#31 July 2022 Another wave of Covid-19 washes over us.

1 July 2022  Friday

228 (224) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

North Korea was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case in May 2022.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 552,482,211 6,357,714 2400 1.31 1.43
16 Australia 8162153 9930 33 1.06 1.12
(90) Sth Aust 595398 533 3
(47) Victoria 2118366 3934 12 1.05 1.11
(40) NSW 2817248 3590 9
55 NZ 1345796 1473 7
1 USA 89,337,270 1,042,643 898
2 India 43,471,282 525,116 39
3 Brazil 32,358,451 671,466 341
6 UK 22,720,345 180,330 85
7 Italy 18,523,111 168,353 59
8 Russia 18,430,239 381,112 56
19 Indonesia 6,088,460 156,737 6
30 South Africa 3,993,843 101,793 29

Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au

Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.

Australian daily hospitalisation figures.

Australia NSW Victoria Sth Australia
Daily Hospitalisations 3273 1558 472 227
  Daily Deaths 33 9 12 3
In ICU 106 41 23 7
Total Deaths 9930 3590 3934 533
Daily Tests Carried Out PCR Total 69463 Daily New Cases 38265

Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/

ASX200 at 6568 down 2.0% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 97.5% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 95.9% have had 2 dose & 67.3% have had 3 doses. (SA 95.7/ 93.7/69.0).

The world has passed 552 million reported cases of Covid-19.

Cases of Covid-19 continue to increase around the world, through Asia, the Americas and Europe.

The South Australian government has bowed to pressure and extended its free flu vaccine program through to the end of July in a bid to lessen the call on hospitals.

The ATO has said it will be scrutinising Australia Tax returns for accuracy of deductions, particularly those related to wfh and Covid-19.

Courts in Denmark have ruled the mass cull of Minks during the pandemic had no legal justification.

The new Australian government has ordered a review of all Covid-19 vaccine contracts.

NATO has invited Finland and Sweden to join the organisation, Russia has warned the move will raise tensions.


2 July 2022  Saturday

228 (224) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

North Korea was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case in May 2022.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 553,405,161 6,359,379 2400 1.20 1.31
16 Australia 8194842 9984 33 1.06 1.11
(90) Sth Aust 598168 533 3
(47) Victoria 2122203 3947 12 1.09 1.15
(40) NSW 2828309 3610 9
55 NZ 1352688 1494 7
1 USA 89,455,126 1,042,978 898
2 India 43,488,519 525,139 39
3 Brazil 32,434,063 671,700 341
6 UK 22,741,065 180,417 85
7 Italy 18,610,011 168,425 59
8 Russia 18,433,394 381,165 56
19 Indonesia 6,090,509 156,740 6
South Africa 3,994,223 101,809 29

Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au

Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.

Australian daily hospitalisation figures.

Australia NSW Victoria Sth Australia
Daily Hospitalisations 3329 1621 462 231
  Daily Deaths 54 20 13 3
In ICU 109 45 18 8
Total Deaths 9984 3610 3947 533
Daily Tests Carried Out PCR Total 26598 Daily New Cases 32718

Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/

ASX200 at 6539 down 0.4% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 97.5% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 95.9% have had 2 dose & 67.4% have had 3 doses. (SA 95.8/ 93.7/69.1).

The world has passed 553 million reported cases of Covid-19.

For the first time, the last 24hrs in Australia saw more cases confirmed than there were positive PCR tests.


3 July 2022  Sunday

228 (224) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

North Korea was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case in May 2022.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 553,981,751 6,360,704 2990 0.75 0.81
16 Australia 8225124 10014 84 0.95 1.00
(90) Sth Aust 600593 539 6
(47) Victoria 2130528 3969 35 1.09 1.15
(40) NSW 2837155 3612 22
55 NZ 1357862 1505 32
1 USA 89,522,328 1,043,308 665
2 India 43,500,504 525,168 52
3 Brazil 32,476,920 671,938 472
6 UK 22,741,065 180,417 87
7 Italy 18,695,954 168,484 131
8 Russia 18,436,679 381,216 104
19 Indonesia 6,092,303 156,745 8
South Africa 3,995,065 101,811 18

Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au

Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.

Australian daily hospitalisation figures.

Australia NSW Victoria Sth Australia
Daily Hospitalisations 3415 1657 476 226
  Daily Deaths 30 2 22 6
In ICU 106 43 20 8
Total Deaths 10014 3612 3969 539
Daily Tests Carried Out PCR Total 21642 Daily New Cases 30355

Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/

ASX200 at 6539 down 0.4% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 97.6% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 95.9% have had 2 dose & 67.4% have had 3 doses. (SA 95.8/ 93.7/69.1).

The world has passed 552 million reported cases of Covid-19.

All Australian states are in discussion about the reintroducing broad Mask Mandates

Australians are being given reminders of what their responsibilities are of they test positive to Covid-19 using a RAT

Covid-19 cases continue to rise around the world, from the UK to Iceland  to Europe  to Asia and the Americas.

South Australia has recorded over 600,000 cases of Covid-19

Australia has passed 10,000 deaths due to Covid-19


4 July 2022  Monday

228 (224) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

North Korea was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case in May 2022.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 554,311,513 6,361,214 510 0.43 0.46
16 Australia 8254785 10040 26 0.91 0.97
(90) Sth Aust 603257 540 1
(47) Victoria 2137783 3993 24 0.93 0.99
(40) NSW 2846098 3613 1
55 NZ 1364733 1512 7
1 USA 89,531,144 1,043,316 8
2 India 43,513,117 525,199 31
3 Brazil 32,490,422 671,938 0
6 UK 22,741,065 180,417 0
7 Italy 18,768,871 168,545 61
8 Russia 18,439,759 381,263 47
19 Indonesia 6,093,917 156,749 4
South Africa 3,995,291 101,812 1

Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au

Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.

Australian daily hospitalisation figures.

Australia NSW Victoria Sth Australia
Daily Hospitalisations 3511 1725 513 220
  Daily Deaths 26 1 22 1
In ICU 118 50 28 9
Total Deaths 10040 3613 3993 540
Daily Tests Carried Out PCR Total 32572 Daily New Cases 29677

Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/

ASX200 at 6539 down 0.4% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 97.6% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 95.9% have had 2 dose & 67.4% have had 3 doses. (SA 95.8/ 93.7/69.1).

The world has passed 554 million reported cases of Covid-19.

Australia has dropped all Covid-19 vaccination requirements for entering the country

Queensland health authorities are warning that the current wave of Covid-19 infections may peak higher than previous waves.

Victoria has opened a Covid-19 Prevention Clinic for Immunocompromised people.

Australian PM Anthony Albanese is touring the war torn areas of Ukraine, and Australia has become the largest contributor to Ukraine outside of the NATO countries

UK doctors are calling for an Autumn vaccine drive to ward off a potential Covid-19 surge.

