#35 November 2022 Covid-19 Diary

1 November 2022  Tuesday

228 (224) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

North Korea was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case in May 2022.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
485 0.38 0.32
14 Australia 10379442 15665 5 0.14 0.15
(78) Sth Aust
(41) Victoria 2651262 5841 5 0.17 0.19
(39) NSW
49 NZ 1851689 2106
1 USA 99,345,927 1,095,204 0
2 India 44,653,592 529,024 8
4 Brazil 34,866,663 688,155 12
7 UK 23,898,489 193,673 0
8 Italy 23,531,023 179,101 0
10 Russia 21,429,506 390,175 71
20 Indonesia 6,493,079 158,631 34
37 South Africa 4,028,308 102,311 0

Holiday Watch

26 Greece 5,135,200 33,574 0
53 Pakistan 1,574,067 30,626 0
60 Croatia 1,246,947 17,142 6

Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au

Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.

Australian daily hospitalisation figures.

Australia NSW Victoria Sth Australia
Daily Hospitalisations 1395 220
  Daily Deaths 5 5
In ICU 48 9
Total Deaths 15665 5841
Daily Tests Carried Out PCR Total New Cases 1654

Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/

ASX200 at 6863 up 1.1% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 98.2% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 95.9% have had 2 dose & 69.2% have had 3 doses and 24.2% have had 4th doses. (SA 95.3/93.6/71.1/27.4).

The world has passed 635 million reported cases of Covid-19

Queensland has introduced a traffic light system for Covid-19 alerts going forward.

Visitors to Shanghai Disneyland have been caught up in the latest lockdowns and are now locked inside the theme park until they test negative to Covid-19.


2 November 2022  Wednesday

228 (224) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

North Korea was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case in May 2022.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 636,012,057 6,595,786 1690 1.32 1.22
14 Australia 10381125 15665 0 0.14 0.15
(78) Sth Aust
(41) Victoria 2652925 5841 0 0.17 0.19
(39) NSW
49 NZ 1851689 2106 2106
1 USA 99,400,959 1,095,646 442
2 India 44,655,828 529,077 53
5 Brazil 34,878,665 688,270 115
7 UK 23,898,489 193,673 0
8 Italy 23,531,023 179,101 0
10 Russia 21,434,758 390,247 72
20 Indonesia 6,497,786 158,663 32
37 South Africa 4,028,651 102,311 0

Holiday Watch

26 Greece 5,135,200 33,574 0
53 Pakistan 1,574,167 30,627 1
60 Croatia 1,247,199 17,147 5

Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au

Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.

Australian daily hospitalisation figures.

Australia NSW Victoria Sth Australia
Daily Hospitalisations 1405 230
  Daily Deaths 0 0
In ICU 10 10
Total Deaths 15665 5841
Daily Tests Carried Out PCR Total New Cases 1683

Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/

ASX200 at 6776 up 1.7% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 98.2% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 95.8% have had 2 dose & 69.1% have had 3 doses and 24.1% have had 4th doses. (SA 95.3/93.5/71.1/27.2).

The world has passed 636 million reported cases of Covid-19

Authorities in the Chinese city of Zhengzhou have been accused of preferential treatment of its citizens after partially relaxing Covid lockdown requirements after they put pressure on them.


3 November 2022  Thursday

228 (224) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

North Korea was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case in May 2022.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 636,165,137 6,596,261 475 0.52 0.43
14 Australia 10383005 15678 13 0.15 0.16
(78) Sth Aust
(41) Victoria 2654825 5854 13 0.19 0.20
(39) NSW
49 NZ 1851689 2106 0
1 USA 99,412,380 1,095,709 63
2 India 44,655,828 529,077 0
5 Brazil 34,878,665 688,270 0
7 UK 23,898,489 193,673 0
8 Italy 23,531,023 179,101 0
10 Russia 21,441,143 390,315 68
20 Indonesia 6,502,659 158,695 32
37 South Africa 4,028,651 102,311 0

Holiday Watch

26 Greece 5,135,200 33,574 0
53 Pakistan 1,574,167 30,627 0
60 Croatia 1,247,242 17,156 9

Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au

Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.

Australian daily hospitalisation figures.

Australia NSW Victoria Sth Australia
Daily Hospitalisations 1430 255
  Daily Deaths 13 13
In ICU 45 6
Total Deaths 15678 5854
Daily Tests Carried Out PCR Total New Cases 1880

Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/

ASX200 at 6785 down 0.69% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 98.2% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 95.9% have had 2 dose & 69.2% have had 3 doses and 24.2% have had 4th doses. (SA 95.3/93.6/71.1/27.4).

The world has passed 636 million reported cases of Covid-19

China is concerned about a widespread wave of Covid-19 cases after workers at a major iPhone factory fled before the factory was put into a Covid-19 lockdown.


4 November 2022  Friday

228 (224) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

North Korea was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case in May 2022.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 636,715,619 6,600,702 4441 1.71 1.56
14 Australia 10408526 15758 80 0.74 1.12
(78) Sth Aust 784599 1061
(41) Victoria 2656842 5856 2 0.19 0.20
(39) NSW 3561735 5454
49 NZ 1851689 2106 0
1 USA 99,555,900 1,097,350 1641
2 India 44,657,149 530,461 1384
5 Brazil 34,882,932 688,300 30
7 UK 23,898,489 193,673 0
8 Italy 23,531,023 179,101 0
10 Russia 21,447,518 390,388 73
20 Indonesia 6,507,610 158,737 42
37 South Africa 4,029,027 102,311 0

Holiday Watch

26 Greece 5,188,890 33,750 176
53 Pakistan 1,574,235 30,627 0
60 Croatia 1,247,678 17,165 9

Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au

Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.

Australian daily hospitalisation figures.

Australia NSW Victoria Sth Australia
Daily Hospitalisations 1393 809 231 53
  Daily Deaths 101 24 23 32
In ICU 42 17 7 4
Total Deaths 15758 5454 5856 1061
Daily Tests Carried Out PCR Total New Cases 33359

Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/

ASX200 at 6857 down 1.8% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 98.2% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 95.9% have had 2 dose & 69.2% have had 3 doses and 24.2% have had 4th doses. (SA 95.3/93.6/71.1/27.4).

