#39 February 2023 Covid-19  Keep quiet and it will go away!

I guess we are getting ever so close to Covid-19 being treated as Endemic rather than Pandemic, the difference you ask, it is/will be treated similar to the Flu, with new vaccines every year.

News on the status of Covid-19 world-wide continues to decrease making this blog more difficult every month. At this time my feeling is that I will finish this blog at the end of March (which will mark 1107 uninterrupted days of following the pandemic)  and get onto cheerier things, like holidays again. I have followed the pandemic daily since the start of April 2020  (1076 days). Recording daily Covid-19 figures every day since 1 April 2020, and I started my tabulated data form on 23 May 2020 (1011 days). I haven’t missed a day since then! It has been fun?/interesting following the numbers.

This month:

The world recorded 4,607,859 new cases of Covid-19 and 36,735 deaths attributed to it.

Australia recorded in excess* of 53,457 new cases of Covid-19 and 545 deaths attributed to it. * Due to Australia only releasing its statistics on Fridays these numbers are an under estimate.

We started the month with the birth of a new grandson, happy to say mum, grandson, dad and grandsons older brother (grandson 1) are all doing well.

Talk started in Australia of making a fifth Covid-19 booster available to the population, this was confirmed towards the end of the month with it being available from 20 February 2023.

Chinese New Year celebrations within China caused fear among many that the widespread travel within China would spread Covid-19 all over the country. To this day we do not really know what the outcome was, but it seems not as severe as predicted.

Studies all around the world are finding that most Long Covid symptoms disappear after 12 months and that individualised exercise program work to get over the fatigue element.

China claimed a decisive victory over Covid-19.

The 24 February marked 1 year since the Russian Invasion of Ukraine, and the war continues.

Another report has come out of the USA saying that Covid-19 most likely came from a laboratory leak in China, but it was not a weapons lab.

My February 2023 blog can be found here:

#38 February 2023 Covid-19, Don’t mention it!

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