NSW is again suffering severe rain events, with widespread flooding around Sydney


5 July 2022  Tuesday

228 (224) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

North Korea was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case in May 2022.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 554,913,426 6,362,068 854 0.77 0.83
16 Australia 8291345 10085 45 1.08 1.17
(90) Sth Aust 606638 540 0
(47) Victoria 2146469 4009 16 1.10 1.16
(40) NSW 2856570 3627 14
55 NZ 1374535 1534 22
1 USA 89,567,184 1,043,372 56
2 India 43,532,788 525,223 24
3 Brazil 32,502,469 672,017 79
6 UK 22,741,065 180,417 0
7 Italy 18,805,756 168,604 59
8 Russia 18,442,625 381,306 43
19 Indonesia 6,095,351 156,758 9
South Africa 3,995,400 101,815 3

Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au

Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.

Australian daily hospitalisation figures.

Australia NSW Victoria Sth Australia
Daily Hospitalisations 3740 1782 543 234
  Daily Deaths 46 14 16 1
In ICU 123 58 28 10
Total Deaths 10085 3627 4009 540
Daily Tests Carried Out PCR Total 43826 Daily New Cases 36446

Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/

ASX200 at 6612 up 1.1% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 97.6% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 95.9% have had 2 dose & 67.4% have had 3 doses. (SA 95.8/ 93.8/69.2).

The world has passed 552 million reported cases of Covid-19.

Victoria has passed 4000 deaths due to Covid-19

An Aged Care Home in Melbourne in which 45 residents died of Covid-19 has been charged with various offences

Long queues and wait times are occurring at most major Australian airports as people begin the school holidays rush.

The depth of England’s economic troubles is being highlighted by a surge in demand at Pawn Brokers as people sell off goods to pay living expenses.

There is a Covid-19 scare around Chinese President Xi Jinping as a Hong Kong Legislator who me the President has tested positive to the disease as Macau begins widespread testing to contain a Covid-19 outbreak.


6 July 2022  Wednesday

228 (224) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

North Korea was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case in May 2022.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 556,088,469 6,363,781 854 1.47 1.56
15 Australia 8334462 10130 45 1.25 1.36
(90) Sth Aust 610745 545 0
(47) Victoria 2156482 4032 16 1.28 1.31
(40) NSW 2870282 3637 14
55 NZ 1374535 1534 22
1 USA 89,619,014 1,043,536 56
2 India 43,546,263 525,242 24
3 Brazil 32,610,514 672,429 79
6 UK 22,741,065 180,417 0
7 Italy 18,938,771 168,698 59
8 Russia 18,445,301 381,354 43
19 Indonesia 6,097,928 156,766 9
South Africa 3,995,784 101,847 3

Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au

Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.

Australian daily hospitalisation figures.

Australia NSW Victoria Sth Australia
Daily Hospitalisations 3778 1822 523 267
  Daily Deaths 44 10 23 5
In ICU 137 64 29 11
Total Deaths 10130 3637 4032 545
Daily Tests Carried Out PCR Total 39557 Daily New Cases 43254

Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/

ASX200 at 6612 up 1.1% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 97.6% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 95.9% have had 2 dose & 67.5% have had 3 doses. (SA 95.8/ 93.8/69.2).

The world has passed 556 million reported cases of Covid-19.

Australians are likely to be offered a 4th Covid-19 vaccine as the countries borders reopen  and Omicron variants BA-4 and BA-5 begin to become the dominant variants in the country.

The Australian Federal Government is looking to loosen the requirements of eligibility for the PBS system Covid-19 Anti-viral drugs, so that more people can access them.

The medical community in Australia are predicting the next wave of Omicron Covid-19 will peak higher than the last wave.

The UK Government is in chaos as numerous ministers resign in protest to the continuing leadership of Boris Johnson

Australian PM Anthony Albanese is back in Australia after attending the Nato meeting , having an inspection tour in war ravaged Ukraine and talks with European leaders.

China has imposed a lockdown in Xian after a small out break, 18 cases, of Covid-19.

Experts are saying NZ is about to experience another wave of Covid-19 infections


7 July 2022  Thursday

228 (224) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

North Korea was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case in May 2022.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 557,153,187 6,365,824 3756 1.32 1.40
15 Australia 8377932 10191 106 1.23 1.33
(90) Sth Aust 610745 546 6
(47) Victoria 2166726 4045 36 1.27 1.31
(40) NSW 2883560 3659 32
55 NZ 1403073 1561 27
1 USA 89,843,328 1,044,237 865
2 India 43,568,884 525,270 47
3 Brazil 32,687,680 672,790 773
6 UK 22,741,065 180,417 0
7 Italy 19,048,788 168,770 166
8 Russia 18,448,451 381,398 92
19 Indonesia 6,100,671 156,770 12
South Africa 3,996,441 101,859 44

Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au

Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.

Australian daily hospitalisation figures.

Australia NSW Victoria Sth Australia
Daily Hospitalisations 3899 1882 592 254
  Daily Deaths 60 22 12 1
In ICU 140 62 30 12
Total Deaths 10191 3659 4045 546
Daily Tests Carried Out PCR Total 65498 Daily New Cases 43110

Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/

ASX200 at 6594 down 0.5% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 97.6% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 95.9% have had 2 dose & 67.5% have had 3 doses. (SA 95.8/ 93.8/69.3).

The world has passed 557 million reported cases of Covid-19.

The new wave of Covid-19 is starting to put pressure on Australian Hospitals.

Medical authorities in Australia are saying the next wave of Covid-19 in the country will be the most infectious yet, with the prosect of reintroduction of restrictions is becoming more likely.

UK PM Boris Johnson is under increasing pressure to resign as more members of his ministry resign in protest to his behaviour.

The Federal Government has found the Aged Care system is in a worse situation than initially thought and it required urgent reform

Holidaying people in Europe are being warned of the increasing levels of Civd-19 in the community.

Monkey Pox is spreading within Australia


8 July 2022  Friday

228 (224) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

North Korea was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case in May 2022.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 558,281,495 6,368,159 2335 1.36 1.44
15 Australia 8419675 10225 34 1.13 1.24
(90) Sth Aust 618429 546 0
(47) Victoria 2176379 4053 8 1.16 1.21
(40) NSW 2896270 3666 7
55 NZ 1412642 1581 20
1 USA 90,007,093 1,044,892 655
2 India 43,587,302 525,305 35
3 Brazil 32,687,680 672,829 39
6 UK 22,883,995 180,718 301
7 Italy 19,157,174 168,864 94
9 Russia 18451862 381450 52
20 Indonesia 6,103,552 156,776 6
31 South Africa 3,996,904 101,868 9

Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au

Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.

Australian daily hospitalisation figures.

Australia NSW Victoria Sth Australia
Daily Hospitalisations 3977 1901 629 249
  Daily Deaths 35 7 9 0
In ICU 141 60 37 9
Total Deaths 10225 3666 4053 546
Daily Tests Carried Out PCR Total 71946 Daily New Cases 41866

Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/

ASX200 at 6648 up 0.8% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 97.6% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 96.0% have had 2 dose & 67.5% have had 3 doses. (SA 95.8/ 93.8/69.3).

The world has passed 558 million reported cases of Covid-19.

The USA has passed 90 million reported cases of Covid-19, 10 days for the last million and 144 days for the last 10 million cases.

Covid-19 case numbers are rising on all continents and setting new daily case number records.

Australia has approved a 4th Covid-19 vaccination for all people 30 and over

Boris Johnson has conditionally resigned as the UK PM

Queensland is assessing the continuation of elective surgeries in its hospitals and admissions continue to rise.