The world has passed 636 million reported cases of Covid-19

A blood survey has shown Australian children to have double the amount of Covid-19 than official figures give.

NSW and Victoria CMO’s are predicting a surge in Covid-19 cases in a few weeks time.

Studies have shown around 2/3’s of all Australians have had Covid-19


5 November 2022  Saturday

228 (224) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

North Korea was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case in May 2022.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 637,543,835 6,605,225 4523 2.32 2.21
14 Australia 10417273 15758 0 0.21 0.33
(78) Sth Aust
(41) Victoria 2668734 5866 10 0.55 0.78
(39) NSW
49 NZ 1851689 2106 0
1 USA 99,639,207 1,098,221 871
2 India 44,660,579 530,500 39
5 Brazil 34,892,134 688,419 119
7 UK 23,930,041 194,704 1031
8 Italy 23,642,011 179,436 335
10 Russia 21,459,284 390,526 138
20 Indonesia 6,517,630 158,807 70
37 South Africa 4,029,737 102,363 52

Holiday Watch

26 Greece 5,188,890 33,750 0
53 Pakistan 1,574,321 30,627 0
60 Croatia 1,248,450 17,185 20

Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au

Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.

Australian daily hospitalisation figures.

Australia NSW Victoria Sth Australia
Daily Hospitalisations 1401 241
  Daily Deaths 0 0
In ICU 40 8
Total Deaths 15786 5866
Daily Tests Carried Out PCR Total New Cases 8747

Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/

ASX200 at 6892 up 0.5% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 98.2% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 95.8% have had 2 dose & 69.1% have had 3 doses and 24.1% have had 4th doses. (SA 95.3/93.5/71.1/27.2).

The world has passed 637 million reported cases of Covid-19

The arrival of cruise ships with passengers and crew infected with Covid-19 appears to be no longer an issue for Australian port cities.


6 November 2022  Sunday

228 (224) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

North Korea was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case in May 2022.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 637,673,794 6,605,338 113 0.38 0.36
14 Australia 10418986 15758 0 0.04 0.06
(78) Sth Aust
(41) Victoria 2660447 5866 0 0.00 0.00
(39) NSW
49 NZ 1851689 2106 0
1 USA 99,639,207 1,098,221 0
2 India 44,660,579 530,500 0
5 Brazil 34,892,134 688,419 0
7 UK 23,930,041 194,704 0
8 Italy 23,642,011 179,436 0
10 Russia 21,459,284 390,526 0
20 Indonesia 6,517,630 158,807 0
37 South Africa 4,029,737 102,363 0

Holiday Watch

26 Greece 5,188,890 33,750 0
53 Pakistan 1,574,359 30,627 0
60 Croatia 1,248,450 17,185 0

Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au

Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.

Australian daily hospitalisation figures.

Australia NSW Victoria Sth Australia
Daily Hospitalisations 1414 250
  Daily Deaths 0 0
In ICU 39 9
Total Deaths 15786 5866
Daily Tests Carried Out PCR Total New Cases 1713

Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/

ASX200 at 6785 down 0.69% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 98.2% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 95.8% have had 2 dose & 69.1% have had 3 doses and 24.1% have had 4th doses. (SA 95.3/93.5/71.1/27.2).

The world has passed 637 million reported cases of Covid-19

With even more 7nrest over the CPP’s Zero Tolerance Policy, China’s ruling government is holding its ground on the policy, quelling descent.


7 November 2022  Monday

228 (224) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

North Korea was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case in May 2022.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 637,701,042 6,605,479 141 0.08 0.08
14 Australia 10426939 15808 28 0.04 0.07
(78) Sth Aust
(41) Victoria 2668400 58 0 0.09 0.13
(39) NSW
49 NZ 1851689 2106 0
1 USA 99,643,590 1,098,228 7
2 India 44,660,579 530,500 0
5 Brazil 34,892,134 688,419 0
7 UK 23,930,041 194,704 0
8 Italy 23,642,011 179,436 0
10 Russia 21,463,850 390,588 62
20 Indonesia 6,521,292 158,829 22
37 South Africa 4,029,737 102,363 0

Holiday Watch

26 Greece 5,188,890 33,750 0
53 Pakistan 1,574,359 30,627 0
60 Croatia 1,248,609 17,191 6

Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au

Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.

Australian daily hospitalisation figures.

Australia NSW Victoria Sth Australia
Daily Hospitalisations 1438 274
  Daily Deaths 0 0
In ICU 46 16
Total Deaths 15786 5866
Daily Tests Carried Out PCR Total New Cases 3373

Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/

ASX200 at 6785 down 0.69% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 98.2% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 95.8% have had 2 dose & 69.1% have had 3 doses and 24.1% have had 4th doses. (SA 95.3/93.5/71.1/27.2).

The world has passed 637 million reported cases of Covid-19

In the first year of Covid-19, alcohol related deaths in the USA rose by 20%


8 November 2022  Tuesday

228 (224) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

North Korea was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case in May 2022.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 637,887,194 6,606,250 771 0.56 0.56
14 Australia 10423566 15792 6 0.06 0.10
(78) Sth Aust
(41) Victoria 2665027 5872 6 0.12 0.17
(39) NSW
49 NZ 1872459 2119 13
1 USA 99,660,958 1,098,273 45
2 India 44,661,516 530,509 9
5 Brazil 34,892,871 688,425 6
7 UK 23,930,041 194,704 0
8 Italy 23,642,011 179,436 0
10 Russia 21,468,271 390,649 61
20 Indonesia 6,525,120 158,871 42
37 South Africa 4,030,660 102,363 0

Holiday Watch

26 Greece 5,188,890 33,750 0
53 Pakistan 1,574,407 30,627 0
60 Croatia 1,248,635 17,194 3

Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au

Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.

Australian daily hospitalisation figures.

Australia NSW Victoria Sth Australia
Daily Hospitalisations 1448 284
  Daily Deaths 6 6
In ICU 44 14
Total Deaths 15792 5872
Daily Tests Carried Out PCR Total New Cases 2709

Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/

ASX200 at 6933 up 0.6% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 98.3% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 95.9% have had 2 dose & 69.2% have had 3 doses and 24.4% have had 4th doses. (SA 95.3/93.6/71.1/27.6).

