1 September 2022 Thursday
228 (224) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.
North Korea was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case in May 2022.
Rank | Country | Total Cases | Total Deaths | New Deaths | GF 7d Av | GF 14d Av |
WHO Data | WORLD | 607,654,208 | 6,494,166 | 3032 | 1.06 | 1.00 |
14 | Australia | 10042745 | 13957 | 54 | 1.03 | 0.94 |
(78) | Sth Aust | 754249 | 778 | -4 | ||
(43) | Victoria | 2566951 | 5325 | 17 | 1.08 | 0.95 |
(39) | NSW | 3438117 | 4907 | 23 | ||
50 | NZ | 1743042 | 1908 | 15 | ||
1 | USA | 96,254,757 | 1,070,790 | 1152 | ||
2 | India | 44,429,258 | 527,874 | 45 | ||
4 | Brazil | 34,429,249 | 683,956 | 238 | ||
6 | UK | 23,492,875 | 187,761 | 0 | ||
8 | Italy | 21,867,757 | 175,595 | 90 | ||
9 | Russia | 19,528,969 | 384,346 | 92 | ||
19 | Indonesia | 6,358,808 | 157,566 | 25 | ||
37 | South Africa | 4,011,657 | 102,084 | 0 |
Holiday Watch
28 | Greece | 4,762,827 | 32,552 | 217 | ||
52 | Pakistan | 1,569,076 | 30,581 | 6 | ||
60 | Croatia | 1,213,658 | 16,702 | 12 |
Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au
Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.
Australian daily hospitalisation figures.
Australia | NSW | Victoria | Sth Australia | |
Daily Hospitalisations | 2865 | 1756 | 332 | 107 |
Daily Deaths | 55 | 23 | 18 | -4 |
In ICU | 74 | 36 | 15 | 3 |
Total Deaths | 13957 | 4907 | 5325 | 778 |
Daily Tests Carried Out | PCR Total | 87644 | Daily New Cases | 11621 |
Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/
ASX200 at 6998 up 0.5% from the close from the previous close.
Australia has vaccinated 98.0% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 96.3% have had 2 dose & 68.9% have had 3 doses and 22.7% have had 4th doses. (SA 96.1/ 94.1/70.9/25.4).
The world has passed 607 million reported cases of Covid-19.
Life expectancy in the USA for 2021 has dropped for the second straight year.
Australia has reduced the mandatory isolation period for people contracting Covid-19 from 7 days to 5 days, as long as you show no symptoms, this takes effect from ( September.
Masks will no longer be compulsory on domestic flights from that date.
The AMA is puzzled by the decision, saying it doesn’t match the science.
Japan is suffering its worst wave of Covid-19 at the same time restrictions on entry are keeping tourists away.
2 September 2022 Friday
228 (224) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.
North Korea was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case in May 2022.
Rank | Country | Total Cases | Total Deaths | New Deaths | GF 7d Av | GF 14d Av |
WHO Data | WORLD | 608,425,654 | 6,497,233 | 3067 | 1.18 | 1.09 |
14 | Australia | 100052205 | 14002 | 45 | 0.88 | 0.80 |
(78) | Sth Aust | 754807 | 781 | 3 | ||
(43) | Victoria | 2569344 | 5342 | 17 | 0.96 | 0.89 |
(39) | NSW | 3442274 | 4928 | 21 | ||
50 | NZ | 1744937 | 1910 | 2 | ||
1 | USA | 96,376,167 | 1,071,588 | 798 | ||
2 | India | 44,440,267 | 527,911 | 37 | ||
4 | Brazil | 34,472,679 | 684,029 | 73 | ||
6 | UK | 23,521,792 | 188,242 | 481 | ||
8 | Italy | 21,888,255 | 175,663 | 68 | ||
9 | Russia | 19,578,730 | 384,441 | 95 | ||
19 | Indonesia | 6,362,902 | 157,591 | 25 | ||
37 | South Africa | 4,011,937 | 102,084 | 0 |
Holiday Watch
28 | Greece | 4,762,827 | 32,552 | 0 | ||
52 | Pakistan | 1,569,295 | 30,582 | 1 | ||
60 | Croatia | 1,214,579 | 16,712 | 10 |
Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au
Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.
Australian daily hospitalisation figures.
Australia | NSW | Victoria | Sth Australia | |
Daily Hospitalisations | 2764 | 1726 | 295 | 105 |
Daily Deaths | 45 | 21 | 17 | 3 |
In ICU | 74 | 36 | 13 | 5 |
Total Deaths | 14002 | 4928 | 5342 | 781 |
Daily Tests Carried Out | PCR Total | 58671 | Daily New Cases | 10564 |
Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/
ASX200 at 6845 down 2.0% from the close from the previous close.
Australia has vaccinated 98.0% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 96.3% have had 2 dose & 68.9% have had 3 doses and 22.8% have had 4th doses. (SA 96.1/ 94.1/70.9/25.6).
The world has passed 608 million reported cases of Covid-19.
The South Australian government is looking at removing the mask mandates for public transport and other situations.
Queensland is looking to adopt a “Traffic Light System” to advise the public of the Covid-19 situation moving forward.
Qantas has welcomed the new relaxed Covid-19 measures including the removal of the mask mandate on domestic flights and the reduced isolation measures for infected people.
A Brisbane based biotech company who secured a multi million dollar deal with the USA for rapid Covid-19 testing has placed its Australian arm in administration.
China has locked don Chengdu and its 21 million people after a Covid-19 outbreak.
The UK has downgraded its Covid-19 alert level as case number continue to fall.
The USA is reporting a falling degree of proficiency in reading and maths in its junior schools, due to the effects of Covid-19. A similar pattern is being shown around the world.
In the USA the FDA has approved the new , reworked Covid-19 vaccines of Pfizer and Moderna for use as boosters.
3 September 2022 Saturday
228 (224) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.
North Korea was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case in May 2022.
Rank | Country | Total Cases | Total Deaths | New Deaths | GF 7d Av | GF 14d Av |
WHO Data | WORLD | 609,102,739 | 6,499,827 | 2594 | 1.06 | 0.98 |
14 | Australia | 10060908 | 14053 | 51 | 0.83 | 0.77 |
(78) | Sth Aust | 754807 | 787 | 6 | ||
(43) | Victoria | 2571289 | 5351 | 9 | 0.81 | 0.74 |
(39) | NSW | 3445866 | 4946 | 18 | ||
50 | NZ | 1746640 | 1915 | 5 | ||
1 | USA | 96,495,858 | 1,072,302 | 714 | ||
2 | India | 44,447,621 | 527,932 | 21 | ||
4 | Brazil | 34,492,171 | 684,203 | 174 | ||
6 | UK | 23,521,792 | 188,242 | 0 | ||
8 | Italy | 21,907,413 | 175,754 | 91 | ||
9 | Russia | 19,629,682 | 384,532 | 91 | ||
19 | Indonesia | 6,366,518 | 157,608 | 17 | ||
37 | South Africa | 4,012,485 | 102,108 | 24 |
Holiday Watch
28 | Greece | 4,762,827 | 32,552 | 0 | ||
52 | Pakistan | 1,569,537 | 30,586 | 4 | ||
60 | Croatia | 1,215,271 | 16,724 | 12 |
Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au
Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.
Australian daily hospitalisation figures.
Australia | NSW | Victoria | Sth Australia | |
Daily Hospitalisations | 2730 | 1691 | 298 | 105 |
Daily Deaths | 39 | 18 | 10 | 6 |
In ICU | 76 | 39 | 16 | 5 |
Total Deaths | 14053 | 4946 | 5351 | 787 |
Daily Tests Carried Out | PCR Total | 32555 | Daily New Cases | 7582 |
Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/
ASX200 at 6828 down 0.2% from the close from the previous close.
Australia has vaccinated 98.0% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 96.3% have had 2 dose & 68.9% have had 3 doses and 22.8% have had 4th doses. (SA 96.1/ 94.1/70.9/25.6).
The world has passed 609 million reported cases of Covid-19.
An Australian court has ruled that USA passengers on the Covid-19 infected Ruby Princess cannot take part in the class action law suit
WA is leading the push for the removal of Covid-19 mandates /restrictions , removing the mandate for masks on public transport and visitation limits in Aged Care.
Australia will allow an extra 35,000 more skilled migrants in this year and has increased the amount pensioners cab earn before it affects their pensions
Victoria has removed its recommendation for “Work from Home”, but has kept public transport mask mandates.
New data out is showing that as the world has opened up from the Covid-19 pandemic so has emissions
The Virus Reproduction Rate in Australia has been increasing from the last week of August and is now approaching 1 again.as the country starts dropping restrictions
4 September 2022 Sunday
228 (224) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.
North Korea was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case in May 2022.
