1 May 2020 Friday
WHO DATA There are 3,303,850 confirmed cases of COVID-19 worldwide, with 233,813 deaths
There are 6762 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Australia, with 92 deaths, 16 new cases
In South Australia there are 438 confirmed cases of COVID-19 SA, with 4 deaths. No change
Italy currently has 101,551active positive cases of COVID-19, 27967 deaths and 75,945 recovered cases.282 new deaths, down from the day before.
USA currently has 1,094,730 positive cases of COVID-19, 63,841 deaths. 2651 new deaths,
NZ currently has 1129 confirmed cases of COVID-19, 19 deaths. An increase of 3 cases
216 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 179 have reported deaths
ASX closed at 5522, up 2.4%
A Victorian Health Official is getting flack due to a personal twitter post comparing the Coronavirus with Captain Cooks landing 250 years ago.

2 May 2020 Saturday
WHO DATA There are 3,398,458 confirmed cases of COVID-19 worldwide, with 239,443 deaths
There are 6767 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Australia, with 93 deaths, 5 new cases
In South Australia there are 438 confirmed cases of COVID-19 SA, with 4 deaths. No change
Italy currently has 100,943 active positive cases of COVID-19, 28236 deaths and 75,945 recovered cases.269 new deaths, down from the day before.
USA currently has 1,131,015 positive cases of COVID-19, 65748 deaths. 1307 new deaths,
NZ currently has 1132 confirmed cases of COVID-19, 19 deaths. An increase of 3 cases
219 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 180 have reported deaths
ASX closed at 5245, down 5.0%
North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un is apparently alive and has opened a new factory north of the NK capital.
3 May 2020 Sunday
WHO DATA There are 3,483,935 confirmed cases of COVID-19 worldwide, with 244,773 deaths
There are 6783 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Australia, with 93 deaths, 26 new cases
In South Australia there are 438 confirmed cases of COVID-19 SA, with 4 deaths. No change
Italy currently has 100,704 active positive cases of COVID-19, 28,710 deaths and 79,914 recovered cases. 474 new deaths, up from the day before.
USA currently has 1,160,774 positive cases of COVID-19, 67,444 deaths. 1696 new deaths,
NZ currently has 1136 confirmed cases of COVID-19, 20 deaths. An increase of 4 cases
219 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 180 have reported deaths
Boris Johnson, British PM, has named his newborn son, Wilfred Lawrie Nicholas Johnson, Nicholas after two of the doctors who looked after him when he had Covid-19.
An outbreak has been recorded at a Victorian meat processing plant, so far 14 workers have tested positive.
SA is indicating that playgrounds may reopen very soon under strict limitations
14th resident has died of Covid-19 at the Newmarch nursing home is Sydney’s west
5 May 2020 Tuesday
WHO DATA There are 3,640,692 confirmed cases of COVID-19 worldwide, with 251,692 deaths
There are 6825 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Australia, with 95 deaths, 43 new cases
In South Australia there are 438 confirmed cases of COVID-19 SA, with 4 deaths. No change
Italy currently has 99,980 active positive cases of COVID-19, 29,079 deaths and 82,879 recovered cases. 195 new deaths, up from the day before.
USA currently has 1,211,432 positive cases of COVID-19, 69,609 deaths. 1,043 new deaths,
NZ currently has 1137 confirmed cases of COVID-19, 20 deaths. An increase of 1 cases
219 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 181 have reported deaths
ASX closed at 5319, up 1.4%
Over 250,000 deaths world wide
The USA are making more claims that Chine with held vital information early about the virus, that the virus was released from the Viral Lab in Wuhan and that China delayed telling the world so they could stock up on medical equipment.
NZ PM Christine Ardern to join the Federal Cabinet meeting today, they are expected to talk about opening borders between NZ and Australia in a quarantine “Bubble”
The USA are pushing the Malaria drug “Remdesivir” for the treatment of Covid-19 amid doubts to its effectiveness and possible side effects.
It is being reported that Australia is loosing around $4B a week due to the economic effect of the virus.
It appears that more and more countries around the world are pushing to open up, but at what cost?