9 July 2022  Saturday

228 (224) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

North Korea was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case in May 2022.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 559,473,857 6,370,829 2670 1.38 1.46
15 Australia 8456963 10302 77 1.00 1.09
(90) Sth Aust 621805 550 4
(47) Victoria 2185163 4073 20 0.98 1.08
(40) NSW 2907681 3699 33
55 NZ 1422178 1602 21
1 USA 90,189,028 1,045,384 492
2 India 43,603,871 525,343 38
3 Brazil 32,830,844 673,339 510
6 UK 22,883,995 180,718 0
7 Italy 19,259,037 168,969 105
9 Russia 18,455,274 381,499 49
20 Indonesia 6,106,024 156,781 5
32 South Africa 3,997,269 101,876 8

Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au

Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.

Australian daily hospitalisation figures.

Australia NSW Victoria Sth Australia
Daily Hospitalisations 4024 1894 667 245
  Daily Deaths 77 33 20 4
In ICU 134 61 34 8
Total Deaths 10302 3699 4073 550
Daily Tests Carried Out PCR Total 67207 Daily New Cases 37294

Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/

ASX200 at 6678 up 0.5% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 97.6% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 96.0% have had 2 dose & 67.5% have had 3 doses. (SA 95.8/ 93.8/69.3).

The world has passed 558 million reported cases of Covid-19.

France has passed 32 million reported cases of Covid-19

Queensland hospitals are rescheduling elective surgery.

North Korea has reported more than 5 million cases of Covid-19 now, BUT has reported only 75 deaths due to the disease.

Health officials in the NT are pushing for the reintroduction of masks in remote communities as a new wave of Covid-19 is about to sweep the Territory

WA is expecting new Covid-19 case numbers to swell to over 10,000 a day as the next wave seems to be beginning.

Australian health authorities are warning that Australia’s death rate due to Covid-19 will escalate if the new wave materialises.

In the UK they are predicting that Covid-19 cases will rise by 20% next week.


10 July 2022  Sunday

228 (224) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

North Korea was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case in May 2022.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 560,112,909 6,372,030 1201 0.73 0.78
15 Australia 8488183 10314 12 0.83 0.90
(90) Sth Aust 624799 552 2
(47) Victoria 2193091 4075 2 0.89 0.96
(40) NSW 2916337 3707 8
55 NZ 1429924 1611 9
1 USA 90,295,145 1,045,767 383
2 India 43,624,835 525,386 43
3 Brazil 32,833,596 673,400 61
6 UK 22,883,995 180,718 0
7 Italy 19,357,938 169,062 93
9 Russia 18,455,274 381,499 0
20 Indonesia 6,108,729 156,785 4
32 South Africa 3,997,269 101,876 0

Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au

Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.

Australian daily hospitalisation figures.

Australia NSW Victoria Sth Australia
Daily Hospitalisations 4113 1945 671 240
  Daily Deaths 13 8 2 2
In ICU 133 60 32 9
Total Deaths 10314 3707 4075 552
Daily Tests Carried Out PCR Total 17279 Daily New Cases 31406

Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/

ASX200 at 6678 up 0.5% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 97.6% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 96.0% have had 2 dose & 67.6% have had 3 doses. (SA 95.8/ 93.8/69.4).

The world has passed 560 million reported cases of Covid-19.

Taiwan has passed 4 million recorded cases of Covid-19

The Australian Federal government has made the Covid-19 Antiviral drugs available to all residents 70 years and over, on top of the categories already announced.

Queenslanders are being urged to wear masks as case number ramp up.

1 in 10 people in England are told to work on despite showing signs of Covid-19 infection.

Covid-19 cases in the UK surged 20% last week.

The Australian government has all but ruled out the reintroduction of mandatory maskl wearing.


11 July 2022  Monday

228 (224) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

North Korea was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case in May 2022.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 560,568,749 6,372,830 800 0.51 0.55
15 Australia 8516847 10326 12 0.77 0.82
(90) Sth Aust 624799 552 0
(47) Victoria 2201766 4075 0 0.95 1.03
(40) NSW 2923798 3715 8
55 NZ 1438599 1628 17
1 USA 90,327,573 1,045,788 21
2 India 43,624,835 525,428 42
3 Brazil 32,896,464 673,610 210
6 UK 22,883,995 180,718 0
7 Italy 19,439,501 169,106 44
9 Russia 18,462,211 381,583 84
20 Indonesia 6,111,305 156,791 6
32 South Africa 3,997,269 101,876 0

Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au

Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.

Australian daily hospitalisation figures.

Australia NSW Victoria Sth Australia
Daily Hospitalisations 4283 2002 717 240
  Daily Deaths 12 8 0 0
In ICU 131 63 30 9
Total Deaths 10326 3715 4075 552
Daily Tests Carried Out PCR Total 32533 Daily New Cases 31905

Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/

ASX200 at 6678 up 0.5% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 97.6% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 96.0% have had 2 dose & 67.6% have had 3 doses. (SA 95.8/ 93.8/69.4).

The world has passed 560 million reported cases of Covid-19.

Covid-19 cases continue to rise across the board globally

Australia’s 4th vaccine shot program officially starts today

Griffith University studies have found that a drug used to treat addiction and chronic fatigue may be useful in the treatment of Long Covid.

The clean-up after the latest flooding in SW has started.


12 July 2022  Tuesday

228 (224) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

North Korea was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case in May 2022.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 561,314,613 6,373,976 1146 0.82 0.88
15 Australia 8561571 10384 58 1.16 1.23
(90) Sth Aust 631935 556 4
(47) Victoria 2212371 4091 16 1.13 1.22
(40) NSW 2934596 3735 20
55 NZ 1450451 1645 17
1 USA 90,413,440 1,045,931 143
2 India 43,650,036 525,454 26
3 Brazil 32,940,507 673,758 148
6 UK 22,883,995 180,718 0
7 Italy 19,439,501 169,106 0
9 Russia 18,465,308 381,621 38
20 Indonesia 6,112,986 156,798 7
32 South Africa 3,997,269 101,876 0

Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au

Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.

Australian daily hospitalisation figures.

Australia NSW Victoria Sth Australia
Daily Hospitalisations 4468 2049 737 246
  Daily Deaths 58 20 16 4
In ICU 126 58 39 6
Total Deaths 10384 3735 4091 556
Daily Tests Carried Out PCR Total 58642 Daily New Cases 41336

Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/

ASX200 at 6602 down 1.1% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 97.6% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 96.0% have had 2 dose & 67.6% have had 3 doses. (SA 95.8/ 93.8/69.4).

The world has passed 561 million reported cases of Covid-19.

Reported Covid-19 case numbers continue to rise across the globe.

Australian health authorities are now saying that the previous 12 week “safe” period after a Covid-19 infection in which you were unlikely to be reinfected has now been reduced to 4 weeks due to the BA.4 and BA.5 variants.

A cruise ship , The Coral Princess, docked in Brisbane Queensland has reported an outbreak of Covid-19 aboard it. More than 100 passengers and crew have tested positive. The cruise line has offered refunds to over 2000 passengers.

Victorian hospital admissions are “soaring’, rising over 80% in the last 3 weeks as health experts say the state is pursuing the wrong Covid-19 strategy.

