#08 August 2020 Covid-19 Globally No Better No Worse, Victoria from Good to VERY Bad

1 August 2020 Saturday

WHO DATA There are 17,744,812 confirmed cases of COVID-19 worldwide, with 682,192 deaths

220 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 196 have reported deaths.

World RankCountryTotal CasesTotal DeathsNew Deaths*
(164)South Australia45040
5 South Africa 493,183 8,005 193

# New deaths number comes from WHO Data table @ https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries

ASX  at 6051  down 2.0% Close on Friday 31 July

Australian Growth Factor (My calculation)  = 1.27     

Victorian   Growth Factor (My calculation)  = 1.28     

(Below 1 = Transmission under control)

(My calculations based on 7 day moving average cases numbers)

Today marks 6 months since our first Covid-19 cases in Australia.

Fiji and Vietnam have recorded their first Covid-19 deaths

Queensland has officially shut its borders to Greater Sydney

Queensland has issued a health alert for all people who had visited 2 major shopping centres.

The UK has slowed the winding back of restrictions and introduced compulsory wearing of masks in enclosed indoor situations eg cinemas, churches, etc

Russia has announced that it should have a vaccine ready for general use within 2 weeks. The global scientific community are doubtful of the veracity of the claim as there has been no data shared on the vaccine development.

The USA is saying that when a vaccine is available it will be made widely available “within the USA”

Worldwide more emphasis is being given to a measurement of Covid-19 spread called the Growth Factor. This number represents how fast the spread of infection is within a zone. Greater than 1 and it is spreading , less than one and the spread is declining.

Australia currently has a Growth Factor of  1.05

2 August 2020 Sunday

WHO DATA There are 17,991,501 confirmed cases of COVID-19 worldwide, with 687,718 deaths

220 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 196 have reported deaths.

World RankCountryTotal CasesTotal DeathsNew Deaths*
(164)South Australia45140
5 South Africa 503,290 8,153148

# New deaths number comes from WHO Data table @ https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries

Australian Growth Factor (My calculation)  = 0.79     

Victorian   Growth Factor (My calculation)  = 0.78     

(Below 1 = Transmission under control)

(My calculations based on 7 day moving average cases numbers)

I have added Mexico to the table above as it now has recorded the 3rd most deaths due to Covid-19, overtaking the UK

South Africa has passed 500,000 cases of Covid-19

Victoria is expected to go into modified Stage 4 Restrictions today.

The Australian government has withdrawn from a Federal Court case against Western Australia seeking to open their borders, that leaves Clive Palmer (A Queensland mining billionaire) as the main prosecutor of the case.

Australian tennis player Ash Barty (and current world No.1 female player) has withdrawn from the US Open tournament citing health dangers with travel to and within the USA.

Japan has had a 3rd day of record Covid-19 cases numbers with 472 new cases detected.

Victorian Police has disrupted a meeting of “Covid-19 Conspiracy Theorists” and Covid-19 deniers.

Another 24 cases have been reported in Vietnam, a day after they reported their first case. Hopefully it doesn’t get bad there.

There has been a rally in Berlin by people protesting about the Coronavirus restrictions, calling the rally “ The end of the pandemic – Freedom Day”, this occurred at the same time that there has been an upturn in the number of infections in Germany.

(My calculation for the same period was 1.27. My numbers have 1 day lag)

There are predictions being made that the USA will have over 300,000 deaths due to Covid-19 by November this year,

A early indication that the world is trying to come out of restrictions is the increasing beer sales figures. With some producers saying sales are slightly up on same time last year.

The elections due in Hong Kong have been delayed due to the Covid-19 situation

Victoria is suffering a short of healthcare workers as more and more become infected.

It seems that world wide the biggest issue in “COMPLACENCY” as the general populations globally tire of the restrictions enforced on them.

Up to a quarter of those in Melbourne that are meant to be in compulsory home self-isolation are not obeying the law.

A flight carrying repatriating Australians from New Delhi is due in Adelaide tomorrow. This is expected to cause a spike in cases,

3 August 2020 Monday

WHO DATA There are 18,215,963 confirmed cases of COVID-19 worldwide, with 692,278 deaths

220 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 196 have reported deaths.

World RankCountryTotal CasesTotal DeathsNew Deaths*
(164)South Australia45340
5 South Africa 511,485 8,366 3213

# New deaths number comes from WHO Data table @ https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries

 ASX  at 6051  down 2.0% Close on Friday 31 July

Australian Growth Factor (My calculation)  = 1.27     

Victorian   Growth Factor (My calculation)  = 1.30     

(Below 1 = Transmission under control)

(My calculations based on 7 day moving average cases numbers)

The world has record another million cases of Covid-19, again this has taken only 4 days for this million cases to occur.

Rolling 4 day totals are topping 1 million consistently for the last 4 days straight.

South Africa now has over 500,000 cases of Covid-19.

Victoria has declared a State of Disaster, this enables the government to over ride legislation to enable it to react quicker to the rapidly changing pandemic situation.

In Victoria they have introduced Stage 4 restrictions in Greater Melbourne and stage 3 restrictions in country Victoria

A night curfew in Melbourne was introduced last night from 8pm to 5 am.

The Stage 4 restrictions are the harshest yet to be introduced in Australia. The main elements are:

A curfew from 8pm-5am with the only reasons to leave home during these hours will be work, medical care and care giving.

* People can only travel within a 5km radius of their homes, even for shopping.

* One person from each household can go shopping once per day.

* One hour exercise limit no further than 5km from home in groups no larger than two regardless of if you’re from the same household.

* Reduced public transport services during curfew hours and the night network to be suspended.

* All Victorian school students to return to remote learning from Wednesday.

* Weddings are banned from 11.59pm on Wednesday.

On a bright note, it is reported that the rate of Influenza this year has dropped through the floor due to social distancing and is almost at zero!

4 August 2020 Tuesday

WHO DATA There are 18,390,107 confirmed cases of COVID-19 worldwide, with 695,465 deaths

220 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 196 have reported deaths.

