#09 September 2020 Covid-19 Globally it’s getting Worse, Victoria is back on track.

An Historical Perspective:

Spanish Flu (1918-20) v Coronavirus/Covid-19 (2020)

The Spanish Flu, 1918 -1920, that this current Coronavirus pandemic is compared to, infected approximately one third of the world’s population (500 million of a world population of approximately 1.5 billion) and is thought to have killed up to 50 million people (10% of those who were infected). The USA had approximately 675,000 deaths due to the Spanish Flu.

To date, from January 2020 to end of August 2020 the Coronavirus/Covid-19 had infected approximately 25.4 million (0.32% of the world’s population) and killed 0.85 million people (3.3% of those infected).

The world in 2020 had a population of approximately 7.8 Billion

If the Coronavirus/Covid-19 had the same effect as the Spanish Flu it would have meant that over 2.6 billion people would have been infected and approximately 260 million people would have died.

It is too early to guess final; numbers, but I seriously doubt that this pandemic will come anywhere close to the human toll of the Spanish Flu.

The Economic effects are something entirely different.

It is estimated that the Spanish Flu reduced the average economy GDP by around 6%, it is thought to have reduced the manufacturing output of the USA by 18%. Unemployment rates of around 8% were quoted.

The effects of Coronavirus/Covid-19 are expected to be about an average reduction in GDP globally of between approximately 5% and 8%. With individual countries fairing much worse depending on how hard they shut down their economies. The USA is expected to have approximately a 5.2% reduction in its GDP and an unemployment rate in excess of 10%. The USA also has approximately 20 million workers furloughed from their jobs) Australia has had a 7% reduction in GDP and is officially in recession, and has an unemployment rate of 7.5% with an “under-employed” rate of approximately 11%.

1 September 2020 Tuesday

220 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 196 have reported deaths.

World RankCountryTotal CasesTotal DeathsNew Deaths*GF 7 Day AvGF Wk on Wk
WHO DataWORLD25,592,653853,4513,2480.830.85
(169)South Aust46340  
6Sth Africa 627,04114,149121  

# New deaths number for the countries comes from WHO Data table @ https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries

and for Australia & South Australia https://www.covid-19.sa.gov.au/home/dashboard

& for Victoria https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/coronavirus-covid-19-daily-update

GF = Transmission Growth Factor (Below 1 = Transmission under control)

(My GF calculations based on 7 day moving average cases numbers and using the current weeks average cases numbers and the previous weeks cases numbers)

ASX200 at 6060 down 0.2% Close from the previous

Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews is promising to give Victorians a roadmap out of lockdowns over the weekend. My guess is that there will not be any set dates but rather a set of goals to be achieved to allow an unwinding.

The BIG jump in Victorian deaths is due to late reporting from a number of nursing homes, some of the deaths date back months.

A former Indian Prime Minister has died after, but not as a result of contracting Covid-19

The UK is fearing a large cluster outbreak as over 200 people from the same flight from Greece have contracted Covid-19

Jobseeker and Jobkeeper payment extensions are progressing through the Federal Parliament.

A border bubble is being proposed between NSW and Victoria, again.

NSW residents are being strongly recommended to wear facemasks on public transport and where is is not possible to socially distant, but the Premier is holding off making it compulsory

An Anti-Lockdown protest being organised for Melbourne on Saturday is going ahead according to organisers. Police seem to be doing all they can to make it not happen.

2 September 2020 Wednesday

220 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 196 have reported deaths.

World RankCountryTotal CasesTotal DeathsNew Deaths*GF 7 Day AvGF Wk on Wk
WHO DataWORLD25,873,069859,9185,4941.061.09
(169)South Aust46340  
6Sth Africa 628,25914,263114  

# New deaths number for the countries comes from WHO Data table @ https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries

and for Australia & South Australia https://www.covid-19.sa.gov.au/home/dashboard

& for Victoria https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/coronavirus-covid-19-daily-update

GF = Transmission Growth Factor (Below 1 = Transmission under control)

(My GF calculations based on 7 day moving average cases numbers and using the current weeks average cases numbers and the previous weeks cases numbers)

ASX200 at 5953 down 1.8% Close from the previous

Australian’s have been warned, again, to expect a severe contraction in our domestic economy

There is growing objections in the wider Australian community to large corporations paying executives large bonuses while their workforce is on JobKeeper payments.

Two people have been charged for organising Melbourne’s Anti-mask protests

More Sydney public transport routes are coming under investigation for community transmission of the Coronavirus.

Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews has secured an extension to the State’s Emergency Powers and is expected to give two differing “Road Maps” out of restrictions, allowing for what may happen.

China’s displeasure with Australia over its push for an Inquiry into the source /origin of the Coronavirus is getting worse, with Antidumping allegations and enquiries into Australia’s Barley, Wine and Meat trade with it. The latest accusation is that a recent shipment of Barley was had a large contamination of harmful weed seeds.

The US election campaigns seem to be rolling on with no change in tactics, yet.

Meanwhile in Germany, the government is insisting that all protestors attending any outside rallies, of over 100 people, against the Coronavirus restrictions must wear masks.!!!!! Unless they can maintain 1.5m social distancing.

Hungary has closed its borders to outside travellers.

The WHO is running a campaign in the Pacific about the “New Normal” with the Coronavirus.

3 September 2020 Thursday

220 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 196 have reported deaths.

World RankCountryTotal CasesTotal DeathsNew Deaths*GF 7 Day AvGF Wk on Wk
WHO DataWORLD26,172,890866,8396,1971.111.16
(175)South Aust46340  
7Sth Africa 630,59514,389126  

# New deaths number for the countries comes from WHO Data table @ https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries

and for Australia & South Australia https://www.covid-19.sa.gov.au/home/dashboard

& for Victoria https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/coronavirus-covid-19-daily-update

GF = Transmission Growth Factor (Below 1 = Transmission under control)

(My GF calculations based on 7 day moving average cases numbers and using the current weeks average cases numbers and the previous weeks cases numbers)

ASX200 at 6063 up 1.8% Close from the previous

The world has just passed 26 million cases of Covid-19, the last million in just 4 days.