Macau has shut all its casinos in a bid to halt its rising Covid-19 outbreak

The new Covid-19 outbreak in Shanghai China is providing a challenge to health authorities with 69 new infections detected on Sunday, up from 57 on Saturday.


13 July 2022  Wednesday

228 (224) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

North Korea was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case in May 2022.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 562,578,077 6,375,989 2013 1.36 1.46
15 Australia 8605813 10442 58 1.14 1.21
(90) Sth Aust 636573 558 2
(47) Victoria 2223522 4111 20 1.16 1.28
(40) NSW 2945116 3750 15
55 NZ 1462257 1674 29
1 USA 90,630,533 1,046,524 593
2 India 43,672,155 525,474 20
3 Brazil 32,940,507 673,814 56
6 UK 22,883,995 180,718 0
7 Italy 19,667,320 169,390 284
9 Russia 18,468,310 381,669 48
20 Indonesia 6,116,347 156,806 8
32 South Africa 3,998,466 101,895 19

Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au

Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.

Australian daily hospitalisation figures.

Australia NSW Victoria Sth Australia
Daily Hospitalisations 4477 2023 739 245
  Daily Deaths 57 15 20 2
In ICU 137 61 36 6
Total Deaths 10442 3750 4111 558
Daily Tests Carried Out PCR Total 65572 Daily New Cases 44183

Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/

ASX200 at 6606 up 0.1% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 97.6% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 96.0% have had 2 dose & 67.6% have had 3 doses. (SA 95.8/ 93.8/69.4).

The world has passed 562 million reported cases of Covid-19.

The WHO is urging all nations to reintroduce mask wearing ahead of an expected avalanche of Covid-19 worldwide

Countries around the world are now reporting recent times record levels of Covid-19 infections

The Coral Princess is expected to dock in Sydney today with over 100 infected people on board, the majority of whom are crew. All passengers will be tested prior to disembarking.

An Aged Care worker in Sydney has been charged with working while knowing Covid-19 positive.

The federal governments free RAT kits for Concession Card holders will end at the end of July, they are being urged to stock up.

An Aged Care Home in Brisbane has 101 Covid-19 positive residents.

Hong Kong is adopting China’s health code in relation to Covid-19 and is electronically tagging Covid positive people.

In the face of the new Covid-19 outbreaks the US Government is considering making 2nd booster shots available to all adults


14 July 2022  Thursday

228 (224) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

North Korea was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case in May 2022.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 563,741,372 6,378,743 2754 1.24 1.33
15 Australia 8653081 10515 73 1.20 1.26
(90) Sth Aust 641312 559 1
(47) Victoria 2234805 4131 20 1.16 1.27
(40) NSW 2959333 3785 35
55 NZ 1473955 1697 23
1 USA 90,831,998 1,047,394 870
2 India 43,688,652 525,519 45
3 Brazil 33,076,779 674,554 740
6 UK 22,883,995 180,718 0
7 Italy 19,778,911 169,496 106
9 Russia 18,472,239 381,711 42
20 Indonesia 6,120,169 156,818 12
32 South Africa 3,998,863 101,907 12

Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au

Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.

Australian daily hospitalisation figures.

Australia NSW Victoria Sth Australia
Daily Hospitalisations 4512 2001 771 231
  Daily Deaths 78 36 20 1
In ICU 139 56 34 7
Total Deaths 10515 3785 4131 559
Daily Tests Carried Out PCR Total 65876 Daily New Cases 47419

Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/

ASX200 at 6621 up 0.2% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 97.6% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 96.0% have had 2 dose & 67.7% have had 3 doses. (SA 95.9/ 93.8/69.5).

The world has passed 563 million reported cases of Covid-19.

Tasmania’s rate of Covid-19 infection is double that of NSW on a per capita rate, but is put down to Tasmanians being more likely to report an infection than those in NSW

10 more passengers off the Coral Princess have tested positive to Covid-19

Concern is rising that up to 2/3 of Aged Care homes in Queensland could experience Covid-19 outbreaks.

There are calls in the UK for the reintroduction of Covid-19 protocols as the nation passes 200,000 Covid-19 related deaths.

The US FDA has approved a new Novavax Protein based Covid-19 vaccine

Australian health authorities are say millions of Australian could be infected with Covid-19 in the coming weeks.


15 July 2022  Friday

228 (224) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

North Korea was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case in May 2022.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 564,659,604 6,380,325 1582 1.01 1.06
15 Australia 8696291 10584 69 1.09 1.13
(90) Sth Aust 645753 565 6
(47) Victoria 2245301 4148 17 1.07 1.16
66 144 2971525 10584 14
55 NZ 1484746 1713 16
1 USA 90,942,369 1,047,882 488
2 India 43,704,925 525,557 38
3 Brazil 33,076,779 674,554 0
6 UK 22,883,995 180,718 0
7 Italy 19,887,543 169,601 105
9 Russia 18,476,477 381,754 43
20 Indonesia 6,123,753 156,827 9
32 South Africa 3,999,345 101,915 8

Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au

Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.

Australian daily hospitalisation figures.

Australia NSW Victoria Sth Australia
Daily Hospitalisations 4602 2027 749 266
  Daily Deaths 66 14 17 6
In ICU 144 60 35 8
Total Deaths 10584 3799 4148 565
Daily Tests Carried Out PCR Total 78862 Daily New Cases 43488

Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/

ASX200 at 6650 up 0.1% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 97.6% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 96.0% have had 2 dose & 67.8% have had 3 doses and 14.4% have had 4th doses. (SA 95.9/ 93.8/69.6/16.8).

The world has passed 564 million reported cases of Covid-19.

Greece has recorded its highest daily re[ported Covid-19 cases since the start of the pandemic with over 133,000 new cases.

All Australian state Premiers are pushing the Federal Government to extend the paid pandemic leave for casual workers during the current spike in Covid-19

NSW has continued the issue of free RAT kits for those on welfare.

The Spanish Government has been criticised in a report for acting too slow and with too little


16 July 2022  Saturday

228 (224) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

North Korea was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case in May 2022.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 565,969,148 6,383,537 3212 1.41 1.46
15 Australia 8735677 10659 75 0.99 1.02
(90) Sth Aust 649889 568 3
(47) Victoria 2255268 4156 8 1.00 1.05
66 NSW 2982583 3836 37
55 NZ 1494272 1741 28
1 USA 91,092,908 1,048,311 429
2 India 43,725,900 525,604 47
3 Brazil 33,142,158 674,846 292
6 UK 23,075,360 181,580 862
7 Italy 19,985,479 169,735 134
9 Russia 18,480,934 381,794 40
20 Indonesia 6,127,084 156,833 6
32 South Africa 3,999,751 101,918 3

Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au

Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.

Australian daily hospitalisation figures.

Australia NSW Victoria Sth Australia
Daily Hospitalisations 4740 2024 802 287
  Daily Deaths 77 38 8 3
In ICU 151 66 34 9
Total Deaths 10659 3836 4156 568
Daily Tests Carried Out PCR Total 76237 Daily New Cases 40385

Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/

ASX200 at 6650 up 0.1% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 97.7% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 96.0% have had 2 dose & 67.8% have had 3 doses and 14.9% have had 4th doses. (SA 95.9/ 93.8/69.7/17.3).

