoria | Sth Australia | |
Daily Hospitalisations | 1702 | 965 | 195 | 108 |
Daily Deaths | 16 | 7 | 4 | 1 |
In ICU | 108 | 44 | 25 | 10 |
On Ventilator | ||||
Total Deaths | 5587 | 1982 | 2644 | 222 |
Daily Tests Carried Out | PCR Total | 73993 | Daily New Cases | 31721 |
Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/
ASX200 at 7063 down 0.9% from the close from the previous close.
Australia has vaccinated 96.51% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 94.70% have had 2 dose & 58.67% have had 3 doses. (SA 94.87/ 92.39/59.49).
The world has again recorded more than 1 million new cases of Covid-19 for 62 consecutive days.
The world has passed 456 million cases of Covid-19.
There are early signs of a new spike in Covid-19 numbers globally is about to start.
South Korea now accounts for 1 in 6 new daily recorded Covid-19 infections world wide
Detention staff among the first ever Covid-19 cases on Christmas Island.
The BA-2 strain appears to be the new dominant strain in NSW and hence soon all of Australia.
Funding has been cut to the Covid-19 Tracking system in the UK
Calls mount in the UK for a 4th Covid-19 vaccination as cases mount.
New Zealand has passed 100 deaths due to Covid-19 as Omicron rampages through the country.
14 March 2022 Monday
227 (223) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.
Micronesia was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case.
Rank | Country | Total Cases | Total Deaths | New Deaths | GF 7d Av | GF 14d Av |
WHO Data | WORLD | 458,114,456 | 6,065,326 | 3853 | 1.08 | 1.14 |
29 | Australia | 3622826 | 5590 | 3 | 0.78 | 0.90 |
0 | Sth Aust | 180412 | 222 | 0 | ||
(56) | Victoria | 1128912 | 2645 | 1 | 0.85 | 0.86 |
(49) | NSW | 1470546 | 1983 | 1 | ||
139 | NZ | 377685 | 102 | 1 | ||
1 | USA | 81,173,430 | 993,771 | 551 | ||
2 | India | 42,993,213 | 515,907 | 60 | ||
3 | Brazil | 29,368,776 | 655,078 | 133 | ||
5 | UK | 19,530,485 | 162,738 | 0 | ||
6 | Russia | 17,335,186 | 360,811 | 596 | ||
9 | Italy | 13,373,207 | 156,868 | 86 | ||
15 | Indonesia | 5,890,495 | 152,166 | 215 | ||
24 | Sth Africa | 3,694,504 | 99,725 | 13 |
Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au
Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.
Australian daily hospitalisation figures.
Australia | NSW | Victoria | Sth Australia | |
Daily Hospitalisations | 1735 | 1005 | 198 | 113 |
Daily Deaths | 3 | 1 | 1 | 0 |
In ICU | 110 | 47 | 25 | 10 |
On Ventilator | ||||
Total Deaths | 5590 | 1983 | 2645 | 222 |
Daily Tests Carried Out | PCR Total | 54366 | Daily New Cases | 26063 |
Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/
ASX200 at 7063 down 0.9% from the close from the previous close.
Australia has vaccinated 96.51% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 94.70% have had 2 dose & 58.67% have had 3 doses. (SA 94.87/ 92.39/59.49).
The world has again recorded more than 1 million new cases of Covid-19 for 63 consecutive days.
The world has passed 458 million cases of Covid-19.
Former US President Barack Obama has tested positive to Covid-19
France is lifting most of its Covid-19 controls.
China is battling it worst Covid-19 outbreak in 2 years.
China has shutdown the city of Shenzhen , with 17.5 million people being put into lockdown to stop a possible outbreak of Covid-19, each resident will be tested 3 times.
China has adopted RATs in it zero tolerance policy.
Australian PM Scott Morrison has said that isolation for close contacts is now redundant.
Flights from Australia to Bali have recommenced after a 2 year break.
Covid-19 cases are rising in NSW and falling in WA.
New Covid-19 infections have been rising in Austria for the last 12 days.
15 March 2022 Tuesday
227 (223) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.
Micronesia was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case.
Rank | Country | Total Cases | Total Deaths | New Deaths | GF 7d Av | GF 14d Av |
WHO Data | WORLD | 459,222,288 | 6,070,220 | 4894 | 0.67 | 0.69 |
29 | Australia | 3656937 | 5615 | 25 | 1.05 | 1.14 |
0 | Sth Aust | 183191 | 225 | 3 | ||
(56) | Victoria | 1136292 | 2649 | 4 | 1.14 | 1.17 |
(49) | NSW | 1481203 | 1989 | 6 | ||
139 | NZ | 399342 | 102 | 0 | ||
1 | USA | 81,205,321 | 991090 | 939 | ||
2 | India | 42,995,560 | 516,005 | 98 | ||
3 | Brazil | 29,382,196 | 655,326 | 248 | ||
5 | UK | 19,530,485 | 162,738 | 0 | ||
6 | Russia | 17,376,241 | 361,344 | 533 | ||
9 | Italy | 13,402,905 | 156,997 | 129 | ||
15 | Indonesia | 5,900,124 | 152,437 | 271 | ||
24 | Sth Africa | 3,695,175 | 99,725 | 0 |
Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au
Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.
Australian daily hospitalisation figures.
Australia | NSW | Victoria | Sth Australia | |
Daily Hospitalisations | 1801 | 1032 | 197 | 129 |
Daily Deaths | 24 | 6 | 4 | 3 |
In ICU | 105 | 38 | 24 | 10 |
On Ventilator | ||||
Total Deaths | 5615 | 1989 | 2649 | 225 |
Daily Tests Carried Out | PCR Total | 73261 | Daily New Cases | 33952 |
Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/
ASX200 at 7149 up 1.2% from the close from the previous close.
