#03 March 2020 COVID-19 It Spreads very widely

1 March 2020

A 78-year-old Perth man who was a passenger of the Diamond Princess had become the first person to die of COVID-19 in Australia

Later that day, NSW Health confirmed the fifth case of COVID-19 in the state, becoming the 27th case in Australia. A woman in her 50s who recently returned from Iran became the sixth confirmed case of COVID-19 in NSW, the 28th case in Australia

A Victorian who returned from Tehran in Iran was confirmed as the state’s ninth case of COVID-19 and the 29th case in Australia.

2 March 2020

WHO mission arrived in Iran with an aim to identify transmission dynamics and at-risk populations, as well as provide guidance on strengthening and scaling up the response and readiness efforts. 

WHO Director General held a press conference and stated that “There’s no choice but to act now” to contain community transmission of the virus.

2 March 2020

Australia reported four new cases, two of which were the first cases of community transmission of the virus. These two cases were acquired whilst in Australia whereas all other previous cases were imported from another country.

The 30th case in the country and the sixth case in NSW

The 31st case in the country and the seventh case in NSW, a 41-year-old woman, was a close relative of the fifth confirmed NSW case, a man who recently returned from Iran. 

The 32nd case in the country and the eighth case in NSW, a 53-year-old,[38] was a health care worker in Western Sydney. 

The 33rd confirmed case in Australia and the first in Tasmania was a 40-year-old man who recently returned from Iran.

2 March 2020

EU Council President escalated IPCR to FULL activation mode.

The full activation mode allows for crisis roundtables with the participation of:

affected member states

the European Commission

the European External Action Service

the office of the President of the European Council

relevant EU agencies and experts

3 March 2020

The global supply of PPE is in critical shortage and is endangering health workers world wide. WHO have shipped nearly 500,000 sets of PPE to 47 countries. It estimates that the PPE industry needs to increase output by 40% to meet demand.

3 March 2020

An international student living in Brisbane was confirmed as the tenth person in Qld to be infected by COVID-19 and the 34th case in Australia

NSW Health confirmed six further cases in the state, which were the 35th to 40th cases in the country. They included a 39-year-old male who had returned from Iran via Singapore and Malaysia, a 53-year-old male who had returned from Singapore

The Reserve Bank of Australia became the first central bank to cut interest rates in response to the outbreak. Official interest rates were cut by 0.25% (25 base points) to 0.5%.

4 March 2020

WHO stated that after eight (8) weeks from the outbreak of the Novel Corona Virus that it had been Identified, its genome had been sequenced and that PCR & serological assays were in use. An unprecedented amount of knowledge for a new disease.

4 March 2020

NSW Health announced another confirmed case, bringing the state’s total number of confirmed cases to 16 and the national total to 41. The 82-year-old male was a resident at Dorothy Henderson Lodge.

NSW announced six new cases of the virus. The 17th case in NSW and the 43rd case in the country was a 95-year-old female resident at Dorothy Henderson Lodge who had died the day prior. She had no recent history of travel. The 18th case in NSW and the 44th case in the country was a 78-year-old female resident at Dorothy Henderson Lodge who had no recent history of travel. The 19th case in NSW and the 45th case in the country was a 27-year-old female doctor who worked at Liverpool Hospital with no recent history of travel. The 20th case in NSW and the 46th case in the country was a 36-year-old female from the Northern Beaches who recently travelled from Iran. The 21st case in NSW and the 47th case in the country was a 53-year-old male from Cronulla who recently travelled from Italy. The 22nd case in NSW and the 48th case in the country was a 60-year-old female who recently returned from the Philippines.[46]

Later on the same day, a 10th case was reported in Vic, being the 49th case in the country. A male in his 30s had travelled to Melbourne from Iran on 26 Februaryruary and did not become symptomatic until 1 March.[47] In SA, two new cases were confirmed, being the 4th and 5th cases in the state. A 40-year-old female had travelled from Iran via Kuala Lumpur on 1 March on the Malaysia Airlines flight MH139 and a 24-year-old female had recently travelled through Europe including Italy. The cases became the 50th and 51st cases in the country, respectively.