The world has passed 565 million reported cases of Covid-19.

The USA has passed 91 million reported cases of Covid-19

The UK has passed 23 million reported cases of Covid-19

In Australia, the National Cabinet meeting set for Monday has been brought forward to today, and it is expected that the Pandemic Isolation payments for casual workers will be restored.

It is disconcerting that the Australian REFF is around 1 yet the rate of hospitalisation due to Covid-19 is rising sharply, this seems to indicate that the BA.4 & BA.5 variants are more harmful than I thought.

The REFF is around 1, and has been for a while, yet case numbers and hospitalisations are powering on? Did I miss something. Case numbers and hospitalisations are both up around 60% in the last month.


17 July 2022  Sunday

228 (224) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

North Korea was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case in May 2022.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 566,996,154 6,386,565 3028 1.04 1.10
15 Australia 8773487 10689 30 0.93 0.97
(90) Sth Aust 653247 569 1
(47) Victoria 2264880 4172 16 0.94 1.00
66 NSW 2992755 3848 12
55 NZ 1508728 1784 22
1 USA 91,236,974 1,048,798 487
2 India 43,745,918 525,660 56
3 Brazil 33,250,117 675,145 299
6 UK 23,075,360 181,580 0
7 Italy 20,076,863 169,846 111
9 Russia 18,485,632 381,835 41
20 Indonesia 6,131,413 156,839 6
33 South Africa 3,999,751 101,918 0

Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au

Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.

Australian daily hospitalisation figures.

Australia NSW Victoria Sth Australia
Daily Hospitalisations 4719 2057 760 288
  Daily Deaths 30 12 16 1
In ICU 155 63 37 10
Total Deaths 10689 3848 4172 569
Daily Tests Carried Out PCR Total 68824 Daily New Cases 37937

Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/

ASX200 at 6650 up 0.1% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 97.7% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 96.0% have had 2 dose & 67.8% have had 3 doses and 14.9% have had 4th doses. (SA 95.9/ 93.8/69.7/17.3).

The world has passed 566 million reported cases of Covid-19.

Canada has passed 4 million reported cases of Covid-19 and moved past South Africa into 32 place on the world table

NZ has passed 1.5 million reported cases of Covid-19

Victoria is investing $162 million into its health system to combat the upcoming wave of Covid-19

The health authorities around Australia are calling for more health restrictions to be put in place as the next wave of Covid-19 begins to take hold.

Airports around Australia are bracing for another week of turmoil as the school holidays around the country begin to wind up.

Singapore is allowing all its citizens to return to pre-pandemic life despite the new wave of Covid-19 sweeping the nation, except mandated indoor mask wearing remains.

Queensland is nearing record Covid-19 deaths and hospitalisations.

China’s economy is experiencing a slump after the recent Covid-19 lockdowns of major cities.


18 July 2022  Monday

228 (224) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

North Korea was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case in May 2022.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 567,580,058 6,387,486 921 0.56 0.58
15 Australia 8811274 10715 26 0.90 0.95
(90) Sth Aust 657528 571 2
(47) Victoria 2275124 4190 18 0.98 1.04
66 NSW 3002504 3853 5
55 NZ 1508728 1784 21
1 USA 91,265,296 1,048,834 36
2 India 43,763,407 525,709 49
3 Brazil 33,301,118 675,408 263
6 UK 23,075,360 181,580 0
7 Italy 20,145,859 169,925 79
9 Russia 18,490,296 381,881 46
20 Indonesia 6,134,953 156,849 10
33 South Africa 3,999,751 101,918 0

Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au

Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.

Australian daily hospitalisation figures.

Australia NSW Victoria Sth Australia
Daily Hospitalisations 4987 2169 821 306
  Daily Deaths 26 5 18 2
In ICU 154 64 35 11
Total Deaths 10715 3853 4190 571
Daily Tests Carried Out PCR Total 27245 Daily New Cases 37617

Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/

ASX200 at 6650 up 0.1% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 97.7% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 96.0% have had 2 dose & 67.9% have had 3 doses and 15.1% have had 4th doses. (SA 95.9/ 93.9/69.7/17.6).

The world has passed 567 million reported cases of Covid-19.

NSW has passed 3 million recorded cases of Covid-19, accounting for over 1/3 of Australia’s case numbers.

A second Covid-19 infected cruise ship, the P&O Pacific Explorer has docked in Sydney, at least  100 on board are infected.

School students around the country are being strongly encouraged to wear masks in classrooms.

Covid-19 modelling is proving inaccurate, as the severity of the Queensland outbreak went unpredicted.


19 July 2022  Tuesday

228 (224) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

North Korea was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case in May 2022.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 568,129,669 6,388,709 1223 0.93 0.62
15 Australia 8863178 10794 79 1.20 1.27
(90) Sth Aust 661967 574 3
(47) Victoria 2287307 4215 25 1.14 1.21
66 NSW 3016037 3879 26
55 NZ 1519490 1803 19
1 USA 91,359,299 1,049,005 171
2 India 43,767,534 525,760 51
3 Brazil 33,339,815 675,551 143
6 UK 23,075,360 181,580 0
7 Italy 20,177,910 170,037 112
9 Russia 18,494,844 381,916 35
20 Indonesia 6,138,346 156,859 10
33 South Africa 4,000,631 101,922 4

Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au

Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.

Australian daily hospitalisation figures.

Australia NSW Victoria Sth Australia
Daily Hospitalisations 5239 2205 897 282
  Daily Deaths 75 26 25 3
In ICU 158 60 34 11
Total Deaths 10794 3879 4215 574
Daily Tests Carried Out PCR Total 106490 Daily New Cases 50258

Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/

ASX200 at 6687 up 1.2% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 97.7% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 96.0% have had 2 dose & 67.9% have had 3 doses and 15.1% have had 4th doses. (SA 95.9/ 93.9/69.7/17.6).

The world has passed 568 million reported cases of Covid-19.

South Africa has passed 4 million reported cases of Covid-19

Victoria has had its highest hospitalisations since May

Queensland health authorities are warning of a disaster in the states Aged Care homes with the coming Covid-19 wave.

The Victorian Government has asked, but not compelled, students to wear masks in class as Covid-19 numbers spike. The WA Government is doing the same.

The Australian Federal Government has refused a request from the NSW Premier to cut the 7 day Covid-19 isolation period


20 July 2022  Wednesday

228 (224) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

North Korea was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case in May 2022.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 569,344,599 6,391,127 2418 1.26 1.28
15 Australia 8912149 10884 90 1.12 1.19
(90) Sth Aust 666858 596 22
(47) Victoria 2300268 4243 28 1.18 1.26
66 NSW 3031246 3899 20
55 NZ 1530186 1837 34
1 USA 91,485,747 1,049,559 554
2 India 43,800,251 525,785 25
3 Brazil 33,397,814 675,871 320
6 UK 23,075,360 181,580 0
7 Italy 20,299,013 170,213 176
9 Russia 18,499,044 381,960 44
20 Indonesia 6,143,431 156,865 6
33 South Africa 4,000,894 101,935 13

Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au

Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.

Australian daily hospitalisation figures.

