1 June 2020 Monday
WHO DATA There are 6,245,706 confirmed cases of COVID-19 worldwide, with 373,346 deaths
220 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 187 have reported deaths,
Country | Total Cases | Total Deaths | New Deaths |
Australia | 7139 | 103 | 1 |
South Australia | 440 | 4 | 0 |
NZ | 1154 | 22 | 1 |
USA | 1834,502 | 106,141 | 584 |
Russia | 405,843 | 4693 | 138 |
Italy | 232,997 | 33,415 | 75 |
UK | 274,762 | 38,489 | 113 |
Brazil | 506,708 | 29,101 | 267 |
Brazil passes 500,000 cases
ASX at 5819 up 1.1%
Australia has 1 case on a ventilator in ICU, the first for some time.
India is looking like the next Covid-19 hotspot, its hospitals are already a long way over peak capacity and equipment is very sparse
Australia has a new regime of Restrictions coming into place today, they are:

2 June 2020 Tuesday
WHO DATA There are 6,361,539 confirmed cases of COVID-19 worldwide, with 377,150 deaths
220 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 188 have reported deaths,
Country | Total Cases | Total Deaths | New Deaths |
Australia | 7204 | 103 | 0 |
South Australia | 440 | 4 | 0 |
NZ | 1154 | 22 | 1 |
USA | 1,859,101 | 106,923 | 728 |
Russia | 414,878 | 4855 | 162 |
Italy | 233,197 | 33,475 | 60 |
UK | 276,332 | 39,045 | 556 |
Brazil | 529,018 | 30,046 | 732 |
ASX at 5819 up 1.1%
US President Trump has called in the Military and National Guard to quell the riots that continue after the killing by police of George Floyd ( On May 25 a black man who died after a policeman knelt with his knee n the back of hiss neck for almost 10mins) in Minneapolis. Riots have progressively extended all over the USA since that date and are morphing into a Black Rights campaign.
A young mans death in Blackwater, a Qld coal mining town, was put down to Covid-19 has now been confirmed as NOT Covid-19 related and the town is very upset after all the disruption that was caused due to a fear of a Covid-19 outbreak.
Health authorities are warning that Covid-19 might become an ongoing annual winter disease.
Russia has recorded 9,000 new cases in one day.
It seems that Belgium is one of the most honest countries in the world for reporting deaths due to the Coronavirus. With 11.5 million population it has reported 815 deaths due to Covid-19 for 1 million residents, compared to 580 in Spain, 565 in Britain, 551 in Italy, 440 in France, 435 in Sweden and 313 in the United States.
It makes you wonder what the REAL death rates are.
3 June 2020 Wednesday
WHO DATA There are 6,470,285 confirmed cases of COVID-19 worldwide, with 381,624 deaths
220 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 188 have reported deaths,
Country | Total Cases | Total Deaths | New Deaths* |
Australia | 7221 | 103 | 0 |
South Australia | 440 | 4 | 0 |
NZ | 1154 | 22 | 0 |
USA | 1,879.542 | 108,026 | 1197 |
Russia | 423,741 | 5037 | 182 |
Italy | 233,515 | 33,530 | 55 |
UK | 277,985 | 39,369 | 324 |
Brazil | 555,129 | 31,243 | 1197 |
New deaths number comes from WHO Data table @ https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries
ASX at 5835 up 0.3%
South Korea clamps down more as virus cases continue to rise in second wave.
Research has shown that Australians were the first/quickest panic buyers at the onset of the pandemic
The annual Hong Kong Protest/Vigil/Commemoration of the Tiananmen Square Massacre has been denied by Hong Kong Authorities for the first time in 30 years. Authorities claim it is on the basis of the Coronavirus, while others are saying it is more political influence from mainland China.
4 June 2020 Thursday
WHO DATA There are 6,561,235 confirmed cases of COVID-19 worldwide, with 386,731 deaths
220 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 188 have reported deaths,
Country | Total Cases | Total Deaths | New Deaths* |
Australia | 7221 | 103 | 0 |
South Australia | 440 | 4 | 0 |
NZ | 1154 | 22 | 0 |
USA | 1901,522 | 109,081 | 1081 |
Russia | 432,277 | 5215 | 178 |
Italy | 233,836 | 33,601 | 71 |
UK | 279,856 | 39,728 | 359 |
Brazil | 583,980 | 32,547 | 1269 |
New deaths number comes from WHO Data table @ https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries
ASX at 5941 up 01.8%
The world has passed 6,500,000 cases of Covid-19
The Australian Treasurer, Josh Frydenberg has called a Recession in Australia, before the necessary 2 quarters of negative economic growth had occurred. He said that the June quarter was going to be much worse than the March Qtr, so he called it early. This is something anyone under 30 now has never experienced.