Rank | Country | Total Cases | Total Deaths | New Deaths | GF 7d Av | GF 14d Av |
WHO Data | WORLD | 609,796,080 | 6,502,347 | 2520 | 1.08 | 1.01 |
14 | Australia | 10066729 | 14067 | 14 | 0.59 | 0.53 |
(78) | Sth Aust | 755748 | 787 | 0 | ||
(41) | Victoria | 2572796 | 5352 | 1 | 0.65 | 0.59 |
(39) | NSW | 3448746 | 4959 | 13 | ||
48 | NZ | 1747739 | 1915 | 0 | ||
1 | USA | 96,605,983 | 1,072,826 | 524 | ||
2 | India | 44,454,299 | 527,965 | 33 | ||
4 | Brazil | 34,515,431 | 684,414 | 211 | ||
6 | UK | 23,521,792 | 188,242 | 0 | ||
8 | Italy | 21,925,073 | 175,802 | 48 | ||
9 | Russia | 19,681,381 | 384,624 | 92 | ||
19 | Indonesia | 6,369,778 | 157,631 | 23 | ||
37 | South Africa | 4,012,653 | 102,108 | 0 |
Holiday Watch
28 | Greece | 4,762,827 | 32,552 | 0 | ||
53 | Pakistan | 1,569,788 | 30,588 | 2 | ||
60 | Croatia | 1,215,999 | 16,735 | 11 |
Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au
Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.
Australian daily hospitalisation figures.
Australia | NSW | Victoria | Sth Australia | |
Daily Hospitalisations | 2701 | 1689 | 293 | 94 |
Daily Deaths | 14 | 6 | 8 | 0 |
In ICU | 83 | 40 | 15 | 9 |
Total Deaths | 14067 | 4952 | 5359 | 787 |
Daily Tests Carried Out | PCR Total | 11908 | Daily New Cases | 5841 |
Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/
ASX200 at 6828 down 0.2% from the close from the previous close.
Australia has vaccinated 98.0% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 96.3% have had 2 dose & 68.9% have had 3 doses and 22.8% have had 4th doses. (SA 96.1/ 94.1/70.9/25.6).
The world has passed 609 million reported cases of Covid-19.
Japan is now the Covid-19 epicentre for the virus in eastern Asia, enduring its worst wave of Covid-19 since the pandemic began.
The UK has approved a 2nd vaccine aimed at the Omicron variant of Covid-19
South Australia has its fewest number of people in hospital with Covid-19 since the start of the year.
5 September 2022 Monday
228 (224) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.
North Korea was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case in May 2022.
Rank | Country | Total Cases | Total Deaths | New Deaths | GF 7d Av | GF 14d Av |
WHO Data | WORLD | 610,172,661 | 6,503,423 | 1076 | 0.60 | 0.56 |
14 | Australia | 10072887 | 14077 | 10 | 0.64 | 0.58 |
(78) | Sth Aust | 755748 | 787 | 0 | ||
(41) | Victoria | 2574489 | 5354 | 2 | 0.75 | 0.68 |
(39) | NSW | 3451076 | 4963 | 4 | ||
48 | NZ | 1749139 | 1915 | 0 | ||
1 | USA | 96,620,396 | 1,072,934 | 108 | ||
2 | India | 44,460,483 | 527,991 | 26 | ||
4 | Brazil | 34,515,431 | 684,414 | 0 | ||
6 | UK | 23,521,792 | 188,242 | 0 | ||
8 | Italy | 21,938,269 | 175,832 | 30 | ||
9 | Russia | 19,729,423 | 384,711 | 87 | ||
19 | Indonesia | 6,372,542 | 157,647 | 16 | ||
37 | South Africa | 4,012,812 | 102,108 | 0 |
Holiday Watch
28 | Greece | 4,762,827 | 32,552 | 0 | ||
53 | Pakistan | 1,570,016 | 30,591 | 3 | ||
60 | Croatia | 1,216,429 | 16,739 | 4 |
Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au
Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.
Australian daily hospitalisation figures.
Australia | NSW | Victoria | Sth Australia | |
Daily Hospitalisations | 2694 | 1706 | 266 | 100 |
Daily Deaths | 10 | 2 | 4 | 0 |
In ICU | 84 | 46 | 14 | 9 |
Total Deaths | 14077 | 4954 | 5363 | 787 |
Daily Tests Carried Out | PCR Total | 11174 | Daily New Cases | 6594 |
Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/
ASX200 at 6828 down 0.2% from the close from the previous close.
Australia has vaccinated 98.0% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 96.3% have had 2 dose & 68.9% have had 3 doses and 22.8% have had 4th doses. (SA 96.1/ 94.1/70.9/25.6).
The world has passed 610 million reported cases of Covid-19.
6 September 2022 Tuesday
228 (224) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.
North Korea was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case in May 2022.
Rank | Country | Total Cases | Total Deaths | New Deaths | GF 7d Av | GF 14d Av |
WHO Data | WORLD | 610,521,103 | 6,504,526 | 1103 | 0.56 | 0.53 |
14 | Australia | 10085040 | 14152 | 75 | 1.27 | 1.13 |
(78) | Sth Aust | 756883 | 792 | 5 | ||
(41) | Victoria | 2576852 | 5388 | 34 | 1.06 | 1.08 |
(39) | NSW | 3454061 | 4980 | 17 | ||
48 | NZ | 1751284 | 1933 | 18 | ||
1 | USA | 96,636,479 | 1,072,972 | 38 | ||
2 | India | 44,465,170 | 528,007 | 16 | ||
4 | Brazil | 34,517,770 | 684,427 | 13 | ||
6 | UK | 23,521,792 | 188,242 | 0 | ||
8 | Italy | 21,944,877 | 175,872 | 40 | ||
9 | Russia | 19,771,113 | 384,787 | 76 | ||
19 | Indonesia | 6,374,882 | 157,668 | 21 | ||
37 | South Africa | 4,012,920 | 102,108 | 0 |
Holiday Watch
28 | Greece | 4,762,827 | 32,552 | 0 | ||
53 | Pakistan | 1,570,206 | 30,593 | 2 | ||
60 | Croatia | 1,216,456 | 16,746 | 7 |
Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au
Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.
Australian daily hospitalisation figures.
Australia | NSW | Victoria | Sth Australia | |
Daily Hospitalisations | 2599 | 1640 | 260 | 95 |
Daily Deaths | 75 | 27 | 25 | 4 |
In ICU | 77 | 38 | 17 | 6 |
Total Deaths | 14152 | 4980 | 5388 | 792 |
Daily Tests Carried Out | PCR Total | 68571 | Daily New Cases | 9251 |
Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/
ASX200 at 6852 up 0.3% from the close from the previous close.
Australia has vaccinated 98.0% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 96.3% have had 2 dose & 69.0% have had 3 doses and 23.0% have had 4th doses. (SA 96.1/ 94.1/70.9/25.8).
The world has passed 610 million reported cases of Covid-19.
Liz Truss has become the UK’s new PM.
Millions of people in the UK have become eligible for another Covid-19 booster shot
65 million people are in Covid-19 lockdowns in China in Chengdu, Shenzhen and Daqing. People have rushed for supplies amid fears of the same problems with food and medicines that Shanghai experienced.
China’s President Xi is expected to be elected for a 3rd term
Queensland has been accounting for approximately half of all Australian PCR tests for the last month, distorting the ratio of positive test results.
7 September 2022 Wednesday
228 (224) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.
North Korea was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case in May 2022.
Rank | Country | Total Cases | Total Deaths | New Deaths | GF 7d Av | GF 14d Av |
WHO Data | WORLD | 611,038,687 | 6,506,031 | 1505 | 0.88 | 0.81 |
14 | Australia | 10095000 | 14214 | 62 | 1.09 | 0.96 |
(78) | Sth Aust | 757540 | 796 | 4 | ||
(41) | Victoria | 2579060 | 5399 | 11 | 1.05 | 0.95 |
(39) | NSW | 3457721 | 5001 | 21 | ||
48 | NZ | 1753182 | 1939 | 6 | ||
1 | USA | 96,647,424 | 1,073,005 | 33 | ||
2 | India | 44,470,141 | 528,030 | 23 | ||
4 | Brazil | 34,525,438 | 684,503 | 76 | ||
6 | UK | 23,521,792 | 188,242 | 0 | ||
8 | Italy | 21,969,725 | 175,952 | 80 | ||
9 | Russia | 19,809,613 | 384,882 | 95 | ||
19 | Indonesia | 6,378,489 | 157,696 | 28 | ||
37 | South Africa | 4,012,920 | 102,108 | 0 |
Holiday Watch
28 | Greece | 4,762,827 | 32,552 | 0 | ||
53 | Pakistan | 1,570,206 | 30,593 | 0 | ||
60 | Croatia | 1,216,935 | 16,756 | 10 |
Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au
Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.
Australian daily hospitalisation figures.
Australia | NSW | Victoria | Sth Australia | |
Daily Hospitalisations | 2460 | 1581 | 222 | 90 |
Daily Deaths | 62 | 21 | 11 | 4 |
In ICU | 80 | 37 | 18 | 8 |
Total Deaths | 14214 | 5001 | 5399 | 796 |
Daily Tests Carried Out | PCR Total | 85607 | Daily New Cases | 10051 |
Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/
ASX200 at 6826 down 0.4% from the close from the previous close.
