#29 May 2022 The numbers of Covid-19 “reported” are continuing to decline

1 May 2022  Sunday

227 (223) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

Micronesia was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 513,217,447 6,260,235 1572 0.84 0.78
21 Australia 5960844 7238 15 0.84 0.79
(93) Sth Aust 409717 348 2
(49) Victoria 1568836 2948 7 0.84 0.86
(41) NSW 2287281 2774 5
67 NZ 936697 707 5
1 USA 83,056,026 1,020,752 242
2 India 43,079,157 523,803 50
3 Brazil 30,448,236 663,497 13
6 UK 22,038,340 174,912 0
7 Russia 18,182,354 375,884 157
9 Italy 16,463,200 163,507 130
18 Indonesia 6,046,796 156,257 17
30 South Africa 3,791,925 100,363 3

Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au

Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.

Australian daily hospitalisation figures.

Australia NSW Victoria Sth Australia
Daily Hospitalisations 3099 1604 437 229
  Daily Deaths 15 5 7 2
In ICU 149 75 30 16
On Ventilator
Total Deaths 7238 2774 29 348
Daily Tests Carried Out PCR Total 61438 Daily New Cases 32829

Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/

ASX200 at 7435 up 1.1% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 97.09% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 95.47% have had 2 dose & 65.07% have had 3 doses. (SA 95.28/ 93.22/65.96).

The world has passed 513 million cases of Covid-19.

Germany accounts for 1 in every 6 reported new infections of Covid-19 world wide.

New daily infections in Spain have been rising for the last week.

Metal barriers have been erected in parts of Shanghai to limit movement of its citizens as the city continues to battle the Covid-19 outbreak.

People flying into China now have to undergo 21 days quarantine and even then travel within China is being restricted.

Epidemiologists are beginning to get concerned that the world is becoming conditioned to the fact of daily lose of life due to Covid-19, calling it “bordering on irresponsible”.

More of the new Omicron subvariant has been found in Melbourne’s waste water system.

Beijing has banned restaurant dining as it increases measures to contain Covid-19 in the city.

Reports are coming out that the Trump administration in the USA overrode medical advice on churches, allowing them to continue to open.


2 May 2022  Monday

227 (223) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

Micronesia was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 513,522,060 6,261,368 1133 0.52 0.48
21 Australia 5991928 7244 6 0.80 0.76
(93) Sth Aust 413321 351 3
(49) Victoria 1576945 2949 1 0.89 0.91
(41) NSW 2294900 2779 5
67 NZ 943428 713 6
1 USA 83,081,756 1,020,850 98
2 India 43,082,502 523,843 40
3 Brazil 30,454,490 663,551 54
6 UK 22,038,340 174,912 0
7 Russia 18,189,401 376,031 147
9 Italy 16,504,791 163,612 105
18 Indonesia 6,047,040 156,273 16
30 South Africa 3,795,763 100,363 0

Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au

Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.

Australian daily hospitalisation figures.

Australia NSW Victoria Sth Australia
Daily Hospitalisations 3224 1656 456 257
  Daily Deaths 13 5 1 3
In ICU 135 72 26 15
On Ventilator
Total Deaths 7244 2779 2949 351
Daily Tests Carried Out PCR Total 74373 Daily New Cases 31167

Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/

ASX200 at 7435 up 1.1% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 97.09% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 95.48% have had 2 dose & 65.10% have had 3 doses. (SA 95.28/ 93.23/66.01).

The world has passed 513 million cases of Covid-19.

Taiwan has recorded its highest recorded daily new infection rate of the pandemic with over 17,000 new cases of Covid-19

Jamaica has recorded its highest daily new Covid-19 infection s since February 2022

Italy and Greece have reduced their Covid-19 travel restrictions ahead of the European summer

Elective surgeries have returned to WA public hospitals

The UK Government is being accused of cover-ups and corruption over the PPE contracts issued during the pandemic.


3 May 2022  Tuesday

227 (223) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

Micronesia was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 513,789,732 6,262,774 1406 0.47 0.43
21 Australia 6029879 7311 67 0.97 0.93
(93) Sth Aust 416371 354 3
(49) Victoria 1586515 2987 38 1.07 1.11
(41) NSW 2304435 2802 23
67 NZ 952697 731 18
1 USA 83,118,074 1,020,943 93
2 India 43,085,166 523,869 26
3 Brazil 30,460,997 663,602 51
6 UK 22,038,340 174,912 0
7 Russia 18,195,608 376,167 136
9 Italy 16,523,859 163,736 124
18 Indonesia 6,047,208 156,287 14
30 South Africa 3,798,413 100,370 7

Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au

Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.

Australian daily hospitalisation figures.

Australia NSW Victoria Sth Australia
Daily Hospitalisations 3088 1513 482 228
  Daily Deaths 41 23 14 3
In ICU 143 71 25 17
On Ventilator
Total Deaths 7311 2802 2987 354
Daily Tests Carried Out PCR Total 63528 Daily New Cases 38648

Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/

ASX200 at 7347 down 1.2% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 97.10% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 95.48% have had 2 dose & 65.12% have had 3 doses. (SA 95.29/ 93.24/66.03).

The world has passed 513 million cases of Covid-19.

Australia has passed 6 million recorded cases of Covid-19, the last million in  24 days.

New reported Covid-19 cases in the UK have fallen by over 32500 cases in the last 21 days

Two new Omicron sub-variants have been detected in SA, brought in by overseas travellers.

An Irish couple are being deported from Perth due to entering the country without the required Covid-19 paperwork/exemptions for being unvaccinated.

New Zealand’s international borders have reopened after 2 years of closure.

Reports are coming in that South Africa is experiencing a new wave of more infectious Covid-19


4 May 2022  Wednesday

227 (223) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

Micronesia was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 514,488,818 6,264,858 2084 1.26 1.12
21 Australia 6076457 7367 56 1.18 1.15
(93) Sth Aust 420264 366 12
(49) Victoria 1597464 2998 11 1.14 1.18
(41) NSW 2316269 2823 21
67 NZ 961262 753 22
1 USA 83,207,043 1,021,381 438
2 India 43,088,401 523,889 20
3 Brazil 30,482,429 663,694 92
6 UK 22,038,340 174,912 0
7 Russia 18,201,074 376,292 125
9 Italy 16,586,268 163,889 153
18 Indonesia 6,047,315 156,305 18
30 South Africa 3,802,198 100,377 7

Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au

Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.

Australian daily hospitalisation figures.

Australia NSW Victoria Sth Australia
Daily Hospitalisations 3104 1510 473 221
  Daily Deaths 56 21 11 12
In ICU 142 68 25 11
On Ventilator
Total Deaths 7367 2823 2998 366
Daily Tests Carried Out PCR Total 86271 Daily New Cases 38648

Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/

ASX200 at 7316 down 0.4% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 97.11% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 95.49% have had 2 dose & 65.17% have had 3 doses. (SA 95.30/ 93.25/66.09).

The world has passed 514 million cases of Covid-19.

Victoria has passed 3000 deaths due to Covid-19.