4 March 2020

A conference call was held between Eurogroup and non-euro area members to discuss the latest developments and impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on financial markets and the broader economies. Members reaffirmed their commitment to coordinate resources and stand ready to use all appropriate policy tools to achieve strong sustainable growth. They agreed that no effort would be spared to contain the disease, to provide for health services and civil protection systems to protect the populations in the most affected areas.

5 March 2020

At a media briefing the Director-General of WHO emphasized that the COVID-19 epidemic “can be pushed back, but only with a collective coordinated and comprehensive approach that engages the entire machinery of government.” 

5 March 2020

Two further cases were announced in South Australia. The 6th case in SA and the 52nd case in the country The 7th case in SA and the 53rd case in the country WA also recorded its third case, becoming the 54th case in the country.

NSW Health announced a further three cases, bringing the NSW total to 25 cases and the national total to 57 cases.

Later that day, Qld recorded its 12th and 13th cases in the state. These cases became the 58th and 59th cases in the country, respectively.

6 March 2020

Epping Boys High School was closed for one day, as per NSW Health advice, in an effort to trace contacts and contain the virus.

NSW Health also confirmed three new cases bringing the total to 28 in the state. These cases became the 60th, 61st and 62nd cases in the country.

Qld also recorded its 14th case in the state and the 63rd in the country.

 6 March 2020

A second extraordinary meeting was held of EU Health Ministers after the rapidly evolving outbreak of COVID-19.

Ministers agreed that in order to counter the COVID-19 outbreak, it is important to:

further raise awareness on COVID-19

strengthen the protection of people at risk

establish containment measures, including evidence-based advice concerning travel to and from risk areas

Stating protecting public health is our top priority. It appeared that the promised cooperation between all parties had not been as full as was hoped and they adopted a resolution to strengthen their cooperation and undertake the appropriate measures to focus both on prevention and treatment.

7 March 2020

Over 100,000 cases of COVID-19 have now been reported. WHO reminded all countries that the spread of the virus can be slowed or even reversed, through the implementation of robust containment and control activities.   Allowing uncontrolled spread should not be a choice of any government, as it will harm not only the citizens of that country but affect other countries as well. We must stop, contain, control, delay and reduce the impact of this virus at every opportunity. Every person has the capacity to contribute, to protect themselves, to protect others

8 March 2020

Interim Guidelines released on Critical Preparedness, Readiness and Response Actions. The guidance described the preparedness, readiness and response actions for four different transmission scenarios:

1. No cases

2. Sporadic cases: 1 or more cases, imported or locally detected

3. Clusters of cases in time, geographic location and/or common exposure

4. Community transmission: larger outbreaks of local transmission

7 March 2020

Victorian Health Minister Jenny Mikakos confirmed during a press conference that a doctor in Victoria had tested positive for COVID-19, becoming the 11th case in the state. He was the 64th case in the country.

NSW Health confirmed a further six cases, taking the total to 34 in the state and 70 in the country.

Tasmania’s Public Health department also recorded its second case in the state

NSW Health announced a further two cases, the 35th and 36th cases in the state. These cases became the 72nd and 73rd cases in the country.

8 March 2020

NSW Health confirmed an additional two cases, bringing the state total to 38 and the national total to 75.

A 38-year-old female became the 15th confirmed case in Qld. She was the country’s 76th case.

Victoria also recorded its 12th case, the 77th case in the country.

WA also announced its 4th case, the 78th case in the country.

9 March 2020

WHO Director General stated, “We are not at the mercy of this virus.”. All countries MUST aim to stop the transmission and prevent the spread of COVID-19 whether there are no cases, sporadic cases, clusters or community transmission

9 March 2020

Eight more cases were confirmed in NSW, bringing the total to 46 in the state and 86 in the country.

Victoria announced a further three cases, bringing the state total to 15 and the country total to 89.