Australia has vaccinated 98.0% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 96.3% have had 2 dose & 69.0% have had 3 doses and 23.0% have had 4th doses. (SA 96.1/ 94.1/70.9/25.8).
The world has passed 611 million reported cases of Covid-19.
NSW has passed 5,000 deaths due to Covid-19
The Australian RBA has increased cash rates by 0.5% to 2.35%.
Scientists are trying to future proof the world against future pandemics. They are currently watching 5 different virus families They are Coronavirides (MERS SARS Covid), Flaviviridae.(Japanese encephalitis, Zika, Dengue), Orthomyxoviridae (Influenza), Paramyxoviridae (Nipah Virusand Hendra Virius) and Togaviridae (Ross River Fever, Chikungunya Fever,and various Equine Encephalitis)
China continues to enforce strict Covid-19 lockdowns in Chengdu despite recent damage due to earthquakes.
England is withdrawing Covid-19 vaccines for 5 to 11 year olds.
8 September 2022 Thursday
228 (224) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.
North Korea was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case in May 2022.
Rank | Country | Total Cases | Total Deaths | New Deaths | GF 7d Av | GF 14d Av |
WHO Data | WORLD | 611,769,435 | 6,508,741 | 2710 | 1.24 | 1.15 |
14 | Australia | 10104121 | 14288 | 74 | 1.04 | 0.91 |
(78) | Sth Aust | 758216 | 798 | 2 | ||
(41) | Victoria | 2581130 | 5423 | 24 | 1.02 | 0.92 |
(39) | NSW | 3461037 | 5026 | 25 | ||
48 | NZ | 1754905 | 1941 | 2 | ||
1 | USA | 96,823,665 | 1,073,923 | 918 | ||
2 | India | 44,476,325 | 528,057 | 27 | ||
4 | Brazil | 34,545,816 | 684,685 | 182 | ||
6 | UK | 23,521,792 | 188,242 | 0 | ||
8 | Italy | 21,987,295 | 176,009 | 57 | ||
9 | Russia | 19,857,571 | 384,976 | 94 | ||
19 | Indonesia | 6,382,002 | 157,717 | 21 | ||
37 | South Africa | 4,013,446 | 102,108 | 0 |
Holiday Watch
28 | Greece | 4,804,982 | 32,757 | 205 | ||
53 | Pakistan | 1,570,364 | 30,594 | 1 | ||
60 | Croatia | 1,217,869 | 16,761 | 5 |
Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au
Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.
Australian daily hospitalisation figures.
Australia | NSW | Victoria | Sth Australia | |
Daily Hospitalisations | 2388 | 1530 | 227 | 83 |
Daily Deaths | 74 | 25 | 24 | 2 |
In ICU | 64 | 29 | 15 | 7 |
Total Deaths | 14288 | 5026 | 5423 | 798 |
Daily Tests Carried Out | PCR Total | 43909 | Daily New Cases | 9175 |
Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/
ASX200 at 6729 down 1.4% from the close from the previous close.
Australia has vaccinated 98.0% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 96.3% have had 2 dose & 69.0% have had 3 doses and 23.1% have had 4th doses. (SA 96.1/ 94.1/71.0/25.9).
The world has passed 611 million reported cases of Covid-19.
Australia is moving to weekly reporting of Covid-19 statistics.
By the end of this week South Australia will move to weekly reporting on Fridays.
Western Australia is easing restrictions o visitors to aged care facilities.
Covid-19 has been blamed in the UK for driving the biggest gap between school test results between rich and poor schools in 10 years.
Italy has passed 22 million reported cases of Covid-19
9 September 2022 Friday
228 (224) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.
North Korea was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case in May 2022.
Rank | Country | Total Cases | Total Deaths | New Deaths | GF 7d Av | GF 14d Av |
WHO Data | WORLD | 612,339,811 | 6,511,058 | 2317 | 1.02 | 0.94 |
14 | Australia | 10111728 | 14421 | 133 | 0.89 | 0.79 |
(78) | Sth Aust | 758840 | 860 | 62 | ||
(41) | Victoria | 2583208 | 5464 | 41 | 1.05 | 0.93 |
(39) | NSW | 3463759 | 5046 | 20 | ||
48 | NZ | 1756443 | 1944 | 3 | ||
1 | USA | 96,926,451 | 1,074,650 | 727 | ||
2 | India | 44,482,411 | 528,090 | 33 | ||
4 | Brazil | 34,549,915 | 684,784 | 99 | ||
6 | UK | 23,521,792 | 188,242 | 0 | ||
8 | Italy | 22,004,612 | 176,098 | 89 | ||
9 | Russia | 19,908,189 | 385,069 | 93 | ||
19 | Indonesia | 6,385,140 | 157,729 | 12 | ||
37 | South Africa | 4,013,721 | 102,129 | 21 |
Holiday Watch
26 | Greece | 4,804,982 | 32,757 | 0 | ||
53 | Pakistan | 1,570,538 | 30,594 | 0 | ||
60 | Croatia | 1,218,663 | 16,772 | 11 |
Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au
Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.
Australian daily hospitalisation figures.
Australia | NSW | Victoria | Sth Australia | |
Daily Hospitalisations | 2329 | 1503 | 213 | 77 |
Daily Deaths | 133 | 20 | 41 | 62 |
In ICU | 60 | 27 | 13 | 8 |
Total Deaths | 14421 | 5046 | 5464 | 860 |
Daily Tests Carried Out | PCR Total | 74103 | Daily New Cases | 8388 |
Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/
ASX200 at 6729 down 1.4% from the close from the previous close.
Australia has vaccinated 98.0% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 96.3% have had 2 dose & 69.0% have had 3 doses and 23.1% have had 4th doses. (SA 96.1/ 94.1/71.0/25.9).
The world has passed 612 million reported cases of Covid-19.
Queen Elizabeth II has died and son Charles is now/will be King of England and be known as Charles III.
Masks are no longer mandated on flights to Australia.
A new rapid test approved by the TGA can detect both Covid-19 and the Flu
In China the city of Chengdu has had its Covid-19 lockdown extended indefinitely
It appears that South Australia has made a period adjustment after checking old data in relation to total deaths due to Covid-19, hence the large spike in numbers.
This is my last daily update of Australian Covid-19 statistics, from now on they will only be available every Friday.
I will continue to capture the global numbers and news (local and global) while they remain available.
10 September 2022 Saturday
228 (224) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.
North Korea was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case in May 2022.
Rank | Country | Total Cases | Total Deaths | New Deaths | GF 7d Av | GF 14d Av |
WHO Data | WORLD | 612,932,065 | 6,514,079 | 3021 | 1.08 | 1.00 |
48 | NZ | 1757913 | 1950 | 6 | ||
1 | USA | 97,023,470 | 1,075,314 | 664 | ||
2 | India | 44,488,468 | 528,121 | 31 | ||
4 | Brazil | 34,563,920 | 684,866 | 82 | ||
6 | UK | 23,554,519 | 189,026 | 784 | ||
8 | Italy | 22,020,154 | 176,157 | 59 | ||
9 | Russia | 19,960,295 | 385,165 | 96 | ||
19 | Indonesia | 6,387,944 | 157,741 | 12 | ||
37 | South Africa | 4,014,050 | 102,129 | 0 |
Holiday Watch
26 | Greece | 4,804,982 | 32,757 | 0 | ||
53 | Pakistan | 1,570,698 | 30,598 | 4 | ||
60 | Croatia | 1,218,663 | 16,772 | 0 |
Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au
Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/
ASX200 at 6894 up 0.7% from the close from the previous close.
Australia has vaccinated 98.0% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 96.3% have had 2 dose & 69.0% have had 3 doses and 23.1% have had 4th doses. (SA 96.1/ 94.1/71.0/25.9).
The world has passed 612 million reported cases of Covid-19.
The USA has passed 97 million reported cases of Covid-19
Australia has recorded 129 cases of Monkey Pox to date in the current outbreak.
The mask mandate in domestic and international flights in Australia has been removed.
11 September 2022 Sunday
228 (224) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.
North Korea was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case in May 2022.
Rank | Country | Total Cases | Total Deaths | New Deaths | GF 7d Av | GF 14d Av |
WHO Data | WORLD | 613,392,944 | 6,515,580 | 1501 | 1.08 | 1.00 |
48 | NZ | 1757913 | 1950 | 0 | ||
1 | USA | 97,082,331 | 1,075,659 | 345 | ||
2 | India | 44,493,149 | 528,139 | 18 | ||
4 | Brazil | 34,572,480 | 684,906 | 40 | ||
6 | UK | 23,554,519 | 189,026 | 0 | ||
8 | Italy | 22,035,717 | 176,175 | 18 | ||
9 | Russia | 20,013,781 | 385,262 | 97 | ||
19 | Indonesia | 6,390,553 | 157,757 | 16 | ||
37 | South Africa | 4,014,277 | 102,129 | 0 |
Holiday Watch
26 | Greece | 4,804,982 | 32,757 | 0 | ||
53 | Pakistan | 1,570,854 | 30,599 | 1 | ||
60 | Croatia | 1,220,015 | 16,792 | 34 |
Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au
Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/
ASX200 at 6894 up 0.7% from the close from the previous close.