6 May 2020 Wednesday
WHO DATA There are 3,722,693 confirmed cases of COVID-19 worldwide, with 257,896 deaths
There are 6849 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Australia, with 96 deaths, 24 new cases
In South Australia there are 438 confirmed cases of COVID-19 SA, with 4 deaths. No change
Italy currently has 98,467 active positive cases of COVID-19, 29,315 deaths and 85,231 recovered cases. 246 new deaths, up from the day before.
USA currently has 1,236,141 positive cases of COVID-19, 72,167 deaths. 2558 new deaths,
NZ currently has 1137 confirmed cases of COVID-19, 20 deaths. An increase of 1 cases
219 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 182 have reported deaths
ASX closed at 5407, up 1.6%
Trump is back peddling again. Now he is saying that China didn’t mean to let the virus out and that he doesn’t think it now got out of a lab in Wuhan
The USA id now expecting deaths from Covid-19 to be around 100,000
SA has had its 14th day without a new case of Covid-19
A new aggressive mutated strain of the virus is emerging
The UK now has the most deaths of any European country
Treasurer Josh Frydenburg is under 24/7 security now as the result of threats
7 May 2020 Thursday
WHO DATA There are 3,818,576 confirmed cases of COVID-19 worldwide, with 264,807 deaths
There are 6875 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Australia, with 97 deaths, 26 new cases
In South Australia there are 438 confirmed cases of COVID-19 SA, with 4 deaths. No change
Italy currently has 91,528 active positive cases of COVID-19, 29,684 deaths and 93,245 recovered cases. 469 new deaths, up from the day before.
USA currently has 1,262,692 positive cases of COVID-19, 74,791 deaths. 2624 new deaths,
NZ currently has 1138 confirmed cases of COVID-19, 21 deaths. An increase of 1 cases
219 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 182 have reported deaths
ASX closed at 5384, down 0.4%
US President Trump has reversed his decision to disband their Covid-19 Commission, saying it does good work.
The cluster outbreaks at the Victorian Meatworks and the Sydney nursing home both continue to have more cases associated with them and more deaths.
SA has now had 14 straight days without a new case, 1 incubation period!
UK now has the second highest death rate from Covid-19 in the world
There are now only 25 countries around the world that are yet to officially report a Covid-19 case, that list includes North Korea and 17 small Pacific Ocean states.
8 May 2020 Friday
WHO DATA There are 3,912,301 confirmed cases of COVID-19 worldwide, with 270,348 deaths
There are 6896 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Australia, with 97 deaths, 21 new cases
In South Australia there are 439 confirmed cases of COVID-19 SA, with 4 deaths. 1 new case
Italy currently has 89,624 active positive cases of COVID-19, 29,958 deaths and 96,267 recovered cases. 274 new deaths, down from the day before.
USA currently has 1,292,089 positive cases of COVID-19, 76,904 deaths. 2132 new deaths,
NZ currently has 1139 confirmed cases of COVID-19, 21 deaths. An increase of 1 cases
219 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 182 have reported deaths
ASX closed at 5391, up 0.5%
The Federal Cabinet announced a 3 stepped process to bring Australia’s society and business back “on-line”, the process will be State driven, with each state deciding on its own timing for each step, PM Scot Morrison set a target of mid July for Australia to be opened up fully, internally at least.
Below is the SA plan going forward.

9 May 2020 Saturday
WHO DATA There are 4,009,911 confirmed cases of COVID-19 worldwide, with 275,934 deaths
There are 6914 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Australia, with 97 deaths, 18 new cases
In South Australia there are 439 confirmed cases of COVID-19 SA, with 4 deaths. 0 new case
Italy currently has 87,961 active positive cases of COVID-19, 30,201 deaths and 99,023 recovered cases. 243 new deaths, down from the day before.
USA currently has 1,321,122 positive cases of COVID-19, 76,904 deaths. 1673 new deaths,
NZ currently has 1141 confirmed cases of COVID-19, 21 deaths. An increase of 1 cases
219 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 182 have reported deaths
The USA now has more than a quarter (27.8%) of the world’s death toll from the virus
There are now over 20,000,000 people out of work in the USA
And yet over 30 states are starting to wind back social restrictions. The table below shows how the USA has been doing.
10 wks ago: 0 deaths
9 wks ago: 12 deaths
8 wks ago: 41 deaths
7 wks ago: 195 deaths
6 wks ago: 1,195 deaths
5 wks ago: 5,983 deaths
4 wks ago: 16,684 deaths
3 wks ago: 33,268 deaths
2 wks ago: 49,887 deaths
1 wk ago: 63,006 deaths
Seems like the right move to remove restrictions???!!! NOT!