WA also confirmed its 5th and 6th cases, the 90th and 91st cases in the country, respectively.

10 March 2020

WHO is providing guidance on mental health to help people manage fear, stigma and discrimination during COVID-19. WHO, UNICEF and  IFRC outline critical considerations and practical checklists to keep schools safe, with helpful tips for parents and caregivers, as well as children and students themselves.

10 March 2020

NSW announced eight more cases, This brought the case total up to 16 cases in Victoria, 54 cases in NSW and 100 cases in the country.

A teacher at their Kew School in Victoria is the 17th confirmed case in Victoria and the 101st in the country.

Queensland also confirmed 3 more cases, bringing the total up to 18 cases in Queensland and 104 cases in the country.

Victoria confirmed 2 new cases. This brings the number of cases in NSW up to 60, and the number of cases in the country to 112.

10 March 2020

EU President held a video conference with European Council Members.

During the meeting leaders identified four priorities:

limiting the spread of the virus

ensuring provision of medical equipment

promoting research, including for a vaccine

tackling socio-economic consequences

11 March 2020

WHO issues a statement saying it was deeply concerned by both the alarming rate of spread and severity and the alarming levels of inaction.

It called the outbreak a PANDEMIC

This is the first Pandemic caused by a coronavirus, and that it is the first time that the capabilities existed to control a Pandemic.

11 March 2020

The Australian Government has announced a $17.6 billion economic stimulus package to keep Australians in jobs, keep businesses in business and support households and the Australian economy as the world deals with the significant challenges posed by the spread of the coronavirus. The package has four parts:

  • Supporting business investment
  • Providing cash flow assistance to help small and medium sized business to stay in business and keep their employees in jobs
  • Targeted support for the most severely affected sectors, regions and communities;
  • Household stimulus payments that will benefit the wider economy

11 March 2020

Victoria confirmed 3 new cases. This brings the number of cases in Victoria up to 22, and the number of cases in the country to 115

Western Australia confirmed 3 new cases, This brings the number of cases in WA up to 9 and the number of cases in the country up to 118.

NSW also confirmed 4 new cases. This brings the number of cases in NSW up to 64, and the number of cases in the country up to 122.

Later that day, the head of the Museum of Old and New Art (MONA), David Walsh, cancelled the Dark Mofo winter arts festival.

Victoria also confirmed another case, this brings the number of cases in Victoria up to 23, and the number of cases in the country up to 123.

SA also confirmed 2 new cases, This brings the number of cases in SA up to 9, and the number of cases in the country up to 125.

Queensland also confirmed 2 new cases, This brings the number of cases in Queensland up to 20, and the number of cases in the country up to 127.

Tasmania also confirmed its 3rd case, 128th case in the country.

12 March 2020

NSW announced a further 13 cases overnight, bringing the state total to 77 and the national total to 141.

Queensland also confirmed seven new cases, bringing the state total to 21 and the national total to 149.

A $17.6bn stimulus package was unveiled by the Prime Minister to “protect Australians’ health, secure jobs and set the economy to bounce back” from the crisis.

Victoria confirmed a further four cases in the state, bringing the state total to 27 and the national total to 153. 

SA confirmed a further three new cases in the state, bringing the state total to 12 and the national total to 156.

Formula One, the FIA and the Australian Grand Prix Corporation, have decided to cancel this years Australian Grand Prix over concerns about the virus.[111] The Australia vs New Zealand men’s cricket one day international will still be played at the SCG, however spectators will not be allowed due to virus concerns.

Western Australia confirmed 5 more cases, bringing the state total up to 14 and the national total up to 166.

A McLaren Formula One team member tested positive for the virus. This brings the number of cases in Victoria up to 36 and the number of cases in the country up to 175.

NSW also confirmed 14 new cases. This brought the number of cases in NSW up to 91 and the number of cases in the country up to 189.

Queensland confirmed another four cases, bringing the total in the state to 35 and the national total to 193.

South Australia confirmed 4 new cases, This brought the number of cases in SA up to 16 and the number of cases in the country up to 197. 