Taiwan has recorded its highest number of reported Covid-19 daily cases since the start of the pandemic with over 17800 new cases,

The number of new reported daily cases of Covid-19 in France has been falling for the last 21 days.

Germany still accounts for 1 in every 6 reported new infections of Covid-19 world wide.

Medical workers in Shanghai have found that an elderly man thought to have died from Covid-19 was alive inside a body bag as they were loading it into a van.

The new Omicron variants have been found in two Australian states, the source of the new variants has been named as South Africa.

The South Australian Government is set to take leadership of the State’s Covid-19 response away from the Police Commissioner and into the hands of the State Government, with fears being expressed that the expert scientific opinion will be overlooked for political expediency.

An agreement has almost been reached between developing nations and pharmaceutical companies to release the patent for Covid-19 vaccines.


5 May 2022  Thursday

227 (223) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

Micronesia was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 515,205,784 6,268,071 3213 1.31 1.19
21 Australia 6130748 7423 56 1.34 1.34
(93) Sth Aust 425704 370 4
(49) Victoria 1608991 3012 14 1.21 1.27
(41) NSW 2334360 2844 21
67 NZ 969959 774 21
1 USA 83,337,939 1,022,304 923
2 India 43,091,299 523,920 31
3 Brazil 30,502,501 663,816 122
6 UK 22,090,523 175,546 634
7 Russia 18,206,167 376,421 129
9 Italy 16,633,911 164,041 152
18 Indonesia 6,047,491 156,321 16
30 South Africa 3,808,368 100,407 30

Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au

Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.

Australian daily hospitalisation figures.

Australia NSW Victoria Sth Australia
Daily Hospitalisations 3131 1529 492 218
  Daily Deaths 56 21 14 4
In ICU 133 62 29 11
On Ventilator
Total Deaths 7423 2844 3012 370
Daily Tests Carried Out PCR Total 99795 Daily New Cases 54868

Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/

ASX200 at 7304 down 0.2% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 97.12% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 95.50% have had 2 dose & 65.24% have had 3 doses. (SA 95.31/ 93.26/66.16).

The world has passed 514 million cases of Covid-19.

Over 3000 people have died of Covid-19 in Victoria.

Finland has recorded a new high, 99, for daily deaths due to Covid-19

New daily reported Covid-19 infections in Malaysia have been falling for the last 21 days.


6 May 2022  Friday

227 (223) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

Micronesia was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 515,714,108 6,271,350 3279 0.98 0.88
17 Australia 6168861 7453 30 0.95 0.96
(90) Sth Aust 433295 371 1
(47) Victoria 1619296 3021 9 1.08 1.13
(40) NSW 2334360 2844 0
64 NZ 977380 797 23
1 USA 83,394,049 1,023,689 1385
2 India 43,094,548 523,975 55
3 Brazil 30,502,501 663,816 0
6 UK 22,102,983 175,984 438
7 Russia 18,211,178 376,560 139
9 Italy 16,682,626 164,179 138
18 Indonesia 6,047,741 156,340 19
30 South Africa 3,808,368 100,407 0

Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au

Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.

Australian daily hospitalisation figures.

Australia NSW Victoria Sth Australia
Daily Hospitalisations 3117 1499 502 221
  Daily Deaths 29 7 9 1
In ICU 127 54 31 10
On Ventilator
Total Deaths 7453 2851 3021 371
Daily Tests Carried Out PCR Total 75297 Daily New Cases 43083

Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/

ASX200 at 7364 up 0.8% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 97.12% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 95.51% have had 2 dose & 65.30% have had 3 doses. (SA 95.31/ 93.26/66.16).

The world has passed 515 million cases of Covid-19.

The WHO estimates that at least 15 million people worldwide have lost their lives due to Covid-19

The WHO also estimates that approximately one third of all deaths have occurred in India, a “fact” India strongly disputes

Germany now accounts for 1 in every 7 reported new infections of Covid-19 worldwide

In Finland, a new high of over 21500 new daily reported cases of Covid-19 has been reached.

New infections of Covid-19 in Panama have reached a 4 month high.

WA is facing a second wave of Covid-19 infections since opening up.

WA has now had more Covid-19 cases than South Australia.

The new sub-variants of Omicron that have arrived in Australia may cause a fresh wave of infections.

The USA has restricted the use of the Johnson and Johnson Covid-19 vaccine of concerns of a very rare blood clotting disorder.


7 May 2022  Saturday

227 (223) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

Micronesia was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 516,320,188 6,273,895 2545 1.18 1.07
17 Australia 6213812 7495 42 1.10 1.13
(90) Sth Aust 430466 371 0
(47) Victoria 1628391 3030 9 0.95 0.98
(40) NSW 2356642 2870 26
64 NZ 984218 808 11
1 USA 83,488,464 1,024,072 383
2 India 43,098,285 523,975 0
3 Brazil 30,543,908 664,091 275
6 UK 22,114,034 176,212 228
7 Russia 18,216,719 376,696 136
9 Italy 16,726,990 164,304 125
18 Indonesia 6,047,986 156,357 17
30 South Africa 3,827,378 100,505 98

Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au

Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.

Australian daily hospitalisation figures.

Australia NSW Victoria Sth Australia
Daily Hospitalisations 3068 1481 494 214
  Daily Deaths 41 19 9 0
In ICU 131 54 35 11
On Ventilator
Total Deaths 7495 2870 3030 371
Daily Tests Carried Out PCR Total 84226 Daily New Cases 42421

Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/

ASX200 at 7205 down 2.2% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 97.13% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 95.52% have had 2 dose & 65.37% have had 3 doses. (SA 95.33/ 93.28/66.30).

The world has passed 516 million cases of Covid-19.

South Africa has experienced its highest number of new reported daily infections of Covid-19 since January

New reported Covid-19 infections in France have been falling for  several weeks.

Chinese President Xi Jinping has issued a warning to the people of China not to question the country’s “general policy of “dynamic zero-Coivd””. This has been taken to be a warning to those in power who are questioning the direction set by the President.


8 May 2022  Sunday

227 (223) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

Micronesia was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 516,890,536 6,275,540 1.09 1.02
17 Australia 6249101 7513 18 0.86 0.88
(90) Sth Aust 433132 375 4
(47) Victoria 1636997 3034 4 0.88 0.92
(40) NSW 2365484 2876 6
64 NZ 989946 810 2
1 USA 83,554,238 1,024,455 383
2 India 43,102,508 524,024 49
3 Brazil 30,558,530 664,143 52
6 UK 22,114,034 176,212 0
7 Russia 18,222,219 376,828 132
9 Italy 16,767,773 164,417 113
18 Indonesia 6,048,204 156,371 14
30 South Africa 3,835,902 100,516 11

Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au

Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.

Australian daily hospitalisation figures.

Australia NSW Victoria Sth Australia
Daily Hospitalisations 3073 1504 491 214
  Daily Deaths 18 6 4 4
In ICU 131 57 38 9
On Ventilator
Total Deaths 7513 2876 3034 375
Daily Tests Carried Out PCR Total 71117 Daily New Cases 35587

Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/

ASX200 at 7205 down 2.2% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 97.14% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 95.53% have had 2 dose & 65.43% have had 3 doses. (SA 95.33/ 93.29/66.37).