Australia NSW Victoria Sth Australia
Daily Hospitalisations 5357 2236 906 323
  Daily Deaths 90 20 28 22
In ICU 169 63 45 11
Total Deaths 10884 3899 4243 596
Daily Tests Carried Out PCR Total 115893 Daily New Cases 53850

Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/

ASX200 at 6649 down 0.6% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 97.7% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 96.0% have had 2 dose & 67.9% have had 3 doses and 15.6% have had 4th doses. (SA 95.9/ 93.9/69.8/18.1).

The world has passed 569 million reported cases of Covid-19.

Australia now has more people in hospital with Covid-19 than at any time this year.

Doctors have found that an unusual side effect of having Covid-19 is an increased risk of heart disease and diabetes.

The Australian TGA has approved the Moderna Vaccine for children from 6 months old to 6 years..

USA Chief Medical Adviser Dr Anthony Fauci has announced he will step down from the position before the end of President Biden’s first term.

South Australia’s Chief Medical Officer Professor Nicola Spurrier has contract Covid-19.


21 July 2022  Thursday

228 (224) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

North Korea was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case in May 2022.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 570,385,283 6,393,346 2219 1.10 1.10
15 Australia 8967138 10968 84 1.23 1.31
(90) Sth Aust 672144 603 7
(47) Victoria 2314561 4280 37 1.25 1.35
66 NSW 3045062 3924 25
55 NZ 1540509 1868 31
1 USA 91,638,740 1,050,105 546
2 India 43,819,662 525,825 40
3 Brazil 33,454,294 676,217 346
6 UK 23,075,360 181,580 0
7 Italy 20,385,814 170,370 157
9 Russia 18,504,729 381,997 37
20 Indonesia 6,149,084 156,875 10
33 South Africa 4,001,444 101,939 4

Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au

Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.

Australian daily hospitalisation figures.

Australia NSW Victoria Sth Australia
Daily Hospitalisations 5360 2210 875 354
  Daily Deaths 89 25 37 7
In ICU 162 55 46 12
Total Deaths 10968 3924 4280 603
Daily Tests Carried Out PCR Total 124229 Daily New Cases 55602

Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/

ASX200 at 6759 up 1.6% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 97.7% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 96.0% have had 2 dose & 67.9% have had 3 doses and 15.6% have had 4th doses. (SA 95.9/ 93.9/69.8/18.1).

The world has passed 570 million reported cases of Covid-19.the last 10 million cases in 11 days.

Studies have found that despite their prominence at the moment conspiracy theories are not on the rise.

Studies in Australia have shown suffers of long Covid are more likely to be young active females.

Queensland is now accounting for between a third and half of all PCR tests in Australia

Businesses Australia wide are starting to recommend for staff to work from home if they can.

Anger is growing in China as authorities begin breaking into homes in the pursuit of Covid-19 close contacts.

A woman in Queensland who had a PhD in Professional Studies has pleaded guilty to issuing thousands of Covid-19 exemptions for people to dodge Covid-19 tests.


22 July 2022  Friday

228 (224) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

North Korea was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case in May 2022.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 572,242,951 6,397,380 4034 1.71 1.86
15 Australia 9018965 11028 60 1.12 1.21
(90) Sth Aust 676777 610 7
(47) Victoria 2326813 4305 25 1.05 1.14
66 NSW 3063719 3939 15
55 NZ 1549589 1890 22
1 USA 91,891,579 1,050,999 894
2 India 43,842,235 525,870 45
3 Brazil 33,505,727 676,486 269
6 UK 23,212,565 182,727 1147
7 Italy 20,467,349 170,527 157
9 Russia 18,511,120 382,039 42
20 Indonesia 6,154,494 156,880 5
34 South Africa 4,001,816 101,942 3

Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au

Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.

Australian daily hospitalisation figures.

Australia NSW Victoria Sth Australia
Daily Hospitalisations 5328 2202 840 358
  Daily Deaths 60 15 25 7
In ICU 159 55 33 12
Total Deaths 11028 3939 4305 610
Daily Tests Carried Out PCR Total 125819 Daily New Cases 51814

Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/

ASX200 at 6794 up 0.5% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 97.7% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 96.0% have had 2 dose & 68.1% have had 3 doses and 17.0% have had 4th doses. (SA 95.9/ 93.9/69.9/19.6).

The world has passed 572 million reported cases of Covid-19

Australia has passed 11 deaths due to Covid-19

USA President Joe Biden has tested positive to Covid-19

South Korea has passed 9 million reported cases of Covid-19

Foot and Mouth Disease is rife in Indonesia /Bali, and the Federal government is coming under increasing pressure to close our border to the country until it is biologically safe to reopen.

Australia is facing over 100 Covid-19 deaths per day as cases numbers and hospital admission surge.

Deaths due to Covid-19 have surged 50% in NSW in the course of 1 week


23 July 2022  Saturday

228 (224) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

North Korea was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case in May 2022.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 573,447,822 6,400,468 3088 1.13 1.21
15 Australia 9065275 11134 106 0.98 1.07
(90) Sth Aust 680702 613 3
(47) Victoria 2337600 4349 44 0.92 0.99
66 NSW 3078551 3980 41
55 NZ 1557661 1911 21
1 USA 92,098,342 1,051,735 736
2 India 43,861,313 525,930 60
3 Brazil 33,555,526 676,766 280
6 UK 23,212,565 182,727 0
7 Italy 20,539,016 170,682 155
9 Russia 18,517,779 382,080 41
20 Indonesia 6,159,328 156,893 13
34 South Africa 4,002,133 101,943 1

Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au

Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.

Australian daily hospitalisation figures.

Australia NSW Victoria Sth Australia
Daily Hospitalisations 5251 2176 820 354
  Daily Deaths 102 41 44 3
In ICU 158 59 29 12
Total Deaths 11134 3980 4349 613
Daily Tests Carried Out PCR Total 109777 Daily New Cases 45153

Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/

ASX200 at 6791 down 0.0% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 97.7% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 96.1% have had 2 dose & 68.1% have had 3 doses and 17.4% have had 4th doses. (SA 95.9/ 93.9/70.0/20.1).

The world has passed 573 million reported cases of Covid-19

The USA has passed 92 million reported cases of Covid-19

Japan is urging its citizens to take the highest levels of vigilance in the face of the new Omicron variant surge.

The Italian Premier has resigned after the ruling coalition fell apart.

Australia’s stockpile of 500,000 antivirals is approaching expiry.

There is a sharp spike in the number of Covid-19 related deaths in Australia.


24 July 2022  Sunday

228 (224) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

North Korea was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case in May 2022.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 574,385,577 6,402,005 1537 0.89 0.92
15 Australia 9103321 11172 38 0.81 0.87
(90) Sth Aust 684152 614 1
(47) Victoria 2347086 4361 12 0.81 0.86
66 NSW 3091346 3994 14
55 NZ 1563510 1925 14
1 USA 92,160,644 1,051,946 211
2 India 43,884,930 525,997 67
3 Brazil 33,581,533 676,927 161
6 UK 23,212,565 182,727 0
7 Italy 20,608,190 170,798 116
9 Russia 18,524,732 382,118 38
20 Indonesia 6,164,271 156,902 9
34 South Africa 4,002,133 101,943 0

Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au

Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.