The world has passed 637 million reported cases of Covid-19

Qatar Airlines has criticised Qantas for cutting back on international flights, which it says has resulted in fares doubling.

Apple has warned of delays in iPhone deliveries due to the effects of China’s Zero Tolerance policy, shutting down one of its main factories.



9 November 2022  Wednesday

228 (224) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

North Korea was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case in May 2022.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 638,309,382 6,607,714 1464 1.29 1.24
14 Australia 10429996 15808 16 0.06 0.10
(78) Sth Aust
(41) Victoria 2671457 5888 16 0.12 0.17
(39) NSW
49 NZ 1872459 2119 0
1 USA 99,689,599 1,098,457 184
2 India 44,662,621 530,509 0
5 Brazil 34,909,480 688,539 114
7 UK 23,930,041 194,704 0
8 Italy 23,642,011 179,436 0
10 Russia 21,472,591 390,712 63
20 Indonesia 6,531,721 158,909 38
37 South Africa 4,031,096 102,363 0

Holiday Watch

26 Greece 5,188,890 33,750 0
53 Pakistan 1,574,432 30,627 0
60 Croatia 1,248,864 17,200 6

Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au

Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.

Australian daily hospitalisation figures.

Australia NSW Victoria Sth Australia
Daily Hospitalisations 1443 279
  Daily Deaths 16 16
In ICU 42 12
Total Deaths 15808 5888
Daily Tests Carried Out PCR Total New Cases 3373

Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/

ASX200 at 6958 up 0.4% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 98.3% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 95.9% have had 2 dose & 69.2% have had 3 doses and 24.4% have had 4th doses. (SA 95.3/93.6/71.1/27.6).

The world has passed 638 million reported cases of Covid-19

A Sydney school, the Catholic Taranga School for Girls in Cherrybrook, has sent all of its students home after 1/3 of its teachers came down with Covid-19

Singapore and the USA are allowing their citizens to have a fifth vaccine dose.

Victoria’s QR Contact Tracing data has been sent to an organisation for potential data mining.


10 November 2022  Thursday

228 (224) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

North Korea was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case in May 2022.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 638,713,978 6,609,166 1452 1.11 1.23
14 Australia 10423566 15817 9 0.06 0.10
(78) Sth Aust
(41) Victoria 2665027 5897 9 0.12 0.17
(39) NSW
49 NZ 1872459 2119 0
1 USA 99,739,814 1,098,770 313
2 India 44,663,634 530,511 2
5 Brazil 34,919,019 688,617 78
7 UK 23,930,041 194,704 0
8 Italy 23,642,011 179,436 0
10 Russia 21,477,926 390,774 62
20 Indonesia 6,537,907 158,952 43
37 South Africa 4,031,624 102,363 0

Holiday Watch

26 Greece 5,188,890 33,750 0
53 Pakistan 1,574,470 30,628 1
60 Croatia 1,249,239 17,205 5

Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au

Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.

Australian daily hospitalisation figures.

Australia NSW Victoria Sth Australia
Daily Hospitalisations 1465 301
  Daily Deaths 9 9
In ICU 42 12
Total Deaths 15817 5897
Daily Tests Carried Out PCR Total New Cases 3057

Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/

ASX200 at 6999 up 0.6% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 98.3% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 95.9% have had 2 dose & 69.2% have had 3 doses and 24.4% have had 4th doses. (SA 95.3/93.6/71.1/27.6).

The world has passed 638 million reported cases of Covid-19

Authorities are warning that Victoria is entering a new wave of Covid-19

A needle free vaccine trial has begun in Australia in an attempt to boost vaccine rates.

The biggest outbreak of Covid-19 in Antarctica has paused operations at the American McMurdo Station.


11 November 2022  Friday

228 (224) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

North Korea was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case in May 2022.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 639,072,761 6,610,927 1761 1.07 1.09
14 Australia 10474096 15858 41 0.77 1.29
(78) Sth Aust 791713 1058 1058
(41) Victoria 2674120 5896 -1 0.36 0.17
(39) NSW 3581110 5476 5476
49 NZ 1872459 2119 0
1 USA 99,818,254 1,099,555 785
2 India 44,664,391 530,514 3
5 Brazil 34,919,019 688,617 0
7 UK 23,930,041 194,704 0
8 Italy 23,642,011 179,436 0
10 Russia 21,483,520 390,835 61
20 Indonesia 6,537,907 158,952 0
37 South Africa 4,032,109 102,363 0

Holiday Watch

26 Greece 5,188,890 33,750 0
53 Pakistan 1,574,508 30,629 1
60 Croatia 1,249,502 17,212 7

Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au

Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.

Australian daily hospitalisation figures.

Australia NSW Victoria Sth Australia
Daily Hospitalisations 1778 974 274 83
  Daily Deaths 82 22 40 -3
In ICU 42 32 11 7
Total Deaths 15858 5476 5896 1058
Daily Tests Carried Out PCR Total New Cases 58723

Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/

ASX200 at 6964 down 0.5% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 98.3% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 95.9% have had 2 dose & 69.2% have had 3 doses and 24.6% have had 4th doses. (SA 95.3/93.6/71.2/27.9).

The world has passed 639 million reported cases of Covid-19

Australians are being warned to expect a  “Fifth” wave (on my calcs it’s the 6th Wave) of Covid-19 to strike the country, it seems to have already begun.

NSW has clearly begun its next wave, with Victoria not far behind.

Queensland’s new mask requirements begin today.

About a third of Australians have not have Covid-19 yet, the NOVID. Having all or most of the vaccination, a strong immune system, being Covid aware in their decision making and a lot of luck are some of the reasons being put forward as to why these people have been free of the disease so far.