UK is saying they will be plunged into the worst recession in 300 years, with it’s economy shrinking by 1/3.
Shopping centres were crowded , the day before Mother’s Day, everyone seems to have forgotten Social Distancing, it’s crazy!!
10 May 2020 Sunday
WHO DATA There are 4,097,513 confirmed cases of COVID-19 worldwide, with 280,167 deaths
There are 6941 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Australia, with 97 deaths, 12 new cases
In South Australia there are 439 confirmed cases of COVID-19 SA, with 4 deaths. 0 new case
Italy currently has 84,842 active positive cases of COVID-19, 30,395 deaths and 103,031 recovered cases. 194 new deaths, down from the day before.
USA currently has 1,346,708 positive cases of COVID-19, 80,022 deaths. 3148 new deaths,
NZ currently has 1142 confirmed cases of COVID-19, 21 deaths. An increase of 1 cases
219 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 182 have reported deaths
Protesters in Sydney and Melbourne clash with police as they protest against the Covid-19 Lockdowns and 5G Phone systems. Many seem to be Anti-vaxers.
Adelaide Crows AFL team to face penalties for breaching AFL training protocols
11 May 2020 Monday
WHO DATA There are 4,176,459 confirmed cases of COVID-19 worldwide, with 283,658 deaths
There are 6929 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Australia, with 97 deaths, 15 new cases
In South Australia there are 439 confirmed cases of COVID-19 SA, with 4 deaths. 0 new case
Italy currently has 83,324 active positive cases of COVID-19, 30,560 deaths and 105,186 recovered cases. 165 new deaths, down from the day before.
USA currently has 1,366,406 positive cases of COVID-19, 80,022 deaths. 717 new deaths,
NZ currently has 1144 confirmed cases of COVID-19, 21 deaths. An increase of 2 cases
219 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 182 have reported deaths
ASX closed at 5391, up 0.5%
With relaxed restrictions coming in soon and Mother’s Day, the thought of Social Distancing seemed to go out the window over the weekend, and everyone was blaming everyone else!. Bring on the next wave!!
Trump hits back Obama, saying he didn’t handle the SARS crisis of 2007 very well
Chin ais threatening 80% tariffs on Australian grain in retaliation for the Australian Governments push for an enquiry into the Coronavirus outbreak.
12 May 2020 Tuesday
WHO DATA There are 4,246,785 confirmed cases of COVID-19 worldwide, with 286,740 deaths
There are 6948 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Australia, with 97 deaths, 19 new cases
In South Australia there are 439 confirmed cases of COVID-19 SA, with 4 deaths. 0 new case
Italy currently has 82,488 active positive cases of COVID-19, 30,7390 deaths and 106,587 recovered cases. 179 new deaths, up from the day before.
USA currently has 1,384,033 positive cases of COVID-19, 81,703 deaths. 1601 new deaths,
NZ currently has 1147 confirmed cases of COVID-19, 21 deaths. An increase of 3 cases
219 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 182 have reported deaths
ASX closed at 5403, down 1.1%
UK is descending into disarray, as PM Boris Johnson is say to everyone top reduce restrictions and the Leaders of the individual member states are telling everyone to stay home.
Trump still in denial President Trump & VP Pence are both refusing to wear face masks despite a directive being issued for everyone in the White House to wear them due to an outbreak in the White House.
13 May 2020 Wednesday
WHO DATA There are 4,3367,105 confirmed cases of COVID-19 worldwide, with 292,403 deaths
There are 6964 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Australia, with 97 deaths, 16 new cases
In South Australia there are 439 confirmed cases of COVID-19 SA, with 4 deaths. 0 new case
Italy currently has 81,266 active positive cases of COVID-19, 30,911 deaths and 109,039 recovered cases. 172 new deaths, down from the day before.