The world has passed 516 million cases of Covid-19.

South Africa has had its highest reported number of new daily Covid-19 infections since the start of the year.

New Covid-19 cases in France have been falling for the last 21 days.

Germany continues to account for 1 in every 7 reported new infections of Covid-19 worldwide

Labor’s Bill Shorten has tested positive to Covid-19.

NZ PM Jacinda Ardern has been forced into isolation after her partner tested positive to Covid-19


9 May 2022  Monday

227 (223) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

Micronesia was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 517,202,258 6,276,314 774 0.59 0.56
17 Australia 6286876 7516 3 0.90 0.93
(90) Sth Aust 436318 375 0
(47) Victoria 1646973 3034 0 1.00 1.04
(40) NSW 2373235 2879 3
64 NZ 996417 812 2
1 USA 83,579,397 1,024,542 87
2 India 43,105,222 524,064 40
3 Brazil 30,564,536 664,179 36
6 UK 22,114,034 176,212 0
7 Russia 18,227,666 376,946 118
9 Italy 16,798,998 164,489 72
18 Indonesia 6,048,431 156,381 10
30 South Africa 3,841,388 100,523 7

Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au

Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.

Australian daily hospitalisation figures.

Australia NSW Victoria Sth Australia
Daily Hospitalisations 3139 1548 491 228
  Daily Deaths 3 3 0 0
In ICU 129 54 43 14
On Ventilator
Total Deaths 7516 2879 3034 375
Daily Tests Carried Out PCR Total 58449 Daily New Cases 37807

Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/

ASX200 at 7205 down 2.2% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 97.15% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 95.53% have had 2 dose & 65.46% have had 3 doses. (SA 95.34/ 93.30/66.41).

The world has passed 517 million cases of Covid-19.

Australia has recorded its lowest daily deaths due to Covid-19 since 15 March 2022

Spain has passed 12 million recorded cases of Covid-19

South Australia has embarked on an advertising campaign to get more people to have their booster vaccines.

WA has seen new daily case number fall below 10,000, but the states hospital system is on the brink of collapse under the pressure of Covid-19.

Today may see an escalation of war in Ukraine and beyond, as Russia celebrates  “Victory Day”, fears are that Vladmir Putin may declare war on Europe and may use tactical nuclear weapons.

The 2nd leaders debate shown last night on channel Nine was as some journalists and commentators have called it, “A Shit Show”. With it dissolving into a shouting contest of no clarity. In my opinion, Morrison was shown to be a bully and Albanese was shown to be weak. The weak format and even weaker moderation by channel Nine was at the core of the problems.


10 May 2022  Tuesday

227 (223) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

Micronesia was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 517,557,207 6,277,416 1102 0.66 0.64
17 Australia 6334600 7559 43 1.10 1.15
(90) Sth Aust 436318 378 3
(47) Victoria 1659560 3052 18 1.21 1.28
(40) NSW 2383412 2896 17
64 NZ 1005674 826 14
1 USA 83,634,940 1,024,623 81
2 India 43,107,322 524,093 29
3 Brazil 30,574,245 664,192 13
6 UK 22,114,034 176,212 0
7 Russia 18,232,696 377,049 103
9 Italy 16,816,419 164,573 84
18 Indonesia 6,048,685 156,396 15
30 South Africa 3,844,625 100,533 10

Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au

Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.

Australian daily hospitalisation figures.

Australia NSW Victoria Sth Australia
Daily Hospitalisations 3168 1538 519 286
  Daily Deaths 43 17 18 3
In ICU 123 55 34 6
On Ventilator
Total Deaths 7559 2896 3052 378
Daily Tests Carried Out PCR Total 71873 Daily New Cases 48034

Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/

ASX200 at 7120 down 1.2% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 97.15% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 95.54% have had 2 dose & 65.47% have had 3 doses. (SA 95.34/ 93.30/66.42).

The world has passed 517 million cases of Covid-19.

New Zealand has passed 1 million reported cases of Covid-19

The average number of daily new reported Covid-19 infections in Australia has been rising for the last 21 days.

Portugal has reached a new daily high for reported Covid-19 cases of 56200 cases.

The average number of new daily reported cases of Covid-19 in Vietnam has been decreasing for over a week

Studies are showing a 4th shot of a Covid-19 vaccine increases immunity more than the 3rd shot.

A study into the effect of vitamin supplements to help boost your body’s ability to resist the worst of Covid-19 has been inconclusive. The study shows deficiencies in some vitamins increases the risk of heightened symptoms but there is no evidence to support the use of supplemental vitamins in people with normal levels.


11 May 2022  Wednesday

227 (223) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

Micronesia was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 518,271,157 6,279,698 2282 1.32 1.31
17 Australia 6392082 7613 54 1.27 1.36
(90) Sth Aust 436318 386 8
(47) Victoria 1673533 3069 17 1.29 1.39
(40) NSW 2395359 2907 11
64 NZ 1013721 855 29
1 USA 83,733,479 1,024,916 293
2 India 43,110,185 524,103 10
3 Brazil 30,594,388 664,390 198
6 UK 22,144,628 176,424 212
7 Russia 18,237,227 377,150 101
9 Italy 16,872,618 164,731 158
19 Indonesia 6,049,141 156,416 20
30 South Africa 3,852,148 100,559 26

Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au

Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.

Australian daily hospitalisation figures.

Australia NSW Victoria Sth Australia
Daily Hospitalisations 3102 1452 533 232
  Daily Deaths 48 11 17 8
In ICU 114 48 33 7
On Ventilator
Total Deaths 7613 2907 3069 386
Daily Tests Carried Out PCR Total 102738 Daily New Cases 57637

Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/

ASX200 at 7051 down 1.0% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 97.16% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 95.55% have had 2 dose & 65.53% have had 3 doses. (SA 95.35/ 93.31/66.48).

The world has passed 518 million cases of Covid-19.

New reported Covid-19 cases in South Korea have been falling for the last 3 weeks

New re[ported daily infections are rising in Finland and Spain

South Australia is setting up Long Covid Clinics to deal with the rising issue.

New reported Covid-19 cases are soaring in WA with new daily records being recorded in the last 2 days, with a new record of 12390 cases.

The WHO has said that China’s Zero Tolerance Policy is unsustainable.


12 May 2022  Thursday

227 (223) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

Micronesia was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 518,982,183 6,281936 2238 1.32 1.31
17 Australia 6449366 7668 55 1.26 1.33
(90) Sth Aust 449227 393 7
(47) Victoria 1687747 3083 14 1.26 1.37
(40) NSW 2407720 2930 23
64 NZ 1023205 863 8
1 USA 83,953,371 1,025,764 848
2 India 43,113,413 524,181 78
3 Brazil 30,617,786 664,564 174
6 UK 22,145,157 176,424 0
7 Russia 18,241,329 377,248 98
9 Italy 16,915,301 164,846 115
19 Indonesia 6,049,541 156,424 8
30 South Africa 3,862,165 100,609 50

Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au

Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.