12 November 2022  Saturday

228 (224) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

North Korea was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case in May 2022.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 639,781,400 6,613,109 2182 2.22 2.10
14 Australia 10479214 15870 12 0.08 0.13
(78) Sth Aust
(41) Victoria 2677113 5907 11 0.18 0.16
(39) NSW
49 NZ 1872459 2119 0
1 USA 99,870,304 1,099,930 375
2 India 44,665,261 530,520 6
5 Brazil 34,928,504 688,659 42
7 UK 23,930,041 194,704 0
8 Italy 23,823,192 179,985 549
10 Russia 21,489,074 390,902 67
20 Indonesia 6,550,448 159,035 83
37 South Africa 4,032,718 102,363 0

Holiday Watch

26 Greece 5,250,288 33,888 138
53 Pakistan 1,574,549 30,629 0
60 Croatia 1,249,699 17,215 3

Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au

Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.

Australian daily hospitalisation figures.

Australia NSW Victoria Sth Australia
Daily Hospitalisations 1853 331
  Daily Deaths 11 11
In ICU 60 5
Total Deaths 15870 5476 5907 1058
Daily Tests Carried Out PCR Total New Cases 2993

Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/

ASX200 at 7158 up 2.8% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 98.3% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 95.9% have had 2 dose & 69.2% have had 3 doses and 24.6% have had 4th doses. (SA 95.3/93.6/71.2/27.9).

The world has passed 639 million reported cases of Covid-19

The cruise ship Majestic Princess has docked in Sydney with an estimated 800 passengers infected with Covid-19

China has reported another 10,000 new Covid-19 cases , with parks in Beijing being closed and other measures being put in place

In Australia , some states are experiencing a doubling of Covid-19 cases.


13 November 2022  Sunday

228 (224) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

North Korea was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case in May 2022.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 640,093,840 6,614,917 1808 2.22 2.10
14 Australia 10481577 15870 0 0.04 0.10
(78) Sth Aust
(41) Victoria 2679476 5907 0 0.12 0.17
(39) NSW
49 NZ 1872459 2119 0
1 USA 99,894,689 1,100,124 194
2 India 44,666,020 530,528 8
5 Brazil 34,949,418 688,705 46
7 UK 23,954,192 195,530 826
8 Italy 23,823,192 179,985 0
10 Russia 21,494,588 390,964 62
20 Indonesia 6,556,627 159,068 33
37 South Africa 4,032,718 102,371 8

Holiday Watch

26 Greece 5,250,288 33888 0
53 Pakistan 1,574,597 30,629 0
60 Croatia 1,249,943 17,218 3

Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au

Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.

Australian daily hospitalisation figures.

Australia NSW Victoria Sth Australia
Daily Hospitalisations 1862 340
  Daily Deaths 0 0
In ICU 65 10
Total Deaths 15870 5476 5907 1058
Daily Tests Carried Out PCR Total New Cases 2363

Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/

ASX200 at 7158 up 2.8% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 98.3% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 95.9% have had 2 dose & 69.2% have had 3 doses and 24.6% have had 4th doses. (SA 95.3/93.6/71.2/27.9).

The world has passed 640 million reported cases of Covid-19

Covid-19 infections in the UK have fallen for the first time in 3 months.

China is marginally relaxing its requirements for travellers entering the country


14 November 2022  Monday

228 (224) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

North Korea was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case in May 2022.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 640,309,535 6,615,332 415 0.58 0.62
14 Australia 10484025 15870 0 0.04 0.06
(78) Sth Aust
(41) Victoria 2681924 5907 0 0.12 0.12
(39) NSW
49 NZ 1872459 2119 0
1 USA 99,898,328 1,100,126 2
2 India 44,666,759 530,531 3
5 Brazil 34,954,680 688,735 30
7 UK 23,954,192 195,530 0
8 Italy 23,823,192 179,985 0
10 Russia 21,499,952 391,024 60
20 Indonesia 6,561,504 159,104 36
37 South Africa 4,033,182 102,371 0

Holiday Watch

26 Greece 5,250,288 33,888 0
53 Pakistan 1,574,639 30,629 0
60 Croatia 1,250,099 17,223 5

Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au

Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.

Australian daily hospitalisation figures.

Australia NSW Victoria Sth Australia
Daily Hospitalisations 1862 340
  Daily Deaths 0 0
In ICU 63 8
Total Deaths 15870 5476 5907 1058
Daily Tests Carried Out PCR Total New Cases 2448

Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/

ASX200 at 7158 up 2.8% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 98.3% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 95.9% have had 2 dose & 69.2% have had 3 doses and 24.6% have had 4th doses. (SA 95.3/93.6/71.2/27.9).

The world has passed 640 million reported cases of Covid-19

China has turned to a system of “Silent Monitoring” for keeping a check on new cases of Covid-19, a euphemism for Lockdowns


15 November 2022 Tuesday

228 (224) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

North Korea was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case in May 2022.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 640,475,905 6,615,971 639 0.45 0.62
14 Australia 10487217 15881 11 0.05 0.07
(78) Sth Aust
(41) Victoria 2685116 5918 11 0.16 0.15
(39) NSW
49 NZ 1894029 2154 35
1 USA 99,909,515 1,100,152 26
2 India 44,667,251 530,532 1
5 Brazil 34,955,820 688,738 3
7 UK 23,954,192 195,530 0
8 Italy 23,823,192 179,985 0
10 Russia 21,504,530 391,085 61
20 Indonesia 6,565,912 159,158 54
37 South Africa 4,034,343 102,371 0

Holiday Watch

26 Greece 5,250,288 33,888 0
53 Pakistan 1,574,680 30,629 0
60 Croatia 1,250,131 17,233 10

Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au

Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.

Australian daily hospitalisation figures.

Australia NSW Victoria Sth Australia
Daily Hospitalisations 1873 351
  Daily Deaths 11 11
In ICU 64 9
Total Deaths 15881 5476 5918 1058
Daily Tests Carried Out PCR Total New Cases 3192

Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/

ASX200 at 7146 down 0.2% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 98.3% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 95.9% have had 2 dose & 69.2% have had 3 doses and 24.6% have had 4th doses. (SA 95.3/93.6/71.2/27.9).

The world has passed 640 million reported cases of Covid-19

Health authorities in South Australia have recommended the return of masks.