USA currently has 1,408,377 positive cases of COVID-19, 83,377 deaths. 1674 new deaths,
NZ currently has 1147 confirmed cases of COVID-19, 21 deaths. An increase of 3 cases
219 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 182 have reported deaths
ASX closed at 5403, down 1.3%
Josh Frydenburg has tested negative to Covid-19 after having a prolonged coughing fit while delivering a budgetary speech in Parliament
Trump is continuing to blame China for all things Covid-19, even the things he is responsible for
14 May 2020 Thursday
WHO DATA There are 4,424,839 confirmed cases of COVID-19 worldwide, with 297,718 deaths
There are 6975 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Australia, with 98 deaths, 11 new cases
In South Australia there are 439 confirmed cases of COVID-19 SA, with 4 deaths. 0 new case
Italy currently has 78,457 active positive cases of COVID-19, 31,106 deaths and 112,541 recovered cases. 195 new deaths, up from the day before.
USA currently has 1,429,773 positive cases of COVID-19, 85,172 deaths. 1795 new deaths,
NZ currently has 1147 confirmed cases of COVID-19, 21 deaths. An increase of 3 cases
220 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 182 have reported deaths
ASX closed at 5422, up 0.3%
US President Trump is ignoring advice from top Immunologists that the USA is facing a grim future if they open up to early/quickly
Brazil now has more cases than France, it just had 11,385 new cases in 24 hrs, it now has more than177,700 cases
It appears that approximately 5% of the Spanish population has been infected with the Coronavirus. Spain has 229,000 confirmed cases of Covid-19, with many more going undetected.
Hong Kong protestors are back, ignoring Social Distancing and protesting about China’s “influence” on the Hog Kong Government.
China has launched a campaign to test every citizen in Wuhan, all 11,000,000 of them, after fears have arisen that a second wave may be underway.
Adelaide Crows are moving interstate after the Sate Health authorities refused a request for exemption from the State’s quarantine laws
Some REALLY interesting chart data about the spread https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-05-13/coronavirus-numbers-worldwide-data-tracking-charts/12107500?nw=0
The WHO is saying that the Coronavirus may become “just another endemic virus”
A new drug under trials in Russia for treating Covid-19 symptoms, “Favipiravir”, is showing positive early results.
15 May 2020 Friday
WHO DATA There are 4,509,271 confirmed cases of COVID-19 worldwide, with 302,336 deaths
There are 6989 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Australia, with 98 deaths, 14 new cases
In South Australia there are 439 confirmed cases of COVID-19 SA, with 4 deaths. 0 new case
Italy currently has 76,440 active positive cases of COVID-19, 31,368 deaths and 114,588 recovered cases. 262 new deaths, up from the day before.
USA currently has 1,451,696 positive cases of COVID-19, 86,603 deaths. 1431 new deaths,
NZ currently has 1147 confirmed cases of COVID-19, 21 deaths. An increase of 3 cases
220 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 182 have reported deaths
ASX closed at 5404, up 1.4%
South Australia is in a very good position with respect to the Coronavirus / Covid-19, 105 days since the state had NO active Covid-19 cases
The Cluster in the Victorian meatworks has now reached 98, with infections in a McDonald’s store linked back to it.
Shop break-ins are up and driving Offences are down in SA

16 May 2020 Saturday
WHO DATA There are 4,624,034 confirmed cases of COVID-19 worldwide, with 308,450 deaths
There are 7016 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Australia, with 98 deaths, 31 new cases
In South Australia there are 439 confirmed cases of COVID-19 SA, with 4 deaths. 0 new case
Italy currently has 72,070 active positive cases of COVID-19, 31,610 deaths and 120,205 recovered cases. 242 new deaths, down from the day before.
USA currently has 1,484,285 positive cases of COVID-19, 88,507 deaths. 1602 new deaths,
NZ currently has 1148 confirmed cases of COVID-19, 21 deaths. An increase of 1 cases
220 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 183 have reported deaths
One of America’s most famous department stores, JC Penney, has filed for bankruptcy.
Trump is still in denial and saying he doesn’t know experts who have been advising the Oval Office
Reports are coming out of The Netherlands that there are dogs and cats testing positive to the Coronavirus
Five sailors on the USS Theodore Roosevelt aircraft carrier have contracted Covid-19 twice.
Australia is still opening up , gradually, except for the NT where is seems it is “party time” with pubs, restaurants and cafes opening up
17 May 2020 Sunday
WHO DATA There are 4,716,832 confirmed cases of COVID-19 worldwide, with 312,384 deaths
There are 7036 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Australia, with 98 deaths, 20 new cases
In South Australia there are 439 confirmed cases of COVID-19 SA, with 4 deaths. 0 new case
Italy currently has 70,187 active positive cases of COVID-19, 31,763 deaths and 122,810 recovered cases. 153 new deaths, down from the day before.