China has tested just under 10 million people is Wuhan in 19 days and found just 300 asymptomatic cases of Covid-19
China’s economic recovery is gaining pace, and well ahead of the rest of the world.
China is looking to build a new automatous economic zoned area in the southern island province of Hainan, possibly to replace Hong Kong. Its aim seems to be to make it a transport and logistics hub, and attract a range of industries such as financial services, technology, education, and medical tourism as well as shipping and logistics.
India and Pakistan are facing the worst locust plague in 27 years
Another cyclone is approaching Mumbai in India.
Rioting and protests continue throughout the USA as the protests move from “just” about the George Floyd murder to wider racial tensions and a push for cultural change.
5 June 2020 Friday
WHO DATA There are 6,688,678 confirmed cases of COVID-19 worldwide, with 392,123 deaths
220 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 188 have reported deaths,
Country | Total Cases | Total Deaths | New Deaths* |
Australia | 7240 | 102 | 0 |
South Australia | 440 | 4 | 0 |
NZ | 1154 | 22 | 0 |
USA | 1,923,636 | 110,171 | 1029 |
Russia | 441,108 | 5384 | 169 |
Italy | 234,013 | 33,689 | 88 |
UK | 281,661 | 39,904 | 176 |
Brazil | 612,862 | 33,884 | 1337 |
New deaths number comes from WHO Data table @ https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries
ASX at 5998 up 0.1%
“Black lives matter” protests are planned around Australia for the week end amid a debate over social distancing and if / how the rallies can be permitted to go ahead.
The USA has had nearly 43 million people file for unemployment benefits during the pandemic and it is heading towards an unemployment rate of 20% (during the GFC it got to 10%)
6 June 2020 Saturday
WHO DATA There are 6,839,429 confirmed cases of COVID-19 worldwide, with 397,446 deaths
220 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 188 have reported deaths,
Country | Total Cases | Total Deaths | New Deaths* |
Australia | 7240 | 102 | 0 |
South Australia | 440 | 4 | 0 |
NZ | 1154 | 22 | 0 |
USA | 1,965,708 | 111,390 | 975 |
Russia | 449,834 | 5528 | 144 |
Italy | 234,531 | 33,774 | 85 |
UK | 283,311 | 40,261 | 357 |
Brazil | 646,006 | 35,047 | 1008 |
New deaths number comes from WHO Data table @ https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries
“Black lives matter” protest approved for Adelaide but authorities will be out enforcing social distancing.
Sydney organisers have lost a High Court challenge by the NSW Government and have been denied a permit to hold a rally.
China has imposed a Travel Warning for its citizens for all travel to Australia, saying there is increased racial violence towards Asians due to the Coronavirus.
The UK has passed 40, 000 deaths due to Covid-19 and the government is opening up their economy and dropping restrictions, against the medical experts warnings.
India has recorded another spike/second wave of Covid-19 cases
Medical waste, such as facemasks, are washing up on Spanish coasts as a fallout of the pandemic
Japan is aiming to have a Coronavirus Vaccine in use by June 2021, in time for the delayed Olympic Games
The WHO is warning all countries that the Coronavirus pandemic is nowhere near ending
The WHO has also broadened its recommendations for the wearing of facemasks to areas where social distancing is not possible, such as public transport
7 June 2020 Sunday
WHO DATA There are 6,973,243 confirmed cases of COVID-19 worldwide, with 402,047 deaths
220 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 188 have reported deaths,
Country | Total Cases | Total Deaths | New Deaths* |
Australia | 7255 | 102 | 0 |
South Australia | 440 | 4 | 0 |
NZ | 1154 | 22 | 0 |
USA | 1,988,544 | 112,096 | 506 |
Russia | 458,689 | 5725 | 197 |
Italy | 234,801 | 33,846 | 72 |
UK | 254,868 | 40,465 | 204 |
Brazil | 675,830 | 36,026 | 979 |
New deaths number comes from WHO Data table @ https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries
The world has just passed 400,000 Covid-19 fatalities
“Black lives matter” (BLM) protest in Adelaide attracted a crowd of around 5,000 and social distancing was “sort of” carried out, but on a very loose basis.
The BLM protests all around the country went ahead without any violence. The Sydney protest march was approved by the High Court with only minutes to spare.
Australian Health Authorities are worried about a spike in Covid-19 cases after the BLM rallies yesterday.
Trump is putting his foot in it again, using the name of George Floyd (whose death sparked the BLM protests and riots in the USA) saying he would approve of his race relations stance and his economic prowess!