Brazil has passed 4 million cases, the last million in just 25 days

Russia has just passed 1 million cases of Covid-19.

South Africa has been passed by both Peru (5) and Colombia (6) to be 7th in the Covid-19 cases list.

South Australia is now free of any active Covid-19 cases.

Prisoners in a Queensland gaol have rioted in protest to Covid-19 lockdowns

The Federal Government is preparing a Five Year Plan to get Australia out of the economic mess that the Coronavirus/Covid-19 has plunged it into

Steroids have been confirmed to help seriously ill Covid-19 patients.

The number of Covid-19 cases linked to a French nudist resort have double since it was first reported that it was a hot spot last month.

The AFL Grand Final will be played in Brisbane (with Adelaide on standby) and will be played at night. This is the first time the AFL/VFL Grand Final has been played anywhere but in Melbourne and the first time under lights.

Residents of Melbourne have been issued in excess of $2.9 million in Covid-19 related fines.

4 September 2020 Friday

220 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 196 have reported deaths.

World RankCountryTotal CasesTotal DeathsNew Deaths*GF 7 Day AvGF Wk on Wk
WHO DataWORLD26,425,489871,9105,2880.960.98
(175)South Aust46340  
7Sth Africa 633,01514,563126  

# New deaths number for the countries comes from WHO Data table @ https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries

and for Australia & South Australia https://www.covid-19.sa.gov.au/home/dashboard

& for Victoria https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/coronavirus-covid-19-daily-update

GF = Transmission Growth Factor (Below 1 = Transmission under control)

(My GF calculations based on 7 day moving average cases numbers and using the current weeks average cases numbers and the previous weeks cases numbers)

ASX200 at 6112 up 0.8% Close from the previous

India has recorded over 84,000 new cases of Covid-19 in a single day

Queensland is being accused of keeping its borders shut due to an upcoming state election

In the USA this year so far, more police officers have died from Covid-19 than have been killed while on patrol!

Businesses in Australia are calling for more clarity on the rules under which they have been forced to operate, asking for more clarity and consistency

The ban on Australians travelling overseas will be in force until at least 17 Dec 2020

A pregnant woman was arrested yesterday morning at her home for organising an Anti-Lockdown Protest Rally in Ballarat via Facebook. She was handcuffed in front of her children while still in her pyjamas. Police Command has said that the actions of the police on site were justified and moderate. (She claimed she didn’t know organising such a rally was illegal!)

5 September 2020 Saturday

220 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 196 have reported deaths.

World RankCountryTotal CasesTotal DeathsNew Deaths*GF 7 Day AvGF Wk on Wk
WHO DataWORLD26,759,403877,8645,3441.241.27
(175)South Aust46340  
7Sth Africa 635,07814,678115  

# New deaths number for the countries comes from WHO Data table @ https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries

and for Australia & South Australia https://www.covid-19.sa.gov.au/home/dashboard

& for Victoria https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/coronavirus-covid-19-daily-update

GF = Transmission Growth Factor (Below 1 = Transmission under control)

(My GF calculations based on 7 day moving average cases numbers and using the current weeks average cases numbers and the previous weeks cases numbers)

ASX200 at 5925 down 3.1% Close from the previous

India has broken 4,000,000 Covid-19 cases, the last million in 13 days.

A new inflammatory disease associated with Covid-19 is affecting children who have had Covid-19. It is a severe immune response syndrome PIMS-TS, that is similar to Kawasaki disease. A 9 yo boy in Melbourne has the disease.

Melbourne Police are bracing “Freedom Day” rallies in the city, a revolt against the lockdown

There are predictions around that another 1.9 million people will die in the northern hemisphere this year from Covid-19

Russia has published the data from early trials for the vaccine it is using, some two weeks after it started using it.

The National Cabinet agreed has agreed to disagree on the way forward. WA is holding strong to its position and will not bend to comply with other states wishes. The Eastern States are endeavouring to have all borders open in some way by Christmas.

States are working towards a common definition for a Covid-19 Hot Spot as a basis for moving forward.

SA has loosened its restrictions and clarified operating conditions to ease the pressure on the operation of businesses

Covid-19 levels in Europe are almost back to March levels with no sign of new shutdowns being contemplated.

6 September 2020 Sunday

220 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 196 have reported deaths.

World RankCountryTotal CasesTotal DeathsNew Deaths*GF 7 Day AvGF Wk on Wk
WHO DataWORLD27,020,044882,73943840.971.00
(175)South Aust46440  
7Sth Africa 636,88414,779101  

# New deaths number for the countries comes from WHO Data table @ https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries

and for Australia & South Australia https://www.covid-19.sa.gov.au/home/dashboard

& for Victoria https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/coronavirus-covid-19-daily-update

GF = Transmission Growth Factor (Below 1 = Transmission under control)

(My GF calculations based on 7 day moving average cases numbers and using the current weeks average cases numbers and the previous weeks cases numbers)

The world now has over 27 million cases of Covid-19, the last million in just over 3 days!

Indi has had over 90,000 new cases in a single day

The Coronavirus has been found in the waste water systems of both Victoria (unsurprisingly) and also in South Australia

A record number (12) of people are on life support at one hospital in Melbourne.

Melbourne’s lockdown expected to continue until October

A small anti lockdown protest in Melbourne was disbanded by police, with over a dozen arrested and a total of 17 people fined. Across wider Victoria a total of 17 people were arrested and over 1760 fines issued.

A protest in Sydney resulted in scuffles and 3 people were arrested and 18 people fined. Across wider NSW a total of 14 people were arrested and 81 fines issued.

In both Sydney and Melbourne the number of police attending the rallies outnumbered those that came to protest.

They are predicting that the USA will have had over 410,000 Covid-19 deaths by 2021

7 September 2020 Monday

220 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 196 have reported deaths.