USA currently has 1,507,725 positive cases of COVID-19, 88,507 deaths. 1088 new deaths,
NZ currently has 1148 confirmed cases of COVID-19, 21 deaths. An increase of 1 cases
220 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 183 have reported deaths
The USA has just passed 1,500,000 cases of Covid-19, and at the current death rate will pass 100,000 deaths around 25 May, or about 12 weeks from its first case.
18 May 2020 Monday
WHO DATA There are 4,796,699 confirmed cases of COVID-19 worldwide, with 316,434 deaths
There are 7045 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Australia, with 98 deaths, 9 new cases
In South Australia there are 439 confirmed cases of COVID-19 SA, with 4 deaths. 0 new case
Italy currently has 68,351 active positive cases of COVID-19, 31,908 deaths and 125,176 recovered cases. 145 new deaths, down from the day before.
USA currently has 1,526,166 positive cases of COVID-19, 90,931 deaths. 1424 new deaths,
NZ currently has 1149 confirmed cases of COVID-19, 21 deaths. An increase of 1 cases
220 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 184 have reported deaths, Nepal and Madagascar reported their first fatalities
Public transport and social distancing is a huge problem here in Adelaide and in other places
More Australian States are loosening restrictions and opening their economies, but are still emphasising Social Distancing.
Many USA states are opening up while there is still raging cases and outbreaks within them.
19 May 2020 Tuesday
WHO DATA There are 4,885,038 confirmed cases of COVID-19 worldwide, with 309,779 deaths
There are 7060 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Australia, with 99 deaths, 15 new cases
In South Australia there are 439 confirmed cases of COVID-19 SA, with 4 deaths. 0 new case
Italy currently has 66,553 active positive cases of COVID-19, 32,007 deaths and 127,326 recovered cases. 115 new deaths, down from the day before.
USA currently has 1,548.830 positive cases of COVID-19, 91,873 deaths. 932 new deaths,
NZ currently has 1149 confirmed cases of COVID-19, 21 deaths. An increase of 1 cases
220 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 184 have reported deaths, Nepal and Madagascar reported their first fatalities
ASX closed at 5559, up 1.8%
President Trump has said he has been taking the antimalarial drug, hydroxychloroquine, despite no proof it can help against Covid-19
The WHO met last night and has agreed to investigate the Coronavirus pandemic, China’s President Xi has agreed to a comprehensive investigation into the coronavirus pandemic after it has become under control and has committed $2b to the fight
China has imposed an 80% tariff on Australian Barley
Chinese Ambassador to Australia has labelled Australia’s claim of “victory” in getting agreement for the Coronavirus Inquiry a joke!
Brazil has an escalating number of cases of Covid-19, it seems to be running out of control with over 250,000 reported cases and over 17,000 deaths. President Bolsonaro has joined the anti-lockdown protests.
Coronavirus has spread across all 11 of Russia’s time zones.
Japan is heading into recession
20 May 2020 Wednesday
WHO DATA There are 4981,338 confirmed cases of COVID-19 worldwide, with 324,464 deaths
There are 7068 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Australia, with 100 deaths, 8 new cases
In South Australia there are 439 confirmed cases of COVID-19 SA, with 4 deaths. 0 new case
Italy currently has 65,129 active positive cases of COVID-19, 32,169 deaths and 129,401 recovered cases. 162 new deaths, up from the day before.
USA currently has 1,569,916 positive cases of COVID-19, 93,486 deaths. 1613 new deaths,
NZ currently has 1153 confirmed cases of COVID-19, 21 deaths. An increase of 4 cases
220 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 184 have reported deaths,
ASX closed at 5573, up 0.4%
China steps up rhetoric against Australia, saying in social media via an un-named source “giant kangaroo that serves as a dog of the US”.
USA backs Australia’s lead
SA begins lifting restrictions from Fri 22nd
Brazil now has 3rd worst Coronavirus/ Covid-19 record
USA looking toner entrance of people from Latin & South America.