8 June 2020 Monday
WHO DATA There are 7,081,775 confirmed cases of COVID-19 worldwide, with 405,074 deaths
220 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 188 have reported deaths,
Country | Total Cases | Total Deaths | New Deaths* |
Australia | 7260 | 102 | 0 |
South Australia | 440 | 4 | 0 |
NZ | 1154 | 22 | 0 |
USA | 2,007,413 | 112,469 | 373 |
Russia | 467,673 | 5859 | 134 |
Italy | 234,998 | 33,899 | 53 |
UK | 286,194 | 40,542 | 77 |
Brazil | 691,962 | 36,499 | 473 |
New deaths number comes from WHO Data table @ https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries
The world has just passed 7,000,000 Covid-19 cases
The USA has just passes 2,000,000 Covid-19 cases
China is threatening even more wider “actions” against Australia
Health Authorities and Politicians are fearful of increased Covid-19 spread resulting from the rallies over the weekend and are pleading for prospective future rallies to be delayed/cancelled.
New Zealand has lowered its Covid-19 response to Level 1 and is removing all restrictions within the country as it has had no active Coronavirus /Covid-19 cases for over 19 days . Its international boarders will remain closed. It is the first country in the world to reach this point.
9 June 2020 Tuesday
WHO DATA There are 7,183,906 confirmed cases of COVID-19 worldwide, with 408,028 deaths
220 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 189 have reported deaths,
Country | Total Cases | Total Deaths | New Deaths* |
Australia | 7265 | 102 | 0 |
South Australia | 440 | 4 | 0 |
NZ | 1154 | 22 | 0 |
USA | 2,025,440 | 113,049 | 580 |
Russia | 476,658 | 5971 | 112 |
Italy | 235,278 | 33964 | 65 |
UK | 287,399 | 40,597 | 55 |
Brazil | 707,412 | 37,134 | 635 |
New deaths number comes from WHO Data table @ https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries
ASX at 6145 up 2.4%
SA Government have banned any new BLM protests for the foreseeable future as they are deemed too risky
AFL Showdown between Adelaide Crows and Port Power will go ahead this week end with a crowd of 2500, in the 50,000+ seat Adelaide Oval. Tickets by ballot.
10 June 2020 Wednesday
WHO DATA There are 7,305,160 confirmed cases of COVID-19 worldwide, with 412,858 deaths
220 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 189 have reported deaths,
Country | Total Cases | Total Deaths | New Deaths* |
Australia | 7267 | 102 | 0 |
South Australia | 440 | 4 | 0 |
NZ | 1154 | 22 | 0 |
USA | 2,043,819 | 114,116 | 1061 |
Russia | 485,253 | 6142 | 171 |
Italy | 235,561 | 34,043 | 79 |
UK | 289,140 | 40,883 | 286 |
Brazil | 739,503 | 38,406 | 1094 |
New deaths number comes from WHO Data table @ https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries
ASX at 6145 up 2.4%
South Australia, Western Australia, the Northern Territory and Queensland are negotiating for a travel bubble between the states and territories, as all have very good Covid019 control.
China has started a worlds first trial of Covid-19 neutralising antibodies on healthy human subjects.
11 June 2020 Thursday
WHO DATA There are 7,440,966 confirmed cases of COVID-19 worldwide, with 417,991 deaths
220 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 189 have reported deaths,
Country | Total Cases | Total Deaths | New Deaths* |
Australia | 7276 | 102 | 0 |
South Australia | 440 | 4 | 0 |
NZ | 1154 | 22 | 0 |
USA | 2,064,707 | 115,115 | 967 |
Russia | 493,657 | 6358 | 216 |
Italy | 235,763 | 34,114 | 71 |
UK | 290,143 | 41,128 | 245 |
Brazil | 772,416 | 39,680 | 1183 |
New deaths number comes from WHO Data table @ https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries
ASX at 6148 up 0.1%
A person who attended the BLM protest in Melbourne over last weekend has tested positive to Covid-19, It will be interesting to see the fallout (medically and politically)
PM Scott Morrison is pushing hard for all states to have their borders open by the July school holidays.
China is instituting internal stopovers to one of 16 cities for all international flights to Beijing to allow for Covid-19 testing. One of the “diversion” cities is Wuhan!
Australian government is now forecasting unemployment to peak at 8%, rather than the 10% forecast in March
US NASCAR racing has banned the use of the Confederate Flag at all its events , teams and supporters, this has been done as a result of protests against the flag by the Black Lives Matter movement. They say it glorifies the Slave Trade etc that was prolific in the Confederate States.