Peter Dutton the Home Affairs minister for Australia was diagnosed in Queensland. Tasmania confirmed a new case, This brought the number of cases in Tasmania up to 5 and the number of cases in the country up to 198.

13 March 2020

The WHO, UN Foundation and partners launch a first-of-its-kind COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund. This fund will raise money from individuals, corporations, institutions and governments anywhere in the world to contribute directly to a global response effort.

14 March 2020

SA reported a further three cases, bringing the state total to 19 and the national total to 201.

WA confirmed 3 new cases. This brought the number of cases in WA up to 17 and the number of cases in the country up to 204.

NSW confirmed 20 new cases. The 92nd case was a 41-year-old woman. This brought the number of cases in New South Wales to 111 and the number of cases in the country up to 224.

Victoria also confirmed a further 13 cases, bringing the state total to 49 and the national total to 237.

Queensland also confirmed a further 11 cases, bringing the state total to 46 and the national total to 248.

 Victoria are suspending all jury trials to limit the spread of the virus.

15 March 2020

USA CDC warns against large public gatherings, including conferences, festivals, sporting events etc for at least 8 weeks

15 March 2020

Prime Ministers announcement following the First National Cabinet on Coronavirus

15 March 2020 

Tasmania confirmed its sixth case bringing the national total to 249. 

Victoria also confirmed a further eight cases, bringing the state total to 57 and the national total to 257.

Queensland confirmed a further 15 new cases, including 9 women and 6 men, bringing the state total to 61 and national total to 294. 

SA also confirmed one new case, This brought the number of cases in SA to 20 and the number of cases in the country up to 295.

 Richard Wilkins a Channel 9 Entertainment Editor and Weekend Today host has been infected.

17 March 2020

Many countries around the world are closing their borders, including most EU countries, USA, Canada, NZ, etc

18 March 2020

Australian government released a broad range of measures to control the virus spread/outbreak. All International travel to and from Australia has been stopped, except for urgent travel and Australians returning home. Schools & Universities are to remain open

Virgin Airlines has cancelled all international flights, Qantas has cut international services by 80%, and all domestic flights have been cut back severely.

“Social distancing” (1.5m distance to be maintained between people in all public places where possible) is the prime measure introduced to reduce the speed of the spread of the virus.

And launched the COVID-19 campaign. And released the Australian Health Sector Emergency Response Plan for Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)

The world economy is expected to go into recession.

It is expected that it will take up to 10 tears for the Australian economy to recover.

18 March 2000

Sixth person in Australia dies from COVID-19.

China states that it has only 1 active case of COVID-19

Second year student nurses and final year medical students being employed in Australian health system to help with the outbreak.

18 March 2020

Leigh Sales put together this summary of the Prime Minister’s briefing of 18 March 2020.

Concise summary of Principles driving govt response:

1. Working to slow the spread of the virus to save lives

2. Belief that turning everything off for two weeks and turning it back on again is not the way through this.

3. Aim to keep as many Australians working as possible

4. Assuming a timeframe of at least 6 months therefore measures must be sustainable & scalable

5. Gov-Gen this morning declared a human biosecurity emergency; this gives more power to PM and federal Health Minister

New rules:

– All Australians strongly advised do not travel abroad

– Non-essential indoor gatherings limited to 100 people; outdoor gatherings 500 people

– Essential gatherings are considered airports, public transport, medical facilities, workplaces, prisons, courts, parliaments, supermarkets, shopping centres, factories, hotels. – Schools to remain open – Public transport remains open; please practise social distancing

– Restricted visits to aged care

– max of two visitors at one time per day; short visits only; avoid child visitors; no social gatherings in aged care facilities

– Anzac Day events cancelled bar one publicly televised event at National War Memorial

– Strong advice to stop hoarding groceries and medicine – Govt still working on economic plan to provide a safety net for individuals & small businesses; details to come – New supplies of corona testing kits on the way

– health.gov.au is the best source of information and avoid rumour from non-official sources

– Federal Cabinet meets again on Friday

19 March 2020

ASX closed down at 4782.9, down 3.44%

Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison announced that Australia would be closing its borders to all non-residents and non-Australian citizens from 9pm on 20 March

All ANZAC Day services, marches and gatherings cancelled.