Australian daily hospitalisation figures.

Australia NSW Victoria Sth Australia
Daily Hospitalisations 3013 1403 545 210
  Daily Deaths 55 23 15 7
In ICU 122 56 29 7
On Ventilator
Total Deaths 7668 2930 3083 393
Daily Tests Carried Out PCR Total 99939 Daily New Cases 57760

Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/

ASX200 at 7064 up 0.2% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 97.17% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 95.56% have had 2 dose & 65.59% have had 3 doses. (SA 95.36/ 93.32/66.55).

The world has passed 518 million cases of Covid-19.

New reported Covid-19 daily infections in Saudi Arabia have been increasing for over week

New Covid-19 infections continue to rise in Panama.

There are fears in WA that their hospital system will soon be over-run with Covid-19 cases as case numbers surge by over 20% to 12390 reported in a day.

Research in China on Wuhan cases, reveals that over half of people hospitalised with Covid-19 still have some symptoms over 2 years after their initial infection.


13 May 2022  Friday

228 (224) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

North Korea was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case in May 2022.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 519,592,921 6,284,178 2242 1.10 1.14
17 Australia 6501639 7721 53 1.10 1.19
(90) Sth Aust 453773 396 3
(47) Victoria 1700696 3101 18 1.11 1.22
(40) NSW 2419692 2943 13
64 NZ 1030733 892 29
1 USA 84,019,622 1,025,955 191
2 India 43,116,600 524,181 0
3 Brazil 30,639,130 664,641 77
6 UK 22,159,615 176,708 284
7 Russia 18,245,394 377,359 111
9 Italy 16,954,784 164,976 130
19 Indonesia 6,049,876 156,438 14
30 South Africa 3,871,085 100,630 21

Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au

Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.

Australian daily hospitalisation figures.

Australia NSW Victoria Sth Australia
Daily Hospitalisations 2988 1398 546 229
  Daily Deaths 51 13 18 3
In ICU 123 60 25 10
On Ventilator
Total Deaths 7721 2943 3101 396
Daily Tests Carried Out PCR Total 101387 Daily New Cases 54591

Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/

ASX200 at 7064 down 1.8% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 97.18% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 95.57% have had 2 dose & 65.65% have had 3 doses. (SA 95.38/ 93.34/66.63).

The world has passed 519 million cases of Covid-19.

The number of new reported daily cases of Covid-19 has been increasing in South Africa for the last week

Panama has again recorded its highest daily new Covid-19 cases since February.

China has slammed the WHO over its comments about its Zero Tolerance policy on Covid-19, calling it irresponsible.

North Korea has reported its first case of Covid-19, with the country going into lockdown.

The number of new daily cases and deaths in WA due to Covid-19 are continuing to rise.

Flu cases are surging in NSW ahead of winter, causing more concerns over hospitals capacity to cope.


14 May 2022  Saturday

228 (224) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

North Korea was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case in May 2022.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 520,240,925 6,286,209 2031 1.16 1.21
17 Australia 6552160 7774 53 1.05 1.13
(90) Sth Aust 453773 401 5
(47) Victoria 1712856 3123 22 1.01 1.12
(40) NSW 2430624 2962 19
64 NZ 1037855 909 17
1 USA 84,133,117 1,026,299 344
2 India 43,117,836 524,190 9
3 Brazil 30,664,739 664,780 139
6 UK 22,159,805 176,708 0
7 Russia 18,250,290 377,464 105
9 Italy 16,993,813 165,091 115
19 Indonesia 6,050,211 156,448 10
30 South Africa 3,879,434 100,744 114

Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au

Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.

Australian daily hospitalisation figures.

Australia NSW Victoria Sth Australia
Daily Hospitalisations 2956 1377 524 217
  Daily Deaths 53 19 22 5
In ICU 122 58 24 11
On Ventilator
Total Deaths 7774 2962 3123 401
Daily Tests Carried Out PCR Total 88957 Daily New Cases 48421

Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/

ASX200 at 7075 up 1.9% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 97.19% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 95.57% have had 2 dose & 65.65% have had 3 doses. (SA 95.38/ 93.35/66.71).

The world has passed 520 million cases of Covid-19.

Taiwan has passed 600,000recoded cases of Covid-19

Costa Rica has been recording increasing umbers of new daily cases of Covid-19 for the last week.

New reported cases of Covid-19 in South Africa continue to increase.

North Korea has reported an “explosion” in new reported cases of Covid-19, with 350,000 infected.

Trials of 2 new Covid-19 vaccines developed in Melbourne have moved to Human studies.

The exodus of expats from Shanghai’s draconian lockdowns continues.

Long queues are being reported outside supermarkets in Beijing and the Chinese Government continues to say there will be no lockdown of the city.

NZ Prime Minister Jacinda Arden has tested positive to Covid-19.

Investigations in the USA have found that former President Trump and meat industry officials blocked life saving measures from being implemented.

The mink industry in Demark is loosing farmers at a rapid rate following the mass cull of infected animals.


15 May 2022  Sunday

228 (224) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

North Korea was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case in May 2022.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 520,817,239 6,287,573 1364 1.03 1.06
17 Australia 6593898 7794 20 0.85 0.92
(90) Sth Aust 461271 401 0
(47) Victoria 1722934 3133 10 0.82 0.92
(40) NSW 2439636 2966 4
64 NZ 1043683 923 14
1 USA 84,206,106 1,026,616 317
2 India 43,121,022 524,201 11
3 Brazil 30,682,094 664,920 140
6 UK 22,159,805 176,708 0
7 Russia 18,255,337 377,571 107
9 Italy 17,030,147 165,182 91
19 Indonesia 6,050,519 156,453 5
30 South Africa 3,887,449 100,753 9

Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au

Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.

Australian daily hospitalisation figures.

Australia NSW Victoria Sth Australia
Daily Hospitalisations 2988 1377 528 231
  Daily Deaths 21 4 10 0
In ICU 129 58 27 9
On Ventilator
Total Deaths 7794 2966 3133 401
Daily Tests Carried Out PCR Total 64220 Daily New Cases 42171

Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/

ASX200 at 7075 up 1.9% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 97.19% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 95.58% have had 2 dose & 65.65% have had 3 doses. (SA 95.39/ 93.36/66.78).

The world has passed 520 million cases of Covid-19.

Portugal has reached a new high in reported daily Covid-19 cases with over 56000 new cases

New daily reported Covid-19 cases in Saudi Arabia have been increasing for more than a week.

Taiwan has opened up again after recent Covid-19 increases.

Australia led the world in the last week on per capita Covid-19 infections, and health experts are warning another Omicron spike maybe approaching.

Only 7% of 5 to 11 year olds in the UK have had a Covid-19 vaccine.