Australia has vaccinated 98.0% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 96.3% have had 2 dose & 69.0% have had 3 doses and 23.1% have had 4th doses. (SA 96.1/ 94.1/71.0/25.9).
The world has passed 613 million reported cases of Covid-19.
King Charles III has been proclaimed the King of England, UK and Australia.
The late Queens funeral will be held on Monday 19 September
12 September 2022 Monday
228 (224) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.
North Korea was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case in May 2022.
Rank | Country | Total Cases | Total Deaths | New Deaths | GF 7d Av | GF 14d Av |
WHO Data | WORLD | 613,737,706 | 6,516,333 | 1.43 | 1.34 | |
14 | Australia | 10119203 | 14432 | 0.90 | 0.80 | |
48 | NZ | 1760113 | 1950 | 0 | ||
1 | USA | 97,095,092 | 1,075,668 | 9 | ||
2 | India | 44,498,134 | 528,150 | 11 | ||
4 | Brazil | 34,574,765 | 684,914 | 8 | ||
6 | UK | 23,554,519 | 189,026 | 0 | ||
8 | Italy | 22,048,032 | 176,209 | 34 | ||
9 | Russia | 6,392,492 | 157,770 | |||
19 | Indonesia | 4,014,405 | 102,129 | |||
37 | South Africa | 97,095,092 | 1,075,668 |
Holiday Watch
26 | Greece | 4,804,982 | 32,757 | 0 | ||
53 | Pakistan | 1,570,993 | 30,599 | 0 | ||
60 | Croatia | 1,220,456 | 16,797 | -9 |
Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au
Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/
ASX200 at 6894 up 0.7% from the close from the previous close.
Australia has vaccinated 98.0% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 96.3% have had 2 dose & 69.0% have had 3 doses and 23.1% have had 4th doses. (SA 96.1/ 94.1/71.0/25.9).
The world has passed 613 million reported cases of Covid-19.
China has approved an inhaled Covid-19 vaccine.
The “Peak Tram” in Hong Kong has recommenced operation after a 14 month suspension due to Ciovid1-9
China is now testing live fish for Covid-19 during its most recent outbreaks.
British researchers have found a self sterilising plastic also kills viruses, including the Coronavirus .
13 September 2022 Tuesday
228 (224) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.
North Korea was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case in May 2022.
Rank | Country | Total Cases | Total Deaths | New Deaths | GF 7d Av | GF 14d Av |
WHO Data | WORLD | 614,029,637 | 6,517,283 | 950 | 0.79 | 0.87 |
14 | Australia | 10121004 | 14457 | 25 | 0.23 | 0.20 |
48 | NZ | 1762125 | 1962 | 12 | ||
1 | USA | 97,122,829 | 1,075,796 | 128 | ||
2 | India | 44,502,694 | 528,165 | 15 | ||
4 | Brazil | 34,574,765 | 684,914 | 0 | ||
6 | UK | 23,554,519 | 189,026 | 0 | ||
8 | Italy | 22,054,443 | 176,242 | 33 | ||
9 | Russia | 20,113,098 | 385,429 | |||
19 | Indonesia | 6,394,340 | 157,787 | |||
37 | South Africa | 4,014,485 | 102,129 |
Holiday Watch
26 | Greece | 4,804,982 | 32,757 | 0 | ||
53 | Pakistan | 1,571,098 | 30,599 | 0 | ||
60 | Croatia | 1,220,490 | 16,806 | 9 |
Australian daily hospitalisation figures.
Australia | NSW | Victoria | Sth Australia | |
Daily Hospitalisations | 2316 | 1503 | 229 | 77 |
Daily Deaths | 25 | 25 | ||
In ICU | 52 | 27 | 5 | 8 |
Total Deaths | 14457 | 5494 | ||
Daily Tests Carried Out | PCR Total | Daily New Cases |
Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au
Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/
ASX200 at 6964 up 1.0% from the close from the previous close.
Australia has vaccinated 98.0% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 96.3% have had 2 dose & 69.0% have had 3 doses and 23.1% have had 4th doses. (SA 96.1/ 94.1/71.0/25.9).
The world has passed 614 million reported cases of Covid-19.
Japan has overtaken Russia into 9th place on the list of most reported Covid-19 cases.
NZ has dropped mask and vaccine mandates is a raft of changes to Covid-19 requirements.
New Covid-19 infections in the UK are at there lowest since October 2021
14 September 2022 Wednesday
228 (224) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.
North Korea was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case in May 2022.
Rank | Country | Total Cases | Total Deaths | New Deaths | GF 7d Av | GF 14d Av |
WHO Data | WORLD | 614,587,375 | 6,519,057 | 950 | 0.76 | 0.86 |
14 | Australia | 10122875 | 14458 | 25 | 0.23 | 0.20 |
48 | NZ | 1762125 | 1962 | 12 | ||
1 | USA | 97,190,916 | 1,076,309 | 128 | ||
2 | India | 44,507,882 | 528,185 | 15 | ||
4 | Brazil | 34,580,412 | 684,951 | 0 | ||
6 | UK | 23,554,519 | 189,026 | 0 | ||
8 | Italy | 22,077,601 | 176,335 | 33 | ||
9 | Russia | 20,157,143 | 385,530 | |||
19 | Indonesia | 6,397,236 | 157,807 | |||
37 | South Africa | 4,014,724 | 102,129 |
Holiday Watch
26 | Greece | 4,804,982 | 32,757 | 0 | ||
53 | Pakistan | 1,571,295 | 30,600 | 0 | ||
60 | Croatia | 1,220,986 | 16,813 | 9 |
Australian daily hospitalisation figures.
Australia | NSW | Victoria | Sth Australia | |
Daily Hospitalisations | 2307 | 1503 | 220 | 77 |
Daily Deaths | 1 | 1 | ||
In ICU | 57 | 27 | 10 | 8 |
Total Deaths | 14458 | 5046 | 5495 | 860 |
Daily Tests Carried Out | PCR Total | Daily New Cases |
Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au
Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/
ASX200 at 7009 up 0.6% from the close from the previous close.
Australia has vaccinated 98.0% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 96.3% have had 2 dose & 69.0% have had 3 doses and 23.1% have had 4th doses. (SA 96.1/ 94.1/71.0/25.9).
The world has passed 614 million reported cases of Covid-19.
Australia is extending its national Pandemic Leave Program to assist people who are required to isolate with Covid-19.
A UK Politician who travelled knowing she had Covid-19 has been given a community service order by the courts.
The number of people in the UK with long term sickness was at a record level of over 2.5 million in July 2022.
Analysis in the USA has shown that over 500,000 people have disappeared from the nations workforce over the Covid-19 pandemic period.
The former Liberal Governments deployment of ADF personnel to assist in Aged Care homes at the peak of the Aged Care crisis in Austral amounted to only 30 personnel a week.
15 September 2022 Thursday
228 (224) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.
North Korea was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case in May 2022.
Rank | Country | Total Cases | Total Deaths | New Deaths | GF 7d Av | GF 14d Av |
WHO Data | WORLD | 615,250,628 | 6,522,448 | 2230 | 0.56 | 0.62 |
14 | Australia | 10124671 | 14475 | 270 | 0.50 | 0.43 |
48 | NZ | 1762125 | 1962 | 907 | ||
1 | USA | 97,317,553 | 1,077,270 | 5530 | ||
2 | India | 44,513,441 | 528,216 | 5163 | ||
4 | Brazil | 34,602,662 | 685,179 | 0 | ||
6 | UK | 23,554,519 | 189,026 | 0 | ||
8 | Italy | 22,096,450 | 176,404 | 748 | ||
9 | Russia | 20,208,878 | 385,628 | 34 | ||
19 | Indonesia | 6,400,035 | 157,828 | 200079 | ||
37 | South Africa | 4,014,986 | 102,129 | 0 |
Holiday Watch
26 | Greece | 4,838,811 | 33,829 | 1072 | ||
53 | Pakistan | 1,571,413 | 30,603 | 3 | ||
60 | Croatia | 1,222,007 | 16,817 | 4 |
Australian daily hospitalisation figures.
Australia | NSW | Victoria | Sth Australia | |
Daily Hospitalisations | 2261 | 1503 | 174 | 77 |
Daily Deaths | 17 | 17 | ||
In ICU | 57 | 27 | 10 | 8 |
Total Deaths | 14475 | 5046 | 5512 | 860 |
Daily Tests Carried Out | PCR Total | Daily New Cases |
Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au
Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/
ASX200 at 6828 down 2.6% from the close from the previous close.