World RankCountryTotal CasesTotal DeathsNew Deaths*GF 7 Day AvGF Wk on Wk
WHO DataWORLD27,275,286887,09439180.940.96
(175)South Aust46440  
7Sth Africa 638,51714,889110  

# New deaths number for the countries comes from WHO Data table @ https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries

and for Australia & South Australia https://www.covid-19.sa.gov.au/home/dashboard

& for Victoria https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/coronavirus-covid-19-daily-update

GF = Transmission Growth Factor (Below 1 = Transmission under control)

(My GF calculations based on 7 day moving average cases numbers and using the current weeks average cases numbers and the previous weeks cases numbers)

India has overtaken Brazil into 2nd place for the number of Covid-19 cases in the world.

Victoria’s numbers have dropped to a 10 week low, it seems their drastic measures are paying off.

Victoria has released a 4 step “Road Map” out of its lockdown. Immediately there have been changes to the restrictions. The 5km radius travel ban has been lifted, groups of 2 unrelated people are now permitted outside, the curfew start time has been pushed back 1 hr later at night and a few more minor changes.

Australia has signed agreements with 2 vaccine developers for up to 84 million doses of 2 different vaccines if they prove successful.

If a vaccine is developed it seems that it will require 2 injections, an initial dose then a booster in a week or 2 after the initial dose.

Protests against the restrictions continue in Europe, in Minsk, Belarus, tens of thousand of people have taken to the streets to march in protest, with no social distancing and very few masks!

In Italy and Croatia the governments are battling to stop a growing number of protests marches.

8 September 2020 Tuesday

220 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 196 have reported deaths.

World RankCountryTotal CasesTotal DeathsNew Deaths*GF 7 Day AvGF Wk on Wk
WHO DataWORLD27,465,142896,0863,3730.710.72
(175)South Aust46440  
7Sth Africa 639.36215,004115  

# New deaths number for the countries comes from WHO Data table @ https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries

and for Australia & South Australia https://www.covid-19.sa.gov.au/home/dashboard

& for Victoria https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/coronavirus-covid-19-daily-update

GF = Transmission Growth Factor (Below 1 = Transmission under control)

(My GF calculations based on 7 day moving average cases numbers and using the current weeks average cases numbers and the previous weeks cases numbers)

ASX200 at 5944 up 0.3% Close from the previous

There seems to be a lot of anger and resentment over the Victorian Governments “Roadmap” out of restrictions. It has been said that if NSW applied the same criteria it would be in a similar lockdown now.

The Federal Government is upping the pressure on Victoria to review its roadmap and free up the state as the economic consequences are dire for Australia.

There are increasing numbers of infections in the Queensland health system.

An International body has stated that it is highly unlikely that the Coronavirus is spread through food.

The Deputy PM has had to back away from unsubstantiated claims that Melbourne’s outbreaks is in part due to the BLM Rallies

NSW has announced that Year 12 Formals and Graduations will be allowed to go ahead after the HSC is finished.

The home loan repayment holiday provided y the banks end this month. There are big worries that many people will not be able to start repaying their loans again and default rates will skyrocket.

State debts are ballooning by the week as the shutdowns and lack of trade dries up revenue.  Queensland looks to be going from a state surplus of $234 million to a deficit of $8.1 Billion.

Many small businesses will not be able to recover from the shutdowns and will never reopen.

9 September 2020 Wednesday

220 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 196 have reported deaths.

World RankCountryTotal CasesTotal DeathsNew Deaths*GF 7 Day AvGF Wk on Wk
WHO DataWORLD27,710,423900,6344,0780.930.93
(175)South Aust46540  
7Sth Africa 640,44115,08682  

# New deaths number for the countries comes from WHO Data table @ https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries

and for Australia & South Australia https://www.covid-19.sa.gov.au/home/dashboard

& for Victoria https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/coronavirus-covid-19-daily-update

GF = Transmission Growth Factor (Below 1 = Transmission under control)

(My GF calculations based on 7 day moving average cases numbers and using the current weeks average cases numbers and the previous weeks cases numbers)

ASX200 at 6007 up 1.1% Close from the previous

Over 900,000 people have died of Covid-19 world wide.

The USA now has had over 6.5 million cases of Covid-19

There are reports coming out of adverse reactions to the vaccine being developed by Oxford University in the UK that Australia has signed up for.

Groups of more than 6 will soon be illegal in Britain as Covid-19 surges back.

10 September 2020 Thursday

220 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 196 have reported deaths.

World RankCountryTotal CasesTotal DeathsNew Deaths*GF 7 Day AvGF Wk on Wk
WHO DataWORLD27,997,523907,0275,9501.101.08
(175)South Aust46540  
8Sth Africa 642,86015,16882  

# New deaths number for the countries comes from WHO Data table @ https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries

and for Australia & South Australia https://www.covid-19.sa.gov.au/home/dashboard

& for Victoria https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/coronavirus-covid-19-daily-update

GF = Transmission Growth Factor (Below 1 = Transmission under control)

(My GF calculations based on 7 day moving average cases numbers and using the current weeks average cases numbers and the previous weeks cases numbers)

ASX200 at 5878 down 2.2% Close from the previous

900.000 people have now died globally from Covid-19

Peru 702,776, Colombia 686, 856 and Mexico 642,860 now fill the places 5, 6 and 7 for most Covid-19 cases

US President Trump is now saying he down played the Coronavirus/Covid-19 to avoid widespread panic.

The fact that the Stage 3 trials of the Oxford Uni vaccine have been paused to investigate an adverse reaction is seen as a good thing amongst the scientific community, it validates their process

It has come out that Victoria’s night curfew was a decision made by Premier Daniel Andrews without the input/approval of either the Medical experts or police

Patriarch Filaret, head of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church–Kiev Patriarchate  who called Covid-19 “God’s punishment for same sex marriage” has contracted it.

11 September 2020 Friday

220 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 196 have reported deaths.