12 June 2020 Friday
WHO DATA There are 7,575,192 confirmed cases of COVID-19 worldwide, with 422,841 deaths
220 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 189 have reported deaths,
Country | Total Cases | Total Deaths | New Deaths* |
Australia | 7285 | 102 | 0 |
South Australia | 440 | 4 | 0 |
NZ | 1154 | 22 | 0 |
USA | 2,088,363 | 116,016 | 886 |
Russia | 502,436 | 6532 | 174 |
Italy | 236,142 | 34,167 | 53 |
UK | 291,409 | 41,279 | 151 |
Brazil | 802,828 | 40,920 | 1123 |
New deaths number comes from WHO Data table @ https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries
ASX at 5960 down 3.1%
The world has just passed 7.75 million cases of Covid-19, the last 500,000 took 4 days.
Russia has just passed 500,000 cases of Covid-19
Brazil has just passed 800,000 cases of Civid-19 and 40,000 deaths from it.
In the USA the military are taking unprecedented steps to apologise for the interference in the political process when they cleared a peaceful protest with the use of tear gas and force so the President Donald Trump could have his photo taken in front of a church near the White House.
The AFL restarted last night in Melbourne at an empty MCG. Collingwood and Richmond played a 36 all draw.
Protests planned for Sydney tomorrow (Saturday) have been banned by the High Court. Protests were planned by a Refugee Group and another BLM protest. The BLM protest organisers have said that they will abide by the court ruling , but the Refugee Group has vowed to push ahead with their protest. The NSW Police have said anyone participating in the protest will be fined and possible arrested.
Beijing has reported its first community transmission case of Covid-19 in 56
China reported 11 new mainland cases on Wednesday 10 June, all were returning travellers.
The National Cabinet met today and has announce that the road to reopening is accelerating.
Nationally the changes mean that more people will be able to attend functions such as weddings, funerals, restaurants and other indoor venues.
The SA Premier announced today that we will soon be going to Stage 2.5 on June 19, and Stage 3 on 20 July 2020.
Our Borders will open from 20 July to all domestic travellers with no isolating required.
Pubs and Restaurants under Stage 2.5, will be allowed up to 75 people per “room”, with a maximum of 300 total. From 29 June that will change to 1 person per 4 square meters of area at the venue.
Sports in large stadium of up to 40,000 capacity can have 25% of capacity from June 29.(Max 10,000 at an event)
Food courts will be able to open again as long as 1.5m social distancing is applied and the 4 square meter rule.
For indoor sports, from 19 June, gyms with fixed equipment can have up to 75 people, but fitness classes must have 7 square meters per person. The total venue cap will be raised to 300, but each venue will be assessed individually. Competition for non-contact indoor sports will be able to recommence on 29 June.
There is no plan in place for the return of fans to indoor sports like basketball and netball,
Cinemas are able to have more patrons but must apply the 4 square meter rule per person.
But as always, this is said with the requirement that we all keep social distancing, maintain our personal hygiene and stay home if we are even a little bit sick.
13 June 2020 Saturday
WHO DATA There are 7,718,990 confirmed cases of COVID-19 worldwide, with 427,477 deaths
220 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 189 have reported deaths,
Country | Total Cases | Total Deaths | New Deaths* |
Australia | 7290 | 102 | 0 |
South Australia | 440 | 4 | 0 |
NZ | 1154 | 22 | 0 |
USA | 2,115,593 | 116,795 | 761 |
Russia | 511,423 | 6715 | 183 |
Italy | 236,305 | 34,223 | 56 |
UK | 292,950 | 41,481 | 202 |
Brazil | 828,810 | 41,828 | 770 |
New deaths number comes from WHO Data table @ https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries
ASX at 5847 down 1.9%
The oral Polio Vaccine is being investigated to see if it helps with Covid-19. It might explain why young children are less susceptible to the Coronavirus
Australian health authorities are now saying that second wave outbreaks are inevitable, but that total lockdowns are very unlikely and that to control outbreaks local strict measures will be put in place
14 June 2020 Sunday
WHO DATA There are 7,855,258 confirmed cases of COVID-19 worldwide, with 431,728 deaths
220 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 189 have reported deaths,
Country | Total Cases | Total Deaths | New Deaths* |
Australia | 7302 | 102 | 0 |
South Australia | 440 | 4 | 0 |
NZ | 1154 | 22 | 0 |
USA | 2,142,017 | 117,526 | 701 |
Brazil | 850,796 | 42,791 | 890 |
Russia | 520,129 | 6829 | 114 |
India | 321,626 | 9,199 | 309 |
UK | 294,375 | 41,662 | 181 |
Italy | 236,651 | 34,301 | 78 |
New deaths number comes from WHO Data table @ https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries
12 New cases in Victoria and NSW
2 Schools shutdown in NSW
An NRL game has been postponed whilst a player gets tested as his daughter attends one of the schools.
Port Adelaide Thrashed the Adelaide Crows 110-35 in their first game of the resumption of the AFL competition. The highest ever defeat by Adelaide Crows in a Showdown and in the AFL.
An Australian has been sentenced to death in China for drug trafficking. He was arrested 7 years ago.