World RankCountryTotal CasesTotal DeathsNew Deaths*
(165)South Australia45540
5 South Africa 516,862 8,539 173

# New deaths number comes from WHO Data table @ https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries

 ASX  at 5926  down 1.7%

Australian Growth Factor (My calculation)  = 0.82 

Victorian   Growth Factor (My calculation)  = 0.82     

(Below 1 = Transmission under control)

(My calculations based on 7 day moving average cases numbers)

Victoria’s number are so great in the overall Australian position that the Australian Growth Rate is a direct correlation of Victoria’s number. This indicates that Victoria is the only Australian state with significant new infections

Victoria will be introducing harsher penalties for anyone who be=reaches their lockdown provisions

The Australian government has introduced a new $1500 Pandemic Leave Payment for all workers that have no or have run out of sick leaves , but only in states that have declared a Disaster where workers are forced into isolation.

The WHO is still warning that a long lasting vaccine may never be developed.

With the co-operation of China The WHO has teams in Wuhan, China investigating the Origin of the Coronavirus

Debate is beginning about the wisdom of still allowing flights into Sydney from Melbourne.

The NSW Government has recommended the wearing of face masks on all public transport and in shopping centres, churches, shops, etc

A wide range of businesses in Victoria are being forced to shutdown as part of their Stage 4 Restrictions, Bunnings is now “Click and Collect: ONLY.

The Space X space capsule landed safely in the waters off Florida yesterday, signalling the first successful space mission to and from the Space Station by a commercial operator. NASA has said that it is now a buyer of such services and will no longer be developing and launching its own space vehicles

A huge blast has devastated parts of Beirut, Lebanon, after a large stockpile of Ammonium Nitrate exploded on the docks in the city. Thousands are feared dead and a huge crater has been left on the waterfront where the warehouse containing the Ammonium Nitrate stood.

5 August 2020 Wednesday

WHO DATA There are 18,667,005 confirmed cases of COVID-19 worldwide, with 702,662 deaths

220 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 196 have reported deaths.

World RankCountryTotal CasesTotal DeathsNew Deaths*
(165)South Australia45740
5 South Africa 521,318 8,884 173

# New deaths number comes from WHO Data table @ https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries

 ASX  at 6037  up 1.9%  the previous day

World Growth Rate Factor (My calculation) = 1.07

Australian Growth Factor (My calculation)   = 0.84

Victorian   Growth Factor (My calculation)   = 0.85  

(Below 1 = Transmission under control)

(My calculations based on 7 day moving average cases numbers)

Over 700,000people have died of Covid-19 worldwide.

NSW is considering mandatory hotel quarantine for people returning from Melbourne

Huge fines of up to $5,000+ are being imposed on people breaking Victoria’s new restrictions.

The web site Booking.com is laying off 25% of its global workforce due to the downturn in global travel/travel in general.

NSW are pushing for young people (18-35y.o.) to get themselves tested.

To ease the pressure on gaols, low risk prisoners are being released on license

Queensland is closing a quarantine loophole that was allowing Diplomats and Consular staff to skip quarantine requirements in the state.

An anti-masker (and known anti-vaxxer) has been arrested in Victoria for assaulting a policewoman after refusing to answer questions about her travels.

Workers in Melbourne now need a signed permit to allow them to travel to work, to prove they are an essential worker.

6 August 2020 Thursday

WHO DATA There are 18,923,908 confirmed cases of COVID-19 worldwide, with 709,291 deaths

220 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 196 have reported deaths.

World RankCountryTotal CasesTotal DeathsNew Deaths*
(165)South Australia45640
5 South Africa 529,8779,298414

# New deaths number comes from WHO Data table @ https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries

 ASX  at 6001  down 0.6%  the previous day

World Growth Rate Factor (My calculation) = 1.01

Australian Growth Factor (My calculation)   = 1.30

Victorian   Growth Factor (My calculation)   = 1.31 

(Below 1 = Transmission under control)

(My calculations based on 7 day moving average cases numbers)

All non-essential businesses in Melbourne shut (or go 100% work from home) as of today.

South Australia is opening up more Covid-19 testing facilities as the state is experiencing a record number of tests and a record number of people wanting to be tested.

All travellers from Victoria entering NSW must now go into compulsory hotel quarantine for 14 days at their own expense

Late last month Australian journalist Jonathon Swan (son of the ABC’s Covid-19 specialist commentator Dr Norman Swan) interviewed President Donald Trump, and the interview has gone viral, it highlights the Presidents tenuous grasp on the Covid-19 situation in the USA. Click here to see the full 40min interview, it is worth watching.

Nadal has dropped out of the US Open Tennis tournament citing Covid-19 as the reason. More and more leading players are dropping out of the Tournament.

7 August 2020 Friday

WHO DATA There are 19,214,747 confirmed cases of COVID-19 worldwide, with 716,084 deaths

220 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 196 have reported deaths.

World RankCountryTotal CasesTotal DeathsNew Deaths*
(165)South Australia45640
5 South Africa 538,1849,604306

# New deaths number comes from WHO Data table @ https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries

 ASX  at 6042  up 0.7%  the previous day

World Growth Rate Factor (My calculation) = 1.16

Australian Growth Factor (My calculation)   = 0.82

Victorian   Growth Factor (My calculation)   = 1.31

(Below 1 = Transmission under control)

(My calculations based on 7 day moving average cases numbers)

The world has passed 19 million cases of Covid-19, the last million in 4 days

The USA has passed 5 million cases of Covid-19 it took 17 days for the last million

The JobKeeper rules have been relaxed by the Federal Government to allow more Victorians access to the relief payments.

More and more hotspots are developing in NSW

12 new cases were reported yesterday in NSW

An Anti-mask rally is scheduled for today in Melbourne with hundreds expected to attend.

Concerns have been raised in SA over a 700 seat Liberal Party AGM dinner which seems to fly in the face of what the (Liberal) Government is preaching.

The UK is saying 50 million facemasks it bought may not be safe to use.

In Beirut, at least 135 people were killed in the blast earlier in the week with over 5000 injured. There is widespread damage from the blast. It is thought to have been an accident, and not terrorist related.

8 August 2020 Saturday

WHO DATA There are 19,497,499 confirmed cases of COVID-19 worldwide, with 722,368 deaths

220 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 196 have reported deaths.

World RankCountryTotal CasesTotal DeathsNew Deaths*
(165)South Australia45940
5 South Africa 545.4769,909305

# New deaths number comes from WHO Data table @ https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries

 ASX  at 6004  down 006%  the previous day

World Growth Rate Factor (My calculation) = 1.11

Australian Growth Factor (My calculation)   = 0.85

Victorian   Growth Factor (My calculation)   = 0.88

(Below 1 = Transmission under control)

(My calculations based on 7 day moving average cases numbers)

Australia has passed 20,000 cases of Covid-19, it took just 24 days to go from 10,000 to 20,000, this is accounted for in a very large part by Victoria adding over 9,000 cases in the same period.