20 March 2020

As at 6:30am on 20 March 202 there had been 709 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Australia, 144 new cases in the last 24hrs. 6 people have died of COVID-19 and over 100,000 tests have been carried out.

ACCC has issued warnings that a large number of scams are starting to propagate about the virus.

Australians are being urged to be on high alert for scammers who are using the coronavirus crisis to prey on the vulnerable.

In Australia new “Social Distancing rules were announced, suggesting/requiring all indoor gatherings allow a minimum of 4 square meters per person and 2m gap for Social Distancing.

Visitors to Aged Care facilities were limited to two per resident per day.

The Federal Budget was delayed until October

ASX closed at 4816, up 0.7%

The official interest rates were cut by The Reserve Bank of Australia to a record low of 0.25%

21 March 2020

WHO issued updated COVID-19 data. There are 234,073 confirmed cases worldwide in 177 countries confirmed with the virus, and 9840 deaths.

Italy reports that a further 627 people died yesterday, its biggest day on day total yet. It has now recorded over 4000 deaths (a total more than China) and over 47,000 infections.

Australia reports that there are now over 1000 cases confirmed, with 7 deaths. SA has 40 confirmed cases.

Australia is now in lockdown, no non-citizens or non-residents may enter the country, visa holders may stay in the country.

There are calls to close popular tourist spots, like Bondi Beach because people are ignoring social distancing requirements.

Bondi Beach was closed by the NSW Government in the afternoon of 21 March 2020

Pet adoptions from the RSPCA has boomed since the virus outbreak.

Shops are starting accept Card payments only, some people are asking, is this the end of cash?

10 American tourist have tested positive to the virus in the Barossa Valley and are self quarantining in “The Louise”, where they are staying.

The reporting of new cases in Australia is escalating by the hour.

UK government has said it will pay up to 80% the wages of UK workers laid off because of the virus.

Brazil predicts its health system will collapse before the end of April due to the virus load.

Through all of this US President Donald Trump has continued his non-sensical rants/raves. He continually backflips on statements he has made previously. Overnight he invoked powers normally reserved for times of was and declared himself a “War Time President”. (His eyes are always on the US election due later this year.)

A screenshot of a cell phone

Description automatically generated

22 March 2020

Australia has 1081 cases of COVID-19 with 7 deaths

South Australia has reopened 2 recently closed hospitals to make more beds available if/when needed and have upgrade facilities at the Repat Hospital as well.

Jock Zonfrillo has decided to close his restaurant, Orana, for the foreseeable future.

Total economic stimulus to date is $189 billion.

NT closing its borders to protect the remote aboriginal communities.

Italy’s death toll goes above 4000, with over 750 deaths today!

All pubs, restaurants and cafes in the UK to be closed

New York , Illinois and California go into lockdown

Virus is killing 1 person an hour in New York City

Singapore records its first 2 deaths to the virus.

President Trump in hot water (again) over putting down a journalist for asking a very relevant question.

WHO Director General reinforces that young people are vulnerable to the virus as well as older people.

BIG DAY in Australia

SA, Vic and NSW have declared their borders closed as of 4pm Tuesday 24 March 2020.

Vic has unilaterally closed its schools.

PM Scott Morrison has released details of the $189 Billion stimulus package. It provides large payments for low paid, unemployed and welfare recipients. It provides “cash” relief for Small to Medium Enterprises (SME) and a range of other payments and unsecured business loan guarantees.

People coming into Australia from overseas are commenting on how lax our entry and quarantine processes are.

The AFL has postponed the season from today until 31 May 2020, when it will reassess the competitions viability. The first round games will be completed tonight. The WAFL competition has been cancelled for this season, one competition winner will be announced.