Australia has vaccinated 96.55% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 94.75% have had 2 dose & 59.21% have had 3 doses. (SA 94.90/ 92.45/60.06).
The world has again recorded more than 1 million new cases of Covid-19 for 64 consecutive days.
The world has passed 459 million cases of Covid-19.
South Korea now accounts for 1 in 5 new daily recorded Covid-19 infections world wide
WA will be handing out thousands of free RATs to help stem the rising numbers of positive cases.
Covid-19 cases continue to rise in both NSW and Victoria
China is battling the new “stealth” variant of Omicron
The remaining travel restrictions in the UK will be dropped very soon.
The hospitalisation rate in Australia is starting to rise, as is the Reproduction rate of the virus.
16 March 2022 Wednesday
227 (223) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.
Micronesia was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case.
Rank | Country | Total Cases | Total Deaths | New Deaths | GF 7d Av | GF 14d Av |
WHO Data | WORLD | 461,323,459 | 6,071,767 | 1547 | 1.23 | 1.28 |
29 | Australia | 3715615 | 5615 | 24 | 1.62 | 1.81 |
0 | Sth Aust | 186743 | 225 | 0 | ||
(56) | Victoria | 1145639 | 2657 | 8 | 1.38 | 1.44 |
(49) | NSW | 1511605 | 1994 | 5 | ||
139 | NZ | 418861 | 125 | 23 | ||
1 | USA | 81,231,406 | 991,684 | 594 | ||
2 | India | 42,998,646 | 516,103 | 98 | ||
3 | Brazil | 29,432,157 | 655,585 | 259 | ||
5 | UK | 19,700,952 | 162,873 | 135 | ||
7 | Russia | 17,412,919 | 361,902 | 558 | ||
9 | Italy | 13,489,319 | 157,177 | 180 | ||
17 | Indonesia | 5,914,532 | 152,745 | 308 | ||
25 | Sth Africa | 3,696,823 | 99,727 | 2 |
Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au
Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.
Australian daily hospitalisation figures.
Australia | NSW | Victoria | Sth Australia | |
Daily Hospitalisations | 1782 | 1016 | 201 | 136 |
Daily Deaths | 23 | 5 | 8 | 0 |
In ICU | 101 | 36 | 24 | 10 |
On Ventilator | ||||
Total Deaths | 5639 | 1994 | 2657 | 225 |
Daily Tests Carried Out | PCR Total | 97235 | Daily New Cases | 58484 |
Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/
ASX200 at 7097 down 0.7% from the close from the previous close.
Australia has vaccinated 96.55% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 94.75% have had 2 dose & 59.21% have had 3 doses. (SA 94.90/ 92.45/60.06).
The world has again recorded more than 1 million new cases of Covid-19 for 65 consecutive days.
The world has passed 461 million cases of Covid-19.
Mainland China has reported its highest number of new cases of Covid-19 since February
Case numbers in China have doubled in the last 24 hours.
Cruising will be allowed in Australia from April 17.
WA is posting 10 free RATs to every WA household.
The number of new Covid-19 infections have jumped in Qld, NSW and Victoria.
The mask mandate in Scotland will remain as the country experiences rising numbers of Covid-19 cases.
NZ will open its borders to Australia in April.
NZ has passed 400,000 reported cases of Covid-19
17 March 2022 Thursday
227 (223) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.
Micronesia was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case.
Rank | Country | Total Cases | Total Deaths | New Deaths | GF 7d Av | GF 14d Av |
WHO Data | WORLD | 463,475,372 | 6,080,153 | 8386 | 1.21 | 1.27 |
29 | Australia | 3767956 | 5615 | 26 | 1.37 | 1.55 |
0 | Sth Aust | 191573 | 225 | 3 | ||
(56) | Victoria | 1155346 | 2657 | 7 | 1.38 | 1.44 |
(49) | NSW | 1531630 | 1994 | 5 | ||
139 | NZ | 438477 | 135 | 10 | ||
1 | USA | 81,289,458 | 994,716 | 3032 | ||
2 | India | 43,001,084 | 516,162 | 59 | ||
3 | Brazil | 29,478,039 | 656,003 | 418 | ||
5 | UK | 19,911,155 | 163,248 | 375 | ||
7 | Russia | 17,449,438 | 362,478 | 576 | ||
9 | Italy | 13,563,466 | 157,314 | 137 | ||
17 | Indonesia | 5,927,550 | 152,975 | 230 | ||
25 | Sth Africa | 3,698,803 | 99,767 | 40 |
Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au
Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.
Australian daily hospitalisation figures.
Australia | NSW | Victoria | Sth Australia | |
Daily Hospitalisations | 1855 | 1060 | 199 | 136 |
Daily Deaths | 29 | 6 | 7 | 3 |
In ICU | 92 | 32 | 23 | 5 |
On Ventilator | ||||
Total Deaths | 5694 | 2005 | 2673 | 231 |
Daily Tests Carried Out | PCR Total | 96902 | Daily New Cases | 52115 |
Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/
ASX200 at 7175 up 1.1% from the close from the previous close.
Australia has vaccinated 96.59% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 94.81% have had 2 dose & 59.66% have had 3 doses. (SA 94.93/ 92.51/60.39).
The world has again recorded more than 1 million new cases of Covid-19 for 66 consecutive days.
The world has passed 463 million cases of Covid-19.
In Queensland there are over 1000 children being diagnosed with Covid-19 everyday.
The NT is ending its contract with the Alice Springs Quarantine facility.
Authorities are saying that Wa’s peak Covid-19 infections has not been achieved yet as cases continue to rise.
Germany is experiencing its highest Covid-19 infection rate since the start of the pandemic
Australian authorities are warning that the recent outbreak and spread of Japanese encephalitis probably means that the disease is now endemic in the country.
18 March 2022 Friday
227 (223) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.
Micronesia was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case.