NSW continues to warn people about emerging hotspots through out the greater Sydney region.

Lebanon is fearing a virus surge in the fallout of the Beirut blast.

Germany is ordering that all travellers from high risk areas get tested.

California in the USA has now had more than 10,000 deaths due to Covid-19

There are serious concerns that Russia is putting speed ahead of safety as it strives to have a vaccine ready by the end of the month despite not having gone through all the normal safety protocol testing

Reports from India suggest that the countries largest slum in Mumbai that the death rate was slowed by isolation techniques and that now over 50% of resident now show virus antibodies suggesting that herd immunity may becoming into play.

Almost 13,000,000 jobs have been lost in the USA economy since the virus outbreak

The Vaccines Alliance , GAVI, says it will provide over 100,000,000 doses of a vaccine for 3rd world countries once it is developed through a deal with the Gates Foundation.

Community sporting clubs in Australia are on the brink of collapse due to the social distancing restrictions place on the nation

9 August 2020 Sunday

WHO DATA There are 19,793,835 confirmed cases of COVID-19 worldwide, with 728,786 deaths

220 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 196 have reported deaths.

World RankCountryTotal CasesTotal DeathsNew Deaths*
(165)South Australia45940
5 South Africa 553,18810,210301

# New deaths number comes from WHO Data table @ https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries

World Growth Rate Factor (My calculation) = 1.15

Australian Growth Factor (My calculation)   = 0.85

Victorian   Growth Factor (My calculation)   = 0.85

(Below 1 = Transmission under control)

(My calculations based on 7 day moving average cases numbers)

Brazil has passed 3 million cases of Covid-19 and 100,000 deaths to Covid-19

South Africa has now had over 10,000 deaths due to Covid-19

President Trump has signed an Executive Order for a Covid-19 stimulus package after the House and Senate could not come to an agreement

There has been a slight blip in the number of cases in Italy

The number of tests carried out in South Australia has surged to new records as hundreds of SA residents get tested with fears about the spike in Victoria.

Face coverings are now mandatory indoors in the UK

Compulsory Covid-19 testing has come into effect at all German airports

There are reports coming out that the required PPE in Victoria is running very low.

10 August 2020 Monday

WHO DATA There are 19,998,737 confirmed cases of COVID-19 worldwide, with 733,135 deaths

220 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 196 have reported deaths.

World RankCountryTotal CasesTotal DeathsNew Deaths*
(165)South Australia45940
5 South Africa 559,85910,408198

# New deaths number comes from WHO Data table @ https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries

World Growth Rate Factor (My calculation) = 0.80

Australian Growth Factor (My calculation)   = 0.85

Victorian   Growth Factor (My calculation)   = 0.87

(Below 1 = Transmission under control)

(My calculations based on 7 day moving average cases numbers)

It seems the world takes a breathe on weekends, the count for both infections and deaths always drops over the weekend. 

The Australian CovidSafe App has helped track over 500 people in Sydney’s recent outbreaks. DCMO Dr Nick Coatsworth has stressed how vital the App has been and again pleaded for every one to download the App and keep it activated

Victoria has recorded the highest single day death total since the pandemic commenced in January with 17 people dying.

An “Anti-Mask” protest rally held in Melbourne yesterday saw 7 people arrested and dozens fined for breaching Public Health Orders.

New Zealand is reaping the benefits of its very hard early lockdown, now having 100 days free from community virus transmission.

Italy is starting to get back to “Normal” after its very hard lockdown in March when the virus and Covid-19 were running wild.

Australia has recorded just over 300 C9vid-19 deaths today, the last 100 deaths took just 9 days.

11 August 2020 Tuesday

WHO DATA There are 20,232,429 confirmed cases of COVID-19 worldwide, with 737,786 deaths

220 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 196 have reported deaths.

World RankCountryTotal CasesTotal DeathsNew Deaths*
(165)South Australia45940
5 South Africa 563,59810,621213

# New deaths number for the countries comes from WHO Data table @ https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries

and for Australia & South Australia https://www.covid-19.sa.gov.au/home/dashboard & for Victoria https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/coronavirus-covid-19-daily-update

World Growth Rate Factor (My calculation) = 0.89  7 day Av.

World Growth Rate Factor (My calculation)  = 0.90 Current week / previous week

Australian Growth Factor (My calculation)   = 0.71  7 day Av.

Australian Growth Factor (My calculation)   = 0.68 Current week / previous week

Victorian   Growth Factor (My calculation)   = 0.85  7 day Av.             

Victorian   Growth Factor (My calculation)   = 0.81 Current week / previous week

(Below 1 = Transmission under control)

(My calculations based on 7 day moving average cases numbers)

My numbers using 7 day moving average seem to be well below the official numbers. I have added a formula using the current weeks average cases numbers and the previous weeks cases numbers, this seem to be closer to other published numbers.

ASX  at 6110  up 1.8%  close from the previous day

The world now has passed 20 million Covid-19 cases, it was just 2,300 short of this figure yesterday, regardless it too 5 days for the last million.

Australia has some of the worst death rates in Nursing homes/aged care facilities in the world.

More people are being caught trying to evade border restrictions in the Northern Territory, Queensland and South Australia.

Travel agents are struggling to deal with billions of dollars of refunds for cancelled trips.

China is experiencing a drop in locally transmitted Covid-19 cases

WHO is praising New Zealand for its actions to stem Covid-19. They are being held up as one of very few successful eradication successes.

Billionaire Clive Palmer is still pursuing his case in the High Court to have Western Australia’s borders opened.

Victoria sets another record death rate at 19 in one day.

The Presidential Executive Orders signed into law by President Trump may be illegal and will be tested in court.

12 August 2020 Wednesday

WHO DATA There are 20,470,570 confirmed cases of COVID-19 worldwide, with 743,595 deaths

220 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 196 have reported deaths.

World RankCountryTotal CasesTotal DeathsNew Deaths*
(165)South Australia45940
5 South Africa 566,10910,751130

# New deaths number for the countries comes from WHO Data table @ https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries

and for Australia & South Australia https://www.covid-19.sa.gov.au/home/dashboard & for Victoria https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/coronavirus-covid-19-daily-update

World Growth Rate Factor (My calculation) = 0.92  7 day Av.