Cambridge University in the UK has gone to almost 100% on-line learning for the next 18 months
21 May 2020 Thursday
WHO DATA There are 5,082,243 confirmed cases of COVID-19 worldwide, with 329,239 deaths
There are 7079 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Australia, with 100 deaths, 11 new cases
In South Australia there are 439 confirmed cases of COVID-19 SA, with 4 deaths. 0 new case
Italy currently has 62,752 active positive cases of COVID-19, 32,330 deaths and 132,281 recovered cases. 161 new deaths, down from the day before.
USA currently has 1,591,575 positive cases of COVID-19, 94,960 deaths. 1478 new deaths,
NZ currently has 1153 confirmed cases of COVID-19, 21 deaths. An increase of 0 cases
220 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 184 have reported deaths,
ASX closed at 5550, down 0.4%
Total number of Covid-19 cases in the world passes 5,000,000
WHO reports the most new infections in one day at 106,000
A category 5 cyclone has hit NE India/Bangladesh, displacing more than 2.6 million people.
Trump slams China over global “mass killings” as the 50 states of the USA start to open up
Spain has made the wearing of masks compulsory in public spaces
Cases of Coronavirus in Russia exceeds 300,000
At 271,885, Brazil now has more Covid-19 cases than the UK, Spain and China
22 May 2020 Friday
WHO DATA There are 5,188,039 confirmed cases of COVID-19 worldwide, with 334,012 deaths
There are 7081 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Australia, with 100 deaths, 2 new cases
In South Australia there are 439 confirmed cases of COVID-19 SA, with 4 deaths. 0 new case
Italy currently has 30,960 active positive cases of COVID-19, 32,484 deaths and 134,560 recovered cases. 156 new deaths, down from the day before.
USA currently has 1,619,445 positive cases of COVID-19, 96,242 deaths. 1282 new deaths,
NZ currently has 1153 confirmed cases of COVID-19, 21 deaths. An increase of 0 cases
220 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 185 have reported deaths,
ASX closed at 5497, down 1.0%
Almost 39 million Americans have filed for unemployment benefits
Wild Wet Meat markets in Wuhan are being closed down
China is going to impose stricter control over Hong Kong as protests continue
NSW Premier has announced that as of 1 June up to 50 dinners will be allowed in cafes, restaurants and pubs
Federal Government has revealed a $60 billion overstatement mistake in the accounting for the Coronavirus measures.
23 May 2020 Saturday
WHO DATA There are 5,298,026 confirmed cases of COVID-19 worldwide, with 339,413 deaths
220 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 185 have reported deaths,
Country | Total Cases | Total Deaths | New Deaths |
Australia | 7093 | 101 | 1 |
South Australia | 439 | 4 | 0 |
NZ | 1154 | 21 | 0 |
USA | 1,644,915 | 97,635 | 1393 |
Italy | 228,658 | 32,616 | 132 |
UK | 254,195 | 36393 | 351 |
Brazil | 330,890 | 21,048 | 966 |
In SA up to 10 people inside and 10 people outside will be permitted at all licensed venues
Trump is calling for the reopening of “places of worship”
Predictions the USA unemployment rate could hit 23%
NSW is approaching 500,000 Covid-19 tests
The UK will require “most” people entering the country to self isolate for 14 days from the 8 June 2020
Two tweets stemming from the USA seem to sum up the two sides of the Covid-19 story at present:
Lloyd Blankfein @lloydblankfein May 22
Hospitals are not overwhelmed; most of us will be exposed anyway since we can’t sequester until there’s a vax; and we know which groups need protection from worst outcomes. Is the public health benefit from broad lockdowns at this point worth such extreme damage to livelihoods?
Neel Kashkari @neelkashkari
Genuinely curious, Lloyd: are you going back out to movie theatres, restaurants and commercial planes? Or are you sequestering until there’s a vax since you are in high risk age group? The people will determine the lockdown based on their own sense of safety.
24 May 2020 Sunday
WHO DATA There are 5,397,342 confirmed cases of COVID-19 worldwide, with 343,595 deaths
220 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 185 have reported deaths,
Country | Total Cases | Total Deaths | New Deaths |
Australia | 7106 | 102 | 1 |
South Australia | 439 | 4 | 0 |
USA | 1,666,409 | 98,673 | 1038 |
Italy | 229,327 | 32735 | 119 |
NZ | 1154 | 21 | 0 |
UK | 257.154 | 36,675 | 280 |
Brazil | 347,398 | 22,013 | 965 |
Just a thought, what happens when you compare the usual Influenza statistics to that of Covid-19
So to date, if we say Covid-19 has been around for 5 months (Jan to May), on today’s numbers, 6.37% of people contracting Covid-19 die from it.