15 June 2020 Monday
WHO DATA There are 7,982,114 confirmed cases of COVID-19 worldwide, with 435,162 deaths
220 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 189 have reported deaths,
Country | Total Cases | Total Deaths | New Deaths* |
Australia | 7320 | 102 | 18 |
South Australia | 440 | 4 | 0 |
NZ | 1154 | 22 | 0 |
USA | 2,161,447 | 117,853 | 326 |
Brazil | 867,882 | 43,389 | 598 |
Russia | 520,129 | 6829 | 114 |
India | 333,008 | 9520 | 321 |
UK | 295,889 | 41,698 | 36 |
Italy | 236,989 | 34,345 | 44 |
New deaths number comes from WHO Data table @ https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries
France has said it is opening up fully from its shutdown. All EU Borders are opening, and its lockdown has been repealed. Many other EU countries are easing their way out as the European summer begins.
China has 57 new community transmitted cases. It appears to have its centre at a Beijing wet market. As a result China has locked down parts of Beijing in a military style manner and has boasted testing
16 June 2020 Tuesday
WHO DATA There are 8,099,765 confirmed cases of COVID-19 worldwide, with 438,340 deaths
220 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 189 have reported deaths,
Country | Total Cases | Total Deaths | New Deaths* |
Australia | 7335 | 102 | 15 |
South Australia | 440 | 4 | 0 |
NZ | 1154 | 22 | 0 |
USA | 2,181,550 | 118,263 | 405 |
Brazil | 888,271 | 43,959 | 570 |
Russia | 537,210 | 7091 | 143 |
India | 343,026 | 9915 | 395 |
UK | 296,857 | 41,736 | 38 |
Italy | 237,290 | 34,371 | 26 |
New deaths number comes from WHO Data table @ https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries
ASX at 5942 down 3.9%
The world has passed 8 million cases of Covid-19, the last million took 8 days.
The USA Health authorities have revoked the emergency authorisation for the Malaria drugs touted by President Donald Trump, due to serious side effects.
Thousands are lining up in the streets of Beijing to be tested
Another person who attended the BLM protest in Melbourne has tested positive
Mass testing in Western Australia has found no community transmission
17 June 2020 Wednesday
WHO DATA There are 8,237,292 confirmed cases of COVID-19 worldwide, with 444,777 deaths
220 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 189 have reported deaths,
Country | Total Cases | Total Deaths | New Deaths* |
Australia | 7347 | 102 | 12 |
South Australia | 440 | 4 | 0 |
NZ | 1156 | 22 | 0 |
USA | 2,204.960 | 119,080 | 797 |
Brazil | 923,189 | 45,241 | 1123 |
Russia | 545,458 | 7284 | 193 |
India | 354,161 | 11,921 | 2006 |
UK | 298,136 | 41,969 | 233 |
Italy | 237,500 | 34,405 | 34 |
New deaths number comes from WHO Data table @ https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries
ASX at 5749 down 2.2%
India has passed 10,000 deaths
NZ has first new cases in 24 days from two people who came into NZ from the UK
South Australia has opened its borders to WA, NT and Tasmania from 00:01 today and will open its borders to all other states on July 20 as long as things keep going the way they are now.
18 June 2020 Thursday
WHO DATA There are 8,391,460 confirmed cases of COVID-19 worldwide, with 450,436 deaths
220 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 189 have reported deaths,
Country | Total Cases | Total Deaths | New Deaths* |
Australia | 7370 | 102 | 15 |
South Australia | 440 | 4 | 0 |
NZ | 1156 | 22 | 0 |
USA | 2,233,526 | 119,939 | 807 |
Brazil | 960,309 | 46,665 | 1209 |
Russia | 553,301 | 7478 | 194 |
India | 367,264 | 12,262 | 341 |
UK | 299,251 | 42,153 | 184 |
Italy | 237,828 | 34,448 | 43 |
New deaths number comes from WHO Data table @ https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries
ASX at 5991 up 0.8%
Brazil just added 31,475 new cases of Covid-19 in 1 day!
Australia had 23 new cases of Covid-19 reported.