Rank | Country | Total Cases | Total Deaths | New Deaths | GF 7d Av | GF 14d Av |
WHO Data | WORLD | 465,488,346 | 6,085,730 | 5577 | 1.12 | 1.18 |
23 | Australia | 3816674 | 5694 | 29 | 1.21 | 1.38 |
(108) | Sth Aust | 196308 | 231 | 3 | ||
(51) | Victoria | 1164338 | 2673 | 9 | 1.21 | 1.31 |
(47) | NSW | 1551680 | 2005 | 6 | ||
88 | NZ | 452670 | 138 | 3 | ||
1 | USA | 81,310,098 | 995,544 | 828 | ||
2 | India | 43,003,767 | 516,312 | 150 | ||
3 | Brazil | 29,527,640 | 656,425 | 422 | ||
5 | UK | 20,001,627 | 163,386 | 138 | ||
7 | Russia | 17,484,257 | 363,039 | 561 | ||
9 | Italy | 13,645,834 | 157,442 | 128 | ||
17 | Indonesia | 5,939,082 | 153,212 | 237 | ||
26 | Sth Africa | 3,700,484 | 99,829 | 62 |
Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au
Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.
Australian daily hospitalisation figures.
Australia | NSW | Victoria | Sth Australia | |
Daily Hospitalisations | 1855 | 1060 | 199 | 132 |
Daily Deaths | 26 | 6 | 9 | 3 |
In ICU | 92 | 32 | 23 | 5 |
On Ventilator | ||||
Total Deaths | 5694 | 2005 | 2673 | 231 |
Daily Tests Carried Out | PCR Total | 96902 | Daily New Cases | 48799 |
Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/
ASX200 at 7250 up 1.1% from the close from the previous close.
Australia has vaccinated 96.61% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 94.84% have had 2 dose & 59.91% have had 3 doses. (SA 94.95/ 92.56/60.63).
The world has again recorded more than 1 million new cases of Covid-19 for 67 consecutive days.
The world has passed 465 million cases of Covid-19.
In Australia the number of hospital admissions, % positive tests and virus reproduction rate are all increasing. The death rate due to Covid-19 appears to have plateaued and the numbers on ventilators continues to slowly decrease.
India has passed 43 million reported cases of Covid-19.
South Korea has reported its largest number of new Covid-19 infections since the start of the pandemic.
The rate of new infections of Covid-19 in Thailand has been increasing for the last week.
Global infections continue to rise as more countries peel back their restrictions.
South Australia has recorded its 4th highest daily total of Covid-19 cases.
AS new daily Covid-19 case number in NSW rise above 20,000 there are calls for the reintroduction of mandated mask wearing.
Rising number of Covid-19 cases requiring hospitalisation in the UK is putting pressure on their hospital system.
19 March 2022 Saturday
227 (223) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.
Micronesia was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case.
Rank | Country | Total Cases | Total Deaths | New Deaths | GF 7d Av | GF 14d Av |
WHO Data | WORLD | 467,631,386 | 6,092,639 | 6909 | 1.12 | 1.18 |
23 | Australia | 3863155 | 5722 | 28 | 1.10 | 1.26 |
(108) | Sth Aust | 200353 | 231 | 0 | ||
(51) | Victoria | 1171910 | 2675 | 2 | 0.99 | 1.08 |
(47) | NSW | 1570591 | 2017 | 12 | ||
88 | NZ | 471225 | 144 | 6 | ||
1 | USA | 81,379,529 | 996,934 | 1390 | ||
2 | India | 43,005,914 | 516,381 | 69 | ||
3 | Brazil | 29,573,112 | 656,798 | 373 | ||
5 | UK | 20,093,762 | 163,511 | 125 | ||
7 | Russia | 17,518,699 | 363,563 | 524 | ||
9 | Italy | 13,724,411 | 157,607 | 165 | ||
17 | Indonesia | 5,948,610 | 153,411 | 199 | ||
26 | Sth Africa | 3,700,484 | 99,829 | 0 |
Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au
Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.
Australian daily hospitalisation figures.
Australia | NSW | Victoria | Sth Australia | |
Daily Hospitalisations | 1903 | 1090 | 210 | 147 |
Daily Deaths | 28 | 12 | 2 | 0 |
In ICU | 86 | 29 | 7 | 5 |
On Ventilator | ||||
Total Deaths | 5722 | 2017 | 2675 | 231 |
Daily Tests Carried Out | PCR Total | 91707 | Daily New Cases | 46422 |
Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/
ASX200 at 7294 up 0.6% from the close from the previous close.
Australia has vaccinated 96.61% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 94.84% have had 2 dose & 59.91% have had 3 doses. (SA 94.95/ 92.56/60.63).
The world has again recorded more than 1 million new cases of Covid-19 for 68 consecutive days.
The world has passed 467 million cases of Covid-19.
South Australian Election Day, might be the first change of government in Australia since the pandemic started
Finland has had the average number of new Covid-19 cases increasing for the last week.
China is considering changing from its ZERO tolerance policy for Covid-19, assessing the risks as more virulent mutations of the virus spread in the country.
Samoa is facing its first lockdown since the pandemic began as cases rise sharply in the island state.
Moderna is seeking approval for a second booster shot in the USA.
Anti-vaxxers in Australia are saying that the outbreak of Japanese Encephalitis in Australia is a cover-up of adverse reactions to the Pfizer vaccine.
Covid-19 infections in the UK are rising with new highs being recorded in the over 70’s age group
20 March 2022 Sunday
227 (223) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.
Micronesia was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case.