The number of COVID-19 cases in Australia has now exceeded 1200.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison announced that as of midday on Monday 23 March 2020, all clubs, pubs, cafes, restaurants, places of worship, gyms and the like will be forced to closed. Cafes and Restaurants can stay open to serve takeaway and home delivery food.

 23 March 2020

 There are 294,110 confirmed cases of COVID-19 worldwide, with 12,944 deaths in 186 countries.

Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison has stopped the Australian Team going to this years Tokyo Olympic Games

German Chancellor Angela Merkle has been tested positive for COVID-19

India observed a 14 hr curfew to assess its ability to both assess the country’s ability to combat the virus

Singapore will close its borders at midnight tonight to all except essential services and personnel.

NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian has told parents to keep their children away from school to contain the virus, but is keeping all schools open for parents who need to send their children to school, Vic has said they may close their schools.

Some private schools in SA are partially shutting down – staying open for Year 12 and Primary students.

There are now 138 confirmed cases in SA. All these cases have been tracked back to overseas or interstate travel, or contact with such people.

The mygov web site crashed today due the number of people trying to log on for government benefits

NZ has raised their action plan to Level 3 in preparation for a nationwide shutdown 26 March 2020

ASX closed at 4546, down 5.6%

24 March 2020

There are 334.981 confirmed cases of COVID-19 worldwide, with 14652 deaths in 189 countries.

Emergency legislation passed the Australian parliament yesterday in a bipartisan effort to work together. Only about half of the members sat in parliament to enable social distancing.

USA Legislature is still deadlocked in passing their rescue package. It seem the US system is broken.

Italy currently has 50418 positive cases of COVID-19, 7432 recovered cases and 6077 deaths. The death rate has now dropped in the past 2 days. Lats 24 hrs 602 deaths, previous 24hrs 793 deaths.

Australian government released another wave of social restrictions, indoor weddings and funerals restricted to a total of 5 and 10 participants each respectively. Beauty, nail and tattoo parlours closed, Real estate open inspections and auctions are banned, Amusement Parks, Arcades and Play Centres are to close. Pools and group sporting activities to stop. Galleries, libraries, community centres and recreation centres are to close. Food-courts in shopping centres must close, but allowed to do takeaway. Hairdressers and barbers remain open, max time for a cut 30 mins. Overseas travel has been banned. Restrictions come into force at midnight 25 March 2020.

ASX closed at 4735, up 4.2%

25 March 2020

There are 375,498confirmed cases of COVID-19 worldwide, with 16362 deaths in 195 countries.

There are 2134 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Australia, with 8 deaths.

There are 170 confirmed cases of COVID-19 SA, with 0 deaths.

Italy currently has 54030 positive cases of COVID-19, 6820 deaths and 8326 recovered cases. 743 new deaths, down again from the day before.

USA currently has 51914 positive cases of COVID-19, 673 deaths. 

The Olympic Games has been postponed until sometime in 2021.

US President Trump has declared that he will open America up again before Easter.

US stock exchange finished over 11% up. Biggest single day rise since 1933

UK has imposed very strict restrictions, eg gathering of more than 2 people banned

First NSW cases of children under 10, a seven year old girl and a two month old boy confirmed with coronavirus are among 211 new cases in NSW.

China to lift the two-month lockdown on Wuhan

Following a sharp spike in cases the NZ the Civil Defence Minister declares a national state of emergency lasting at least seven days. NZ is in total lockdown, where you are is where you stay, live and sleep for at least the next 7 days.

ASX closed at 4998, up 5.5%

26 March 2020

There are 416.686 confirmed cases of COVID-19 worldwide, with 18589 deaths in 196 countries.

There are 2423 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Australia, with 9 deaths, 287 new cases

There are 197 confirmed cases of COVID-19 SA, with 0 deaths.

Italy currently has 57521 positive cases of COVID-19, 7503 deaths and 9362 recovered cases. 683 new deaths, down again from the day before.