16 May 2022  Monday

228 (224) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

North Korea was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case in May 2022.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 521,144,694 6,288,226 653 0.58 0.60
17 Australia 6635840 7807 13 0.84 0.91
(90) Sth Aust 461271 403 2
(47) Victoria 1734295 3138 5 0.91 1.01
(40) NSW 2447877 2970 4
64 NZ 1050797 929 6
1 USA 84,228,690 1,026,664 48
2 India 43,123,129 524,214 13
3 Brazil 30,688,390 664,967 47
6 UK 22,159,805 176,708 0
7 Russia 18,260,293 377,670 99
9 Italy 17,057,873 165,244 62
19 Indonesia 6,050,776 156,458 5
30 South Africa 3,891,793 100,755 2

Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au

Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.

Australian daily hospitalisation figures.

Australia NSW Victoria Sth Australia
Daily Hospitalisations 3010 1437 526 248
  Daily Deaths 13 4 5 2
In ICU 129 65 31 9
On Ventilator
Total Deaths 7807 2970 3138 403
Daily Tests Carried Out PCR Total 64683 Daily New Cases 42086

Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/

ASX200 at 7075 up 1.9% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 97.19% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 95.58% have had 2 dose & 65.65% have had 3 doses. (SA 95.39/ 93.36/66.78).

The world has passed 521 million cases of Covid-19.

Reports indicate North Korea is in chaos with confirmed Covid-19 cases approaching 1 million

China is indicating that the end of the lockdown of Shanghai is getting close.

Airlines around the world are struggling to find enough staff to cater for the demand.

The lack of Gig Economy workers is causing issues for home delivery services around the world as they push for higher “wages”


17 May 2022  Tuesday

228 (224) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

North Korea was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case in May 2022.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 522,754,562 6,289,515 1289 2.17 2.51
17 Australia 6703295 7872 65 1.28 1.40
(90) Sth Aust 468607 405 2
(47) Victoria 1747794 3158 20 1.07 1.17
(40) NSW 2458811 2986 16
64 NZ 1060710 937 8
1 USA 84,317,151 1,026,802 138
2 India 43,124,879 524,241 27
3 Brazil 30,701,900 665,056 89
6 UK 22,159,805 176,708 0
7 Russia 18,264,836 377,759 89
9 Italy 17,071,649 165,346 102
19 Indonesia 6,050,958 156,464 6
30 South Africa 3,894,745 100,771 16

Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au

Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.

Australian daily hospitalisation figures.

Australia NSW Victoria Sth Australia
Daily Hospitalisations 3162 1442 516 246
  Daily Deaths 65 16 20 2
In ICU 130 59 31 7
On Ventilator
Total Deaths 7872 2986 3158 405
Daily Tests Carried Out PCR Total 75380 Daily New Cases 53075

Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/

ASX200 at 7093 up 0.3% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 97.19% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 95.58% have had 2 dose & 65.65% have had 3 doses. (SA 95.39/ 93.36/66.78).

The world has passed 522 million cases of Covid-19.

Shanghai is expected to reopen in June with life going back to normal according to Chinese government officials.

North Korea has reported more than 300,000 new cases of Covid-19.

In Australia reinfections of Covid-19 are on the increase.

Scientists have come up with 3 likely scenarios for the future with Covid-19. 1/ It will become endemic with seasonal surges, similar to the flu. 2/ Distrust in Government and continued misinformation as the world continues to try and manage virus mutations and new vaccines,  and the most pessimistic, 3/ Very high levels of  harm to social wellbeing as the world struggles with repeated stringent public health and social control measures.


18 May 2022  Wednesday

228 (224) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

North Korea was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case in May 2022.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 523,698,150 6,292,140 2625 1.22 1.43
17 Australia 6759554 7872 54 1.07 1.15
(90) Sth Aust 472745 411 6
(47) Victoria 1761778 3180 22 1.11 1.19
(40) NSW 2471023 3000 14
64 NZ 1070373 967 30
1 USA 84,402,969 1,027,066 264
2 India 43,127,032 524,260 19
3 Brazil 30,728,286 665,216 160
6 UK 22,207,102 177,410 702
7 Russia 18,268,958 377,869 110
9 Italy 17,116,550 165,494 148
19 Indonesia 6,051,205 156,481 17
30 South Africa 3,899,841 100,812 41

Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au

Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.

Australian daily hospitalisation figures.

Australia NSW Victoria Sth Australia
Daily Hospitalisations 3134 1395 510 247
  Daily Deaths 53 14 22 6
In ICU 133 57 31 10
Total Deaths 7926 3000 3180 411
Daily Tests Carried Out PCR Total 104009 Daily New Cases 56550

Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/

ASX200 at 7112 up 0.3% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 97.22% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 95.60% have had 2 dose & 65.90% have had 3 doses. (SA 95.41/ 93.38/66.92).

The world has passed 523 million cases of Covid-19.

Reported new cases of Covid-19 in Portugal continue to rise.

Doctors around Australia are pushing for the reintroduction of mask mandates as the flu rates surge.

Chile, South America has the record for its population having the most 3rd shots of vaccinations in the world. The top five are 1- Chile, 2- Malta, 3- Bhutan 4- South Korea and 5- Singapore.

Japan is preparing to open to tourists for the first time since 2020.

NSW has hit 3000 recorded deaths due to Covid-19


19 May 2022  Thursday

228 (224) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

North Korea was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case in May 2022.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 524,630,463 6,294,383 2243 1.16 1.38
17 Australia 6813633 7977 51 1.04 1.11
(90) Sth Aust 472745 415 4
(47) Victoria 1774871 3194 14 1.05 1.11
(40) NSW 2481957 3022 22
64 NZ 1079557 973 6
1 USA 84,637,823 1,027,815 749
2 India 43,128,786 524,293 33
3 Brazil 30,741,811 665,376 160
6 UK 22,207,102 177,410 0
7 Russia 18,273,690 377,975 106
9 Italy 17,147,477 165,630 136
19 Indonesia 6,051,532 156,498 17
30 South Africa 3,908,020 100,867 55

Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au

Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.

Australian daily hospitalisation figures.

Australia NSW Victoria Sth Australia
Daily Hospitalisations 2984 1283 512 246
  Daily Deaths 51 22 14 4
In ICU 119 46 32 11
Total Deaths 7977 3022 3194 415
Daily Tests Carried Out PCR Total 101754 Daily New Cases 54186

Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/

ASX200 at 7182 up 1.0% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 97.22% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 95.61% have had 2 dose & 65.90% have had 3 doses. (SA 95.43/ 93.39/66.98).

The world has passed 524 million cases of Covid-19.

Taiwan has now reported over 900,000 cases of Covid-19

Newly reported Covid-19 cases in New Zealand have been increasing for the last week

North Korea is now reporting over 1.7 million cases of people with a fever, which the west in interpreting as Covid-19.

Deaths due to Covid-19 in Australian Aged Care facilities for 2022 has passed 1400, highlighting the crisis in the sector.

Labor has said that if they win the Australian Federal elections they will consider a new national Covid-19 strategy.

Over 50,000 fines were issued in Victoria for Covid-19 breaches.