Australia has vaccinated 98.0% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 96.3% have had 2 dose & 69.0% have had 3 doses and 23.1% have had 4th doses. (SA 96.1/ 94.1/71.0/25.9).
The world has passed 615 million reported cases of Covid-19.
The WHO has announced that the world is coming out of the Covid-19 Pandemic, but it will take time to resolve.
Xinjiang residents in China, currently subject to lockdown are complaining about hunger and lack of food.
A new poll in Australia has shown that Australians are more optimistic and believe life is improving under the new federal Labor government.
16 September 2022 Friday
228 (224) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.
North Korea was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case in May 2022.
Rank | Country | Total Cases | Total Deaths | New Deaths | GF 7d Av | GF 14d Av |
WHO Data | WORLD | 615,854,199 | 6,524,678 | 2230 | 0.45 | 0.50 |
14 | Australia | 10155992 | 14745 | 270 | 0.44 | |
(78) | Sth Aust | 762643 | 907 | 907 | ||
(41) | Victoria | 2594917 | 5530 | 5530 | 0.64 | |
(39) | NSW | 3481151 | 5163 | 5163 | ||
48 | NZ | 1762125 | 1962 | 0 | ||
1 | USA | 97,430,411 | 1,078,018 | 748 | ||
2 | India | 44,519,705 | 528,250 | 34 | ||
4 | Brazil | 34,610,590 | 685,258 | 79 | ||
6 | UK | 23,554,519 | 189,026 | 0 | ||
8 | Italy | 22,114,423 | 176,464 | 60 | ||
9 | Russia | 20,265,004 | 385,727 | 99 | ||
19 | Indonesia | 6,402,686 | 157,849 | 21 | ||
37 | South Africa | 4,015,347 | 102,146 | 17 |
Holiday Watch
26 | Greece | 4,838,811 | 33,829 | 0 | ||
53 | Pakistan | 1,571,530 | 30,604 | 1 | ||
60 | Croatia | 1,222,914 | 16,827 | 10 |
Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au
Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.
Australian daily hospitalisation figures.
Australia | NSW | Victoria | Sth Australia | |
Daily Hospitalisations | 2003 | 1290 | 210 | 55 |
Daily Deaths | 257 | 117 | 18 | 47 |
In ICU | 56 | 29 | 11 | 4 |
Total Deaths | 14745 | 5163 | 5530 | 907 |
Daily Tests Carried Out | PCR Total | Weekly New Cases | 35636 |
Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/
ASX200 at 6842 up 0.2% from the close from the previous close.
Australia has vaccinated 98.0% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 96.3% have had 2 dose & 69.0% have had 3 doses and 23.1% have had 4th doses. (SA 96.1/ 94.1/71.0/25.9).
The world has passed 615 million reported cases of Covid-19.
At the start of the pandemic Melania Trump, the then President Trump’s wife, urged him to take the pandemic seriously, as he was initially apparently very dismissive
The first cruise ship to arrive in Melbourne in 2.5 years has docked in the city.
The WHO is imploring countries to go hard against Covid-19 to ensure it is minimised. Going forward.
The Japanese government is coming under pressure to remove all tourism restrictions
Hospitalisation rates in Australia have fallen dramatically over the last week
17 September 2022 Saturday
228 (224) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.
North Korea was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case in May 2022.
Rank | Country | Total Cases | Total Deaths | New Deaths | GF 7d Av | GF 14d Av |
WHO Data | WORLD | 616,436,389 | 6,528,588 | 3910 | 0.42 | 0.46 |
14 | Australia | 10157316 | 14749 | 4 | 0.15 | |
(78) | Sth Aust | |||||
(41) | Victoria | |||||
(39) | NSW | |||||
48 | NZ | 1762125 | 1962 | |||
1 | USA | 97,481,146 | 1,078,457 | 439 | ||
2 | India | 44,525,774 | 528,273 | 23 | ||
4 | Brazil | 34,621,481 | 685,350 | 92 | ||
7 | UK | 23,585,305 | 189,484 | 458 | ||
8 | Italy | 22,131,785 | 176,508 | 44 | ||
10 | Russia | 20,324,039 | 385,837 | 110 | ||
19 | Indonesia | 6,405,044 | 157,876 | 27 | ||
37 | South Africa | 4,015,626 | 102,146 | 0 |
Holiday Watch
26 | Greece | 4,838,811 | 33,829 | 0 | ||
53 | Pakistan | 1,571,628 | 30,604 | 0 | ||
60 | Croatia | 1,223,641 | 16,834 | 7 |
Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au
Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.
Australian daily hospitalisation figures.
Australia | NSW | Victoria | Sth Australia | |
Daily Hospitalisations | 2004 | 211 | ||
Daily Deaths | 4 | 4 | ||
In ICU | 55 | 10 | ||
Total Deaths | 14749 | 5534 | ||
Daily Tests Carried Out | PCR Total | Weekly New Cases | 35636 |
Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/
ASX200 at 6747 down 1.04% from the close from the previous close.
Australia has vaccinated 98.0% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 96.3% have had 2 dose & 69.0% have had 3 doses and 23.1% have had 4th doses. (SA 96.1/ 94.1/71.0/25.9).
The world has passed 616 million reported cases of Covid-19.
18 September 2022 Sunday
228 (224) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.
North Korea was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case in May 2022.
Rank | Country | Total Cases | Total Deaths | New Deaths | GF 7d Av | GF 14d Av |
WHO Data | WORLD | 616,841,286 | 6,529,854 | 3910 | 0.69 | 0.71 |
14 | Australia | 10158445 | 14749 | 4 | 0.15 | |
(78) | Sth Aust | |||||
(41) | Victoria | |||||
(39) | NSW | |||||
48 | NZ | 1762125 | 1962 | |||
1 | USA | 97,492,857 | 1,078,577 | 439 | ||
2 | India | 44,531,498 | 528,302 | 23 | ||
4 | Brazil | 34,621,481 | 685,350 | 92 | ||
7 | UK | 23,585,305 | 189,484 | 458 | ||
8 | Italy | 22,148,935 | 176,546 | 44 | ||
10 | Russia | 20,382,344 | 385,944 | 110 | ||
19 | Indonesia | 6,407,123 | 157,884 | 27 | ||
37 | South Africa | 4,015,880 | 102,146 | 0 |
Holiday Watch
26 | Greece | 4,838,811 | 33,829 | 0 | ||
53 | Pakistan | 1,571,732 | 30,605 | 0 | ||
60 | Croatia | 1,224,366 | 16,837 | 7 |
Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au
Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.
Australian daily hospitalisation figures.
Australia | NSW | Victoria | Sth Australia | |
Daily Hospitalisations | 2004 | 211 | ||
Daily Deaths | 4 | 4 | ||
In ICU | 55 | 10 | ||
Total Deaths | 14749 | 5534 | ||
Daily Tests Carried Out | PCR Total | Weekly New Cases | 35636 |
Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/
ASX200 at 6747 down 1.04% from the close from the previous close.
Australia has vaccinated 98.0% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 96.3% have had 2 dose & 69.0% have had 3 doses and 23.1% have had 4th doses. (SA 96.1/ 94.1/71.0/25.9).
The world has passed 616 million reported cases of Covid-19.
No Covid-19 news
The Queen continues to lie in state for all to observe.
19 September 2022 Monday
228 (224) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.
North Korea was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case in May 2022.
Rank | Country | Total Cases | Total Deaths | New Deaths | GF 7d Av | GF 14d Av |
WHO Data | WORLD | 617,150,091 | 6,530,643 | 789 | 0.75 | 0.54 |
14 | Australia | 10159613 | 14749 | 4 | 0.17 | 0.15 |
(78) | Sth Aust | |||||
(41) | Victoria | 2598538 | 5549 | 5 | ||
(39) | NSW | |||||
48 | NZ | 1769694 | 1972 | 10 | ||
1 | USA | 97,505,757 | 1,078,663 | 86 | ||
2 | India | 44,536,468 | 528,337 | 35 | ||
4 | Brazil | 34,627,090 | 685,410 | 60 | ||
7 | UK | 23,585,305 | 189,484 | 0 | ||
8 | Italy | 22,161,016 | 176,578 | 32 | ||
10 | Russia | 20,439,095 | 386,045 | 101 | ||
19 | Indonesia | 6,408,806 | 157,892 | 8 | ||
37 | South Africa | 4,015,880 | 102,146 | 0 |
Holiday Watch
26 | Greece | 4,838,811 | 33,829 | 0 | ||
53 | Pakistan | 1,571,822 | 30,606 | 1 | ||
60 | Croatia | 1,224,837 | 16,840 | 3 |
Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au
Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.
Australian daily hospitalisation figures.