Health authorities have said that border closures will not slow the spread of the new Covid-109 wave


16 November 2022 Wednesday

228 (224) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

North Korea was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case in May 2022.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 640,866,629 6,617,101 1130 1.07 1.13
14 Australia 10487217 15881 0 0.03 0.05
(78) Sth Aust
(41) Victoria 2685116 5918 0 0.16 0.15
(39) NSW
49 NZ 1894029 2154 0
1 USA 99,936,903 1,100,318 166
2 India 44,667,744 530,533 1
5 Brazil 34,961,403 688,746 8
7 UK 23,954,192 195,530 0
8 Italy 23,823,192 179,985 0
10 Russia 21,508,961 391,149 64
20 Indonesia 6,573,805 159,199 41
37 South Africa 4,035,522 102,371 0

Holiday Watch

26 Greece 5,250,288 33,888 0
53 Pakistan 1,574,712 30,629 0
60 Croatia 1,250,299 17,238 5

Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au

Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.

Australian daily hospitalisation figures.

Australia NSW Victoria Sth Australia
Daily Hospitalisations 1873 351
  Daily Deaths 11 11
In ICU 64 9
Total Deaths 15881 5476 5918 1058
Daily Tests Carried Out PCR Total New Cases 3192

Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/

ASX200 at 7141 down 0.1% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 98.3% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 95.9% have had 2 dose & 69.2% have had 3 doses and 24.6% have had 4th doses. (SA 95.3/93.6/71.2/27.9).

The world has passed 640 million reported cases of Covid-19

Former Adelaide Crows AFLW player Deni Varnhagen has lost her bid to sue the Adelaide Football Club over its vaccine mandate.

ATAGI has not yet approved or suggested that a 5th vaccine is required.

In a rare show of public dissidence/frustration in China, street march protests in the city of Guangzhou have resulted in a policer car being over turned.

It appears that a Russian missile aimed for Ukraine has struck residential building in Poland killing several people. Russia denies the missile was theirs.


17 November 2022 Thursday

228 (224) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

North Korea was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case in May 2022.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 641,282,567 6,618,774 1673 1.13 1.14
14 Australia 10493919 15899 18 0.07 0.11
(78) Sth Aust
(41) Victoria 2691818 5936 18 0.14 0.16
(39) NSW
49 NZ 1894029 2154 0
1 USA 99,976,573 1,100,652 334
2 India 44,667,744 530,535 2
5 Brazil 34,963,985 688,770 24
7 UK 23,954,192 195,530 0
8 Italy 23,823,192 179,985 0
10 Russia 21,514,341 391,212 63
20 Indonesia 6,582,291 159,253 54
37 South Africa 4,036,165 102,371 0

Holiday Watch

26 Greece 5,250,288 33,888 0
53 Pakistan 1,574,744 30,629 0
60 Croatia 1,250,699 17,244 6

Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au

Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.

Australian daily hospitalisation figures.

Australia NSW Victoria Sth Australia
Daily Hospitalisations 1890 368
  Daily Deaths 8 8
In ICU 66 11
Total Deaths 15899 5936 1058
Daily Tests Carried Out PCR Total New Cases 3250

Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/

ASX200 at 7122 down 0.3% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 98.3% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 95.9% have had 2 dose & 69.2% have had 3 doses and 24.6% have had 4th doses. (SA 95.3/93.6/71.2/27.9).

The world has passed 641 million reported cases of Covid-19

The missile that landed in Poland and killed 2 people was fired from within Ukraine, a misfiring of a defensive missile, apparently.

Donald Trump has announced that he will be running for the USA Presidency in 2024.

Weekly cases of Covid-19 in WA have risen by 17%

It has been estimated that Europe under reported the number of Covid-19 cases by 1 million during the height of the pandemic.


18 November 2022 Friday

228 (224) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

North Korea was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case in May 2022.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 641,763,345 6,620,975 2201 1.25 1.33
14 Australia 10550452 15965 66 0.74 0.80
(78) Sth Aust 800347 1060 1060
(41) Victoria 2691733 5931 -5 0.00 0.00
(39) NSW 3608974 5515 5515
49 NZ 1894029 2154 0
1 USA 100,061,108 1,101,415 763
2 India 44,668,951 530,546 11
5 Brazil 34,980,074 688,811 41
7 UK 23,954,192 195,530 0
8 Italy 23,823,192 179,985 0
10 Russia 21,520,021 391,273 61
20 Indonesia 6,590,113 159,291 38
37 South Africa 4,036,623 102,371 0

Holiday Watch

26 Greece 5,306,482 34,024 136
53 Pakistan 1,574,801 30,630 1
60 Croatia 1,250,968 17,249 5

Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au

Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.

Australian daily hospitalisation figures.

Australia NSW Victoria Sth Australia
Daily Hospitalisations 2127 1148 352 118
  Daily Deaths 106 39 35 2
In ICU 62 37 8 7
Total Deaths 15965 5155 5931 1060
Daily Tests Carried Out PCR Total New Cases 77519 (11074)

Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/

ASX200 at 7122 up 0.2% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 98.3% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 95.9% have had 2 dose & 69.2% have had 3 doses and 24.6% have had 4th doses. (SA 95.3/93.6/71.2/27.9).

The world has passed 641 million reported cases of Covid-19

He USA has passed 100 million cases of Covid-19

Carnival Cruise Line is reintroducing masks onboard its ships.

Woolworths has dropped its mandatory vaccination policy for staff.

Donald Trump has announced he will run for President of the USA again.

Protests have appeared on Chinese Social Media over the death of a baby due to the Vero Tolerance Policy for Covid-19.


19 November 2022 Saturday

228 (224) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

North Korea was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case in May 2022.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 642,416,897 6,623,254 2279 1.74 1.88
14 Australia 10555312 15965 0 0.06 0.07
(78) Sth Aust
(41) Victoria 2694367 5931 0 0.15 0.15
(39) NSW
49 NZ 1894029 2154 0
1 USA 100,118,874 1,101,931 516
2 India 44,669,527 530,553 7
5 Brazil 35,009,176 688,886 75
7 UK 24,031,538 180,518
8 Italy 23,954,192 195,530 15545
10 Russia 21,525,567 391,333 60
20 Indonesia 6,596,812 159,323 32
37 South Africa 4,037,221 102,371 0

Holiday Watch

26 Greece 5,306,482 34,024 0
53 Pakistan 1,574,826 30,630 0
60 Croatia 1,250,968 17,249 0

Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au

Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.