Federal Health Minister Greg Hunt has stated that overseas travel probably will not be allowed until 2021
Beijing stating that the new outbreak is extremely serious
A third person who attended Melbourne’s BLM protests has tested positive to Covid-19
19 June 2020 Friday
WHO DATA There are 8,578,283 confirmed cases of COVID-19 worldwide, with 456,286 deaths
220 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 189 have reported deaths,
Country | Total Cases | Total Deaths | New Deaths* |
Australia | 7391 | 102 | 15 |
South Australia | 440 | 4 | 0 |
NZ | 1157 | 22 | 0 |
USA | 2,263,651 | 120,688 | 749 |
Brazil | 983,359 | 47,869 | 1204 |
Russia | 561,091 | 7660 | 282 |
India | 381,091 | 12,604 | 342 |
UK | 300,469 | 42,288 | 135 |
Italy | 238,159 | 34,514 | 66 |
New deaths number comes from WHO Data table @ https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries
ASX at 5936 down 0.8%
The UK has just passed 300, 000 cases of Covid-19
The USA has just passed 120,000 deaths fromCovid-19
South Australia has opened its borders to Queensland from midnight tonight
Twitter has flagged another of Trumps tweets as “Manipulated data”
There has been a surge in a cluster of Covid-19 cases at a Melbourne Hotel
Australian PM Scott Morrison has given a press conference and stated that Australia has been under an increasing cyber attack for months from a “State” run cyber ring and that it was focusing on major infrastructure and all levels of government. He did not nominate which country was behind it (The media is speculating that it is from China)
Australia’s minimum wage has been raised by 1.7% to $753.80 per week
20 June 2020 Saturday
WHO DATA There are 8,739,610 confirmed cases of COVID-19 worldwide, with 461,622 deaths
220 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 190 have reported deaths,
Country | Total Cases | Total Deaths | New Deaths* |
Australia | 7,409 | 102 | 15 |
South Australia | 440 | 4 | 0 |
NZ | 1157 | 22 | 0 |
USA | 2,294,735 | 121,384 | 696 |
Brazil | 1,032,913 | 48,954 | 1085 |
Russia | 569,063 | 7841 | 181 |
India | 395,812 | 12,970 | 366 |
UK | 301,815 | 42,461 | 173 |
Italy | 238,011 | 34,561 | 47 |
New deaths number comes from WHO Data table @ https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries
ASX at 5942 down 0.9%
Brazil has just passed 1,000,000 cases of Covid-19
UK has just passed 300,000 cases of Covid-19
Another country has reported a death of Covid-19 taking the total number of countries with deaths due to Covid-19 to 190
China has strongly denied it is behind the cyber attacks on Australia
The WHO is saying that the Covid-19 pandemic is accelerating , even as countries begin to open up
Tests in Italy are showing it may have had Covid-19 cases as early as December 2019
21 June 2020 Sunday
WHO DATA There are 8,906,5190 confirmed cases of COVID-19 worldwide, with 4665,253 deaths
220 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 190 have reported deaths,
Country | Total Cases | Total Deaths | New Deaths* |
Australia | 7,436 | 102 | 15 |
South Australia | 440 | 4 | 0 |
NZ | 1159 | 22 | 0 |
USA | 2,330,199 | 121,979 | 572 |
Brazil | 1,070,139 | 50,058 | 968 |
Russia | 576,952 | 8,002 | 161 |
India | 411,727 | 13,277 | 307 |
UK | 303,110 | 42,589 | 128 |
Italy | 238,275 | 34,610 | 49 |
New deaths number comes from WHO Data table @ https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries
Victoria is reimposing restriction and delayed any further loosening due to an outbreak of Covid-19 cases.
All of Melbourne has been declared a Covid-19 hotspot by the Queensland Government
Donald Trump is holding a large indoor election rally in Oklahoma USA, there were 19,000people there with very few wearing of facemasks and absolutely NO social distancing. The Republican Organisation had everyone attending the rally sign a waiver accepting the risks involved in attending so they couldn’t be sued if anyone contracts the virus at the event.
6 staffers of the Republican Party setting up the rally have tested positive for Covid-19
The USA had over 33,000 new cases of Covid-19 reported overnight.
Brazil has passed 50,000 Covid-19 deaths.
22 June 2020 Monday
WHO DATA There are 9,046,080 confirmed cases of COVID-19 worldwide, with 470,703 deaths
220 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 190 have reported deaths,
Country | Total Cases | Total Deaths | New Deaths* |
Australia | 7,461 | 102 | 15 |
South Australia | 440 | 4 | 0 |
NZ | 1163 | 22 | 0 |
USA | 2,356,657 | 122,247 | 268 |
Brazil | 1,086,990 | 50,659 | 601 |
Russia | 584,680 | 8,111 | 109 |
India | 426,910 | 13,703 | 426 |
UK | 304,331 | 42,632 | 43 |
Italy | 238,499 | 34,634 | 24 |
New deaths number comes from WHO Data table @ https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries
ASX at 5944 up 1.9%
And the World passes 9 million cases of Covid-19- (The last million took 6 days)
Victoria is looking to enforce localised community lockdowns as the virus appears to be getting out of control, and is being spread by family gatherings and a lack of social distancing.