World Growth Rate Factor (My calculation)  = 0.92 Current week / previous week

Australian Growth Factor (My calculation)   = 0.74  7 day Av.

Australian Growth Factor (My calculation)   = 0.69* Current week / previous week

Victorian   Growth Factor (My calculation)   = 0.69  7 day Av.             

Victorian   Growth Factor (My calculation)   = 0.67 Current week / previous week

(Below 1 = Transmission under control)

(My calculations based on 7 day moving average cases numbers)

My numbers using 7 day moving average seem to be well below the official numbers. I have added a formula using the current weeks average cases numbers and the previous weeks cases numbers, this seem to be closer to other published numbers.

ASX  at 6138  up 0.5%  close from the previous day

It took the world almost 6 months to get to 10,000,000 cases of Covid-19, but the next 10,000,000 only took 43 day, just over 6 weeks!

New Zealand has had 4 new cases of community transmission, these are yet to show in the “Official” numbers. The source of the infections is unknown to date. As a result, Auckland has been put under Stage 3 Restrictions midday Wednesday. Panis Buying commenced in NZ as soon as the announcement was made.

Russia has become the first country to Register a CoronaVirus Vaccine. It says it is ready to use despite international concern over its safety as no data is available for international scrutiny. The vaccine has not passed Phase 3 trials yet!!! These trials normally last months and involve thousands of people.

Victorian Premier Dan Andrews is coming under very heated political pressure over his handling of the Pandemic, particularly the Hotel Quarantine system.

The federal government is under very tight scrutiny of its handling of the Aged Care system during the Pandemic.

13 August 2020 Thursday

220 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 196 have reported deaths.

World RankCountryTotal CasesTotal DeathsNew Deaths*GF 7 Day AvGF Wk on Wk
WHO DataWORLD20,700,012749,6544,7450.930.93
(166)South Aust45940  
5 Sth Africa 568,91911,010259  

# New deaths number for the countries comes from WHO Data table @ https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries

and for Australia & South Australia https://www.covid-19.sa.gov.au/home/dashboard & for Victoria https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/coronavirus-covid-19-daily-update

GF = Transmission Growth Factor(Below 1 = Transmission under control)

(My GF calculations based on 7 day moving average cases numbers and  using the current weeks average cases numbers and the previous weeks cases numbers)

ASX  at 6132  down 0.1%  close from the previous day

Russia has passed 900,000 cases of Covid-19

NZ is testing freight to see if it may be the source of its new infections, but it is unlikely.

Companies are testing Antibody Drugs as a method to treat Covid-19 symptoms until a vaccine may be found.

Clive Palmer is suing WA for $30 billion over border closures and a mine deal that fell through due to them.

Commonwealth Bank profit fell 11% due to the Covid-19 Pandemic

Singapore has opened up to allow resident foreign workers to start working again.

Texas now has over 500,000 Covid-19 cases.

Germany is concern about the rise in cases as they pass 1,000 a day.

NSW clusters seem to be increasing in number.

It is emerging that Covid-19 data sheets being supplied to communities where English is a second language are full of translation errors and misinformation.

14 August 2020 Friday

220 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 196 have reported deaths.

World RankCountryTotal CasesTotal DeathsNew Deaths*GF 7 Day AvGF Wk on Wk
WHO DataWORLD21,059,277756,7196.5401.361.39
(166)South Aust45940  
5 Sth Africa 572,86511,270260  

# New deaths number for the countries comes from WHO Data table @ https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries

and for Australia & South Australia https://www.covid-19.sa.gov.au/home/dashboard & for Victoria https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/coronavirus-covid-19-daily-update

GF = Transmission Growth Factor(Below 1 = Transmission under control)

(My GF calculations based on 7 day moving average cases numbers and  using the current weeks average cases numbers and the previous weeks cases numbers)

ASX  at 6091  down 0.7%  close from the previous day

The world has passed 21,000,000 cases of Covid-19, the last million took just 3 days. The USA, Brazil and India make up about half of the worlds Covid-19 cases.

In NZ the new cases of Covid-19 have spread outside of Auckland.

Patient Zero for the latest outbreak of Covid-19 in Melbourne was not a security guard as first suspected, but rather a might manager at the hotel.

The number of new infections in Victoria continues to decline, a positive sign.

The Victorian Health Minister has been stripped of her responsibility for their Hotel Quarantine system

The outbreak in NSW seems to be spreading with more schools being lockdown.

In the USA new filings for unemployment benefits has dropped below a million for the first time in months.

It seems Spain is losing the fight against a second wave of Covid-19

Australia’s unemployment rate has topped 1 million.

The UK has entered its worst ever recession, it now has the worst performing economy in the developed world..

The large numbers of people coming forward to be tested for Covid-19 is creating a backlog in the system and the time to results is getting longer and people are getting frustrated with the extra time they must self isolate after being tested.

It has been revealed that both Qantas and Virgin Airlines knew that passengers boarding their flights from the Ruby Princess were possibly infected with the Coronavirus, but there was nothing they could do.

15 August 2020 Saturday

220 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 196 have reported deaths.

World RankCountryTotal CasesTotal DeathsNew Deaths*GF 7 Day AvGF Wk on Wk
WHO DataWORLD21,298,858761,6064,8870.930.93
(166)South Aust46040  
5 Sth Africa 579,14011,556286  

# New deaths number for the countries comes from WHO Data table @ https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries

and for Australia & South Australia https://www.covid-19.sa.gov.au/home/dashboard & for Victoria https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/coronavirus-covid-19-daily-update

GF = Transmission Growth Factor(Below 1 = Transmission under control)

(My GF calculations based on 7 day moving average cases numbers and  using the current weeks average cases numbers and the previous weeks cases numbers)

ASX  at 6091  up 0.67%  Close from the previous day

The inquiry into the Ruby Princess disaster findings were made public yesterday and it found errors were made on many levels by many different organisations, but found that NSW Health had failed in their obligations.

There is a push by Independent Senator Zali Steggle to remove the GST on Face Masks in the hope it will make more people likely to wear them.

More people are being caught trying to cross the various closed borders around Australia.

NZ has extended its increased lockdowns for another 2 weeks as more cases are found. This outbreak has been found to be genetically different from the first wave of infections.

