The America’s Adventure

Two months today and our adventures begin.

We will be away for 7 weeks.  We fly from Adelaide to Santiago then cruise the Galapagos Islands, do a land tour of Cuba, then Mexico, meet our friends in New Orleans, then travel to their home in Minnesota, and onto Las Vegas, hire a car to take in the Grand Canyon and Arizona, then a few days in Los Angeles before flying home, missing Ethan and my birthday!  So I won’t be getting another year older this year!  😉

Even though we started booking this holiday over a year ago, I only realised the other day we have 15 flights this holiday-that is way too many! Might not think too much about that!!  😛

Shame the $AU is going down against the $US, but what you going to do?

Two more flights to book and accomodation in LA and we will be ready to go.

Can’t wait, very excited!

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