23 June 2020 Tuesday
WHO DATA There are 9,179,919 confirmed cases of COVID-19 worldwide, with 473,461 deaths
220 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 190 have reported deaths,
Country | Total Cases | Total Deaths | New Deaths* |
Australia | 7,474 | 102 | 15 |
South Australia | 440 | 4 | 0 |
NZ | 1163 | 22 | 0 |
USA | 2,388,050 | 122,609 | 362 |
Brazil | 1,111,348 | 51,407 | 748 |
Russia | 592,280 | 8,206 | 95 |
India | 440,150 | 14,015 | 312 |
UK | 305,289 | 42,647 | 15 |
Italy | 238,720 | 34,657 | 23 |
New deaths number comes from WHO Data table @ https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries
ASX at 5942 down 0.9%
Brazil has had an increase in Covid-19 cases of 24,358 in one day!
The USA has now lost more lives to the Coronavirus than it did in WWI
Reports coming from the USA are that young people are ignoring social distancing and are having a spike in infections
South Korea has officially stated they are in the middle of a second wave of infections
24 June 2020 Wednesday
WHO DATA There are 9,352,645 confirmed cases of COVID-19 worldwide, with 479,777 deaths
220 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 190 have reported deaths,
Country | Total Cases | Total Deaths | New Deaths* |
Australia | 7,492 | 102 | 0 |
South Australia | 440 | 4 | 0 |
NZ | 1165 | 22 | 0 |
USA | 2,424,168 | 123,473 | 862 |
Brazil | 1,151,479 | 52,771 | 1364 |
Russia | 599,705 | 8,359 | 153 |
India | 456,115 | 14,483 | 468 |
UK | 306,210 | 42,927 | 18 |
Italy | 238,833 | 34,675 | 23 |
New deaths number comes from WHO Data table @ https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries
ASX at 5954 down 0.2%
Victoria has recorded its 20th death
The spike in Victorian numbers predominately due to family gathering where English is a second language.
Victoria has had a death, will be reflected in tomorrows numbers.
25 June 2020 Thursday
WHO DATA There are 9,510,026 confirmed cases of COVID-19 worldwide, with 483,820 deaths
220 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 190 have reported deaths,
Country | Total Cases | Total Deaths | New Deaths* |
Australia | 7,521 | 104 | 1 |
South Australia | 440 | 4 | 0 |
NZ | 1166 | 22 | 0 |
USA | 2,460,679 | 124,234 | 761 |
Brazil | 1188,631 | 53,830 | 1059 |
Russia | 606,881 | 8,513 | 154 |
India | 472,985 | 14,907 | 424 |
UK | 306,862 | 43,081 | 154 |
Italy | 239,410 | 34,705 | 30 |
New deaths number comes from WHO Data table @ https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries
ASX at 5965 down 0.2%
3 Days to add 500,000 new cases of Covid-19
A recently published graph shows how out of control Covid-19 is in the USA.

Victoria has called in the ADF to help with quarantine measures
Victorian shoppers have started panic buying of staples and toilet paper again
The EU is considering closing its borders to USA citizens
Tennis star Novak Djokovic has tested positive to Covid-19 after hosting a tennis tournament in the Balkan region. Numerous other players and supporters have also tested positive after the event. Djokovic and many players and supporters were filmed partying afterwards totally ignoring social distancing and generally behaving badly.
He has apologised profusely for his “error of judgement”. An amusing aside to this was that he was called out for his stupidity by Nick Kyrigios, the Australia “badboy” of the tennis circuit.

26 June 2020 Friday
WHO DATA There are 9,684,897 confirmed cases of COVID-19 worldwide, with 488,905 deaths
220 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 190 have reported deaths,
Country | Total Cases | Total Deaths | New Deaths* |
Australia | 7,521 | 103 | 1 |
South Australia | 440 | 4 | 0 |
NZ | 1169 | 22 | 0 |
USA | 2,497,727 | 124,848 | 567 |
Brazil | 1,228,114 | 54,971 | 1097 |
Russia | 613,994 | 8,605 | 92 |
India | 491,170 | 15,308 | 401 |
UK | 307,980 | 43,230 | 149 |
Italy | 239,706 | 34,678 | 34 |
New deaths number comes from WHO Data table @ https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries
ASX at 5817 down 2.5%
27 June 2020 Saturday
WHO DATA There are 9,882,805 confirmed cases of COVID-19 worldwide, with 495,608 deaths
220 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 190 have reported deaths,
Country | Total Cases | Total Deaths | New Deaths* |
Australia | 7,595 | 104 | 1 |
South Australia | 440 | 4 | 0 |
NZ | 1170 | 22 | 0 |
USA | 2,547,365 | 127,361 | 581 |
Brazil | 1,274,974 | 55,961 | 907 |
Russia | 620,794 | 8,781 | 176 |
India | 509,446 | 15,689 | 381 |
UK | 309,360 | 43,414 | 184 |
Italy | 239,961 | 34,708 | 30 |
New deaths number comes from WHO Data table @ https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries
ASX at 5904 up 1.5%
The USA now has over 2,500,000 cases of Covid-19, with over 125,000 deaths
The USA has had its single biggest day increase in Covid-19 cases, 42,777
India now has over 500,000 cases of Covid-19
With outbreaks getting worse in the southern parts of the USA Florida has banned sale of alcohol in bars and Texas has shutdown bars completely
Wall St has plunged after the USA had its biggest single day increase in Covid-19 cases.