A Victorian 20 year old has become Australia’s youngest victim to Covid-19.

Norway has banned public gatherings of more than 20 people.

California has passed 600,000 Covid-19 cases.

South Korea has seen its largest jump in cases in months, reporting 103 new cases

Indonesia is taking part in a late stage Chinese Vaccine trial.

Europe appears to be struggling to keep on top of viral outbreaks.

India has overtaken the UK for deaths due to Covid-19

The worlds is experiencing a sharp increase in cyber crime during the pandemic and many countries are bolstering their Cyber Security Departments

16 August 2020 Sunday

220 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 196 have reported deaths.

World RankCountryTotal CasesTotal DeathsNew Deaths*GF 7 Day AvGF Wk on Wk
WHO DataWORLD21,596,057767,8794,8871.151.15
(166)South Aust46040  
5 Sth Africa 583,65311,667121  

# New deaths number for the countries comes from WHO Data table @ https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries

and for Australia & South Australia https://www.covid-19.sa.gov.au/home/dashboard & for Victoria https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/coronavirus-covid-19-daily-update

GF = Transmission Growth Factor(Below 1 = Transmission under control)

(My GF calculations based on 7 day moving average cases numbers and  using the current weeks average cases numbers and the previous weeks cases numbers)

Victoria is showing signs of curve flattening, a bright note after all the lockdowns.

A “Social Media Influencer” is under investigation for breaching Covid Restrictions by having Up Market Brand people visit her at home. (She posted pics on her social media about the visit.

There are mor outbreaks in NSW, both in Sydney and Northern NSW.

USA has [assed 5.5 million cases of Covid-19

Mass testing is happening in a suburb of Barcelona in Spain due to a near tripling of the average cases in the area. (510 in the area compared to an Av of 174 in Barcelona)

Germany has declared Spain a “Risk Area”

The Head of the WHO Dr Ghebreyesus has issued a challenge to Australia’s Health Minister Greg Hunt to participate in a Global Mask Challenge to encourage the wider wearing of masks.

The number of cases of Influenza reported in Australia have plummeted. In Qld it is down 84% year on year.

The infection rate amongst children in the USA has shot up 90%.

In Korea health authorities are afraid that transmissions are out of control in Seoul.

India has recorded its single largest spike in cases , with over 65,000 cases recorded in a single day.

17 August 2020 Monday

220 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 196 have reported deaths.

World RankCountryTotal CasesTotal DeathsNew Deaths*GF 7 Day AvGF Wk on Wk
WHO DataWORLD21,791,196772,2304,0040.760.76
(166)South Aust46140  
5 Sth Africa 587,34511,839162  

# New deaths number for the countries comes from WHO Data table @ https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries

and for Australia & South Australia https://www.covid-19.sa.gov.au/home/dashboard & for Victoria https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/coronavirus-covid-19-daily-update

GF = Transmission Growth Factor(Below 1 = Transmission under control)

(My GF calculations based on 7 day moving average cases numbers and  using the current weeks average cases numbers and the previous weeks cases numbers)

The Australian Government is optimistic about securing a vaccine when one is developed.

The first Mediterranean cruise since the cruising industry shutdown has set sail from the Italian Port of Genoa. All passengers had their temperatures checked and were tested for Covid-19 prior to departure. The passengers are required to wear face masks in all lifts and where social distancing is not possible.

France has recorded its highest rise in Covid-19 cases since May

NZ is reporting more cases every day now

Russia has started production of their “Vaccine”, it is still to undergo Stage 3 Trials.

Victoria’s declaration of a State of Emergency runs out soon, it can only run for 6 months, The Premier has extended it by 30 days. The State of Emergency gave the government the power to enforce physical distancing and quarantine requirements. The State of Disaster came into force on August 2 and was declared so stricter, stage 4 restrictions could be enforced. It only runs for 1 month at a time.

18 August 2020 Tuesday

220 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 196 have reported deaths.

World RankCountryTotal CasesTotal DeathsNew Deaths*GF 7 Day AvGF Wk on Wk
WHO DataWORLD21,979,936776,1033,3510.760.74
(166)South Aust46240  
5 Sth Africa 589.8811982143  

# New deaths number for the countries comes from WHO Data table @ https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries

and for Australia & South Australia https://www.covid-19.sa.gov.au/home/dashboard & for Victoria https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/coronavirus-covid-19-daily-update

GF = Transmission Growth Factor(Below 1 = Transmission under control)

(My GF calculations based on 7 day moving average cases numbers and  using the current weeks average cases numbers and the previous weeks cases numbers)

ASX  at 6076  up 0.8%  Close from the previous day

Australia has recorded its highest single day death count, 25,  due to the virus since the start of the Pandemic.

Queensland police are pleading with Anti Immigration Detention Centre protestors not to hold a rally planned for today in Brisbane

Sydney’s Flemington fresh food markets may be the next bog hotspot.

99% of Victoria’s second wave can be traced back to a flawed hotel quarantine system.

NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian, has made an unreserved apology for the fallout of the Ruby Princess docking in Sydney and the mistakes made by NSW Health.

The New Zealand General elections for this year have been delayed by 1 month due to the Coronavirus.

19 August 2020 Wednesday

220 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 196 have reported deaths.

World RankCountryTotal CasesTotal DeathsNew Deaths*GF 7 Day AvGF Wk on Wk
WHO DataWORLD22,270,737782,7965,5981.131.13
(166)South Aust46240  
5 Sth Africa 592,144812,264282  

# New deaths number for the countries comes from WHO Data table @ https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries

and for Australia & South Australia https://www.covid-19.sa.gov.au/home/dashboard & for Victoria https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/coronavirus-covid-19-daily-update

GF = Transmission Growth Factor(Below 1 = Transmission under control)

(My GF calculations based on 7 day moving average cases numbers and  using the current weeks average cases numbers and the previous weeks cases numbers)

ASX  at 6123  up 0.8%  Close from the previous day

The world has now had over 22 million cases of Covid-19, it took 5 days for this last million cases.

Australia has signed a deal with Oxford University to have the rights to a vaccine they are developing, and the Federal government has announced that all Australians will get 1 free vaccine each on the deal.

Wall street hits its highest point since the virus hit the world

The WHO is warning that young people are now leading the spread of the virus.