World RankCountryTotal CasesTotal DeathsNew Deaths*GF 7 Day AvGF Wk on Wk
WHO DataWORLD28,290,327912,6995,3991.101.11
(175)South Aust46540  
8Sth Africa 644,43815,27597  

# New deaths number for the countries comes from WHO Data table @ https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries

and for Australia & South Australia https://www.covid-19.sa.gov.au/home/dashboard

& for Victoria https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/coronavirus-covid-19-daily-update

GF = Transmission Growth Factor (Below 1 = Transmission under control)

(My GF calculations based on 7 day moving average cases numbers and using the current weeks average cases numbers and the previous weeks cases numbers)

ASX200 at 5908 up 0.5% Close from the previous

The world has had more than 28 million cases of Covid-19, the last million in just over 4 days

India has over 96,000 new cases of Covid-19 yesterday

Victoria has passed 700 Covid-19 deaths

The City of Melbourne could lose up to $110 billion over the next 5 years due to the Coronavirus.

Oxford University’s vaccine is still on track despite the pause due to an adverse reaction in 1 patient.

The issue of border closures within Australia is getting really nasty between governments. With the Federal Government push all states where Covid-19 is “under control” to open up  to revive the Country’s economy.

12 September 2020 Saturday

220 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 196 have reported deaths.

World RankCountryTotal CasesTotal DeathsNew Deaths*GF 7 Day AvGF Wk on Wk
WHO DataWORLD28,632,072918,6815,3911.281.27
(175)South Aust46640  
8Sth Africa 646,39815,378113  

# New deaths number for the countries comes from WHO Data table @ https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries

and for Australia & South Australia https://www.covid-19.sa.gov.au/home/dashboard

& for Victoria https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/coronavirus-covid-19-daily-update

GF = Transmission Growth Factor (Below 1 = Transmission under control)

(My GF calculations based on 7 day moving average cases numbers and using the current weeks average cases numbers and the previous weeks cases numbers)

ASX200 at 5859 down 0.8% Close from the previous

Victorian police are getting ready for another weekend of anti-lockdown protests in Melbourne

Australia wide there are big changes being made to how Christmas will be celebrated this year, with changes or cancellations of public displays and carols.

Border closure rules are continuing to be a source of drama with many sad personal tales coming out every day.

Reports are coming out of the USA that the Coronavirus may have been present there as early as December 2019, with west coast hospitals reporting an dramatic increase in SARS-like raspatory disease.

13 September 2020 Sunday

220 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 197 have reported deaths.

Saint Pierre Miquelon is the latest country to record its first death due to Covid-19

World RankCountryTotal CasesTotal DeathsNew Deaths*GF 7 Day AvGF Wk on Wk
WHO DataWORLD28,929,130924,0584,9611.091.10
(175)South Aust46640  
8Sth Africa 648,21415,42749  

# New deaths number for the countries comes from WHO Data table @ https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries

and for Australia & South Australia https://www.covid-19.sa.gov.au/home/dashboard

& for Victoria https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/coronavirus-covid-19-daily-update

GF = Transmission Growth Factor (Below 1 = Transmission under control)

(My GF calculations based on 7 day moving average cases numbers and using the current weeks average cases numbers and the previous weeks cases numbers)

There were over 340,000 new cases of Covid-19 reported today!! A record number.

Lockdown protests continue to occur in Melbourne but with fewer attendees.

France has recorded over 10,000 new cases in one day.

Jakarta is in lockdown again as another wave of Covid-19 strikes the city.

A Perth woman has become the first person in WA to be fitted with a tracking device due to Covid-19 control laws.

The Oxford University Vaccine trials have re4commenced after it was found that the person that had the adverse reaction was suffering a pre-existing unrelated condition.

“Border Wars” continue amongst the states and the Federal Government.

The Australia Cricket team will quarantine at Adelaide Oval on their return from England.

Medical staff are increasingly becoming victims of the Covid-19 disease.

Victoria has recorded its lowest cases increase since June.

Political tensions between Australia and China continue to spiral, with seemingly tit for tat expulsion of journalists, with accompanying rhetoric.

The USA is approaching 200,000 deaths due to Covid-19

14 September 2020 Monday

220 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 197 have reported deaths.

Saint Pierre Miquelon is the latest country to record its first death due to Covid-19

World RankCountryTotal CasesTotal DeathsNew Deaths*GF 7 Day AvGF Wk on Wk
WHO DataWORLD29,155,041927,7093,6280.840.84
(176)South Aust46640  
151NZ1,446 (1,797)240  
8Sth Africa 649,79315,44720  

# New deaths number for the countries comes from WHO Data table @ https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries

and for Australia & South Australia https://www.covid-19.sa.gov.au/home/dashboard

& for Victoria https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/coronavirus-covid-19-daily-update

GF = Transmission Growth Factor (Below 1 = Transmission under control)

(My GF calculations based on 7 day moving average cases numbers and using the current weeks average cases numbers and the previous weeks cases numbers)

The world has passed 29 million cases of Covid-19, the last million in 4 days, with a 4 day average cases increase of 289,379.

India continues to report a number of new cases in the 90,000’s

Victoria has begun easing its restrictions , with regional Victoria moving to Stage 3 Restriction from today.

A man in WA has been gaoled for 8 months after breaching home quarantine twice within days.

There were scuffles and clashes between police and anti-lockdown/virus deniers in Melbourne yesterday, with 74 people arrested and 176 fines issued.

The Victorian Parliament House has been shutdown as a security guard has tested positive to Covid-19. It is undergoing a deep clean before it will be reopened.

15 September 2020 Tuesday

220 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 197 have reported deaths.

Saint Pierre Miquelon is the latest country to record its first death due to Covid-19

World RankCountryTotal CasesTotal DeathsNew Deaths*GF 7 Day AvGF Wk on Wk
WHO DataWORLD29,415,982931,9613,8910.940.96
(176)South Aust46640  
8Sth Africa 650,74915,49952  

# New deaths number for the countries comes from WHO Data table @ https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries

and for Australia & South Australia https://www.covid-19.sa.gov.au/home/dashboard

& for Victoria https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/coronavirus-covid-19-daily-update

GF = Transmission Growth Factor (Below 1 = Transmission under control)

(My GF calculations based on 7 day moving average cases numbers and using the current weeks average cases numbers and the previous weeks cases numbers)

ASX200 at 5859 up0.7% Close from the previous

Victoria has recorded NO new deaths dur to Covid-19 in the last 24 hrs, the first time since 13 July.