Australia | NSW | Victoria | Sth Australia | |
Daily Hospitalisations | 1956 | 163 | ||
Daily Deaths | 4 | 5 | ||
In ICU | 53 | 8 | ||
Total Deaths | 14763 | 5549 | ||
Daily Tests Carried Out | PCR Total | Weekly New Cases | 35636 |
Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/
ASX200 at 6747 down 1.04% from the close from the previous close.
Australia has vaccinated 98.1% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 96.4% have had 2 dose & 69.1% have had 3 doses and 23.3% have had 4th doses. (SA 96./ 94.1/71.0/26.2).
The world has passed 617 million reported cases of Covid-19.
The funeral for the late Queen Elizabeth II is tonight Australian time.
An indigenous protest is planned to be held in Australia at the same time as the National Day of Mourning to highlight the oppression and crimes of the English Colonists and their descendants.
Studies have found that the way Covid-19 impacts your immune system may make you more vulnerable to other infectious diseases, such as colds, etc.
Masks will no ,longer be mandatory in South Australia from tomorrow.
20 September 2022 Tuesday
228 (224) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.
North Korea was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case in May 2022.
Rank | Country | Total Cases | Total Deaths | New Deaths | GF 7d Av | GF 14d Av |
WHO Data | WORLD | 617,420,595 | 6,531,385 | 742 | 0.74 | 0.48 |
14 | Australia | 10161241 | 14783 | 34 | 0.28 | 0.30 |
(78) | Sth Aust | |||||
(41) | Victoria | 2600166 | 5569 | 5569 | 2.37 | 0.97 |
(39) | NSW | |||||
48 | NZ | 1769694 | 1972 | 0 | ||
1 | USA | 97,526,771 | 1,078,741 | 78 | ||
2 | India | 44,540,727 | 528,355 | 18 | ||
4 | Brazil | 34,629,759 | 685,422 | 12 | ||
7 | UK | 23,585,305 | 189,484 | 0 | ||
8 | Italy | 22,169,273 | 176,609 | 31 | ||
10 | Russia | 20,488,583 | 386,136 | 91 | ||
19 | Indonesia | 6,410,426 | 157,915 | 23 | ||
37 | South Africa | 4,015,880 | 102,146 | 0 |
Holiday Watch
26 | Greece | 4,838,811 | 33,829 | 0 | ||
53 | Pakistan | 1,571,894 | 30,607 | 1 | ||
60 | Croatia | 1,224,885 | 16,849 | 9 |
Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au
Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.
Australian daily hospitalisation figures.
Australia | NSW | Victoria | Sth Australia | |
Daily Hospitalisations | 1950 | 157 | ||
Daily Deaths | 20 | 20 | ||
In ICU | 53 | 8 | ||
Total Deaths | 14783 | 5569 | ||
Daily Tests Carried Out | PCR Total | Weekly New Cases | 35636 |
Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/
ASX200 at 6719 down 0.3% from the close from the previous close.
Australia has vaccinated 98.1% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 96.4% have had 2 dose & 69.1% have had 3 doses and 23.3% have had 4th doses. (SA 96./ 94.1/71.0/26.2).
The world has passed 617 million reported cases of Covid-19
.The mask mandate for public transport in South Australia has ended today.
NSW has announced that the mask mandate on public transport in that state will finish on Wednesday (tomorrow).
A bus carrying 47 people to quarantine in Guizhou province in China has crashed killing 27 and injuring the remainder of passengers, sparking anger in the population.
USA President Joe Biden has declared the Covid-19 pandemic over, this in spite of the USA still recording daily Covid-19 deaths in the hundreds.
21 September 2022 Wednesday
228 (224) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.
North Korea was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case in May 2022.
Rank | Country | Total Cases | Total Deaths | New Deaths | GF 7d Av | GF 14d Av |
WHO Data | WORLD | 617,928,207 | 6,532,995 | 1610 | 1.44 | 0.90 |
14 | Australia | 10162809 | 14787 | 4 | 0.27 | 0.32 |
(78) | Sth Aust | |||||
(41) | Victoria | 2601734 | 5573 | 4 | 3.43 | 2.99 |
(39) | NSW | |||||
48 | NZ | 1769694 | 1972 | 0 | ||
1 | USA | 97,591,301 | 1,079,195 | 454 | ||
2 | India | 44,545,627 | 528,370 | 15 | ||
4 | Brazil | 34,644,407 | 685,569 | 147 | ||
7 | UK | 23,585,305 | 189,484 | 0 | ||
8 | Italy | 22,197,658 | 176,669 | 60 | ||
10 | Russia | 20,535,057 | 386,234 | 98 | ||
19 | Indonesia | 6,412,944 | 157,930 | 15 | ||
37 | South Africa | 4,016,157 | 102,146 | 0 |
Holiday Watch
26 | Greece | 4,838,811 | 33,829 | 0 | ||
53 | Pakistan | 1,571,936 | 30,607 | 0 | ||
60 | Croatia | 1,225,365 | 16,854 | 5 |
Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au
Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.
Australian daily hospitalisation figures.
Australia | NSW | Victoria | Sth Australia | |
Daily Hospitalisations | 1937 | 144 | ||
Daily Deaths | 4 | 4 | ||
In ICU | 52 | 7 | ||
Total Deaths | 14787 | 5573 | ||
Daily Tests Carried Out | PCR Total | Weekly New Cases | 35636 |
Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/
ASX200 at 6806 up 1.3% from the close from the previous close.
Australia has vaccinated 98.1% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 96.4% have had 2 dose & 69.1% have had 3 doses and 23.3% have had 4th doses. (SA 96./ 94.1/71.0/26.2).
The world has passed 617 million reported cases of Covid-19
The Australian TGA has approved the Pfizer Covid-19 Booster for children aged 5 to 11 years.
A scheme has been uncovered in Minnesota USAA that has swindled over US$250 from a pandemic scheme set up to feed underprivileged children.
22 September 2022 Thursday
228 (224) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.
North Korea was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case in May 2022.
Rank | Country | Total Cases | Total Deaths | New Deaths | GF 7d Av | GF 14d Av |
WHO Data | WORLD | 618,440,986 | 6,534,936 | 1941 | 1.39 | 0.94 |
14 | Australia | 10164301 | 14820 | 33 | 0.27 | 0.32 |
(78) | Sth Aust | |||||
(41) | Victoria | 2603226 | 5606 | 33 | 3.43 | 2.99 |
(39) | NSW | |||||
48 | NZ | 1769694 | 1972 | |||
1 | USA | 97,702,160 | 1,080,121 | 926 | ||
2 | India | 44,550,413 | 528,403 | 33 | ||
4 | Brazil | 34,651,742 | 685,656 | 87 | ||
7 | UK | 23,585,305 | 189,484 | 0 | ||
8 | Italy | 22,218,846 | 176,715 | 46 | ||
10 | Russia | 20,588,102 | 386,341 | 107 | ||
19 | Indonesia | 6,415,328 | 157,948 | 18 | ||
37 | South Africa | 4,016,460 | 102,146 | 0 |
Holiday Watch
26 | Greece | 4,838,811 | 33,829 | 0 | ||
53 | Pakistan | 1,571,988 | 30,607 | 0 | ||
60 | Croatia | 1,226,323 | 16,854 | 0 |
Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au
Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.
Australian daily hospitalisation figures.
Australia | NSW | Victoria | Sth Australia | |
Daily Hospitalisations | 1931 | 138 | ||
Daily Deaths | 33 | 33 | ||
In ICU | 51 | 6 | ||
Total Deaths | 14820 | 5606 | ||
Daily Tests Carried Out | PCR Total | Weekly New Cases | 35636 |
Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/
ASX200 at 6700 down 1.6% from the close from the previous close.
Australia has vaccinated 98.1% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 96.4% have had 2 dose & 69.1% have had 3 doses and 23.3% have had 4th doses. (SA 96.2/94.1/71.0/26.2).
The world has passed 618 million reported cases of Covid-19
Russian President Putin is threatening nuclear war over the escalating crisis in Ukraine
The Danish Queen has tested positive to Covid-19 after attending the funeral of Queen Elizabeth II
23 September 2022 Friday
228 (224) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.
North Korea was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case in May 2022.
Rank | Country | Total Cases | Total Deaths | New Deaths | GF 7d Av | GF 14d Av |
WHO Data | WORLD | 618,929,480 | 6,535,615 | 679 | 1.24 | 0.90 |
14 | Australia | 10200490 | 14925 | 105 | 5.69 | 5.71 |
(78) | Sth Aust | 765680 | 929 | 929 | ||
(41) | Victoria | 2604039 | 5572 | -34 | 1.03 | 2.07 |
(39) | NSW | 3495306 | 5232 | 5232 | ||
48 | NZ | 1769694 | 1972 | 0 | ||
1 | USA | 97,762,783 | 1,080,622 | 501 | ||
2 | India | 44,555,634 | 528,429 | 26 | ||
4 | Brazil | 34,651,742 | 685,656 | 0 | ||
7 | UK | 23,585,305 | 189,484 | 0 | ||
8 | Italy | 22,241,369 | 176,775 | 60 | ||
10 | Russia | 20,641,559 | 386,447 | 106 | ||
19 | Indonesia | 6,417,490 | 157,966 | 18 | ||
37 | South Africa | 4,017,011 | 102,146 | 0 |
Holiday Watch
26 | Greece | 4,875,215 | 33,010 | -819 | ||
53 | Pakistan | 1,572,109 | 30,609 | 2 | ||
60 | Croatia | 1,227,197 | 16,861 | 7 |
Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au
Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.