A huge party has been held in Wuhan China in a very public celebration by China of beating the virus.

The WHO proclaims that nowhere has reached the levels of population infection to install “Herd Immunity”

The Perth Royal Show has been cancelled just weeks out from its due date, the first time it has been cancelled since WWII

A family of 4 has been named as “Patient Zero” in the Melbourne Ridges “Quarantine” Hotel outbreak

South Korea has shut churches and night spots in Seoul.

20 August 2020 Thursday

220 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 196 have reported deaths.

World RankCountryTotal CasesTotal DeathsNew Deaths*GF 7 Day AvGF Wk on Wk
WHO DataWORLD22,552,860789,8606,3411.071.09
(166)South Aust46240  
5 Sth Africa 596,06012,423159  

# New deaths number for the countries comes from WHO Data table @ https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries

and for Australia & South Australia https://www.covid-19.sa.gov.au/home/dashboard & for Victoria https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/coronavirus-covid-19-daily-update

GF = Transmission Growth Factor(Below 1 = Transmission under control)

(My GF calculations based on 7 day moving average cases numbers and  using the current weeks average cases numbers and the previous weeks cases numbers)

ASX200  at 6167  up 0.7%  Close from the previous day

ASX200 closes at its highest mark since March

Positive tests in Brisbane lead to outbreak fears.

PM announces that any vaccine will NOT be compulsory

Qantas’s profit is down 91%

US doctors discover Covid-19 may be harming people lungs

Victoria’s lockdown is showing positive signs that it is working with the rate of infection spread slowing daily.

France has declared the mandatory wearing of facemasks in all workplaces

The Border Closure / Restrictions between states is becoming a real social and economic problem.

21 August 2020 Friday

220 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 196 have reported deaths.

World RankCountryTotal CasesTotal DeathsNew Deaths*GF 7 Day AvGF Wk on Wk
WHO DataWORLD22,830,752796,2756,0851.101.08
(169)South Aust46240  
5 Sth Africa 599,94012,618195  

# New deaths number for the countries comes from WHO Data table @ https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries

and for Australia & South Australia https://www.covid-19.sa.gov.au/home/dashboard & for Victoria https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/coronavirus-covid-19-daily-update

GF = Transmission Growth Factor(Below 1 = Transmission under control)

(My GF calculations based on 7 day moving average cases numbers and  using the current weeks average cases numbers and the previous weeks cases numbers)

ASX200  at 6120  down 0.8%  Close from the previous day

Victoria has recorded its lowest daily number of new cases in a month

Calls are increasing for states to open their borders.

Community transmission still a problem for NSW

Western Australia is considering the use of electronic ankle bracelets to monitor the location of potential flight risk Covid-19 suffers.

In the first half of 2020 Sweden has recorded its worst death rate in 150 years with 51,405 deaths being registered, 15% higher than last year.

A fit 48 year old female Covid-19 sufferer in Victoria is among the first Australian patients to undergo an experimental Covid-19 treatment that uses antibodies extracted from recovered patients, aimed at speeding up recovery.

Studies in India find that millions are likely to be ui=infected with the Coronavirus in New Delhi.

22 August 2020 Saturday

220 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 196 have reported deaths.

World RankCountryTotal CasesTotal DeathsNew Deaths*GF 7 Day AvGF Wk on Wk
WHO DataWORLD23,086,942802,1175,5351.001.00
(169)South Aust46240  
5 Sth Africa 603,33812,843225  

# New deaths number for the countries comes from WHO Data table @ https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries

and for Australia & South Australia https://www.covid-19.sa.gov.au/home/dashboard & for Victoria https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/coronavirus-covid-19-daily-update

GF = Transmission Growth Factor(Below 1 = Transmission under control)

(My GF calculations based on 7 day moving average cases numbers and  using the current weeks average cases numbers and the previous weeks cases numbers)

ASX200  at 6111  down 0.1%  Close from the previous day

The world has passed 23 million Covid-19 cases, the last million in just over 3 days

The world has passed 800,000 deaths due to Covid-19, just 17 days for the last 100,000 deaths.

South Africa has passed 600,000 cases of Covid-19, about 3 weeks for the last 100,000 cases to evolve.

UK public debt has hit 2 trillion pound for the first time.

Hong Kong is offering free testing to all who want it , symptomatic or not.

Greece has declared that all its citizens will receive a free vaccine when one is ready.

Slovakia has registered a surge in Covid-19 cases, with 123 new cases, the highest since April.

The surge of new cases ion Seoul , South Korea appears to have spread outside of the capital.

There are predictions that the death rate in the USA will start to decline soon as wide mitigation measures begin to show positive results.  -Face masks, bar closures, crowd control, etc

The Australian CovidSafe App has been downloaded 7 million times.

New restrictions have been implemented on gatherings in SW Queensland as new clusters emerge.

The owners of some of Australia’s largest shopping centres are locking out tenants for unpaid rent.

It appears that Victoria’s restrictions are starting to work, with the case numbers  steadily dropping.

23 August 2020 Sunday

220 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 196 have reported deaths.

World RankCountryTotal CasesTotal DeathsNew Deaths*GF 7 Day AvGF Wk on Wk
WHO DataWORLD23,354,332807,6185,0181.061.05
(169)South Aust46240  
5 Sth Africa 607,04512,987144  

# New deaths number for the countries comes from WHO Data table @ https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries

and for Australia & South Australia https://www.covid-19.sa.gov.au/home/dashboard

& for Victoria https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/coronavirus-covid-19-daily-update

GF = Transmission Growth Factor(Below 1 = Transmission under control)

(My GF calculations based on 7 day moving average cases numbers and using the current weeks average cases numbers and the previous weeks cases numbers)

ASX200  at 6111  down 0.1%  Close from the previous

India now has more than 3 million cases of Covid-19

German researches have staged an indoor concert with a 2000 volunteer audience to better understand how the Coronavirus spreads.

There have been a series of outbreaks in Melbourne’s Hospitals

Shoppers in Melbourne are ignoring social distancing and crowding into shops/supermarkets.

Experts are continuing to say the Coronavirus and Covid-19 are here to stay and to “get used to it”

24 August 2020 Monday

220 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 196 have reported deaths.

