Day 41 26 June 2023 Regents Park, Lords and Berkeley Square 

Happy 1st birthday to our grandson Aidan. 🎉🎉🎉❤️

This morning we took a bus up the A4201, or Regent St for Monopoly lovers, to The Regent’s Park and Queen Mary’s Rose Garden. We walked in via the impressively looking golden gates into The Inner Circle. The roses were past their prime, but still very pretty. Deb had a lot of fun taking photos of many different roses. We walked around half the garden taking in all the colour and sights. We watched a pair of swans with their cygnets swimming around in an arm of the Boating Lake. One of the parents got separated from the rest of the family and couldn’t work out how to get past a barrier screen (it did have a cut out in it to allow birds to get by). It was very distressed about the whole thing.

From there we walked over to Lords Cricket Ground and picked up our Reciprocal Members passes, we are now good to go for the Ashes Test there. While we were there we investigated the best gate to get in, the best area to sit in and got an idea of what time to get there. The gates open at 8:30am, but apparently many members begin queuing to get in from about 4 or 5am! We’ve decided we might aim for seats in the Warner Stand, and maybe visit The Pavilion during the days play.

All sorted, we got a bus back down to a stop we used frequently on our last trip here, The Dorchester on Park Lane. It was fun walking through the Sth Audley St area where we had stayed before. Lots of building activity in that area too. As we walked back we passed by a beautiful old church, the 1849 Jesuit Church of the Immaculate Conception, or The Farm Street Church as it is known to the locals. It’s a Gothic style church and very beautiful inside.

We then walked back our flat for some late lunch.

In the afternoon we took a walk to Berkeley Square and chilled in the park for an hour or so while the housekeeper tended to our flat.

Will add a few pictures tomorrow

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