Hey all, Its been a while.
We have a holiday booked for August in the sun in North Queensland and Deb has just booked us some flights to get us there!
We are going via NSW so we can call in and see how mum is going in Gosford, then up north to thaw out and warm ourselves.
I had a thought at the start of all this Corona Virus / Covid-19 thing, that in the years to come we probably wont remember how things really were, so I have been keeping a record of how things have evolved both locally in Australia and world-wide. If your interested, I have posted monthly update pages that can be found here, https://gregndeb.com/zero-hr-covid-19/ . There is a lot of information, numbers and things and a wide range of daily information, I hope those that have a look find it at least a little bit enlightening. The stats on cases and deaths are truely frightening if you look at the way the virus has spread and progressed. You can also see the way different countries approached the pandemic and what that meant for them.
Happier updates to come, promise. 🙂
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