World RankCountryTotal CasesTotal DeathsNew Deaths*GF 7 Day AvGF Wk on Wk
WHO DataWORLD23,546,173811,4363,4900.770.76
(169)South Aust46240  
5 Sth Africa 609,77313,05972  

# New deaths number for the countries comes from WHO Data table @ https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries

and for Australia & South Australia https://www.covid-19.sa.gov.au/home/dashboard

& for Victoria https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/coronavirus-covid-19-daily-update

GF = Transmission Growth Factor(Below 1 = Transmission under control)

(My GF calculations based on 7 day moving average cases numbers and using the current weeks average cases numbers and the previous weeks cases numbers)

TV show productions being shut down due to outbreaks in cast and crew.  Masked Singer on 10, Millionaire Hot Seat on 9.
13 dead in stampede after a Police raid on an illegal nightclub party of 200 people.
US President Trump has accused the US FDA of delaying Coronavirus vaccine trials.
Australian unemployment is set to jump to 13% on latest numbers after a previous fall.  Government says around half of those who lost their jobs during the pandemic so far have regained empoyment.
Medical authorities are saying that hugs and handshakes are off the cards for years to come.
Australia will rigorously scrutinise all vaccines before any are produced in Australia
China is being accused of spying and espionage within Australian and international scientific and medical organisations
Trump has begun campaigning without crowded rallies and campaign specifically.

25 August 2020 Tuesday

220 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 196 have reported deaths.

World RankCountryTotal CasesTotal DeathsNew Deaths*GF 7 Day AvGF Wk on Wk
WHO DataWORLD23,756,473815,3233,1140.830.84
(169)South Aust46340  
5 Sth Africa 611,45013,159100  

# New deaths number for the countries comes from WHO Data table @ https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries

and for Australia & South Australia https://www.covid-19.sa.gov.au/home/dashboard

& for Victoria https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/coronavirus-covid-19-daily-update

GF = Transmission Growth Factor(Below 1 = Transmission under control)

(My GF calculations based on 7 day moving average cases numbers and using the current weeks average cases numbers and the previous weeks cases numbers)

ASX200  at 6129  up 0.3%  Close from the previous

The first scientifically verified case of reinfection with Covid-19 of the same strain in a man from Hong Kong
France’s “nude city”, the world’s largest clothing optional beach resort , Cap d’Agde Naturalist Village, has become the centre of an outbreak of Covid-19.
Victorian Premier has defended his push to extend the State of Emergency conditions in Victoria
Victoria has recorded its lowest daily increase in cases since 5 July, with “only116 “new cases.
Spain has recorded Europe’s largest single day increase in Covid-19 cases with over 19,000 new cases in a day.
Italy is commencing phase 1 vaccine trials of a locally developed candidate
New locations are being added to the Queensland Covid-19 hotspot watch list
Many religious organisations are advising followers NOT to use the Oxford University developed vaccine candidate as it employs cell lines from aborted foetuses. Big ethical questions.

SA has reintroduced a 40km buffer border zone with Victoria to assist with cross border communities.

26 August 2020 Wednesday

220 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 196 have reported deaths.

World RankCountryTotal CasesTotal DeathsNew Deaths*GF 7 Day AvGF Wk on Wk
WHO DataWORLD24,029,860822,2225,5501.091.08
(169)South Aust46340  
5 Sth Africa 613,01713,308149  

# New deaths number for the countries comes from WHO Data table @ https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries

and for Australia & South Australia https://www.covid-19.sa.gov.au/home/dashboard

& for Victoria https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/coronavirus-covid-19-daily-update

GF = Transmission Growth Factor(Below 1 = Transmission under control)

(My GF calculations based on 7 day moving average cases numbers and using the current weeks average cases numbers and the previous weeks cases numbers)

ASX200  at 6161  up 0.5%  Close from the previous

The world now had over 24 million cases of Covid-19, it took 4 days for the last million

Australia has just passed 25,000 cases, just 19 days for the last 5,000 cases.

There are bright hopes for the efficacy of a vaccine being developed in Brisbane, it shows high immunity boost while reducing symptoms

Over 300 people in Hotel quarantine in Sydney have been moved out of their hotel due to health and cleanliness concerns

The pandemic has gutted global tourism and is costing Australia around $10 billion a month

Qantas has announced another 2500 job cuts

A woman who stowed away in a truck to get into WA has been gaoled for 6 months for breaking border restrictions

A fashion retail company, Mosaic Brands, with many different brands is closing over 500 stores nationally

27 August 2020 Thursday

220 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 196 have reported deaths.

World RankCountryTotal CasesTotal DeathsNew Deaths*GF 7 Day AvGF Wk on Wk
WHO DataWORLD24,281,295827,8585,2501.020.98
(169)South Aust46340  
5 Sth Africa 615,70113,502194  

# New deaths number for the countries comes from WHO Data table @ https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries

and for Australia & South Australia https://www.covid-19.sa.gov.au/home/dashboard

& for Victoria https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/coronavirus-covid-19-daily-update

GF = Transmission Growth Factor(Below 1 = Transmission under control)

(My GF calculations based on 7 day moving average cases numbers and using the current weeks average cases numbers and the previous weeks cases numbers)

ASX200  at 6115  down 0.7%  Close from the previous

India has reported almost 76,000 new cases of Covid-19 in one day!!!!!

Topping a period of 14 days above 60,000 daily new infections

Queensland’s prison system is in lockdown after new cases reported within it.

China is now reporting that Beijing is now free of the Coronavirus.

Sydney’s hotspots keep rising in number, with 2 bus routes now included.

28 August 2020 Friday

220 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 196 have reported deaths.

World RankCountryTotal CasesTotal DeathsNew Deaths*GF 7 Day AvGF Wk on Wk
WHO DataWORLD24,589,529834,5425,6301.231.22
(169)South Aust46340  
5Sth Africa 618,28613,628126  

# New deaths number for the countries comes from WHO Data table @ https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries

and for Australia & South Australia https://www.covid-19.sa.gov.au/home/dashboard

& for Victoria https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/coronavirus-covid-19-daily-update

GF = Transmission Growth Factor(Below 1 = Transmission under control)

(My GF calculations based on 7 day moving average cases numbers and using the current weeks average cases numbers and the previous weeks cases numbers)

ASX200 at 6126 up 0.2% Close from the previous

The USA now has had over 6,000,000 cases of Covid-19

The Federal government is planning to bring stranded Australian citizens home and place them into quarantine centres for 14 days on arrival.

