#12 December 2020 Covid-19 The End of 2020 – We have vaccines and the hope of a brighter 2021
Well, that’s the end of a very forgettable year, like no other experienced for a century.
In a year plagued by the first true global pandemic since the Spanish Flu of 1918-1920 we have also witnessed many other firsts.
The Republican Government led by President Donald Trump was soundly beaten in the November USA Election, but Trump is yet to concede defeat and is still pinning hopes to the US Congress reversing the election results in January before President elect Biden is sworn in.
China has taken to punishing Australia for what it sees as anti-Chinese sentiment of our government, implementing many trade sanctions against our exports, everything from wine to seafood has been affected. It seems this will continue for years to come.
On a brighter note,
We had a grandson born in September. We are yet to have met him due to travel restrictions within Australia.
There seems to have been a drop in the amount of armed conflict around the world, or was it just a drop in the amount of reporting of it?
Due to the economic impact of the Coronavirus Pandemic, the worlds environment improved, with carbon emissions dropping to unprecedented levels.
Ben and Carly’s businesses have flourished in the new environment, with them both making the most of new opportunities that the pandemic restrictions presented to them (and a lot of very hard work by both of them).
The world has a new vocabulary all due to the Pandemic, new words and phrases seemed to spring up frequently over the year. The most common being “new normal”, “Covid normal”, “Social distancing” and so many more. My favourite of them all is “COVIDIOT” a term used to describe people who despite all the information and advice around during the year just went ahead and did absolutely stupid things, that put the wider community in unnecessary danger.
I started this blog way back in March and I never imagined I would still be going with it now. I haven’t missed a day and sadly the news hasn’t really got any better. But new hope is around with three vaccines approved by “The West: and another two approved by Russia and China.
You can find my December blog here.
#12 December 2020 Covid-19 The End of 2020 – We have vaccines and the hope of a brighter 2021
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