Rank | Country | Total Cases | Total Deaths | New Deaths | GF 7d Av | GF 14d Av |
WHO Data | WORLD | 469,638,273 | 6,097,468 | 4829 | 1.12 | 1.18 |
23 | Australia | 3903113 | 5728 | 6 | 0.91 | 1.04 |
(108) | Sth Aust | 203521 | 234 | 3 | ||
(51) | Victoria | 1178430 | 2675 | 0 | 0.83 | 0.91 |
(47) | NSW | 1587348 | 2017 | 4 | ||
88 | NZ | 483222 | 151 | 7 | ||
1 | USA | 81,404,104 | 997,845 | 911 | ||
2 | India | 43,007,564 | 516,510 | 129 | ||
3 | Brazil | 29,617,266 | 657,157 | 359 | ||
5 | UK | 20,093,762 | 163,511 | 0 | ||
7 | Russia | 17,551,657 | 364,058 | 495 | ||
9 | Italy | 13,800,179 | 157,692 | 85 | ||
18 | Indonesia | 5,956,561 | 153,599 | 188 | ||
27 | Sth Africa | 3,703,329 | 99,879 | 50 |
Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au
Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.
Australian daily hospitalisation figures.
Australia | NSW | Victoria | Sth Australia | |
Daily Hospitalisations | 1939 | 1124 | 215 | 148 |
Daily Deaths | 7 | 4 | 0 | 3 |
In ICU | 85 | 33 | 21 | 7 |
On Ventilator | ||||
Total Deaths | 5728 | 2021 | 2675 | 234 |
Daily Tests Carried Out | PCR Total | 88972 | Daily New Cases | 40403 |
Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/
ASX200 at 7294 up 0.6% from the close from the previous close.
Australia has vaccinated 96.64% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 94.90% have had 2 dose & 60.41% have had 3 doses. (SA 94.98/ 92.65/61.12).
The world has again recorded more than 1 million new cases of Covid-19 for 69 consecutive days.
The world has passed 469 million cases of Covid-19.
The Labor Party has won the SA State Election.
France has passed 25 million reported cases of Covid-19
South Korea leads the world with 1 in 4 new recorded daily Covid-19 cases.
The average number of new daily Covid-19 infection in Cuba has been increasing for the last week
China currently has approximately 35 million people in lockdown due to its Covid-19 policies.
New Covid-19 cases rose by 37% in a week due to the new Omicron variant.
21 March 2022 Monday
227 (223) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.
Micronesia was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case.
Rank | Country | Total Cases | Total Deaths | New Deaths | GF 7d Av | GF 14d Av |
WHO Data | WORLD | 470,579,965 | 6,099,742 | 2274 | 0.53 | 0.54 |
23 | Australia | 3943245 | 5736 | 8 | 0.88 | 1.01 |
(108) | Sth Aust | 207490 | 234 | 0 | ||
(51) | Victoria | 1185768 | 2675 | 0 | 0.90 | 1.01 |
(47) | NSW | 1602318 | 2025 | 4 | ||
88 | NZ | 497731 | 163 | 12 | ||
1 | USA | 81,407,028 | 997,924 | 79 | ||
2 | India | 43,008,543 | 516,516 | 6 | ||
3 | Brazil | 29,630,484 | 657,205 | 48 | ||
5 | UK | 20,093,762 | 163,511 | 0 | ||
7 | Russia | 17,582,692 | 364,492 | 434 | ||
9 | Italy | 13,861,743 | 157,785 | 93 | ||
18 | Indonesia | 5,962,483 | 153,738 | 139 | ||
27 | Sth Africa | 3,704,218 | 99,881 | 2 |
Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au
Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.
Australian daily hospitalisation figures.
Australia | NSW | Victoria | Sth Australia | |
Daily Hospitalisations | 2046 | 1163 | 248 | 150 |
Daily Deaths | 6 | 4 | 0 | 2 |
In ICU | 87 | 34 | 20 | 9 |
On Ventilator | ||||
Total Deaths | 5736 | 2025 | 2675 | 234 |
Daily Tests Carried Out | PCR Total | 74441 | Daily New Cases | 39768 |
Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/
ASX200 at 7294 up 0.6% from the close from the previous close.
Australia has vaccinated 96.65% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 94.91% have had 2 dose & 60.55% have had 3 doses. (SA 94.99/ 92.67/61.28).
The world has passed 470 million cases of Covid-19.
The world has recorded less than 1 million new cases of Covid-19 for the first time in 70 days.
Singapore has passed 1 millio9n reported Covid-19 cases.
The average daily number of new reported cases of Covid-19 in Greece has been increasing for the last 12 days.
SA’s new State Premier has announced he will look into the State’s Covid-19 rules around masks, close contact definition, and isolating
A previously healthy 2 year old has died of Covid-19 in NSW
New daily cases of Covid-19 have been declining for the last 3 days.
China has reported its first deaths due to Covid-19 in over a year.
22 March 2022 Tuesday
227 (223) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.
Micronesia was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case.
Rank | Country | Total Cases | Total Deaths | New Deaths | GF 7d Av | GF 14d Av |
WHO Data | WORLD | 471,842,683 | 6,103,559 | 3817 | 0.70 | 0.73 |
23 | Australia | 3996983 | 5763 | 27 | 1.11 | 1.32 |
(108) | Sth Aust | 211753 | 238 | 4 | ||
(51) | Victoria | 1195239 | 2682 | 7 | 1.12 | 1.27 |
(47) | NSW | 1623235 | 2029 | 4 | ||
88 | NZ | 518685 | 177 | 14 | ||
1 | USA | 81,421,432 | 998,126 | 202 | ||
2 | India | 43,010,661 | 516,574 | 58 | ||
3 | Brazil | 29,641,594 | 657,302 | 97 | ||
5 | UK | 20,093,762 | 163,511 | 0 | ||
7 | Russia | 17,611,401 | 364,901 | 409 | ||
9 | Italy | 13,895,188 | 157,904 | 119 | ||
18 | Indonesia | 5,967,182 | 153,892 | 154 | ||
27 | Sth Africa | 3,704,784 | 99,890 | 9 |
Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au
Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.
Australian daily hospitalisation figures.