Annually the current estimated figure for deaths usually associated with Influenza is 650,000. With a range of between 3% and 11% of all people getting symptomatic Influenza.
There are around 7.6 Billion people in the world. The top 50 countries account for 85.8% of the world’s population and 95.8% of the Covid-19 cases and 98.2% of the deaths due to Covid-19. But that means about 0.07% of the world’s population has had Covid-19
If the same stats are applied to Influenza, using a 3% Influenza infection rate.
That would result in 650,000 deaths from 228,000,000 cases or 0.3% death rate due to Influenza.
In Australia, on average, about 1,500 to 3,000 people die from Influenza and about 18,000 are hospitalised. There are around 300,000 doctor consultation for the flu each year. (1.2% of Australia’s population) So that gives a 1% death rate due to Flu per Doctor consultation in Australia. Australia currently has a death rate due to Covid-19 of 0.0004% by population.
25 May 2020 Monday
WHO DATA There are 5,490,720 confirmed cases of COVID-19 worldwide, with 346,319 deaths
220 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 185 have reported deaths,
Country | Total Cases | Total Deaths | New Deaths |
Australia | 7109 | 102 | 0 |
South Australia | 439 | 4 | 0 |
USA | 1,684,848 | 99,268 | 595 |
Italy | 229,858 | 32785 | 50 |
NZ | 1154 | 21 | 0 |
UK | 259,559 | 36,793 | 280 |
Brazil | 363,211 | 22,666 | 653 |
A trans-Tasman “Travel Bubble” may open soon
US announces travel ban to and from Brazil
Six new cases in Victoria
Europeans and Americans hitting the beaches among confusing messages from Governments
Across the country today more than 90% of school students expected to go to school
26 May 2020 Tuesday
WHO DATA There are 5,582,381 confirmed cases of COVID-19 worldwide, with 347,563 deaths
220 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 186 have reported deaths,
Country | Total Cases | Total Deaths | New Deaths |
Australia | 7118 | 102 | 0 |
South Australia | 439 | 4 | 0 |
USA | 1,706,168 | 99,268 | 536 |
Italy | 230,158 | 32,877 | 92 |
NZ | 1154 | 21 | 0 |
UK | 261,184 | 36,914 | 121 |
Brazil | 374,898 | 22,666 | 807 |
ASX closed at 5615, up 2.2%
Human vaccine trials have started in Australia
Memorial Day Weekend in the ISA has triggered huge crowds at beaches and waterparks
Trump under fire for playing golf both days on the weekend while the virus ravages America
The WHO has stopped its investigation and testing of the anti-malarial drug Hydroxychloroquine due to dangers to test subjects
Australian PM Scott Morrison to outline the plan for Economic Recovery in Australia.
15 new cases in Australia, 1 in SA from and overseas visitor let in on compassionate grounds, 6 in WA from a live export ship, 2 school students in Sydney tested positive and their schools were shut. In Qld a woman from the Ruby Princess has tested positive and 5 in Vic.
27 May 2020 Wednesday
WHO DATA There are 5,676,480 confirmed cases of COVID-19 worldwide, with 351,591 deaths
220 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 187 have reported deaths,
Country | Total Cases | Total Deaths | New Deaths |
Australia | 7133 | 102 | 0 |
South Australia | 440 | 4 | 0 |
USA | 1,725,178 | 100,540 | 1372 |
Italy | 230,555 | 32,955 | 78 |
NZ | 1154 | 21 | 0 |
UK | 265,227 | 37,048 | 134 |
Brazil | 391,222 | 22,666 | 1846 |
ASX closed at 5775, down 0.1%
USA has passed 100,000 deaths due to Covid-19. There are rumours around that this figure is probably very low
The WHO is warning the world that the crisis is actually ramping up NOT slowing down as countries like Brazil and India are experiencing surges in case numbers
Trump has warned the social media companies that they face strict regulation after Twitter put a “Fact Check” notice on some of his tweets about postal voting
28 May 2020 Thursday
WHO DATA There are 5,781,606 confirmed cases of COVID-19 worldwide, with 356,825 deaths
220 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 187 have reported deaths,
Country | Total Cases | Total Deaths | New Deaths |
Australia | 7139 | 103 | 1 |
South Australia | 440 | 4 | 0 |
NZ | 1154 | 21 | 0 |
USA | 1,745,647 | 102,094 | 1554 |
Italy | 231,139 | 33,072 | 117 |
UK | 267,240 | 37,460 | 412 |
Brazil | 411,821 | 25,598 | 2932 |
ASX closed at 5775, down 0.1%
Tourism authorities are hoping travel to NZ and Pacific Islands may be possible by July
The meat works in Victoria that was the center of a large Covid-19 cluster is set to reopen after the outbreak was contained and resolved.