USA currently has 65342 positive cases of COVID-19, 922 deaths.  249 new deaths,

Prince Charles has tested positive to COVID-19 with mild symptoms

Restrictions on hairdressers and barbers to only 30mins per client have been lifted. I suspect that this will be banned at the next round of announcements.

Medical workers had their first dedicated shop this morning. Coles and Woolworths have set Tues and Thurs 7am to 8am aside for them only.

USA is rolling out a $6 Trillion stimulus package

SA State government raised it financial package to help low income, unemployed and businesses to $1 billion,

State schools will close 4 days earlier (Pupil free days) before Easter to allow teachers to have time to get up to speed on remote learning

Passengers from the RUBY PRINCESS that was let to disembark last week in Sydney without any checks has caused a spike in confirmed virus cases Australia wide. A big argument about who was responsible for letting the passengers off has been ongoing since they got off between Border Force, NSW Health and Immigration & Quarantine, Australia scored a VERY bad own goal.

ASX closed at 5113, up 2.3%

27 March 2020

There are 462684 confirmed cases of COVID-19 worldwide, with 20834 deaths in 199 countries.

There are 2799 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Australia, with 13 deaths, 376 new cases

There are 235 confirmed cases of COVID-19 SA, with 0 deaths.

Italy currently has 62013 positive cases of COVID-19, 8165 deaths and 10361 recovered cases. 662 new deaths, down again from the day before.

USA currently has 80857 positive cases of COVID-19, 1163 deaths.  241 new deaths,

Russia has closed its borders except for citizens repatriating. It has also closed restaurants, cafes, shops and parks, but allows grocery shops and pharmacies to remain open

US Senate passed a $2,2 Trillion emergency relief package

The UAE has imposed a night curfew so that streets can be disinfected

All people coming into Australia from overseas will now have to have 14 days compulsory quarantine in a hotel

ASX closed at 4842, down 5.3%

28 March 2020  Saturday

There are 512701 confirmed cases of COVID-19 worldwide, with 23495 deaths in 201 countries.

There are 3166 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Australia, with 13 deaths, 376 new cases

There are 257 confirmed cases of COVID-19 SA, with 0 deaths.

Italy currently has 66414 positive cases of COVID-19, 9134 deaths and 10950 recovered cases. 586 new deaths, down again from the day before.

USA currently has 101321 positive cases of COVID-19, 1567 deaths.  404 new deaths,

NZ currently has 338 confirmed cases of COVID-19, 0 deaths. 

Global deaths from COVID-19 exceeds 25.000

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson has tested positive to COVID-19

US House of Representatives passes the $2.2 Trillion emergency package and President Donald Trump signed it into law

Trump has invoked emergency powers to force US industry to make much needed medical supplies (aimed at General Motors to force them to make Ventilators/respirators)

US unemployment hits an all time record.

Myers have shut all their stores Australia wide, standing down over 10,000 workers.

In SA police are to enforce compulsory isolations

Close to 70,000 jobs have been lost in SA

.Army has been enlisted to enforce border closures

SA bans gatherings of more than 10 people, on the spot fines of $1000 for an individual or $5000 for a corporations apply.

29 March 2020  Sunday

There are 5754441 confirmed cases of COVID-19 worldwide, with 26654 deaths in 201 countries.

There are 3635 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Australia, with 14 deaths, 469 new cases

There are 287 confirmed cases of COVID-19 SA, with 0 deaths.

Italy currently has 70065 positive cases of COVID-19, 10023 deaths and 12384 recovered cases. 889 new deaths, up from the day before.

USA currently has 120529 positive cases of COVID-19, 2008 deaths.  441 new deaths,

NZ currently has 416 confirmed cases of COVID-19, 0 deaths.  An increase of 78 cases

The UAE has extended the night curfew for streets disinfection to 5 April after 63 new cases were detected.

US President Trump is considering Quarantining NYC

More and more retailers are closing their doors – Cotton, On RM Williams, Country Road,…..