Australia | NSW | Victoria | Sth Australia | |
Daily Hospitalisations | 2107 | 1177 | 256 | 165 |
Daily Deaths | 27 | 4 | 7 | 4 |
In ICU | 95 | 41 | 24 | 11 |
On Ventilator | ||||
Total Deaths | 5763 | 2029 | 2682 | 238 |
Daily Tests Carried Out | PCR Total | 72238 | Daily New Cases | 53376 |
Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/
ASX200 at 7278 down 0.2% from the close from the previous close.
Australia has vaccinated 96.66% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 94.92% have had 2 dose & 60.61% have had 3 doses. (SA 95.00/ 92.68/61.36).
The world has passed 471 million cases of Covid-19.
Argentina has passed 9 million reported cases of Covid-19
Finland has reported its highest daily number of Covid-19 related deaths since the start of the pandemic, 98.
International flight passenger numbers are still lagging expectations as the International flight industry struggles to regain its pre-Covid position.
Hong Kong has started reducing some of its restrictions after the most recent Covid-19 outbreak.
The UK NHS has begun rolling out a 2nd vaccination booster.
The Oxford Vaccine Group is to begin a world wide vaccine drive to immunise the world against Covid-19.
China has locked down the city of Shenyang, 9 million people and has reported over 4,000 cases of Covid-19
The UK continues to with-hold daily Covid-19 numbers.
23 March 2022 Wednesday
227 (223) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.
Micronesia was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case.
Rank | Country | Total Cases | Total Deaths | New Deaths | GF 7d Av | GF 14d Av |
WHO Data | WORLD | 474033863 | 1642471 | 11497 | 1.21 | 1.24 |
23 | Australia | 4058958 | 5788 | 25 | 1.26 | 1.46 |
(108) | Sth Aust | 216878 | 240 | 2 | ||
(51) | Victoria | 1205650 | 2693 | 11 | 1.21 | 1.36 |
(47) | NSW | 1647233 | 2034 | 5 | ||
88 | NZ | 518685 | 177 | 0 | ||
1 | USA | 81464880 | 999580 | 1454 | ||
2 | India | 43010971 | 516574 | 0 | ||
3 | Brazil | 29683686 | 657773 | 471 | ||
5 | UK | 20413731 | 163929 | 418 | ||
7 | Russia | 17637795 | 365373 | 472 | ||
9 | Italy | 13992092 | 158062 | 158 | ||
18 | Indonesia | 5974646 | 154062 | 170 | ||
27 | Sth Africa | 3704784 | 99890 | 0 |
Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au
Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.
Australian daily hospitalisation figures.
Australia | NSW | Victoria | Sth Australia | |
Daily Hospitalisations | 2104 | 1162 | 243 | 161 |
Daily Deaths | 25 | 5 | 11 | 2 |
In ICU | 95 | 44 | 23 | |
On Ventilator | 8 | |||
Total Deaths | 5788 | 2034 | 2693 | 240 |
Daily Tests Carried Out | PCR Total | 132301 | Daily New Cases | 61706 |
Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/
ASX200 at 7341dup 0.9% from the close from the previous close.
Australia has vaccinated 96.68% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 94.95% have had 2 dose & 60.83% have had 3 doses. (SA 95.02/ 92.73/61.58).
The world has passed 474 million cases of Covid-19.
South Korea leads the world with 1 in 5 new daily reported Covid-19 cases.
Germany has passed 29 million reported cases of Covid-19.
SA Covid-19 cases are expected to peak at around 6,000 daily cases in the next few weeks.
In WA many more people have contracted Omicron than forecast but the Premier is confident their hospital system will cope.
24 March 2022 Thursday
227 (223) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.
Micronesia was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case.
Rank | Country | Total Cases | Total Deaths | New Deaths | GF 7d Av | GF 14d Av |
WHO Data | WORLD | 475772638 | 6126552 | 11497 | 0.99 | 0.98 |
23 | Australia | 4122142 | 5824 | 36 | 1.25 | 1.42 |
(108) | Sth Aust | 222149 | 242 | 2 | ||
(51) | Victoria | 1215677 | 2693 | 0 | 1.16 | 1.28 |
(47) | NSW | 1647233 | 2034 | 0 | ||
88 | NZ | 557330 | 192 | 15 | ||
1 | USA | 81498499 | 1000761 | 1181 | ||
2 | India | 43014463 | 516703 | 129 | ||
3 | Brazil | 29729991 | 657998 | 225 | ||
5 | UK | 20515998 | 164123 | 194 | ||
7 | Russia | 17664621 | 365802 | 429 | ||
9 | Italy | 14070450 | 158254 | 192 | ||
18 | Indonesia | 5981022 | 154221 | 159 | ||
27 | Sth Africa | 3707089 | 99899 | 9 |
Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au
Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.
Australian daily hospitalisation figures.
Australia | NSW | Victoria | Sth Australia | |
Daily Hospitalisations | 2149 | 1162 | 243 | 157 |
Daily Deaths | 35 | 5 | 11 | 2 |
In ICU | 102 | 44 | 23 | 10 |
On Ventilator | ||||
Total Deaths | 5824 | 2693 | 2034 | 242 |
Daily Tests Carried Out | PCR Total | 115711 | Daily New Cases | 63104 |
Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/
ASX200 at 7377 down 0.5% from the close from the previous close.
Australia has vaccinated 96.69% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 94.97% have had 2 dose & 61.05% have had 3 doses. (SA 95.03/ 92.96/61.80).
The world has passed 475 million cases of Covid-19.
The USA has passed 1 million reported Covid-19 deaths
South Korea has passed 10 million reported Covid-19 cases.
Some Australians may soon be eligible for a 4thvaccine dose aimed at the “new” Omicron sub variant.
Shanghai Disneyland has been closed as the Covid-19 outbreaks in China continue.
Sleep problems have been recognised as a symptom of long Covid
An agreement has been reached with Moderna to begin producing mRNA vaccines in Australia from 2024.