Australian daily hospitalisation figures.
Australia | NSW | Victoria | Sth Australia | |
Daily Hospitalisations | 1781 | 1176 | 169 | 50 |
Daily Deaths | 181 | 69 | 42 | 22 |
In ICU | 48 | 24 | 8 | 6 |
Total Deaths | 14925 | 5232 | 5572 | 929 |
Daily Tests Carried Out | PCR Total | Weekly New Cases | 43790 |
Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/
ASX200 at 6700 down 1.6% from the close from the previous close.
Australia has vaccinated 98.1% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 96.4% have had 2 dose & 69.1% have had 3 doses and 23.3% have had 4th doses. (SA 96.2/94.1/71.0/26.2).
The world has passed 618 million reported cases of Covid-19
Covid-19 hospitalisations in the UK have risen by over 20% in a week
24 September 2022 Saturday
228 (224) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.
North Korea was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case in May 2022.
Rank | Country | Total Cases | Total Deaths | New Deaths | GF 7d Av | GF 14d Av |
WHO Data | WORLD | 619,523,026 | 6,537,987 | 2372 | 1.35 | 1.10 |
14 | Australia | 10201791 | 14925 | 0 | 0.10 | 0.11 |
(78) | Sth Aust | |||||
(41) | Victoria | 2605163 | 5572 | 0 | 0.17 | 0.34 |
(39) | NSW | |||||
48 | NZ | 1769694 | 1972 | 0 | ||
1 | USA | 97,866,922 | 1,081,402 | 780 | ||
2 | India | 44,561,072 | 528,449 | 20 | ||
4 | Brazil | 34,659,526 | 685,725 | 69 | ||
7 | UK | 23,621,952 | 189,919 | 435 | ||
8 | Italy | 22,262,452 | 176,824 | 49 | ||
10 | Russia | 20,694,894 | 386,551 | 104 | ||
19 | Indonesia | 6,419,394 | 157,986 | 20 | ||
37 | South Africa | 4,017,011 | 102,169 | 23 |
Holiday Watch
26 | Greece | 4,875,215 | 33,010 | 0 | ||
53 | Pakistan | 1,572,202 | 30,611 | 2 | ||
60 | Croatia | 1,227,852 | 16,867 | 6 |
Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au
Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.
Australian daily hospitalisation figures.
Australia | NSW | Victoria | Sth Australia | |
Daily Hospitalisations | 1747 | 135 | ||
Daily Deaths | 0 | 0 | ||
In ICU | 50 | 10 | ||
Total Deaths | 14925 | 5572 | ||
Daily Tests Carried Out | PCR Total | Weekly New Cases | 1124 |
Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/
ASX200 at 6574 down 1.9% from the close from the previous close.
Australia has vaccinated 98.1% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 96.4% have had 2 dose & 69.1% have had 3 doses and 23.3% have had 4th doses. (SA 96.2/94.1/71.0/26.2).
The world has passed 619 million reported cases of Covid-19
After a 2 year Covid-19 induced hiatus, Japan is reopening to tourism.
Surging “no fault” evictions in the UK is pressuring the government to act to protect people from homelessness.
25 September 2022 Sunday
228 (224) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.
North Korea was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case in May 2022.
Rank | Country | Total Cases | Total Deaths | New Deaths | GF 7d Av | GF 14d Av |
WHO Data | WORLD | 620,000,208 | 6,539,841 | 2372 | 1.06 | 0.92 |
14 | Australia | 10201791 | 14925 | 0 | 0.10 | 0.11 |
(78) | Sth Aust | |||||
(41) | Victoria | 2605163 | 5572 | 0 | 0.17 | 0.34 |
(39) | NSW | |||||
48 | NZ | 1769694 | 1972 | 0 | ||
1 | USA | 97,895,860 | 1,081,708 | 306 | ||
2 | India | 44,565,874 | 528,487 | 38 | ||
4 | Brazil | 34,673,221 | 685,837 | 112 | ||
7 | UK | 23,621,952 | 189,919 | 0 | ||
8 | Italy | 22,284,812 | 176,867 | 43 | ||
10 | Russia | 20,746,163 | 386,662 | 111 | ||
19 | Indonesia | 16,873,793 | 157,998 | 12 | ||
37 | South Africa | 6,421,118 | 102,169 | 0 |
Holiday Watch
26 | Greece | 4,875,215 | 33,010 | 0 | ||
53 | Pakistan | 1,572,269 | 30,612 | 1 | ||
60 | Croatia | 1,228,574 | 16,875 | 8 |
Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au
Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.
Australian daily hospitalisation figures.
Australia | NSW | Victoria | Sth Australia | |
Daily Hospitalisations | 1747 | 135 | ||
Daily Deaths | 0 | 0 | ||
In ICU | 50 | 10 | ||
Total Deaths | 14925 | 5572 | ||
Daily Tests Carried Out | PCR Total | Weekly New Cases | 1124 |
Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/
ASX200 at 6574 down 1.9% from the close from the previous close.
Australia has vaccinated 98.1% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 96.4% have had 2 dose & 69.1% have had 3 doses and 23.3% have had 4th doses. (SA 96.2/94.1/71.0/26.2).
The world has passed 620 million reported cases of Covid-19, the last 5 million in 9 days and the last 10 million cases in 18 days
Last year in the UK, the number of people who died at home every day was about 90 per day more than predicted/usual.
President Biden’s claim that the pandemic was over has been called into perspective as it is shown that around 400 people per day continue to die of Covid-19
Vaccination rates for children under five are lagging expectations despite the proven effectiveness of the vaccines.
26 September 2022 Monday
228 (224) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.
North Korea was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case in May 2022.
Rank | Country | Total Cases | Total Deaths | New Deaths | GF 7d Av | GF 14d Av |
WHO Data | WORLD | 620,229,754 | 6,540,293 | 452 | 0.52 | 0.54 |
14 | Australia | 10204195 | 14928 | 14928 | 0.18 | 0.19 |
(78) | Sth Aust | |||||
(41) | Victoria | 2607567 | 5575 | 5575 | 0.30 | 0.53 |
(39) | NSW | |||||
48 | NZ | 1769694 | 1972 | 0 | ||
1 | USA | 97,898,471 | 1,081,715 | 7 | ||
2 | India | 44,570,323 | 528,510 | 23 | ||
4 | Brazil | 34,674,422 | 685,860 | 23 | ||
7 | UK | 23,621,952 | 189,919 | 0 | ||
8 | Italy | 22,303,606 | 176,880 | 13 | ||
10 | Russia | 20,792,921 | 386,757 | 95 | ||
19 | Indonesia | 6,422,529 | 158,014 | 16 | ||
37 | South Africa | 4,017,552 | 102,169 | 0 |
Holiday Watch
26 | Greece | 4,875,215 | 33,010 | 0 | ||
53 | Pakistan | 1,572,316 | 30,612 | 0 | ||
60 | Croatia | 1,229,014 | 16,877 | 2 |
Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au
Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.
Australian daily hospitalisation figures.
Australia | NSW | Victoria | Sth Australia | |
Daily Hospitalisations | 1745 | 133 | ||
Daily Deaths | 1 | 1 | ||
In ICU | 54 | 14 | ||
Total Deaths | 14925 | 5572 | ||
Daily Tests Carried Out | PCR Total | New Cases | 1288 |
Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/
ASX200 at 6574 down 1.9% from the close from the previous close.
Australia has vaccinated 98.1% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 96.4% have had 2 dose & 69.1% have had 3 doses and 23.3% have had 4th doses. (SA 96.2/94.1/71.0/26.2).
The world has passed 620 million reported cases of Covid-19.
An Australian epidemiologist, Professor Tony Blakely, has said that he is 90% confident the worst of the pandemic is now behind us.
UK Aged Care homes are still stopping family reunions months after the UK eased its Covid-19 rules.
There are worries in the USA that the vulnerable aged population have mostly been forgotten about as the country heads back to pre-Covid-19 normal
27 September 2022 Tuesday
228 (224) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.
North Korea was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case in May 2022.