Australian daily hospitalisation figures.

Australia NSW Victoria Sth Australia
Daily Hospitalisations 2145 365
  Daily Deaths 13 13
In ICU 64 11
Total Deaths 15980 5944
Daily Tests Carried Out PCR Total New Cases 2634

Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/

ASX200 at 7151 up 0.2% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 98.3% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 95.9% have had 2 dose & 69.3% have had 3 doses and 25.0% have had 4th doses. (SA 95.4/93.6/71.2/28.3).

The world has passed 642 million reported cases of Covid-19

Australia has entered a new wave of Covid-19, by my counting this is the 6th wave of Covid-19 to sweep across the country. Most worrying is the large increase in hospitalisations at the start of this wave,

Covid-19 face mask rules have returned to NSW with them now mandatory in Hospitals and other health services


20 November 2022 Sunday

228 (224) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

North Korea was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case in May 2022.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 642,804,937 6,625,358 2104 1.00 0.58
14 Australia 10557719 15965 0 0.03 0.03
(78) Sth Aust
(41) Victoria 2696774 5931 0 0.14 0.13
(39) NSW
49 NZ 1894029 2154 0
1 USA 100,161,778 1,102,457 526
2 India 44,670,017 530,553 0
5 Brazil 35,039,614 688,958 72
7 UK 24,031,538 180,518 0
8 Italy 23,977,637 196,241 711
10 Russia 21,531,012 391,395 62
20 Indonesia 6,603,195 159,348 25
37 South Africa 4,037,221 102,371 0

Holiday Watch

26 Greece 5,306,482 34,024 0
53 Pakistan 1,574,868 30,630 0
60 Croatia 1,251,199 17,254 5

Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au

Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.

Australian daily hospitalisation figures.

Australia NSW Victoria Sth Australia
Daily Hospitalisations 2167 387
  Daily Deaths 0 0
In ICU 67 14
Total Deaths 15980 5944
Daily Tests Carried Out PCR Total New Cases 2407

Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/

ASX200 at 7151 up 0.2% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 98.3% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 95.9% have had 2 dose & 69.3% have had 3 doses and 25.0% have had 4th doses. (SA 95.4/93.6/71.2/28.3).

The world has passed 642 million reported cases of Covid-19

A growing number of people are refusing to pay their hotel quarantine bills in the wake of the Covid-19 imposed isolations.

The number of Covid-19 cases in Chinese hospitals is at a 6 month high, with over 250,000 inpatients, as outbreaks occur in some of the largest cities in China.

Unrest is growing within China as lockdown fatigue sets in.

More and more countries around the world are reporting their Covid-19 statistics less frequently.


21 November 2022 Monday

228 (224) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

North Korea was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case in May 2022.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 643,025,176 6,625,842 484 1.74 1.88
14 Australia 10560280 15965 0 0.03 0.04
(78) Sth Aust
(41) Victoria 2699335 5931 0 0.15 0.14
(39) NSW
49 NZ 1894029 2154 0
1 USA 100,165,305 1,102,507 50
2 India 44,670,438 530,574 21
5 Brazil 35,060,020 688,994 36
7 UK 24,031,538 180,518 0
8 Italy 23,977,637 196,241 0
10 Russia 21,536,229 391,454 59
20 Indonesia 6,608,367 159,379 31
37 South Africa 4,037,221 102,371 0

Holiday Watch

26 Greece 5,306,482 34,024 0
53 Pakistan 1,574,868 30,630 0
60 Croatia 1,251,199 17,254 9

Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au

Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.

Australian daily hospitalisation figures.

Australia NSW Victoria Sth Australia
Daily Hospitalisations 2169 389
  Daily Deaths 0 0
In ICU 64 11
Total Deaths 15980 5944
Daily Tests Carried Out PCR Total New Cases 2561

Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/

ASX200 at 7151 up 0.2% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 98.3% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 95.9% have had 2 dose & 69.3% have had 3 doses and 25.0% have had 4th doses. (SA 95.4/93.6/71.2/28.3).

The world has passed 643 million reported cases of Covid-19

China has announced its first “official” Covid-19 death in 6 months as the country strains to try and contain Covid-19 outbreaks across the country.

Doctors are warning about the implications for Long Covid if you get the disease multiple time, 2 or more.

China has locked down the city of Guangzhou, population of over 15 million people, to try to stop a Covid-19 outbreak.

Australia is studying the waves of new Covid-19 throughout the world to plan its responses locally.


23 November 2022 Wednesday

228 (224) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

North Korea was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case in May 2022.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 643,699,350 6,628,274 1533 1.08 1.14
14 Australia 10567948 16014 7 0.05 0.05
(78) Sth Aust
(41) Victoria 2707003 5978 7 0.21 0.20
(39) NSW
49 NZ 1894029 2154 0
1 USA 100,258,947 1,102,993 291
2 India 44,671,119 530,591 5
5 Brazil 35,066,199 689,064 61
7 UK 24,031,538 180,518 0
8 Italy 23,977,637 196,241 0
10 Russia 21,545,351 391,568 59
20 Indonesia 6,620,317 159,473 51
37 South Africa 4,038,501 102,395 0

Holiday Watch

26 Greece 5,306,482 34,024 0
53 Pakistan 1,574,939 30,630 0
60 Croatia 1,251,441 17,268 0

Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au

Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.

Australian daily hospitalisation figures.

Australia NSW Victoria Sth Australia
Daily Hospitalisations 2269 489
  Daily Deaths 7 7
In ICU 71 18
Total Deaths 16014 5978
Daily Tests Carried Out PCR Total New Cases 3861

Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/

ASX200 at 7181 up 0.6% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 98.3% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 95.9% have had 2 dose & 69.3% have had 3 doses and 25.0% have had 4th doses. (SA 95.4/93.6/71.2/28.3).

The world has passed 643 million reported cases of Covid-19

USA Dr Fauci is urging people in the USA to get the new booster shot, as studies show it is the best booster yet.

Chinese authorities have shut parks, museums, etc in Beijing as Covid-19 cases rise in the city.