Tuberculosis has been undergoing an unseen resurgence during the Covid-19 pandemic.
NZ is going to drop their requirements for vaccine passes and mandates.
25 March 2022 Friday
227 (223) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.
Micronesia was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case.
Rank | Country | Total Cases | Total Deaths | New Deaths | GF 7d Av | GF 14d Av |
WHO Data | WORLD | 477626492 | 6132167 | 5615 | 1.07 | 1.05 |
23 | Australia | 4177332 | 5824 | 0 | 1.07 | 1.20 |
(108) | Sth Aust | 157 | 242 | 0 | ||
(51) | Victoria | 244 | 2704 | 11 | 0.47 | 0.48 |
(47) | NSW | 1180 | 2042 | 8 | ||
88 | NZ | 573244 | 201 | 9 | ||
1 | USA | 81543536 | 1001536 | 775 | ||
2 | India | 43016149 | 516785 | 82 | ||
3 | Brazil | 29767681 | 658310 | 312 | ||
5 | UK | 20613817 | 164282 | 159 | ||
7 | Russia | 17690008 | 366220 | 418 | ||
9 | Italy | 14153098 | 158436 | 182 | ||
18 | Indonesia | 5986830 | 154343 | 122 | ||
27 | Sth Africa | 3709209 | 99932 | 33 |
Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au
Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.
Australian daily hospitalisation figures.
Australia | NSW | Victoria | Sth Australia | |
Daily Hospitalisations | 2149 | 1180 | 244 | 157 |
Daily Deaths | 35 | 8 | 11 | 2 |
In ICU | 102 | 43 | 25 | 10 |
On Ventilator | ||||
Total Deaths | 5824 | 2042 | 2704 | 242 |
Daily Tests Carried Out | PCR Total | 115711 | Daily New Cases | 63103 |
Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/
ASX200 at 7387 up 0.1% from the close from the previous close.
Australia has vaccinated 96.72% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 95.02% have had 2 dose & 60.48% have had 3 doses. (SA 95.06/ 92.82/62.25).
The world has passed 477 million cases of Covid-19.
CoCovi19 infections are surging again in NSW and Victoriand4th vaccinations continue to be pushed for older and vulnerable Australians.
People travelling to Australia will soon not be required to get a predeparture Covid-19 test.
Wales is dropping its mask mandate for shops and public transport from Monday.
26 March 2022 Saturday
227 (223) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.
Micronesia was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case.
Rank | Country | Total Cases | Total Deaths | New Deaths | GF 7d Av | GF 14d Av |
WHO Data | WORLD | 479281013 | 6137417 | 5250 | 0.99 | 0.95 |
23 | Australia | 4232521 | 5882 | 58 | 1.05 | 1.16 |
(108) | Sth Aust | 231079 | 253 | 11 | ||
(51) | Victoria | 1233052 | 2722 | 18 | 1.57 | 1.67 |
(47) | NSW | 1715381 | 2055 | 13 | ||
88 | NZ | 587467 | 217 | 16 | ||
1 | USA | 81577789 | 1002680 | 1144 | ||
2 | India | 43016372 | 516785 | 0 | ||
3 | Brazil | 29802257 | 658566 | 256 | ||
5 | UK | 20691123 | 164454 | 172 | ||
7 | Russia | 17715390 | 366618 | 398 | ||
9 | Italy | 14229495 | 158582 | 146 | ||
18 | Indonesia | 5991687 | 154463 | 120 | ||
27 | Sth Africa | 3710766 | 99939 | 7 |
Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au
Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.
Australian daily hospitalisation figures.
Australia | NSW | Victoria | Sth Australia | |
Daily Hospitalisations | 2159 | 1177 | 250 | 151 |
Daily Deaths | 30 | 4 | 9 | 7 |
In ICU | 100 | 44 | 18 | 5 |
On Ventilator | ||||
Total Deaths | 5882 | 2055 | 2722 | 253 |
Daily Tests Carried Out | PCR Total | 83179 | Daily New Cases | 51976 |
Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/
ASX200 at 7406 up 0.3% from the close from the previous close.
Australia has vaccinated 96.72% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 95.02% have had 2 dose & 61.48% have had 3 doses. (SA 95.06/ 92.82/62.25).
The world has passed 471 million cases of Covid-19.
The number of new reported Covid-19 cases in Tonga has been increasing for the last 12 days.
South Korea leads the world with 1 in 4 new daily reported Covid-19 cases.
The average number of newly reported cases of Covid-19 in Laos has reached a new high of over 2200 per day.
New Reported Covid-19 case numbers in NSW and Victoria have begun to decrease.
The new Premier of SA has stated that mask and isolation rules will be wound back on the Thursday before Easter.
The new Omicron sub variant is now the dominant strain in the ACT.
The Queensland health system is under great strain as a new wave of Covid-19 cases is about to occur.
Trials have begun on 2 new Covid-19 vaccines developed in Melbourne..
Weekly new reported cases of Covid-19 have increased by over 1 million cases.
The delays in response to newly reported cases of Covid-19 within China have resulted in nearly 5000 extra cases.
27 March 2022 Sunday
227 (223) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.
Micronesia was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case.
Rank | Country | Total Cases | Total Deaths | New Deaths | GF 7d Av | GF 14d Av |
WHO Data | WORLD | 480839751 | 6145441 | 8024 | 0.97 | 0.89 |
23 | Australia | 4279363 | 5893 | 11 | 0.87 | 0.96 |
(108) | Sth Aust | 235808 | 253 | 0 | ||
(51) | Victoria | 1240399 | 2727 | 5 | 0.83 | 0.88 |
(47) | NSW | 1732801 | 2056 | 1 | ||
88 | NZ | 597745 | 223 | 6 | ||
1 | USA | 81614255 | 1003418 | 738 | ||
2 | India | 43019270 | 521034 | 4249 | ||
3 | Brazil | 29832179 | 659812 | 1246 | ||
5 | UK | 20691123 | 164454 | 0 | ||
7 | Russia | 17739462 | 367013 | 395 | ||
9 | Italy | 14304111 | 158700 | 118 | ||
18 | Indonesia | 5995876 | 154570 | 107 | ||
27 | Sth Africa | 3712263 | 99965 | 26 |
Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au
Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.