20 May 2022  Friday

228 (224) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

North Korea was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case in May 2022.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 525,478,421 6,296,519 2136 1.01 1.22
17 Australia 6863827 8028 51 0.97 1.01
(90) Sth Aust 481125 419 4
(47) Victoria 1787284 3216 22 1.00 1.03
(40) NSW 2492007 3032 10
64 NZ 1087466 990 17
1 USA 84,760,335 1,028,146 331
2 India 43,131,135 524,303 10
3 Brazil 30,752,226 665,433 57
6 UK 22,232,377 177,890 480
7 Russia 18,278,617 378,072 97
9 Italy 17,178,199 165,738 108
19 Indonesia 6,051,850 156,510 12
30 South Africa 3,915,258 100,898 31

Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au

Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.

Australian daily hospitalisation figures.

Australia NSW Victoria Sth Australia
Daily Hospitalisations 2891 1226 514 218
  Daily Deaths 52 10 23 4
In ICU 118 41 35 13
Total Deaths 8028 3032 3216 419
Daily Tests Carried Out PCR Total 93356 Daily New Cases 50186

Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/

ASX200 at 7064 down 1.6% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 97.23% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 95.62% have had 2 dose & 66.00% have had 3 doses. (SA 95.44/ 93.41/67.06).

The world has passed 525 million cases of Covid-19.

Australia has passed 8000 recorded deaths due to Covid-19

Finland has recorded a new daily high case numbers of Covid-19, with over 23100 new cases reported.

New reported daily Covid-19 cases in Thailand have been falling for 21 days.

British PM Boris Johnson has received just one fine for the parties held at 10 Downing St during the Covid-19 lockdowns, much to the annoyance of his political foe.

North Korea is promoting “Traditional Remedies” to overcome Covid-19 infections in the country. These may treat some symptoms but do nothing about the more critical health issues.


21 May 2022  Saturday

228 (224) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

North Korea was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case in May 2022.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 526,280,275 6,298,224 1705 1.01 1.22
17 Australia 6910453 8077 49 0.91 0.94
(90) Sth Aust 484426 424 5
(47) Victoria 1799171 3237 21 0.96 0.97
(40) NSW 2501574 3045 13
64 NZ 1094192 997 7
1 USA 84,848,314 1,028,466 320
2 India 43,134,332 524,323 20
3 Brazil 30,762,413 665,493 60
6 UK 22,232,377 177,890 0
7 Russia 18,283,706 378,168 96
9 Italy 17,205,017 165,827 89
19 Indonesia 6,052,100 156,513 3
29 South Africa 3,921,633 100,916 18

Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au

Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.

Australian daily hospitalisation figures.

Australia NSW Victoria Sth Australia
Daily Hospitalisations 2829 1187 552 211
  Daily Deaths 52 14 21 5
On Ventilator
Total Deaths 8077 3045 3237 424
Daily Tests Carried Out PCR Total 70283 Daily New Cases 47239

Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/

ASX200 at 7145 up 1.10% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 97.24% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 95.63% have had 2 dose & 66.00% have had 3 doses. (SA 95.45/ 93.42/67.13).

The world has passed 526 million cases of Covid-19.

Australia goes to the polls today to elect a new Federal Government. Due to Covid-19 new phone voting measures have been introduced to ensure all who want to vote can.

NSW has passed 2.5 million reported cases of Covid-19

Taiwan has now reported over 1,000,000 cases of Covid-19, the last 100,000 cases in just 2 days

New cases of Covid-19 in Peru have been increasing for the last week

New cases of Covid-19 in Panama have been increasing for the last 3 weeks

Over 200 people in WA have died of Covid-19 this year.

The First Minister of Scotland has tested positive to Covid-19

New cases of Covid-19 and hospitalisations are on the rise un the USA

An audit in NSW has found the government under spent on PPE during the early/mid phases of the pandemic.

North Korea’s caseload of Covid-19 in expected to soon pass 2 million.

Cases of Monkey Pox have been found in NSW and Victoria after reports of the disease in Europe.


22 May 2022  Sunday

228 (224) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

North Korea was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case in May 2022.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 526,989,514 6,299,625 2136 0.93 1.13
17 Australia 6948967 8097 51 0.76 0.77
(90) Sth Aust 487511 426 4
(47) Victoria 1808478 3247 22 0.76 0.76
(40) NSW 2510058 3052 10
64 NZ 1099250 1007 17
1 USA 84,984,459 1,028,902 331
2 India 43,136,340 524,348 10
3 Brazil 30,780,028 665,657 57
6 UK 22,238,715 177,977 480
7 Russia 18,288,740 378,270 97
9 Italy 17,229,263 165,918 108
19 Indonesia 6,052,363 156,519 12
29 South Africa 3,926,652 100,931 31

Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au

Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.

Australian daily hospitalisation figures.

Australia NSW Victoria Sth Australia
Daily Hospitalisations 2832 1165 541 224
  Daily Deaths 20 7 10 2
In ICU 103 41 25 8
Total Deaths 8097 3052 3247 426
Daily Tests Carried Out PCR Total 59513 Daily New Cases 38667

Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/

ASX200 at 7145 up 1.10% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 97.25% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 95.63% have had 2 dose & 66.10% have had 3 doses. (SA 95.46/ 93.42/67.20).

The world has passed 526 million cases of Covid-19.

Australia has elected a Labor Government with a mandate for recognising the nations first people in the constitution, women’s rights, a Federal ICAC, universal childcare and fair wages.

US Airforce cadets who have refused to be vaccinated have been denied a Commission at graduation.

Boris Johnson has been warned that he is one of many who will be criticised in a Report into Covid-19 breaches at 10 Downing St.

NZ has passed 1000 reported deaths due to Covid-19


23 May 2022  Monday

228 (224) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

North Korea was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case in May 2022.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 527,471,700 6,300,211 1987 0.53 0.66
17 Australia 6983004 8109 32 0.69 0.68
(90) Sth Aust 487511 426 2
(47) Victoria 1817339 3252 15 0.75 0.73
(40) NSW 2517185 3052 7
64 NZ 1105317 1017 20
1 USA 85,000,414 1,028,921 455
2 India 43,137,817 524,413 90
3 Brazil 30,791,220 665,657 164
6 UK 22,238,715 177,977 87
7 Russia 18,293,450 378,350 182
9 Italy 17,247,552 165,952 125
19 Indonesia 6,052,590 156,522 9
29 South Africa 3,929,872 100,933 17

Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au

Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.

Australian daily hospitalisation figures.

Australia NSW Victoria Sth Australia
Daily Hospitalisations 2912 1236 555 238
  Daily Deaths 12 5 5 0
In ICU 106 35 29 10
Total Deaths 8109 3057 3252 426
Daily Tests Carried Out PCR Total 84119 Daily New Cases 34411

Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/

ASX200 at 7145 up 1.10% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 97.25% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 95.64% have had 2 dose & 66.10% have had 3 doses. (SA 95.45/ 93.42/67.23).

The world has passed 527 million reported cases of Covid-19.

The USA has passed 85 million reported cases of Covid-19.

Reported Covid-19 case number have been falling in Vietnam and Germany

Anthony Albanese has been sworn in as the 31st Prime Minister of Australia.

Shanghai has reopened some public transport systems as the lockdown eases.