24 November 2022 Thursday

228 (224) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

North Korea was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case in May 2022.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 644,174,777 6,629,657 1533 1.15 1.22
14 Australia 10571788 16026 7 0.05 0.05
(78) Sth Aust
(41) Victoria 2710843 5990 7 0.21 0.20
(39) NSW
49 NZ 1918070 2182 0
1 USA 100,406,661 1,104,422 291
2 India 44,671,806 530,601 5
5 Brazil 35,121,301 689,325 61
7 Italy 24,031,538 180,518 0
8 UK 23,977,637 196,241 0
10 Russia 21,556,766 391,680 59
20 Indonesia 6,627,538 159,524 51
37 South Africa 4,039,858 102,395 0

Holiday Watch

26 Greece 5,306,482 34,024 0
53 Pakistan 1,574,966 30,630 0
60 Croatia 1,252,036 17,278 0

Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au

Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.

Australian daily hospitalisation figures.

Australia NSW Victoria Sth Australia
Daily Hospitalisations 2263 483
  Daily Deaths 12 12
In ICU 73 20
Total Deaths 16026 5990
Daily Tests Carried Out PCR Total New Cases 3840

Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/

ASX200 at 7231 up 0.7% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 98.3% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 95.9% have had 2 dose & 69.3% have had 3 doses and 25.0% have had 4th doses. (SA 95.4/93.6/71.2/28.3).

The world has passed 644 million reported cases of Covid-19

In the city of Guangzhou China, it is now a requirement to show a negative Covid-19 test to be able to leave your home.

There are social media reports coming out of China of riots/protests at or around the Foxconn iPhone factory.

In the UK a Tory MP, Michelle Mone, has been accused of receiving over 29 million pounds from a PPE company.


25 November 2022 Friday

228 (224) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

North Korea was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case in May 2022.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 644,666,845 6,631,987 3713 1.15 1.22
14 Australia 10636796 16076 62 0.48 0.65
(78) Sth Aust 809861 1067 1067
(41) Victoria 2713962 5993 15 0.31 0.28
(39) NSW 3640480 5540 5540
49 NZ 1918070 2182 28
1 USA 100,406,661 1,104,422 1429
2 India 44,671,806 530,601 10
5 Brazil 35,121,301 689,325 261
8 Italy 24,031,538 180,518 0
9 UK 23,977,637 196,241 0
10 Russia 21,556,766 391,680 112
20 Indonesia 6,627,538 159,524 51
37 South Africa 4,039,858 102,395 0

Holiday Watch

26 Greece 5,360,506 34,178 0
53 Pakistan 1,575,009 30,630 0
60 Croatia 1,252,367 17,282 10

Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au

Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.

Australian daily hospitalisation figures.

Australia NSW Victoria Sth Australia
Daily Hospitalisations 2464 1320 430 140
  Daily Deaths 109 (16) 25(5) 62 (9) 7 (1)
In ICU 78 32 15 11
Total Deaths 16076 5540 5993 1067
Daily Tests Carried Out PCR Total New Cases 1799 (12597)

Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/

ASX200 at 7241 up 0.1% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 98.3% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 95.9% have had 2 dose & 69.3% have had 3 doses and 25.3% have had 4th doses. (SA 95.4/93.7/71.2/28.6).

The world has passed 644 million reported cases of Covid-19

Japan and South Korea have both overtaken the UK in the top 10 most Covid-19 case number nations

Italy has overtaken the UK in the top 10 as well.

During the Covid-19 pandemic the demand for IVF services soared.

China’s Covid-19 case numbers is hitting record levels and unrest over the Zro Tolerance Policy is growing by the day.

Studies are finding that the symptoms of Long Covid are changing depending on the variant of the virus.

Reports from China are saying that police have beaten the protesters at the iPhone factory.


26 November 2022 Saturday

228 (224) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

North Korea was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case in May 2022.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 645,452,721 6,634,335 2348
14 Australia 10640491 16100 24
(78) Sth Aust 809861 1067
(41) Victoria 2717657 6003 10
(39) NSW 3640480 5540
49 NZ 1918070 2182 0
1 USA 100,455,896 1,104,741 319
2 India 44,672,304 530,604 3
5 Brazil 35,147,091 689,396 71
8 Italy 24,260,660 181,098 580
9 UK 23,977,637 196,241 0
10 Russia 21,562,758 391,736 56
20 Indonesia 6,640,624 159,600 76
37 South Africa 4,040,289 102,428 33

Holiday Watch

26 Greece 5,360,506 34,178 0
53 Pakistan 1,575,039 30,630 0
60 Croatia 1,252,901 6,923

Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au

Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.

Australian daily hospitalisation figures.

Australia NSW Victoria Sth Australia
Daily Hospitalisations 2585 502
  Daily Deaths 10 10
In ICU 84 18 11
Total Deaths 16100 6003
Daily Tests Carried Out PCR Total New Cases 3695

Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/

ASX200 at 7229 down 0.04% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 98.3% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 95.9% have had 2 dose & 69.3% have had 3 doses and 25.3% have had 4th doses. (SA 95.4/93.7/71.2/28.6).

The world has passed 645 million reported cases of Covid-19

Free RATs will be given out in South Australia ahead of the permanent closure of the government run PCR Testing sites.

Australia’s current Covid-19 wave is likely to peak before Christmas.


27 November 2022 Sunday

228 (224) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

North Korea was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case in May 2022.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 645,452,721 6,634,335 3713
14 Australia 10643918 16100 62 0.04 0.04
(78) Sth Aust 809861 1067 1067
(41) Victoria 2721084 6003 15 0.13 0.15
(39) NSW 3640480 5540 5540
49 NZ 1918070 2182 28
1 USA 100,455,896 1,104,741 1429
2 India 44,672,304 530,604 10
5 Brazil 35,147,091 689,396 261
8 Italy 24,260,660 181,098 0
9 UK 23,977,637 196,241 0
10 Russia 21,562,758 391,736 112
20 Indonesia 6,640,624 159,600 51
37 South Africa 4,040,289 102,428 0

Holiday Watch

26 Greece 5,360,506 34,178 0
53 Pakistan 1,575,039 30,630 0
60 Croatia 1,252,901 6,923 10

Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au

Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.

Australian daily hospitalisation figures.