South Australia is expected to open its borders to NSW and ACT today, removing the quarantine requirements

The Queensland Chief Medical Officer has been given 24/7 police protection after receiving credible death threats.

The NT Chief Minister is warning the although the Territory is currently Covid-19 free it can expevt that incoming tourists will bring the Virus with them.

President Trump has held a large indoor campaign rally in Nevada against the States Coronavirus restrictions.

16 September 2020 Wednesday

220 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 197 have reported deaths.

Saint Pierre Miquelon is the latest country to record its first death due to Covid-19

World RankCountryTotal CasesTotal DeathsNew Deaths*GF 7 Day AvGF Wk on Wk
WHO DataWORLD29,713,913938,3625,9161.041.09
(176)South Aust46640  
8Sth Africa 651,52115,641142  

# New deaths number for the countries comes from WHO Data table @ https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries

and for Australia & South Australia https://www.covid-19.sa.gov.au/home/dashboard

& for Victoria https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/coronavirus-covid-19-daily-update

GF = Transmission Growth Factor (Below 1 = Transmission under control)

(My GF calculations based on 7 day moving average cases numbers and using the current weeks average cases numbers and the previous weeks cases numbers)

ASX200 at 5894 down 0.1% Close from the previous

The USA has passed 200,000 deaths due to Covid-19, it took just 117 days for the last 100,000 deaths to occur.

India has passed 5 million cases of  Covid-19, it took just 12 days for the last million cases to occur.

South Australia has lifted its border restrictions with the ACT

Experts are predicting that a quarter of all cases in Aged Care facilities in Victoria will lead to a death.

There is a growing push to allow more of the 25,000 Australians stranded overseas to be allowed to  return home.

There is a report out that says Indonesia is making mask deniers and anti-vaxers dig the graves for people who have died of Covid-19

17 September 2020 Thursday

220 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

Montserrat (I think) is the latest country to record its first death due to Covid-19

World RankCountryTotal CasesTotal DeathsNew Deaths*GF 7 Day AvGF Wk on Wk
WHO DataWORLD29,984,904943,8685,3810.951.00
(176)South Aust46640  
8Sth Africa 653,44415,70564  

# New deaths number for the countries comes from WHO Data table @ https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries

and for Australia & South Australia https://www.covid-19.sa.gov.au/home/dashboard

& for Victoria https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/coronavirus-covid-19-daily-update

GF = Transmission Growth Factor (Below 1 = Transmission under control)

(My GF calculations based on 7 day moving average cases numbers and using the current weeks average cases numbers and the previous weeks cases numbers)

ASX200 at 5956 up 1.0% Close from the previous

Research is showing that thousands of Australians may have had the Coronavirus and not known, Estimates put the figure in excess of 70,000.

NSW is easing quarantine and border restrictions for border communities.

Queensland is easing restrictions in the SE of the state

Regional Victoria is easing out of lockdown and businesses are starting to reopen as restrictions ease to Level 3

The USA has released a Covid-19 Vaccine “Play Book” for the dissemination of a vaccine in the USA from January 2021 or earlier.

The UK is rationing Covid-19 tests as test failures have occurred.

All Australian Governments, State and federal are now working together to get more Australian home by increasing the numbers of hotel quarantine rooms available, Making flights back to Australia possible

Victoria’s CMO has denied any knowledge of the use of private security in the early stages of hotel quarantine

Chinese diplomats have been accused of “meddling: in domestic affairs of Australia. China has racted very strongly defending its people.

18 September 2020 Friday

220 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

Montserrat (I think) is the latest country to record its first death due to Covid-19

World RankCountryTotal CasesTotal DeathsNew Deaths*GF 7 Day AvGF Wk on Wk
WHO DataWORLD30,327,150950,0575,3561.181.23
(176)South Aust46640  
8Sth Africa 655,57215,77267  

# New deaths number for the countries comes from WHO Data table @ https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries

and for Australia & South Australia https://www.covid-19.sa.gov.au/home/dashboard

& for Victoria https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/coronavirus-covid-19-daily-update

GF = Transmission Growth Factor (Below 1 = Transmission under control)

(My GF calculations based on 7 day moving average cases numbers and using the current weeks average cases numbers and the previous weeks cases numbers)

ASX200 at 5883 down 1.2% Close from the previous

The world has passed 30 million cases of Covid-19, the last million in under 4 days, the last 10 million has taken 35 days, the 10 million before that took 44 days and the first 10 million cases took 152 days

Billionaires like Gates, Bezos, Zuckerberg and Musk have had their fortunes soar during the pandemic.

The Australian National Cabinet meeting today is expected to be focused on getting Australian expats back into the country and lifting the travel caps for flights back into Australia,

The Rules governing the JobKeeper program are expected to change soon, with the amount paid expected to drop.

The WHO is warning about the serious spike in cases throughout Europe.

The UK is imposing tougher restrictions as cases begin to spike going into winter.

In the political “Game” in the USA, the US Attorney General has compared the Covid-19 Lockdowns in some states to slavery, drawing wide condemnation.

President Trump continues to say a vaccine will be ready within weeks while the Chief Medical Officer is saying a vaccine probably won’t be ready until the middle of 2021

A man has been arrested for the death threat to the Queensland CMO and Premier.

Worldwide it appears that the treatment of those that get Covid-19 is improving as the death rate seem to be declining even though total cases is going up.