NSW / Sydney is experiencing more Covid-19 outbreaks

Victorian government has been granted an extension of 6 months on its Emergency Declaration

SA is bidding to host this years AFL Grand Final.

4 Protestors against Melbourne’s lockdown have been arrested at an illegal rally.

Studies in France have shown that the virus is actively circulating in 1/5th of the nation.

North Korea has told the WHO it is yet to declare a case of Covid-19 in its population.

Authorities are warning that the Coronavirus and Covid-19 are creating the “perfect storm” for anti-vaxers.

Authorities are also warning about the speed at which some vaccine candidates are being progressed. The lack of fully transparent trials is worrying scientists.

29 August 2020 Saturday

220 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 196 have reported deaths.

World RankCountryTotal CasesTotal DeathsNew Deaths*GF 7 Day AvGF Wk on Wk
WHO DataWORLD24,874,314840,1915,2251.121.12
(169)South Aust46340  
6Sth Africa 620,13213,743115  

# New deaths number for the countries comes from WHO Data table @ https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries

and for Australia & South Australia https://www.covid-19.sa.gov.au/home/dashboard

& for Victoria https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/coronavirus-covid-19-daily-update

GF = Transmission Growth Factor(Below 1 = Transmission under control)

(My GF calculations based on 7 day moving average cases numbers and using the current weeks average cases numbers and the previous weeks cases numbers)

ASX200 at 6073 down 0.9% Close from the previous

Peru has replaced South Africa at number 5 in the world for Covid-19 cases

Germany is expecting another wave of Covid-19 cases to strike at some time.

Victoria has recorded its lowest daily increase in Covid-19 cases in 7 weeks, but the death rate is spiking.

Confusion around the Queensland border closures has been blamed for the death of an unborn child. In NSW

Britain will allow the emergency use of ANY Covid-19 vaccine before it is fully licensed.

The Deputy Chief Medical Officer of Australia has rejected calls from a Liberal Senator for the use of Hydroxychloroquine, saying it is unproven to have any positive benefits against Covid-19 and the potential harm is far greater,

Japanese PM Shinzo Abe is stepping down due to ill health

Schoolies Week in Queensland has been cancelled.

South Korea has tightened its Social Distancing rules and enforcement.

A 40km buffer zone has been re-approved and implemented between South Australia and Victoria to help cross border communities function better

Outbreaks of clusters in NSW is getting worse.

It should be noted that just because a coronavirus vaccine is developed and distributed it doesn’t mean pandemic is going to finish immediately.

Two thing have to happen, the vaccine has to be effective enough to immunise a significant portion of those who get it and that enough of the population has to get the vaccine to make herd immunity come into play.

The fact that a significant number of people have to get vaccinated is alarming in itself as there has already been a significant part of the population that are saying they will not get vaccinated on either ethical and anti-vax beliefs.

In light of this, vaccines that are low in efficacy would require ongoing social distancing and the wearing of masks until either a widely taken high, efficacy vaccine is developed and/or the pandemic runs its course.

It’s not over when the vaccine arrives  https://flip.it/2FPGY7

30 August 2020 Sunday

220 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 196 have reported deaths.

World RankCountryTotal CasesTotal DeathsNew Deaths*GF 7 Day AvGF Wk on Wk
WHO DataWORLD25,140,466845,5204,8431.041.05
(169)South Aust46340  
6Sth Africa 622,55113,9813238  

# New deaths number for the countries comes from WHO Data table @ https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries

and for Australia & South Australia https://www.covid-19.sa.gov.au/home/dashboard

& for Victoria https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/coronavirus-covid-19-daily-update

GF = Transmission Growth Factor(Below 1 = Transmission under control)

(My GF calculations based on 7 day moving average cases numbers and using the current weeks average cases numbers and the previous weeks cases numbers)

The world has passed 25 million cases of Covid-19 , the last million in 4 days

India has passed 3.5 million cases of Covid-19, the last 500,000 in just 7 days!

Australia’s death toll from the Coronavirus/Covid-19 has hit 600 in 220 days.

Victoria’s Restriction strategy appears to be working as the number of daily new cases drops below 100

Young people are driving the 2nd wave of Covid-19 through Europe

Queensland is extending/widening its restrictions

A pub in WA has been shutdown after a man who was meant to be in quarantine visited it.

Victoria/Melbourne is experiencing a large number of people going outside and the to the beach today due to hot weather, the police are adamant they will enforce all the lockdown provisions.

Malaysia has banned foreign tourists until the end of 2020 in a bid to control the spread of Covid-19

Tightened restrictions have come into force on the Gold Coast in Queensland

Thousands of people described as Coronavirus sceptics and right-wing extremists have rallied in Berlin against the countries Covid-19 restrictions, no social distancing was evident and many in the crowd were wearing t-shirts promoting the “Q” conspiracy

31 August 2020 Monday

220 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 196 have reported deaths.

World RankCountryTotal CasesTotal DeathsNew Deaths*GF 7 Day AvGF Wk on Wk
WHO DataWORLD25,374,286850,0484,80670.900.91
(169)South Aust46340  
6Sth Africa 625,05614,02847  

# New deaths number for the countries comes from WHO Data table @ https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries

and for Australia & South Australia https://www.covid-19.sa.gov.au/home/dashboard

& for Victoria https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/coronavirus-covid-19-daily-update

GF = Transmission Growth Factor(Below 1 = Transmission under control)

(My GF calculations based on 7 day moving average cases numbers and using the current weeks average cases numbers and the previous weeks cases numbers)

At 79,457, India has recorded the single biggest daily increase in cases of Covid-19 of any country in the world.

Anti-lockdown protests and agitation are growing in Melbourne and wider Victoria as people are seeking clarity on the way forward and a timetable for coming out of the lockdown.

Sydney is experiencing more localised clusters of Covid-19.

Warm weather in Sydney has driven many people to the beach and social distancing measures are being tested .

Germany is experiencing large protests against the social distancing and lockdown measures in that country.

In Auckland NZ, the lockdown has been eased to Level 2.5

Queensland’s Chief Medica; Officer has suggested wearing masks indoors where social distancing is not possible.

Victorians are expected to account for over 50% of the nations unemployment numbers when they are released in coming days.

Official Australian Government documents have shown that the amount and quality of information coming from Australia’s embassies in China was very poor at the start of the pandemic, often relying of news sources and Chinese Government releases.

Number of Views :1856

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