Australia NSW Victoria Sth Australia
Daily Hospitalisations 2572 489
  Daily Deaths 0 0
In ICU 89 23 11
Total Deaths 16100 6003
Daily Tests Carried Out PCR Total New Cases 3427

Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/

ASX200 at 7241 up 0.1% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 98.3% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 95.9% have had 2 dose & 69.3% have had 3 doses and 25.3% have had 4th doses. (SA 95.4/93.7/71.2/28.6).

The world has passed 645 million reported cases of Covid-19

An Australian cruise ship bound for Bali has had to turn around and return to port due to the large number of Covid-19 cases aboard.

China continues to impose lockdowns as the number of Covid-19 cases increases and spreads. To new highs.

Covid-19 lockdown protests have broken pout in western China after a deadly fire.

New Covid-19 cases numbers in Australia continue to rise.


28 November 2022 Monday

228 (224) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

North Korea was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case in May 2022.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 646,118,152 6,636,160 1825 1.51 1.60
14 Australia 10640480 16100 0 0.48 0.65
(78) Sth Aust 809861 1067
(41) Victoria 2724235 6003 0 0.13 0.15
(39) NSW 3640480 5540
49 NZ 1918070 2182 0
1 USA 100,464,244 1,104,755 14
2 India 44,672,827 530,612 8
5 Brazil 35,206,368 689,545 149
8 Italy 24,260,660 181,098 0
9 UK 24,000,101 196,821 580
10 Russia 21,574,764 391,840 104
20 Indonesia 6,650,244 159,676 76
37 South Africa 4,040,712 102,428 0

Holiday Watch

25 Greece 5,360,506 34,178 0
53 Pakistan 1,575,097 30,630 0
61 Croatia 1,253,067 17,298 20

Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au

Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.

Australian daily hospitalisation figures.

Australia NSW Victoria Sth Australia
Daily Hospitalisations 2612 529
  Daily Deaths 0 0
In ICU 91 25 11
Total Deaths 16100 6003
Daily Tests Carried Out PCR Total New Cases 3151

Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/

ASX200 at 7241 up 0.1% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 98.3% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 95.9% have had 2 dose & 69.3% have had 3 doses and 25.3% have had 4th doses. (SA 95.4/93.7/71.2/28.6).

The world has passed 646 million reported cases of Covid-19

Anti lockdown protestors in China are demanding the President Xi Jinping stepdown. Nothing good will come of this!

Buses are being used to take protestors away.


29 November 2022 Tuesday

228 (224) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

North Korea was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case in May 2022.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 646,313,077 6,636,963 803 0.45 0.47
14 Australia 10651218 16119 19 0.12 0.13
(78) Sth Aust
(41) Victoria 2728384 6022 19 0.16 0.19
(39) NSW
49 NZ 1918070 2182 0
1 USA 100,477,371 1,104,810 55
2 India 44,673,170 530,614 2
5 Brazil 35,212,035 689,560 15
8 Italy 24,260,660 181,098 0
9 UK 24,000,101 196,821 0
10 Russia 21,579,812 391,890 50
20 Indonesia 6,653,469 159,735 59
37 South Africa 4,040,980 102,428 0

Holiday Watch

25 Greece 5,360,506 34,178 0
53 Pakistan 1,575,125 30,630 0
61 Croatia 1,253,087 17,306 8

Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au

Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.

Australian daily hospitalisation figures.

Australia NSW Victoria Sth Australia
Daily Hospitalisations 2634 551
  Daily Deaths 19 19
In ICU 88 22
Total Deaths 16119 6022
Daily Tests Carried Out PCR Total New Cases 4149

Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/

ASX200 at 7241 up 0.1% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 98.3% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 95.9% have had 2 dose & 69.3% have had 3 doses and 25.3% have had 4th doses. (SA 95.4/93.7/71.2/28.6).

The world has passed 646 million reported cases of Covid-19

Young people all around China are beginning to protest against the government, not only about the Covid-19 policy

The youth are also protesting in Hong Kong in a show of support for those on mainland China.


30 November 2022 Wednesday

228 (224) countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

North Korea was the last country to report its first Covid-19 case in May 2022.

Rank Country Total Cases Total Deaths New Deaths GF 7d Av GF 14d  Av
WHO Data WORLD 646,871,312 6,638,467 1504 1.23 1.30
14 Australia 10655596 16124 5 0.05 0.05
(78) Sth Aust
(41) Victoria 2732762 6027 5 0.17 0.20
(39) NSW
49 NZ 1945117 2212 30
1 USA 100,526,312 1,105,029 219
2 India 44,673,379 530,615 1
5 Brazil 35,268,255 689,717 157
8 Italy 24,260,660 181,098 0
9 UK 24,000,101 196,821 0
10 Russia 21,584,740 391,943 53
20 Indonesia 6,659,235 159,789 54
37 South Africa 4,041,445 102,428 0

Holiday Watch

25 Greece 5,360,506 34,178 0
53 Pakistan 1,575,147 30,631 1
61 Croatia 1,253,306 17,312 6

Data sources as per previous months. * Australia data now from covidlive.com.au

Victoria’s case number data appears to have changed.

Australian daily hospitalisation figures.

Australia NSW Victoria Sth Australia
Daily Hospitalisations 2661 578
  Daily Deaths 5 5
In ICU 88 22
Total Deaths 16124 6027
Daily Tests Carried Out PCR Total New Cases 4378

Daily testing numbers now obtained from https://www.covid19data.com.au/

ASX200 at 7253 up 0.3% from the close from the previous close.

Australia has vaccinated 98.3% of its population aged 16 & over with at least 1 dose of a vaccine & 95.9% have had 2 dose & 69.3% have had 3 doses and 25.3% have had 4th doses. (SA 95.4/93.7/71.2/28.6).

The world has passed 646 million reported cases of Covid-19

China’s top health officials are looking to try and reduce the Covid-19 control measures impact on people’s lives, deflecting criticisms of the policy itself.

There are mounting concerns over Twitters lack of enforcement of Covid-19 misinformation tweets.

In China, authorities are calling for a crackdown on “hostile forces” behind what has been labelled misinformation and sabotage that has resulted in the recent wave of protests in the country.



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