19 September 2020 Saturday

220 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

Montserrat (I think) is the latest country to record its first death due to Covid-19

World RankCountryTotal CasesTotal DeathsNew Deaths*GF 7 Day AvGF Wk on Wk
WHO DataWORLD30,652,674955,1914,9211.131.17
(176)South Aust46640  
9Sth Africa 657,62715,85785  

# New deaths number for the countries comes from WHO Data table @ https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries

and for Australia & South Australia https://www.covid-19.sa.gov.au/home/dashboard

& for Victoria https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/coronavirus-covid-19-daily-update

GF = Transmission Growth Factor (Below 1 = Transmission under control)

(My GF calculations based on 7 day moving average cases numbers and using the current weeks average cases numbers and the previous weeks cases numbers)

ASX200 at 58654 down 0.3% Close from the previous

The USA, Brazil and India account for over half of the world’s cases of Covid-19 (16,719,841 of 30,652,674 = 54%)

Central and South American countries now account for five of the top ten countries in the world for the number of Covid-19 cases. (Brazil, Columbia, Peru, Mexico & Argentina)

Victoria has now had over 20,000 cases of Covid-19.

Melbourne police are bracing for “Flash Mob” style protests over this weekend

There has been a spike in the number of Covid-19 cases in Spain.

The UK is contemplating even more restrictions as cases of Covid-19 continue to escalate.

South Australians are being warned to increase health precautions as the state contemplates opening up to NSW.

Indonesians caught without a mask are being forced to dig graves for those who have died of Covid-19

A Pastor in the USA who rallied against wearing masks has been taken to ICU and placed on a ventilator after acquiring Covid-19

Five families are being blamed for a recent outbreak in Melbourne, with 34 cases being detected within the 5 families. Apparently they broke restrictions by travelling to each others homes.

The cap on international arrivals in Australia is being lifted.

20 September 2020 Sunday

220 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

Montserrat (I think) is the latest country to record its first death due to Covid-19

World RankCountryTotal CasesTotal DeathsNew Deaths*GF 7 Day AvGF Wk on Wk
WHO DataWORLD30,968,342960,6754,9451.081.12
(176)South Aust46640  
9Sth Africa 659,65615,94083  

# New deaths number for the countries comes from WHO Data table @ https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries

and for Australia & South Australia https://www.covid-19.sa.gov.au/home/dashboard

& for Victoria https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/coronavirus-covid-19-daily-update

GF = Transmission Growth Factor (Below 1 = Transmission under control)

(My GF calculations based on 7 day moving average cases numbers and using the current weeks average cases numbers and the previous weeks cases numbers)

Victoria now accounts for 74% of Australia’s CXovid-19 cases and 89% of deaths due to Covid-19.

Victorian authorities are coming under pressure for fining protestors but not quarantine breakers.

Victorian police have arrested more protestors at rallies held yesterday and are getting ready for more rallies today.

Melbournian’s evacuated from Wuhan earlier this year have experienced the world’s longest lockdown.

The Australian Government is financing 3 new possible Covid-19 Vaccines in Australia.

The Australian Government is using New Zealand’s 12% economic downturn due to the measures it took to compare to be better figures of a 7% downturn in Australia to support its Covid-19 actions.

21 September 2020 Monday

220 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

Montserrat (I think) is the latest country to record its first death due to Covid-19

World RankCountryTotal CasesTotal DeathsNew Deaths*GF 7 Day AvGF Wk on Wk
WHO DataWORLD31,170,136964,0653,1940.700.73
(176)South Aust46640  
8Sth Africa661,21115,95313  

# New deaths number for the countries comes from WHO Data table @ https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries

and for Australia & South Australia https://www.covid-19.sa.gov.au/home/dashboard

& for Victoria https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/coronavirus-covid-19-daily-update

GF = Transmission Growth Factor (Below 1 = Transmission under control)

(My GF calculations based on 7 day moving average cases numbers and using the current weeks average cases numbers and the previous weeks cases numbers)

The world now has over 31,000,000 cases of Covid-19. It has taken just over 3 days for the last million cases of Covid-19 to occur.

It is unlikely that a travel bubble with NZ will be established before March 2021

Large protests planned for Melbourne over the weekend did not eventuate.

The Federal Government is preparing the delayed budget and is expecting Australia to have its largest budget deficit since WWII.

The UK is bringing fines of up to 10,000 pounds for breaking quarantine.

22 September 2020 Tuesday

220 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

Montserrat (I think) is the latest country to record its first death due to Covid-19

World RankCountryTotal CasesTotal DeathsNew Deaths*GF 7 Day AvGF Wk on Wk
WHO DataWORLD31,468,476968,8403,9551.021.04
(176)South Aust46640  
9Sth Africa 661,46815,99239  

# New deaths number for the countries comes from WHO Data table @ https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries

and for Australia & South Australia https://www.covid-19.sa.gov.au/home/dashboard

& for Victoria https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/coronavirus-covid-19-daily-update

GF = Transmission Growth Factor (Below 1 = Transmission under control)

(My GF calculations based on 7 day moving average cases numbers and using the current weeks average cases numbers and the previous weeks cases numbers)

ASX200 at 5822 down 0.7% Close from the previous

The USA has passed 7million cases of Covid-19, the last million took 27 days

The UK has raised its virus alert level due to high transmission levels.

More than 150 countries Have signed up for the WHO’s Vaccine Alliance ensuring any vaccine will be distributed worldwide. Chin and the USA have NOT signed up to the Alliance.

The lowering of the death rate in the UK during the current spike in Covid-19 cases is due to a large percentage of the new cases being in younger age groups. The younger you are the greater the chance you will survive Covid-19.  .

The number of cases of Covid-19 in Victoria is coming down, but so is the daily number of tests being carried out. However, authorities aren’t concerned yet as the proportion of positive tests has been falling proportionally with the test numbers.

A Sydney Taxi driver who tested positive for Covid-19 drove for a week while he was positive, this is creating a nightmare for contact tracers. Experts are saying you would be safer to catch a train with an infected person than get a taxi with an infected driver.