Police Australia wide are cracking down on non-isolationists as forced Quarantine becomes the norm in most states and for people entering Australia

Today there a new raft of measures put in place in Australia, they included:

  • Advice to All – Do not go outside except for essential activities like essential shopping, medical care, exercise, work and education
  • Public gatherings now restricted to NO MORE THAN TWO(2) people unless from the same family/household
  • Public playgrounds, outside gyms and skate parks to be closed noon tomorrow. Boot camps reduced to 2 people.
  • People 70+ should stay at home and self isolate, limit contact with other people as much as possible. Also applies to people aged 60+ with chronic illness and Indigenous Australians 50+
  • Six month moratorium on evictions if tenants are unable to pay rent.
  • Commercial Tenants and landlords should negotiate to maintain business viability. A government announcement on this will eb made in the coming days.

30 March 2020  Monday

There are 638146 confirmed cases of COVID-19 worldwide, with 30105 deaths in 202 countries.

There are 4093 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Australia, with 16 deaths, 458 new cases

There are 299 confirmed cases of COVID-19 SA, with 0 deaths.

Italy currently has 73880 positive cases of COVID-19, 10779 deaths and 13030 recovered cases. 756 new deaths, down from the day before.

USA currently has 142178 positive cases of COVID-19, 2484 deaths. 476 new deaths,

NZ currently has 552 confirmed cases of COVID-19, 1 death.  An increase of 136 cases

ASX closed at 5181, up 7.0%

South Korea is experiencing a steady rise in cases, their control measures seem to be keeping the rise in infections manageable for the time being. They are saying that their emergency actions in December and containment measures since then have facilitated the outcomes.

China continues to report a drop in new cases, none in Hubei Province (Wuhan is in this province) for 6 days now

Governments world wide are reporting increases in cases. The third world is being hit particularly hard.

Turkey seems to be in panic mode. They have been struggling with their economy for years now due to the number of refugees in their country from Syria and the middle east,. They don’t have the resources to put in effective control measures and the coronavirus is escalating.

Anthony Fauci  the  American physician and immunologist a director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases in the US and adviser to Trump warned that the US may face as many as 200,000 deaths from the coronavirus. Trump gas extended the coronavirus measures past Easter to 30 April 2020.

Scott Morrison announced a $1500 payment per employee to businesses to keep Australians in jobs, a $130 Billion initiative.

31 March 2020  Tuesday

There are 697244 confirmed cases of COVID-19 worldwide, with 33257 deaths in 203 countries.

There are 4359 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Australia, with 18 deaths, 266 new cases

There are 305 confirmed cases of COVID-19 SA, with 0 deaths.

Italy currently has 75528 positive cases of COVID-19, 11591 deaths and 14620 recovered cases. 782new deaths, up from the day before.

USA currently has 161044 positive cases of COVID-19, 2968 deaths. 484 new deaths,

NZ currently has 552 confirmed cases of COVID-19, 1 death.  An increase of 136 cases

ASX closed at 5077, down 2.0%

Victoria upgrades its status to Level 3. Anyone found outside without a acceptable reason will be fined.$1652 for individuals and $9913 for corporates. Larger fines and possible gaol times can be issued by the courts.

Italy has extended its lockdown until Easter to slow the rate of new cases.

Russia has increased the number of areas in regional lockdown

Austria is making the wearing of facemasks in supermarkets compulsory.

The US political divide between Republicans and Democrats continues, with the Republicans casting doubt on moves by the Democrats to increase the economic stimulus.

A Naval hospital ship has been moored on Manhattan Island to serve as an extra hospital for NYC

A high ranking cardinal in Rome close to the Pope has tested positive to Coronavirus.

ALL travellers entering Australia are being put into forced quarantine for 14 days in hotels. The Federal government is paying for the hotels, but as of Friday 4 April 2020, the cost of the hotel will be borne by the people in quarantine.

All states are refusing to allow cruise ship to “with passengers aboard” to dock. SA allowed and “empty” cruise liner to dock at outer harbour

China reports no new domestically transmitted cases and 48 new “imported” cases. I find that very hard to believe.

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