Rank | Country | Total Cases | Total Deaths | New Deaths | GF 7d Av | GF 14d Av |
WHO Data | WORLD | 620,464,783 | 6,541,114 | 821 | 0.54 | 0.59 |
14 | Australia | 10205957 | 14950 | 22 | 0.13 | 0.13 |
(78) | Sth Aust | |||||
(41) | Victoria | 2609329 | 5597 | 22 | 0.19 | 0.33 |
(39) | NSW | |||||
48 | NZ | 1769694 | 1972 | 0 | ||
1 | USA | 97,939,485 | 1,081,912 | 197 | ||
2 | India | 44,573,789 | 528,530 | 20 | ||
4 | Brazil | 34,674,422 | 685,860 | 0 | ||
7 | UK | 23,621,952 | 189,919 | 0 | ||
8 | Italy | 22,313,612 | 176,912 | 32 | ||
10 | Russia | 20,833,109 | 386,842 | 85 | ||
19 | Indonesia | 6,423,873 | 158,036 | 22 | ||
37 | South Africa | 4,017,788 | 102,169 | 0 |
Holiday Watch
26 | Greece | 4,875,215 | 33,010 | 0 | ||
53 | Pakistan | 1,572,371 | 30,612 | 0 | ||
60 | Croatia | 1,229,044 | 16,881 | 4 |
Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au
Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.
Australian daily hospitalisation figures.
Australia | NSW | Victoria | Sth Australia | |
Daily Hospitalisations | 1771 | 159 | ||
Daily Deaths | 22 | 22 | ||
In ICU | 51 | 11 | ||
Total Deaths | 14950 | 5597 | ||
Daily Tests Carried Out | PCR Total | New Cases | 1762 |
Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/
ASX200 at 6469 down 1.6% from the close from the previous close.
Australia has vaccinated 98.1% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 96.4% have had 2 dose & 69.1% have had 3 doses and 23.3% have had 4th doses. (SA 96.2/94.1/71.0/26.2).
The world has passed 620 million reported cases of Covid-19
No Covid-19 news today
28 September 2022 Wednesday
228 (224) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.
North Korea was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case in May 2022.
Rank | Country | Total Cases | Total Deaths | New Deaths | GF 7d Av | GF 14d Av |
WHO Data | WORLD | 621,072,567 | 6,542,627 | 1513 | 1.35 | 1.51 |
14 | Australia | 10207587 | 14963 | 13 | 0.12 | 0.12 |
(78) | Sth Aust | |||||
(41) | Victoria | 2610959 | 5610 | 13 | 0.18 | 0.18 |
(39) | NSW | |||||
48 | NZ | 1779476 | 2030 | 58 | ||
1 | USA | 97,989,305 | 1,082,271 | 359 | ||
2 | India | 44,577,253 | 528,562 | 32 | ||
4 | Brazil | 34,688,063 | 685,930 | 70 | ||
7 | UK | 23,621,952 | 189,919 | 0 | ||
8 | Italy | 22,358,487 | 176,976 | 64 | ||
10 | Russia | 20,869,714 | 386,943 | 101 | ||
19 | Indonesia | 6,425,849 | 158,057 | 21 | ||
37 | South Africa | 4,018,102 | 102,169 | 0 |
Holiday Watch
26 | Greece | 4,875,215 | 33,010 | 0 | ||
53 | Pakistan | 1,572,410 | 30,612 | 0 | ||
60 | Croatia | 1,229,570 | 16,887 | 6 |
Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au
Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.
Australian daily hospitalisation figures.
Australia | NSW | Victoria | Sth Australia | |
Daily Hospitalisations | 1761 | 149 | ||
Daily Deaths | 13 | 13 | ||
In ICU | 48 | 8 | ||
Total Deaths | 14963 | 5610 | ||
Daily Tests Carried Out | PCR Total | New Cases | 1630 |
Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/
ASX200 at 6496 up 0.4% from the close from the previous close.
Australia has vaccinated 98.1% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 96.4% have had 2 dose & 69.1% have had 3 doses and 23.5% have had 4th doses. (SA 96.2/94.2/71.1/26.4).
The world has passed 621 million reported cases of Covid-19
The UK is recording another surge in Covid-19 cases.
The AFLW player in Adelaide who challenged the Crows vaccine mandate has lost her case
The Head of Australia’s vaccine review is surprised that the Federal Government hasn’t ordered any vaccines for next year yet.
29 September 2022 Thursday
228 (224) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.
North Korea was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case in May 2022.
Rank | Country | Total Cases | Total Deaths | New Deaths | GF 7d Av | GF 14d Av |
WHO Data | WORLD | 621,749,365 | 6,545,181 | 2554 | 1.43 | 1.61 |
14 | Australia | 10209239 | 14984 | 21 | 0.12 | 0.12 |
(78) | Sth Aust | |||||
(41) | Victoria | 2612611 | 5631 | 21 | 0.18 | 0.23 |
(39) | NSW | |||||
49 | NZ | 1779476 | 2030 | 0 | ||
1 | USA | 98,103,520 | 1,083,793 | 1522 | ||
2 | India | 44,581,297 | 528,584 | 22 | ||
4 | Brazil | 34,696,863 | 685,978 | 48 | ||
7 | UK | 23,621,952 | 189,919 | 0 | ||
8 | Italy | 22,395,282 | 177,024 | 48 | ||
10 | Russia | 20,909,731 | 387,054 | 111 | ||
19 | Indonesia | 6,427,764 | 158,076 | 19 | ||
37 | South Africa | 4,018,102 | 102,169 | 0 |
Holiday Watch
26 | Greece | 4,875,215 | 33,010 | 0 | ||
53 | Pakistan | 1,572,488 | 30,612 | 0 | ||
60 | Croatia | 1,230,666 | 16,892 | 5 |
Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au
Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.
Australian daily hospitalisation figures.
Australia | NSW | Victoria | Sth Australia | |
Daily Hospitalisations | 1757 | 145 | ||
Daily Deaths | 21 | 21 | ||
In ICU | 49 | 9 | ||
Total Deaths | 14984 | 5631 | ||
Daily Tests Carried Out | PCR Total | New Cases | 1652 |
Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/
ASX200 at 6462 down 0.5% from the close from the previous close.
Australia has vaccinated 98.1% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 96.4% have had 2 dose & 69.1% have had 3 doses and 23.5% have had 4th doses. (SA 96.2/94.2/71.1/26.4).
The world has passed 621 million reported cases of Covid-19
The USA has passed 98 million reported cases of Covid-19.
The review of Australia’s Covid-19 vaccines has recommended the expansion of the eligibility for the Novavax due to worries of a Moderna vaccine supply shortfall.
It appears that Covid-19 vaccines cause temporary change in menstrual cycles according to a growing number of studies.
Studies have found that the Omicron variant of the Coronavirus may be the peak of the viruses evolution.
There are concerns in the northern hemisphere of a big autumn wave of Covid-19.
30 September 2022 Friday
228 (224) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.
North Korea was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case in May 2022.
Rank | Country | Total Cases | Total Deaths | New Deaths | GF 7d Av | GF 14d Av |
WHO Data | WORLD | 622,143,800 | 6,546,283 | 1102 | 0.86 | 0.92 |
14 | Australia | 10239574 | 15207 | 223 | 0.78 | 1.15 |
(78) | Sth Aust | 768961 | 946 | 946 | ||
(41) | Victoria | 2613756 | 5664 | 33 | 0.12 | 0.15 |
(39) | NSW | 3507880 | 5314 | 5314 | ||
49 | NZ | 1779476 | 2030 | 0 | ||
1 | USA | 98,124,257 | 1,083,944 | 151 | ||
2 | India | 44,585,456 | 528,611 | 27 | ||
4 | Brazil | 34,696,863 | 685,978 | 0 | ||
7 | UK | 23,621,952 | 189,919 | 0 | ||
8 | Italy | 22,432,803 | 177,054 | 30 | ||
10 | Russia | 20,948,470 | 387,163 | 109 | ||
19 | Indonesia | 6,429,767 | 158,093 | 17 | ||
37 | South Africa | 4,018,769 | 102,185 | 16 |
Holiday Watch
26 | Greece | 4,920,192 | 33,111 | 101 | ||
53 | Pakistan | 1,572,555 | 30,613 | 1 | ||
60 | Croatia | 1,231,575 | 16,902 | 10 |
Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au
Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.
Australian daily hospitalisation figures.
Australia | NSW | Victoria | Sth Australia | |
Daily Hospitalisations | 1563 | 1057 | 145 | 31 |
Daily Deaths | 282 | 82 | 92 | 17 |
In ICU | 43 | 24 | 9 | 1 |
Total Deaths | 15207 | 5314 | 5664 | 946 |
Daily Tests Carried Out | PCR Total | New Cases | 39564 |
Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/
ASX200 at 6555 up 1.4% from the close from the previous close.
Australia has vaccinated 98.1% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 96.4% have had 2 dose & 69.1% have had 3 doses and 23.5% have had 4th doses. (SA 96.2/94.2/71.1/26.4).
The world has passed 622 million reported cases of Covid-19
The Federal Cabinet in Australia has decided to end the mandatory Covid-19 isolation period from October 14 after a push led by the NSW Premier.
There have been mixed reactions from the Federal Cabinet decision, generally business leaders are in favour and many medical related organisations are against the decision.
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