Australian daily hospitalisation figures.
Australia | NSW | Victoria | Sth Australia | |
Daily Hospitalisations | 2176 | 1171 | 260 | 158 |
Daily Deaths | 11 | 1 | 5 | 0 |
In ICU | 102 | 47 | 19 | 6 |
On Ventilator | ||||
Total Deaths | 5893 | 2056 | 2727 | 253 |
Daily Tests Carried Out | PCR Total | 97430 | Daily New Cases | 46263 |
Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/
ASX200 at 7278 down 0.2% from the close from the previous close.
Australia has vaccinated 96.66% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 94.92% have had 2 dose & 60.61% have had 3 doses. (SA 95.00/ 92.68/61.36).
The world has passed 480 million cases of Covid-19.
The UK’s weekly Covid-19 cases have increased by over 1 million cases.
Retail sales in the UK are falling as a result of the recent storms and CPI crisis.
Frustration is growing among the general population in China over the handling of Covidcrisis.
WA has recorded over 8100 Covid-19 cases, as it passes 140,000 reported cases.
Queensland’s health system is coming under 8ncreasi g pressure as another wave of Covid-19 sweeps the state.
28 March 2022 Monday
227 (223) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.
Micronesia was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case.
Rank | Country | Total Cases | Total Deaths | New Deaths | GF 7d Av | GF 14d Av |
WHO Data | WORLD | 481,913,882 | 6148272 | 2831 | 0.66 | 0.63 |
23 | Australia | 4326294 | 5897 | 4 | 0.86 | 0.93 |
(108) | Sth Aust | 240617 | 256 | 3 | ||
(51) | Victoria | 1249138 | 2727 | 0 | 0.97 | 1.02 |
(47) | NSW | 1748917 | 1270 | 14 | ||
88 | NZ | 610687 | 231 | 8 | ||
1 | USA | 81621888 | 1003467 | 49 | ||
2 | India | 43020651 | 521006 | -28 | ||
3 | Brazil | 29842418 | 658926 | -886 | ||
5 | UK | 20691123 | 164454 | 0 | ||
7 | Russia | 17762742 | 367351 | 338 | ||
9 | Italy | 14364723 | 158782 | 82 | ||
18 | Indonesia | 5998953 | 154670 | 100 | ||
27 | Sth Africa | 3713252 | 3599563 | 3499598 |
Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au
Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.
Australian daily hospitalisation figures.
Australia | NSW | Victoria | Sth Australia | |
Daily Hospitalisations | 2301 | 1270 | 252 | 181 |
Daily Deaths | 6 | 3 | 0 | 3 |
In ICU | 113 | 55 | 21 | 7 |
On Ventilator | ||||
Total Deaths | 5897 | 2057 | 2727 | 256 |
Daily Tests Carried Out | PCR Total | 97388 | Daily New Cases | 46888 |
Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/
ASX200 at 7278 down 0.2% from the close from the previous close.
Australia has vaccinated 96.75% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 95.06% have had 2 dose & 61.83% have had 3 doses. (SA 95.09/ 92.88/62.64).
The world has passed 482 million cases of Covid-19.
Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews has tested positive to Covid-19.
China has put Shanghai into lockdown for mass testing to try and contain a Covid-19 outbreak.
Aboriginal health services have reached their limits and are calling for more government support
Covid-19 cases continue to fall in NSW and Victoria.
Corruption by UK parliamentarians abusing the system and profiting from it in the UK during the Covid-19 pandemic is being revealed.
29 March 2022 Tuesday
227 (223) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.
Micronesia was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case.
Rank | Country | Total Cases | Total Deaths | New Deaths | GF 7d Av | GF 14d Av |
WHO Data | WORLD | 482,770,947 | 6,150,581 | 2309 | 0.55 | 0.51 |
23 | Australia | 4386555 | 5927 | 30 | 1.08 | 1.16 |
(108) | Sth Aust | 245469 | 257 | 1 | ||
(51) | Victoria | 1259961 | 2732 | 5 | 1.17 | 1.23 |
(47) | NSW | 1770374 | 2066 | 9 | ||
88 | NZ | 627898 | 266 | 35 | ||
1 | USA | 81,634,470 | 1,003,760 | 293 | ||
2 | India | 43,021,722 | 521,098 | 92 | ||
3 | Brazil | 29,852,341 | 658,956 | 30 | ||
5 | UK | 20,691,123 | 164,454 | 0 | ||
7 | Russia | 17,783,843 | 367,686 | 335 | ||
9 | Italy | 14,396,283 | 158,877 | 95 | ||
18 | Indonesia | 6,001,751 | 154,774 | 104 | ||
28 | Sth Africa | 3,713,833 | 99,970 | 407 |
Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au
Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.
Australian daily hospitalisation figures.
Australia | NSW | Victoria | Sth Australia | |
Daily Hospitalisations | 2364 | 1283 | 284 | 170 |
Daily Deaths | 30 | 9 | 5 | 1 |
In ICU | 119 | 53 | 33 | 7 |
On Ventilator | ||||
Total Deaths | 5927 | 2066 | 2732 | 257 |
Daily Tests Carried Out | PCR Total | 82513 | Daily New Cases | 59462 |
Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/
ASX200 at 7412 up 0.1% from the close from the previous close.
Australia has vaccinated 96.66% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 94.92% have had 2 dose & 60.61% have had 3 doses. (SA 95.00/ 92.68/61.36).