24 May 2022  Tuesday

228 (224) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

North Korea was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case in May 2022.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 527979926 6,301,269 1058 0.68 0.68
17 Australia 7025775 8178 69 0.93 0.87
(90) Sth Aust 487511 440 14
(47) Victoria 1828848 3268 16 0.99 0.95
(40) NSW 2525905 3071 19
64 NZ 1113828 1031 14
1 USA 85,062,483 1,029,000 79
2 India 43,139,499 524,459 46
3 Brazil 30,803,995 665,680 23
6 UK 22,238,715 177,977 0
7 Russia 18,297,608 378,426 76
9 Italy 17,257,573 166,032 80
19 Indonesia 6,052,764 156,534 12
29 South Africa 3,931,534 100,952 19

Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au

Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.

Australian daily hospitalisation figures.

Australia NSW Victoria Sth Australia
Daily Hospitalisations 2927 1234 545 232
  Daily Deaths 68 14 16 14
In ICU 117 38 36 9
Total Deaths 8178 3071 3268 440
Daily Tests Carried Out PCR Total 52852 Daily New Cases 43090

Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/

ASX200 at 7148 up 0.00% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 97.26% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 95.64% have had 2 dose & 66.10% have had 3 doses. (SA 95.45/ 93.42/67.25).

The world has passed 527 million reported cases of Covid-19.

Australia has passed 7 million recorded cases of Covid-19. The last million cases in just 21 days.

The average number on newly reported daily cases of Covid-19 cases in Germany has been falling for the past 21 days.

Finland has seen an increase in the average daily newly reported cases of Covid-19, reaching a new high of almost 24,000 cases.

North Korea have reported that more than 2.4 million citizens have now fallen to a “mystery fever”

Epidemiologists have agreed with the plan of the WA Premier to ride the winter wave of Covid-19 and the Flu with no new restrictions.

Recently released photographs appear to differ with the version of “Party-gate” given by UK PM Boris Johnson


25 May 2022  Wednesday

228 (224) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

North Korea was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case in May 2022.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 528,703,180 6,303,227 1058 1.01 0.97
17 Australia 7071580 8178 69 1.03 0.94
(90) Sth Aust 498300 440 14
(47) Victoria 1841737 3268 16 1.13 1.07
(40) NSW 2534852 3071 19
64 NZ 1113828 1031 14
1 USA 85,171,340 1,029,396 79
2 India 43,141,200 524,490 46
3 Brazil 30,836,815 665,905 23
6 UK 22,238,715 177,977 0
7 Russia 18,301,393 378,516 76
9 Italy 17,288,287 166,127 80
19 Indonesia 6,053,109 156,548 12
29 South Africa 3,935,761 101,002 19

Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au

Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.

Australian daily hospitalisation figures.

Australia NSW Victoria Sth Australia
Daily Hospitalisations 2927 1209 567 232
  Daily Deaths 68 11 17 14
In ICU 117 38 36 9
Total Deaths 8178 3082 3285 440
Daily Tests Carried Out PCR Total 52852 Daily New Cases 43093

Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/

ASX200 at 7128 down 0.3% from the close from the previous close.  Down Australia has vaccinated 97.27% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 95.65% have had 2 dose & 66.60% have had 3 doses. (SA 95.46/ 93.43/67.31).

The world has passed 528 million reported cases of Covid-19.

The average number on newly reported daily cases of Covid-19 cases in Thailand has been falling for the past 21 days.

South Australia has ended its Covid-19 Emergency Powers Declaration after 793 days.

Experts are saying all Australians should be offered free flu vaccines to avoid a health services catastrophe.

British PM Boris Johnson is under increasing scrutiny as new reports are surfacing in the UK of more parties at 10 Downing St

New Australian PM Anthony Albanese has made a visit to Japan to attend a meeting of “The Quad”, it appears he has handled himself well and set out his governments environmental policy to the world.


26 May 2022  Thurssday

228 (224) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

North Korea was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case in May 2022.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 529,391,908 6,305,054 3785 1.01 0.93
17 Australia 7117601 8336 158 1.06 0.96
(90) Sth Aust 502166 442 2
(47) Victoria 1854017 3351 83 1.01 0.96
(40) NSW 2545751 3112 41
64 NZ 1129749 1057 26
1 USA 85,304,197 1,029,701 701
2 India 43,144,260 524,507 48
3 Brazil 30,846,602 666,037 357
6 UK 22,276,975 178,313 336
7 Russia 18,305,973 378,609 183
9 Italy 17,312,432 166,264 232
19 Indonesia 6,053,424 156,553 19
29 South Africa 3,941,045 101,043 91

Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au

Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.

Australian daily hospitalisation figures.

Australia NSW Victoria Sth Australia
Daily Hospitalisations 2905 1204 559 238
  Daily Deaths 72 30 19 1
In ICU 101 38 34 9
Total Deaths 8336 3112 3351 442
Daily Tests Carried Out PCR Total 104723 Daily New Cases 46449

Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/

ASX200 at 7155 up0.4% from the close from the previous close.  Down Australia has vaccinated 97.27% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 95.65% have had 2 dose & 66.60% have had 3 doses. (SA 95.46/ 93.43/67.31).

The world has passed 528 million reported cases of Covid-19.

South Australia has passed 500,000 reported cases of Covid-19

There are accusations in the UK that another illegal party held at 12 Downing St (The UK PMs flat) has been covered up.

Vaccine maker Pfizer has offered all its not-for-profit drugs to 45 lower income countries.

It has been found that “Dream enactment disorder” has increased fourfold during the pandemic.


27 May 2022  Friday

228 (224) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

North Korea was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case in May 2022.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 530,313,294 6,307,781 2727 1.33 1.20
17 Australia 7156555 8374 38 0.93 0.83
(90) Sth Aust 505292 443 1
(47) Victoria 1865386 3359 8 1.01 0.96
(40) NSW 2554405 3121 9
64 NZ 1136708 1087 30
1 USA 85,570,755 1,030,775 1074
2 India 43,146,033 524,525 18
3 Brazil 30,880,512 666,248 211
6 UK 22,276,975 178,313 0
7 Russia 18,310,673 378,700 91
9 Italy 17,333,299 166,358 94
19 Indonesia 6,053,670 156,556 3
29 South Africa 3,944,845 101,092 49

Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au

Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.

Australian daily hospitalisation figures.

Australia NSW Victoria Sth Australia
Daily Hospitalisations 2863 1173 571 226
  Daily Deaths 39 9 9 1
In ICU 99 34 33 10
Total Deaths 8374 3121 3359 443
Daily Tests Carried Out PCR Total 91451 Daily New Cases 40045

Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/

ASX200 at 7105 down 0.7% from the close from the previous close.  Down Australia has vaccinated 97.29% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 95.67% have had 2 dose & 66.63% have had 3 doses. (SA 95.49/ 93.46/67.43).

The world has passed 530 million reported cases of Covid-19. The last 10 million cases in just 12 days.

Covid-19 is getting closer to us, another grandson has tested positive and is in isolation.

Qatar has reported its highest number of new daily reported Covid-19 infections since March

Costa Rica’s has reported a new daily high number of Covid-19 cases with over 7200 new cases reported in a day.