23 September 2020 Wednesday

220 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

Montserrat (I think) is the latest country to record its first death due to Covid-19

World RankCountryTotal CasesTotal DeathsNew Deaths*GF 7 Day AvGF Wk on Wk
WHO DataWORLD31,750,084974,0203,9550.970.98
(176)South Aust46640  
9Sth Africa 663,28216,118126  

# New deaths number for the countries comes from WHO Data table @ https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries

and for Australia & South Australia https://www.covid-19.sa.gov.au/home/dashboard

& for Victoria https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/coronavirus-covid-19-daily-update

GF = Transmission Growth Factor (Below 1 = Transmission under control)

(My GF calculations based on 7 day moving average cases numbers and using the current weeks average cases numbers and the previous weeks cases numbers)

ASX200 at 5784 down 0.7% Close from the previous close.

Melbourne’s 14 day rolling average has dropped below 30, Premier Andrews has said that restrictions will be eased when that average drops below 25.

The USA death toll from Covid-19 has passed 200,000

Trump has urged world leaders to hold China responsible for the Coronavirus pandemic.

Biden is blaming Trump for a very poor response and record on Covid-19.

South Australia will open its borders to NSW tonight if there is no community transmission in the state today.

I the wake of surging Covid-19 cases the UK Prime minister Boris Johnson has imposed restrictions that are expected to last until after Christmas. This includes a 10pm curfew and limitations on soccer matches

Doctors are concerned that Parkinson’s Disease may explode due to Covid-19

Vietnam overcame a second wave outbreak very quickly by locking down the area of outbreak, testing 1 person per residence and enforcing mask wearing. IT WORKED.

24 September 2020 Thursday

220 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

Montserrat (I think) is the latest country to record its first death due to Covid-19

World RankCountryTotal CasesTotal DeathsNew Deaths*GF 7 Day AvGF Wk on Wk
WHO DataWORLD32,053,828980,3405,5711.031.05
(176)South Aust46840  
9Sth Africa 665,18816,206126  

# New deaths number for the countries comes from WHO Data table @ https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries

and for Australia & South Australia https://www.covid-19.sa.gov.au/home/dashboard

& for Victoria https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/coronavirus-covid-19-daily-update

GF = Transmission Growth Factor (Below 1 = Transmission under control)

(My GF calculations based on 7 day moving average cases numbers and using the current weeks average cases numbers and the previous weeks cases numbers)

ASX200 at 5923 up 2.4% Close from the previous close.

The world has passed 32 million cases of Covid-19, the last million in just over 3 days.

In the USA, Walmart is delivering Covid-19 test kits by drone for people who don’t want to have any interaction with other people.

The Federal Government is introducing new Bankruptcy Laws to assist businesses through the financial consequences of the pandemic.

Victoria’s improving statistics is looking good for an easing of restrictions.

Sydney’s NYE Fireworks display will go ahead this year despite the pandemic.

In the USA Johnson and Johnson are in the final stages of testing a vaccine that they hope will work with just one injection rather than 2. Huge scrutiny is being done on the vaccine to ensure no short cuts have been taken.

The number of people presenting for Covid-19 testing in NSW is plummeting, sparking concern amongst health officials.

SA borders have officially opened to residents of NSW

The Japanese Olympic Committee has proposed that all athletes and officials be tested for Covid-19 before arrival at the games and on arrival, as part of their CVovid-19 plan.

25 September 2020 Friday

220 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

Montserrat (I think) is the latest country to record its first death due to Covid-19

World RankCountryTotal CasesTotal DeathsNew Deaths*GF 7 Day AvGF Wk on Wk
WHO DataWORLD32,365,717986,4385,1541.071.07
(176)South Aust46840  
9Sth Africa 667,04916,28377  

# New deaths number for the countries comes from WHO Data table @ https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries

and for Australia & South Australia https://www.covid-19.sa.gov.au/home/dashboard

& for Victoria https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/coronavirus-covid-19-daily-update

GF = Transmission Growth Factor (Below 1 = Transmission under control)

(My GF calculations based on 7 day moving average cases numbers and using the current weeks average cases numbers and the previous weeks cases numbers)

ASX200 at 5875 down 0.8% Close from the previous close.

Queensland is opening its borders to the ACT and is relaxing restrictions for some cross border areas.

It appears that the JobSeeker payments will be cut to $250 per week, cut by more than 50%.

Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews will appear before the Hotel Quarantine Inquiry today.

A UK Vaccine study will ask participants to take part in a very risky study, exposing people who have been given a vaccine to the coronavirus,

A Chinese company may have a vaccine ready by April 2021. Chinese vaccines have historically been blocked by major western countries due to concerns on the validity of supporting data. It is currently undergoing Phase 3 Trails and they will be submitting it to the FDA in the UDSA and other world authorities for approval.

Australians stranded overseas have slammed the government imposed cap on returning expats.

Bali is experiencing a large rise in Covid-19 cases and its crematoriums are struggling to keep up with the death numbers. A quick Covid-19 test system at its borders has failed.

26 September 2020 Saturday

220 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

Montserrat (I think) is the latest country to record its first death due to Covid-19

World RankCountryTotal CasesTotal DeathsNew Deaths*GF 7 Day AvGF Wk on Wk
WHO DataWORLD32,718,131992,1264,9911.191.21
(177)South Aust46840  
10Sth Africa 668,52916,31229  

# New deaths number for the countries comes from WHO Data table @ https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries

and for Australia & South Australia https://www.covid-19.sa.gov.au/home/dashboard

& for Victoria https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/coronavirus-covid-19-daily-update

GF = Transmission Growth Factor (Below 1 = Transmission under control)

(My GF calculations based on 7 day moving average cases numbers and using the current weeks average cases numbers and the previous weeks cases numbers)

ASX200 at 5964 up 1.5% Close from the previous close.

Australia has passed 27,000 cases of Covid-19, 24 days for the last 1,000 cases. An vast improvement on the 9 days it took to go from 25,000 to 26,000.

Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews fronted the Commission of Enquiry into Victoria’s Hotel Quarantine Disaster, and has told the Enquiry he does not know who made the decision to use private security in Hotel Quarantine.

The Victorian Health Minister has resigned from Cabinet citing inability to continue serving under Daniel Andrews leadership. She was essentially “thrown under the bus” by Andrews and others who appeared before the Hotel Quarantine Commission in Victoria.