The world has passed 482 million cases of Covid-19.
New Zealand has passed 600,000 reported Covid-19 cases.
The average number of new Covid-19 cases reported in the UK over the last three weeks has increased by over 40,000
Covid-19 cases in NSW and Victoria are increasing again.
The number of reported Covid-19 in SA has been around 4000 for a while and the hospital system is in a state of near crisis.
Our son has tested positive to Covid-19, the nearest Covid-19 has come to us yet.
Elon Musk has tested positive to Covid-19 for a second time.
New evacuation orders have been made for northern rivers NSW towns as heavy rains continue to cause more flooding.
30 March 2022 Wednesday
227 (223) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.
Micronesia was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case.
Rank | Country | Total Cases | Total Deaths | New Deaths | GF 7d Av | GF 14d Av |
WHO Data | WORLD | 484,982,818 | 6,155,831 | 5250 | 1.41 | 1.321 |
23 | Australia | 4453965 | 5962 | 35 | 1.19 | 1.28 |
(108) | Sth Aust | 251561 | 259 | 2 | ||
(51) | Victoria | 1271422 | 2739 | 7 | 1.22 | 1.28 |
(47) | NSW | 1795558 | 2081 | 15 | ||
88 | NZ | 643875 | 278 | 12 | ||
1 | USA | 81,685,027 | 1,005,055 | 1295 | ||
2 | India | 43,023,010 | 521,131 | 33 | ||
3 | Brazil | 29,882,397 | 659,294 | 338 | ||
5 | UK | 20,986,170 | 164,974 | 520 | ||
7 | Russia | 17,803,503 | 368,025 | 339 | ||
9 | Italy | 14,496,579 | 159,054 | 177 | ||
18 | Indonesia | 6,005,646 | 154,882 | 108 | ||
28 | Sth Africa | 3,715,390 | 99,976 | 6 |
Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au
Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.
Australian daily hospitalisation figures.
Australia | NSW | Victoria | Sth Australia | |
Daily Hospitalisations | 2446 | 1301 | 280 | 180 |
Daily Deaths | 34 | 15 | 7 | 2 |
In ICU | 102 | 46 | 18 | 8 |
On Ventilator | ||||
Total Deaths | 5962 | 2081 | 2739 | 259 |
Daily Tests Carried Out | PCR Total | 134574 | Daily New Cases | 66974 |
Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/
ASX200 at 7464 up 0.7% from the close from the previous close.
Australia has vaccinated 96.77% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 95.08% have had 2 dose & 62.08% have had 3 doses. (SA 95.12/ 92.93/62.92).
The world has passed 484 million cases of Covid-19.
Tonga has passed 5000 reported Covid-19 infections.
Covid-19 case numbers continue to rise in NSW.
Our daughter-in-law tested positive yesterday.
The NT is expecting a spike in Covid-19 cases soon.
20 people have been fined over illegal gatherings at No 10 Downing St in London.
Boris Johnson is yet to admit that laws were broken at 10 Downing St. under his watch.
Free Covid-19 testing for most people in the UK will end this coming Friday.
The USA FDA has approved a 2nd booster shot for all people 50 years and older.
31 March 2022 Thursday
227 (223) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.
Micronesia was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case.
Rank | Country | Total Cases | Total Deaths | New Deaths | GF 7d Av | GF 14d Av |
WHO Data | WORLD | 486,677,126 | 6,161,472 | 5641 | 1.09 | 1.02 |
22 | Australia | 4514213 | 5994 | 32 | 1.08 | 1.13 |
(108) | Sth Aust | 257567 | 259 | 0 | ||
(51) | Victoria | 1282623 | 2743 | 4 | 1.17 | 1.23 |
(47) | NSW | 1817625 | 2098 | 17 | ||
88 | NZ | 659175 | 299 | 21 | ||
1 | USA | 81,739,075 | 1,006,444 | 1389 | ||
2 | India | 43,024,302 | 521,159 | 28 | ||
3 | Brazil | 29,916,334 | 659,570 | 276 | ||
5 | UK | 21,073,009 | 165,187 | 213 | ||
7 | Russia | 17,823,648 | 368,377 | 352 | ||
9 | Italy | 14,567,990 | 159,224 | 170 | ||
18 | Indonesia | 6,009,486 | 155,000 | 118 | ||
28 | Sth Africa | 3,717,067 | 100,020 | 44 |
Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au
Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.
Australian daily hospitalisation figures.
Australia | NSW | Victoria | Sth Australia | |
Daily Hospitalisations | 2492 | 1326 | 312 | 175 |
Daily Deaths | 32 | 17 | 4 | 2 |
In ICU | 89 | 39 | 14 | 8 |
On Ventilator | ||||
Total Deaths | 5994 | 2098 | 2743 | 259 |
Daily Tests Carried Out | PCR Total | 123309 | Daily New Cases | 59674 |
Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/
ASX200 at 7514 up 0.7% from the close from the previous close.
Australia has vaccinated 96.78% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 95.11% have had 2 dose & 62.27% have had 3 doses. (SA 95.13/ 92.95/63.10).
The world has passed 486 million cases of Covid-19.
South Africa has passed 100,000 reported deaths due to Covid-19
Thailand is reporting average new weekly Covid-19 infections above25,200 daily cases
The UK has passed 21 million reported cases of Covid-19
A new clinic has been opened in Sydney to treat Long Covid.
SA is expected to reach its peak number of Covid-19 cases within days.
The Federal Government is expecting a new more virulent vaccine resistant virulent of Covid-19 to appear during the Australian winter.
A new rule in Queensland states that you don’t have to test or isolated within 3 months of having Covid-19.
USA Health officials have dropped the Covid-19 warning about cruise ships.
US President Biden has received a 2nd booster vaccine.
British PM Boris Johnson is still refusing to admit that any laws were broken at 10 Downing St.
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