Australia’s Covid-19 rate of infection her head of population led the world last week.

The Australian Labor Party is now just 1 seat from a majority government.

Scientists have identified the “trigger” molecule for Covid-19 related loss of smell.

Queensland has began simultaneous testing for the Flu and Covid-19.


28 May 2022  Saturday

228 (224) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

North Korea was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case in May 2022.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 530,753,715 6,309,191 1410 0.69 0.59
17 Australia 7189365 8432 58 0.82 0.72
(90) Sth Aust 507966 443 0
(47) Victoria 1873485 3381 22 0.76 0.71
(40) NSW 2561865 3146 25
64 NZ 1143146 1098 11
1 USA 85,676,623 1,031,116 341
2 India 43,148,500 524,539 14
3 Brazil 30,921,145 666,319 71
6 UK 22,276,975 178,313 0
7 Russia 18,315,292 378,784 84
9 Italy 17,355,119 166,476 118
19 Indonesia 6,053,894 156,565 9
29 South Africa 4,066,674 101128 36

Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au

Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.

Australian daily hospitalisation figures.

Australia NSW Victoria Sth Australia
Daily Hospitalisations 2715 1139 540 207
  Daily Deaths 58 25 22 0
In ICU 92 33 32 9
Total Deaths 8432 3146 3381 443
Daily Tests Carried Out PCR Total 77232 Daily New Cases 33708

Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/

ASX200 at 7182 up 1.1% from the close from the previous close.  Down Australia has vaccinated 97.29% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 95.68% have had 2 dose & 66.63% have had 3 doses. (SA 95.50/ 93.47/67.51).

The world has passed 530 million reported cases of Covid-19.

The rate of newly reported Covid-19 cases in Italy havas been decreasing for over a week.

Namibia has reported its highest number of new Covid-19 cases since January

There are calls from lawyers in NSW for the Government to review/withdraw fines issued for Covid-19 law breaches

Japan is set to open its borders to tourists from 98 countries next month.


29 May 2022  Sunday

228 (224) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

North Korea was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case in May 2022.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 531,222,563 6,310,242 1051 0.78 0.63
17 Australia 7216152 8460 28 0.70 0.60
(90) Sth Aust 510239 443 0
(47) Victoria 1879645 3397 16 0.61 0.55
(40) NSW 2568373 3150 4
64 NZ 1148045 1107 9
1 USA 85,711,442 1,031,259 143
2 India 43,151,889 524,572 33
3 Brazil 30,976,406 666,435 116
6 UK 22,277,696 178,465 152
7 Russia 18,319,848 378,870 86
9 Italy 17,373,741 166,542 66
19 Indonesia 6,054,173 156,573 8
29 South Africa 3,952,193 101,142 14

Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au

Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.

Australian daily hospitalisation figures.

Australia NSW Victoria Sth Australia
Daily Hospitalisations 2712 1146 507 217
  Daily Deaths 30 4 16 0
In ICU 91 33 30 9
Total Deaths 8460 3150 3397 443
Daily Tests Carried Out PCR Total 33642 Daily New Cases 27870

Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/

ASX200 at 7182 up 1.1% from the close from the previous close.  Down Australia has vaccinated 97.29% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 95.68% have had 2 dose & 66.63% have had 3 doses. (SA 95.50/ 93.47/67.51).

The world has passed 531 million reported cases of Covid-19.

South Australia has introduced free Flu Vaccinations at Covid-19 Vaccination hubs.

Turkey has had decreasing Covid-19 case numbers for over a week.

Zimbabwe had had increasing Covid-19 cases, reaching peaks not seen since March.


30 May 2022  Monday

228 (224) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

North Korea was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case in May 2022.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 531,543,141 6,310,707 465 0.55 0.43
17 Australia 7242235 8470 10 0.70 0.60
(90) Sth Aust 512623 443 0
(47) Victoria 1887449 3400 3 0.78 0.71
(40) NSW 2574203 3151 1
64 NZ 1153946 1112 5
1 USA 85,715,880 1,031,269 10
2 India 43,154,737 524,586 14
3 Brazil 30,976,406 666,435 0
6 UK 22,277,696 178,465 0
7 Russia 18,324,036 378,955 85
9 Italy 17,388,877 166,569 27
19 Indonesia 6,054,415 156,574 1
29 South Africa 3,953,967 101,146 4

Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au

Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.

Australian daily hospitalisation figures.

Australia NSW Victoria Sth Australia
Daily Hospitalisations 2768 1181 550 216
  Daily Deaths 10 1 3 0
In ICU 96 34 37 8
Total Deaths 8470 3151 3400 443
Daily Tests Carried Out PCR Total 30384 Daily New Cases 26712

Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/

ASX200 at 7182 up 1.1% from the close from the previous close.  Down Australia has vaccinated 97.30% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 95.68% have had 2 dose & 66.63% have had 3 doses. (SA 95.50/ 93.47/67.59).

The world has passed 531 million reported cases of Covid-19.

South Korea has passed 18 million reported cases of Covid-19

Portugal has reported its highest daily infection rate of Covid-19 since the start of the pandemic, with over 99800 new cases.

New reported cases of Covid-19 in Serbia have been falling for over a week.

New cases of reported Covid-19 have been rising in Jamaica for the last 21 days.

China is gradually reopening Shanghai and Beijing after lockdowns in the two cities

The government in North Korea has said the Covid-19 outbreak in the country is “controlled and Improving”


31 May 2022  Tuesday

228 (224) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

North Korea was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case in May 2022.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 531,830,565 6,311,355 648 0.52 0.44
16 Australia 7276695 8525 55 0.96 0.84
(90) Sth Aust 515349 443 0
(47) Victoria 1897044 3418 18 0.98 0.90
(40) NSW 2581518 3170 19
64 NZ 1162499 1128 16
1 USA 85,725,427 1,031,277 8
2 India 43,158,582 524,611 25
3 Brazil 30,953,579 666,496 61
6 UK 22,277,696 178,465 0
7 Russia 18,327,837 379,029 74
9 Italy 17,396,723 166,631 62
19 Indonesia 6,054,633 156,586 12
29 South Africa 3,954,971 101,162 16

Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au

Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.

Australian daily hospitalisation figures.

Australia NSW Victoria Sth Australia
Daily Hospitalisations 2777 1185 527 232
  Daily Deaths 56 19 20 0
In ICU 93 36 31 6
Total Deaths 8525 3170 3418 443
Daily Tests Carried Out PCR Total 63142 Daily New Cases 33991

Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/

ASX200 at 7286 up 1.4% from the close from the previous close.  Down Australia has vaccinated 97.31% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 95.69% have had 2 dose & 66.63% have had 3 doses. (SA 95.51/ 93.49/67.66).

The world has passed 531 million reported cases of Covid-19.

Ireland and Panama are both experiencing rising numbers of reported Covid-19 cases.

Studies into Australia’s Covid-19 response have shown the majority of people think the lock downs were justified, but 10%n think they were too restrictive.

Most WA workers will need to be triple vaccinated from today to keep working.

5000 people have been put into quarantine after breaking Covid-19 isolation in Beijing


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