With hundreds of Australians returning home in the next few days/weeks the number of Covid-19 cases is set to explode, a lot of the returns are coming from India.
The Novel Coronavirus has been found to have been in the sewers of Spain as far back as March 2019
Qantas is saying it doesn’t expect to be flying internationally before the middle of 2021
It has been revealed tat Western Australia had made plans for mass burials in cases the Pandemic was really bad.
28 June 2020 Sunday
WHO DATA There are 10,074,630 confirmed cases of COVID-19 worldwide, with 500,625 deaths
220 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 189 have reported deaths,
Country | Total Cases | Total Deaths | New Deaths* |
Australia | 7,641 | 104 | 0 |
South Australia | 440 | 4 | 0 |
NZ | 1172 | 22 | 0 |
USA | 2,596,403 | 128,152 | 512 |
Brazil | 1,315,941 | 57,103 | 994 |
Russia | 627,646 | 8,969 | 188 |
India | 529,577 | 16,103 | 414 |
UK | 310,250 | 43,514 | 100 |
Italy | 240,136 | 34,716 | 8 |
New deaths number comes from WHO Data table @ https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries
The world has topped 10,000,000 cases of Covid-19.
The last 1,000,000 cases took 6 days, the same as the previous 1,000,000 increase
The world has also passed 500,000 deaths from Covid-19, it took 22 days for the last 100,000 deaths to occur.
The USA has had over 40,000 new cases in 24 hrs and Brazil has had over 35,000 new cases in 24 hrs.
Covid-19 is running rampant ( and maybe out of control) in both the USA and Brazil
Australia has had 47 new cases, most are from community transmission in some outer suburbs of Melbourne.
With more expats returning home, Australia’s infection rate is expected to rise sharply
Western Australia is entering Stage 4 Restrictions, bringing there restriction almost back inline with “normal” pre-Covid conditions
The NSW government is slamming travellers who are refusing to be tested for Covid-19, and is forcing those people into an extra 10 days of quarantine.
29 June 2020 Monday
WHO DATA There are 10,396,582 confirmed cases of COVID-19 worldwide, with 507,420 deaths
220 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 189 have reported deaths,
Country | Total Cases | Total Deaths | New Deaths* |
Australia | 7,767 | 104 | 0 |
South Australia | 443 | 4 | 0 |
NZ | 1178 | 22 | 0 |
USA | 2,679,352 | 128,771 | 334 |
Brazil | 1,368,195 | 58,314 | 656 |
Russia | 641,156 | 9,166 | 93 |
India | 567,536 | 16,904 | 417 |
UK | 311,965 | 43,575 | 25 |
Italy | 240,436 | 34,744 | 6 |
New deaths number comes from WHO Data table @ https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries
ASX at 5815 down 1.5%
85 new cases in Australia, the majority have occurred in Victoria, where they had 75 new cases.
South Australia has had its first new cases (3) for 31 days after new arrivals of expats from Mumbai,
The WHO has stated that the Coronavirus outbreak is not even close to being over.
Queensland to decide on its borders today, whether to open or not.
30 June 2020 Tuesday
WHO DATA There are 10,403,492 confirmed cases of COVID-19 worldwide, with 508,114 deaths
220 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 189 have reported deaths,
Country | Total Cases | Total Deaths | New Deaths* |
Australia | 7,836 | 104 | 0 |
South Australia | 443 | 4 | 0 |
NZ | 1178 | 22 | 0 |
USA | 2,681,811 | 129,358 | 366 |
Brazil | 1,370,488 | 58,385 | 727 |
Russia | 641,156 | 9,166 | 93 |
India | 567,536 | 16,904 | 417 |
UK | 311,965 | 43,575 | 25 |
Italy | 240,436 | 34,744 | 6 |
New deaths number comes from WHO Data table @ https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries
ASX at 5897 up 1.45%
All states in Australia are closing their borders with Victoria after the recent large spike in widespread community transmitted cases of Covid-19
Queensland have opened up their borders to all except Victoria.
The AFL is altering its playing schedule after the recent events in Vic and border/quarantine issues.
Many venues are claiming heavy handed actions by police enforcing and fining non compliance with Covid-19 criteria
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