National Cabinet has announced sweeping changes to the restrictions commencing 1 June.
In SA this means Pubs, cinemas, places of worship, beauty salons and other sites will now be permitted to have 20 people per room, up to a maximum of 80, on their premises as long as they comply with appropriate safeguards. People will also be allowed to consume alcohol at pubs and bars without a meal as long as they are seated.
Rugby League restarted tonight with a game between Parramatta and Brisbane played at Western Sydney Stadium (Parramatta won by a lot)
29 May 2020 Friday
WHO DATA There are 5,867,855 confirmed cases of COVID-19 worldwide, with 360,439 deaths
220 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 187 have reported deaths,
Country | Total Cases | Total Deaths | New Deaths |
Australia | 7139 | 103 | 1 |
South Australia | 440 | 4 | 0 |
NZ | 1154 | 21 | 0 |
USA | 1,765,235 | 103,230 | 1236 |
Russia | 379,051 | 4142 | 174 |
Italy | 231,732 | 33,142 | 70 |
UK | 269,127 | 37,837 | 377 |
Brazil | 419,340 | 25,945 | 347 |
ASX closed at 5755, down 1.6%
South Korea is shutting down again as a second wave of Covid-19 sweeps through the country
Twitter stepped up the “war” with President Donald Trump by labelling a tweet of his as “promoting violence” which was against their terms of service but published it anyway as a show of freedom of speech.
30 May 2020 Saturday
WHO DATA There are 6,025,443 confirmed cases of COVID-19 worldwide, with 366,401 deaths
220 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 187 have reported deaths,
Country | Total Cases | Total Deaths | New Deaths |
Australia | 7139 | 103 | 1 |
South Australia | 440 | 4 | 0 |
NZ | 1154 | 22 | 1 |
USA | 1,793,079 | 104,531 | 1201 |
Russia | 387,623 | 4374 | 323 |
Italy | 323,248 | 33,229 | 87 |
UK | 271,222 | 38,161 | 324 |
Brazil | 468,338 | 28,834 | 1180 |
The world passed 6 million cases of Covid-19 overnight
President Trump has said that the USA is pulling out of the WHO primarily due to (as he sees it) the unacceptable amount of influence China is imposing on The WHO
31 May 2020 Sunday
WHO DATA There are 6,146,601 confirmed cases of COVID-19 worldwide, with 370,452 deaths
220 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 187 have reported deaths,
Country | Total Cases | Total Deaths | New Deaths |
Australia | 7173 | 103 | 1 |
South Australia | 440 | 4 | 0 |
NZ | 1154 | 22 | 1 |
USA | 1,815,247 | 105,531 | 1000 |
Russia | 396,575 | 4555 | 181 |
Italy | 232,664 | 33,376 | 111 |
UK | 272,826 | 38,376 | 205 |
Brazil | 498,440 | 28,849 | 15 ? |
China has pledged $2 billion to the WHO over 4 years
USA President Trump has said that the USA will be winding back Hong Kong’s “Special Trade Status” due to China imposing new security legislation on the territory and putting the “One Country, Two systems” arrangement at risk.
More studies are coming out showing evidence of widespread Asymptomatic Covod-19.
USA President Trump has postponed the meeting of the G7 group of countries and is suggesting that Russia, South Korea, India and Australia be invited to join the group to make it more representative of the world economy.
News coming out of China is that they are 99% sure that a vaccine they currently have in phase 2 trials on 1000 patients for the Coronavirus will be effective.