Melbourne’s 14 day rolling average is now at 23.6, below the 25 Av set as the point at which restrictions could be wound back.

Rio’s Carnival is being disrupted for the first time in 100 years due to the Coronavirus.

The Australian Federal Treasurer has announced that Australia has its largest ever budget deficit due to the pandemic, it stands at $83.3 billion, or 4.3% of GDP

The UK has recorded its largest daily increase in cases since the pandemic started, 6874 cases.

The Lancet Medical Journal has published a list of 5 essential prerequisites a study found that must be in place before countries should consider easing restrictions. They are:

  • knowledge of infection status,
  • community engagement,
  • adequate public health capacity,
  • adequate health system capacity. and
  • effective border controls.

The study also found that an effective find, test, trace, isolate, support system is needed to safely reopen.

27 September 2020 Sunday

220 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

Montserrat (I think) is the latest country to record its first death due to Covid-19

World RankCountryTotal CasesTotal DeathsNew Deaths*GF 7 Day AvGF Wk on Wk
WHO DataWORLD33,021,196997,6914,7121.031.04
(177)South Aust46840  
10Sth Africa 669,49816,37664  

# New deaths number for the countries comes from WHO Data table @ https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries

and for Australia & South Australia https://www.covid-19.sa.gov.au/home/dashboard

& for Victoria https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/coronavirus-covid-19-daily-update

GF = Transmission Growth Factor (Below 1 = Transmission under control)

(My GF calculations based on 7 day moving average cases numbers and using the current weeks average cases numbers and the previous weeks cases numbers)

The world now has 33 million cases of Covid-19, the last million in 3 days.

The is a ship anchored of WA on which almost half the crew (7) has confirmed Covid-19. It has been labelled a Public Health threat for WA.

China is pushing ahead using a vaccine that is yet to have passed all Stage 2 and Stage 3 protocols. It has raised large concerns about the ethics and validity of the Chinese vaccine process.

Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison has spoken before the UN General Assembly )remotely) and urged all nations to share any vaccine that may be developed.

The federal government has announced a support package for regional tourism.

Restrictions in Melbourne/Victoria are expected to be relaxed today after the state has had 2 or 3 days under the target number of 25 Av cases (& day rolling average)

28 September 2020 Monday

220 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

World RankCountryTotal CasesTotal DeathsNew Deaths*GF 7 Day AvGF Wk on Wk
WHO DataWORLD33,295,8131,002,0903,8050.900.93
(177)South Aust46840  
10Sth Africa670,76616,39822  

# New deaths number for the countries comes from WHO Data table @ https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries

and for Australia & South Australia https://www.covid-19.sa.gov.au/home/dashboard

& for Victoria https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/coronavirus-covid-19-daily-update

GF = Transmission Growth Factor (Below 1 = Transmission under control)

(My GF calculations based on 7 day moving average cases numbers and using the current weeks average cases numbers and the previous weeks cases numbers)

The world now has had over 1 million deaths due to Covid-19

India has now had more than 6 million cases of Covid-19, the last million cases in just 14 days

Now more state borders are opening there is a push to get more flights available.

JobKeeper payments are cut by $150 a week from today

29 September 2020 Tuesday

220 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

World RankCountryTotal CasesTotal DeathsNew Deaths*GF 7 Day AvGF Wk on Wk
WHO DataWORLD33,502,3171,005,2812,9890.710.71
(177)South Aust46840  
10Sth Africa671,66916,586188  

# New deaths number for the countries comes from WHO Data table @ https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries

and for Australia & South Australia https://www.covid-19.sa.gov.au/home/dashboard

& for Victoria https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/coronavirus-covid-19-daily-update

GF = Transmission Growth Factor (Below 1 = Transmission under control)

(My GF calculations based on 7 day moving average cases numbers and using the current weeks average cases numbers and the previous weeks cases numbers)

ASX200 at 5952 down 0.2% Close from the previous close.

At the early height of the pandemic, the adoption of online technology increased by five years in a matter of 2 weeks.

WHO is distributing faster tests for 3rd world countries.

The impact of the pandemic on the cruise industry is huge, with the early retirement of many luxury ships

The Victorian enquiry has found that the failures in the Hotel Quarantine system caused 768 deaths.

Nearly 100 people were fined in Victoria over the weekend for attending illegal parties.

The Federal Government is floating the idea of certain overseas returning  travellers being able to serve their 14 days quarantine at home. The would only be for people coming from “Covid Safe” countries.

Australia /NZ travel bubble may happen before Christmas.

30 September 2020 Wednesday

220 countries and territories now have cases of Covid-19, 198 have reported deaths.

World RankCountryTotal CasesTotal DeathsNew Deaths*GF 7 Day AvGF Wk on Wk
WHO DataWORLD33,777,1491,010,5054,4270.710.71
(177)South Aust46840  
10Sth Africa672,57216,66781  

# New deaths number for the countries comes from WHO Data table @ https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries

and for Australia & South Australia https://www.covid-19.sa.gov.au/home/dashboard

& for Victoria https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/coronavirus-covid-19-daily-update

GF = Transmission Growth Factor (Below 1 = Transmission under control)

(My GF calculations based on 7 day moving average cases numbers and using the current weeks average cases numbers and the previous weeks cases numbers)

ASX200 at 5952 down 0.0% Close from the previous close.

NZ Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has confirmed that plans are underway to make an NZ / Australia travel bubble possible.

Britans Covid-19 measures are being delivered with confused messaging.

Reports are out that the CDC in the USA has been under pressure to give President Trump misleading information out the Covid-19 situation in the USA

WA is softening its border. From Monday 5 October hotel quarantine is no longer compolsrary if suitable alternative premises are provided. Also from Monday travellers from NSW will also be able to travel to WA under their 14 day quarantine rule for exempted travellers. The border is still NOT OPEN to everyone.

Concerns are being raised about the falling rates of Coronavirus testing Australia wide.

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