Australian daily hospitalisation figures.

Australia NSW Victoria Sth Australia
Daily Hospitalisations 5362 2260 849 374
  Daily Deaths 38 14 12 1
In ICU 145 56 27 12
Total Deaths 11172 3994 4361 614
Daily Tests Carried Out PCR Total 109777 Daily New Cases 30452

Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/

ASX200 at 6791 down 0.0% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 97.7% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 96.1% have had 2 dose & 68.1% have had 3 doses and 17.6% have had 4th doses. (SA 95.9/ 93.9/70.0/20.3).

The world has passed 574 million reported cases of Covid-19

The Coral Princess has docked in Brisbane with many Covid-19 cases on board after being stuck at sea for 14 days due to bad weather.

Victoria is deploying medical students to assist in hospitals

Australian experts are again calling for the Covid-19 mandates to be reintroduced as the next wave rolls in

Fears are mounting in the Aged Care sector as the next Covid-19 wave begins, it appears that nothing has been fixed in the system to prevent what has occurred previously

International doctors are facing huge barriers to working in Australia due to what some are calling a “Broken System”.

US President Biden is said to be experiencing mild Covid-19 symptoms

Japan is urging its citizens to take caution as the next  Covid-19 wave begins


25 July 2022  Monday

228 (224) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

North Korea was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case in May 2022.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 575,011,721 6,402,911 906 0.59 0.61
15 Australia 9139473 11204 32 0.77 0.81
(90) Sth Aust 687515 633 19
(47) Victoria 2357336 4361 0 0.87 0.92
66 NSW 3102071 4001 7
55 NZ 1570802 1941 16
1 USA 92,184,230 1,051,986 40
2 India 43,902,112 526,033 36
3 Brazil 33,591,356 676,979 52
6 UK 23,212,565 182,727 0
7 Italy 20,660,065 170,875 77
9 Russia 18,532,255 382,155 37
20 Indonesia 6,168,342 156,902 0
34 South Africa 4,002,133 101,943 0

Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au

Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.

Australian daily hospitalisation figures.

Australia NSW Victoria Sth Australia
Daily Hospitalisations 5439 2329 855 384
  Daily Deaths 32 7 0 19
In ICU 160 58 35 11
Total Deaths 11204 4001 4361 633
Daily Tests Carried Out PCR Total 81408 Daily New Cases 36507

Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/

ASX200 at 6791 down 0.0% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 97.7% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 96.1% have had 2 dose & 68.1% have had 3 doses and 17.6% have had 4th doses. (SA 95.9/ 93.9/70.0/20.3).

The world has passed 575 million reported cases of Covid-19

NSW has passed 4000 Covid-19 related deaths.

Doctors in Western Australia’s hospitals are warning of a catastrophe in the system due to Covid-19

Fears are growing of the number of Australians who could suffer Long Covid and the lack of resources to treat it.

A third of all aged care residents have Covid-19

The ADF deployment in the aged care sector has been extended.

Monkey Pox has been declared  a Disease of Concern by the WHO, Australia currently has 44 cases.

Concerns are rising about the possibility of Foot and Mouth Disease entering Australia via Bali.

Statistics in Victoria are showing that people who have not received their 3rd Covid-19 shot are accounting for an increasing number of Covid-19 related deaths.


26 July 2022  Tuesday

228 (224) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

North Korea was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case in May 2022.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 575,690,891 6,404,554 1643 0.63 0.66
15 Australia 9186102 11303 99 1.01 1.05
(90) Sth Aust 691671 632 -1
(47) Victoria 2369621 4401 40 1.04 1.09
66 NSW 3116121 4031 30
55 NZ 1580477 1941 5
1 USA 92,310,800 1,052,352 366
2 India 43,918,402 526,074 41
3 Brazil 33,621,965 677,213 234
6 UK 23,212,565 182,727 0
7 Italy 20,684,182 170,979 104
9 Russia 18,538,826 382,189 34
20 Indonesia 6,172,390 156,916 14
34 South Africa 4,002,981 101,955 12

Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au

Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.

Australian daily hospitalisation figures.

Australia NSW Victoria Sth Australia
Daily Hospitalisations 5571 2344 869 379
  Daily Deaths 103 30 40 3
In ICU 165 66 39 7
Total Deaths 11303 4031 4401 632
Daily Tests Carried Out PCR Total 102434 Daily New Cases 46007

Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/

ASX200 at 6791 down 0.0% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 97.7% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 96.1% have had 2 dose & 68.2% have had 3 doses and 18.0% have had 4th doses. (SA 95.9/ 93.9/70.1/20.7).

The world has passed 575 million reported cases of Covid-19

Bed shortages in some Australian hospitals are seeing patients sent straight home from ICU without any intermediate hospitalisation

The inquiry into the Newmarch House Covid-19 Outbreak has shown that preparations at the facility were insufficient

Studies have predicted that Queensland hospitalisations due to the current Covid-19 wave will peak mid to late August.

A study has found that having Covid-19 may lower your sex drive and lead to hair loss.

In the UK, since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, doctors are now less likely to try to resuscitate seriously ill patients.


27 July 2022  Wednesday

228 (224) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

North Korea was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case in May 2022.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 576,767,670 6,406,597 2043 1.02 1.06
15 Australia 9235196 11386 83 1.06 1.09
(90) Sth Aust 696028 636 4
(47) Victoria 2382232 4433 32 1.08 1.11
66 NSW 3132294 4051 20
55 NZ 1589584 1946 5
1 USA 92,438,112 1,052,740 388
2 India 43,933,422 526,110 36
3 Brazil 33,659,879 677,489 276
6 UK 23,212,565 182,727 0
7 Italy 20,772,833 171,232 253
9 Russia 18,545,009 382,236 47
20 Indonesia 6,178,873 156,929 13
34 South Africa 4,003,502 101,962 7

Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au

Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.

Australian daily hospitalisation figures.

Australia NSW Victoria Sth Australia
Daily Hospitalisations 5359 2275 872 365
  Daily Deaths 82 20 32 4
In ICU 145 56 33 8
Total Deaths 11386 4051 4433 636
Daily Tests Carried Out PCR Total 128117 Daily New Cases 49071

Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/

ASX200 at 6807 up 0.3% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 97.7% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 96.1% have had 2 dose & 68.2% have had 3 doses and 18.4% have had 4th doses. (SA 95.9/ 93.9/70.1/21.1).

The world has passed 576 million reported cases of Covid-19

In the USA a criminal probe into the January 6 Insurrection has turned its focus to former President Donald Trump

Doctors are increasingly concerned that RATs are not sensitive, or sensitive enough to the new Covid-19 variants

A new survey has shown that around 50% of all Australians had been infected with Covid-19 by June this year.

Victoria’s decision to scale back PCR testing has been condemned by the medical professions.

Facebook is considering its restrictions on Covid-19 misinformation.


28 July 2022  Thursday

228 (224) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

North Korea was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case in May 2022.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 577,873,045 6,409,438 2841 1.03 1.10
15 Australia 9282271 11512 126 1.05 1.05
(90) Sth Aust 700121 653 17
(47) Victoria 2394336 4470 37 1.06 1.06
66 NSW 3147857 4085 34
55 NZ 1597516 1455 9
1 USA 92,617,455 1,053,537 797
2 India 43,955,197 526,167 57
3 Brazil 33,704,393 677,804 315
6 UK 23,212,565 182,727 0
7 Italy 20,837,233 171,439 207
9 Russia 18,554,036 382,272 36
20 Indonesia 6,185,311 156,940 11
34 South Africa 4,003,883 101,967 5

Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au

Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.

Australian daily hospitalisation figures.

Australia NSW Victoria Sth Australia
Daily Hospitalisations 5232 2282 852 339
  Daily Deaths 125 34 37 17
In ICU 163 65 33 11
Total Deaths 11512 4085 4470 653
Daily Tests Carried Out PCR Total 90632 Daily New Cases 46769

Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/

ASX200 at 6823 up 0.2% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 97.7% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 96.1% have had 2 dose & 68.3% have had 3 doses and 18.7% have had 4th doses. (SA 95.9/ 93.9/70.2/21.51).

The world has passed 577 million reported cases of Covid-19

China has put 1 million citizens in Wuhan into lockdown as 4 cases of Covid-19 were detected in the city.

Two new studies recently released point to the “Wet Market” in Wuhan as the most likely source of the Novel Coronavirus that led to the Covid-19 pandemic.

The predicted peak of the current wave of Covid-19 in New Zealand has not been reached as case numbers begin to subside.

UK scientists are edging closer to a single dose Covid/Flu vaccine.

A study has found millions of people are experiencing some form of long term loss of smell &/or taste after contracting Covid-19

US President Biden has tested negative to Covid-19 and is resuming normal duties

South Australia has passed 700,000 reported cases of Covid-19


29 July 2022  Friday

228 (224) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

North Korea was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case in May 2022.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 579,216,776 6,413,702 4264 1.35 1.29
15 Australia 9327251 11669 157 1.02 1.00
(90) Sth Aust 703395 661 8
(47) Victoria 2405011 4577 107 0.96 0.94
66 NSW 3162719 4107 22
55 NZ 1605416 1479 ?
1 USA 92,851,264 1,054,241 704
2 India 43,976,311 526,211 44
3 Brazil 33,752,376 678,147 343
6 UK 23,304,479 183,953 1226
7 Italy 20,898,059 171,638 199
9 Russia 18,565,551 382,313 41
20 Indonesia 6,191,664 156,957 17
34 South Africa 4,004,201 101,977 10

Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au

Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.

Australian daily hospitalisation figures.

Australia NSW Victoria Sth Australia
Daily Hospitalisations 5104 2257 813 341
  Daily Deaths 157 22 107 8
In ICU 161 67 32 11
Total Deaths 11669 4107 4577 661
Daily Tests Carried Out PCR Total 139859 Daily New Cases 45245

Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/

ASX200 at 6889 up 1.0% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 97.7% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 96.1% have had 2 dose & 68.3% have had 3 doses and 19.1% have had 4th doses. (SA 95.9/ 93.9/70.2/21.8).

The world has passed 579 million reported cases of Covid-19

In NSW the number of patients in ICU from all causes is ramping up as winter sets in.

A study has found that women in their 40’s and 50’s are more susceptible to Long Covid

Australia used to have one of the lowest Covid-19 death rates in the OECD, but no longer.


30 July 2022  Saturday

228 (224) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

North Korea was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case in May 2022.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 580,289,987 6,416,967 3265 1.10 1.05
15 Australia 9376408 11804 135 1.11 1.07
(90) Sth Aust 706353 665 4
(47) Victoria 2413873 4638 61 0.81 0.78
66 NSW 3176133 4153 46
55 NZ 1611885 1502 23
1 USA 93,017,169 1,054,902 661
2 India 43,996,909 526,258 47
3 Brazil 33,795,192 678,375 228
6 UK 23,304,479 183,953 0
7 Italy 20,952,476 171,882 244
9 Russia 18,576,973 382,352 39
20 Indonesia 6,197,495 156,970 13
34 South Africa 4,004,555 101,982 5

Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au

Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.

Australian daily hospitalisation figures.

Australia NSW Victoria Sth Australia
Daily Hospitalisations 5026 2210 837 335
  Daily Deaths 135 46 61 4
In ICU 165 68 38 10
Total Deaths 11804 4153 4638 665
Daily Tests Carried Out PCR Total 145380 Daily New Cases 48863

Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/

ASX200 at 6945 up 0.8% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 97.7% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 96.1% have had 2 dose & 68.3% have had 3 doses and 19.1% have had 4th doses. (SA 95.9/ 93.9/70.2/21.8).

The world has passed 580 million reported cases of Covid-19. The last 10 million cases in 9 days. Averaging over a million cases a day again!!

Australian epidemiologists are now saying it looks like the peak of the latest wave of Covid-19 has passed.

The death rate from Covid-19 has spiked in Australia, while hospitalisations has stabilised.

In Australia the Virus reproduction rate is stabilising around 1.0 and the % of hospitalised patients that finish up in ICU has also stabilised/reduced.

Queensland continues to show a very large number of daily PCR tests per head of population, leading all Australian states in sheer raw numbers of tests, out testing NSW by more than 2 to 1.

But!! Victoria is being labelled “Covid Soup” as the state is mired in Covid-19 cases.

Epidemiologist have begun labelling cloth masks as ineffective against the latest strains of Covid-19

Vaccine developers/manufacturers Pfizer and Moderna are both indicating anew blended vaccine will be available by September to fight the BA.5 variant.


31 July 2022  Sunday

228 (224) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

North Korea was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case in May 2022.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 581,450,506 6,418,698 1731 1.15 1.12
15 Australia 9408261 11846 42 0.73 0.70
(90) Sth Aust 708689 674 9
(47) Victoria 2420920 4659 21 0.67 0.63
66 NSW 3187107 4158 5
55 NZ 1616341 1502 0
1 USA 93,068,615 1,055,039 137
2 India 44,016,668 526,312 54
4 Brazil 33,819,451 678,537 162
6 UK 23,304,479 183,953 0
7 Italy 21,002,773 172,003 121
9 Russia 18,589,221 382,395 43
20 Indonesia 6,202,893 156,983 13
34 South Africa 4,004,555 101,982 0

Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au

Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.

Australian daily hospitalisation figures.

Australia NSW Victoria Sth Australia
Daily Hospitalisations 4925 2265 768 346
  Daily Deaths 41 5 21 9
In ICU 169 66 43 11
Total Deaths 11846 4158 4659 674
Daily Tests Carried Out PCR Total 38548 Daily New Cases 29820

Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/

ASX200 at 6945 up 0.8% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 97.7% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 96.1% have had 2 dose & 68.3% have had 3 doses and 19.4% have had 4th doses. (SA 95.9/ 93.9/70.3/22.2).

The world has passed 581 million reported cases of Covid-19.

France has passed Brazil into 3rd place for the most reported Covid-19 cases.

An unfortunate sign that things are going back to prepandemic conditions is the number of dogs being given up to shelters as owners go back to work.

Israel has gone “hard and fast” on Monkey Pox, saying there is no room for complacency.

The first person has died of Monkey Pox in Australia, a Melbourne person yesterday.

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